Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


Hey, we all know Arenanet is working on Reward/Rewardsystem right now so let them help and give Ideas what we want.

What Items you wann see as a Reward for playing PVP?
What System you think would be good?

For me i think i would like a tokensystem something like platin gold silver bronze Token and forever what i do in pvp i get some and can buy with this later my items i want – so no RNG

Items i wanna see:
sure all the skins but
- Minipets
- the Permanent Bank, Hairstyler, Blacklion Merchant, Trading post Expres as TOP Rewards and accountbound
- Dyes (not only unidentified)
- Makeover kits (total or Hair)
- GEMS – the tokens would be lika a currency and would be nice to can buy gems
- XP-Scroll or XP for outside the mists

what you guyz want?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


  • Skins that take about 2 days to a week in PvE to not take 2000-3000 hours of grinding in PvP.
  • Gems would also be nice, or some sort of glory to gem converter. It seems unfair for people to spend real money for custom servers when PvE players can use gold.
  • Some sort of WvWvW packet or starting kit that costs 50,000-100,000 glory and levels that character to 80 upon entering WvW, and gives it a BIS (exotic/ascended) gear set of whatever stats they choose, but only for WvWvW. I was going to exclude ascended, but 100,000 glory is a huge grind and comparable to the ascended mats anyways.

(edited by Larynx.2453)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Mathias.9657


Gold & gems.12345

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


I have a bad feeling we’re going to see large amounts of grind and few interesting ways to reward top players.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


certain weapons only archived through wvw
some gold doh
leveling tomes
shiney title

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Vieteriukko.6075


I want an alternate way to PVE to level up my alt for WWW use. PVE leveling tomes with glory comes into my mind.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

The rewards are of little consequence to the people that already like to PvP, but saleable, unique skinned, ascended tier items (and possibly some legendary precursors or even new, unique legendaries) rewarded for tPvP success would be a VERY good idea.

tPvP players could sell them on the TP to get gold, thus eliminating the issue of perpetual poorness.

WvW and maybe even some PvE players might be tempted to earn these things in tPvP if they felt they would get them quicker than from grinding PvE content. Causing an influx of new players to tournies that is badly needed.

Access to some unique PvE content. Most of us won’t care, but if the PvE-ers need to get their Champion Whatever title in PvP so they can go gear treadmill a new dungeon, then they will at least push themselves to compete long enough to get their new treadmill. Perhaps they will even enjoy it enough to play the PvP sometimes.

Of course these suggestions can only work if the cancer known as hot join is entirely excluded from the reward system.

Oh, and I want a permanent Carebear Finisher. A giant ethereal Carebear that squats and drops and explosive deuce on the head of the finished opponent.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: fugazi.5139


Gold and gems. Keep it simple. Then you can just buy the skins and other things you want. I could careless about legendary weapons. They suck anyways.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: John Corpening.9847

John Corpening.9847

Associate Game Director


Thanks this is really helpful feedback.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Gold/Gems/Making winning feel rewarding when it comes to tournaments or hotjoins even. Rng is fine as long as it feels rewarding. ALSO more crossover between PvP and PvE. Example, If there was a .5% chance of getting a precursor from PvP, I can guarantee you that people would like it.

I also suggest you allow PvE’rs to use their Legendaries in PvP. I mean they ARE LEGENDARIES. Or when you release legendaries in PvP, send them a PvP one in the mail to use for PvP. Im sure a lot of PvE’rs would like that, and allow the PvP’rs who decided to crossover to PvE for the time being and a grab a legendary, not feel as if their time was wasted doing so when they go back to PvP, once this all amazing reward system comes out ;P.

I don’t think you realize how big of a difference it would make if you allowed people to use their gear they spent so much time on in PvP. And then if you release a better reward system + new games modes on top of that, people wouldn’t feel as if their time is being wasted etc. If they got a new skin, they no longer feel obliged to choose between PvE and PvP.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

(edited by lilz shorty.1879)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


Just some tokens or gold or just something I can trade for armor/weapon skins as easy as it was in GW1. And new GAME MODES! (sorry couldn’t resist)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

- meaningful ranks like in gw1.
- progressive rewards, means rewards getting better for every consecutive win for e.g.
- in general rewards that are challenging and not a one-shot goal like armors/weapons (rewards that create incentives for a longer period of time and reward also good play, not grind)

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Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: fugazi.5139


- meaningful ranks like in gw1.
- progressive rewards, means rewards getting better for every consecutive win for e.g.
- in general rewards that are challenging and not a one-shot goal like armors/weapons (rewards that create incentives for a longer period of time and reward also good play, not grind)

Good luck with the meaningful ranks from gw1. They would have to make many other ranks systems instead of one.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Holler.7053


Honestly all I want is the old gw1 /rank (how i miss rank spiking) and I’d be happy, pvp is not pve we don’t need gold we don’t need shiny skins. You pvp to out skill/out play people if you want pve items go do pve.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Mathias.9657


If we’re talking GW1 rewards then cloaks and gold trim fasho. Idc about your crappy clipping excuses, let my cloak clip then.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


More titles and finishers. Maybe some armor and weapons that you can only get in PvP, however you can use them in PvE/WvW.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


My wants:

  • Unique PvP Skins that are skill oriented. This could be rewarded for leaderboard performance after a few tweaks to the system are made. Could be based off of performance at “season end” or just require reaching a certain rank once.
  • When we encounter Arenanet organized/assisted tournaments like Pax or MLG, I would like some fancier in-game rewards to drool over, or at least be envious of. I keep forgetting this is a skin-reward based game. It doesn’t feel like it, at times.
  • Lesser, but competitive money earning for winning streaks, based on MMR with 5 person tournament queuing, compared to dungeon running, or champion farming.
  • Multi-use skins! Unlockable and withdrawable from the achievements tab.
Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


this progressive reward idea vom empathic fighter i think is rly great and i would love something like this – per win in a row rewards are getting better – maby capped on 10 wins with a special reward and than reset the counter?

for ranks i wrote weeks ago in other thread it would be nice to have symbols (medals) on name like this little star from map completition to show everyone in the world what rank i have
-maby the dolyak,tiger,wolve phoenix …. heads but think would be to small
- some symbols in different colors like the white – blue – green – violett – pink – red scheme from items so everyone know them even when tey dont pvp

oh and of course i would love to see a lot more archievements (like in this big thread with tons archievement suggestions) + maby meta season archievments like this league thingie form wvw atm

(edited by Romek.4201)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


custom arena tokens
special skins that you can use in pve too
skill cosmetic skins (like thiefs basilisk venom makes you a statue,Rangers Rampage as one change his apperance in something cool, like LoL when changing skins some skills effects change too)It would be awesome but i geuss it requires too much work..

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


would it not be easiest to allow transmute stones to transmute pvp skins on pve items?

would still be room for special skins for pvp

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


More skins, gold, exp, and possibly gems. If you could level though pvp, even if it wasnt particularly efficient would be very nice. A change like that would bring many many more people to pvp.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

- gems will never happen, as it would result in an inflation of “gems via gold”, means the gold price would rise infinite in exchange for gems.

- skins aren’t a solution for a longtime incentive, therfore shouldn’t be priority

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Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Zaishen Keys.


Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Oraith.1732


What would be amazing:
Skin Shop: Instead of buying chests that give you a bunch of stuff you already have, why not make your rank vendor sell each individual skin (of thar rank) for a set glory price, and scale them depending on how “rare” they are. I find it odd that a pvp mode prompts you to use the mystic dump for your skins when you should be out there fighting.

Gold Plz: I want to buy dyes, skins and anything else on the TP just like every other player can.

Better Rewards for taking part in, and winning SoloQ and TeamQ: More glory, possibly some cash, just overall make people do tpvp instead of hotjoins.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Rewards I would like:

Leagues and Divisions, being rewarded for being better than other players. For example, Bronze, Silver, Gold etc. Anet technically already has this system in place for WvW, both Leagues, and Seasons, I don’t see how difficult it could be transition it to sPvP.

Seasons, and end of the season rewards. General incentive for this would be that people would know that, that team who got rank one or top 5 is just better than more than 50% of teams.

Matchmaking, obviously one that works. I am still not sure why we cannot see our actual rating. This was something that was asked to be possible back in March. Maybe not so much a reward but it can feel like an incentive when you see what you are working towards.

A revamped reward system would be nice skins, weapons, etc etc, but that somewhat only keeps the casual players playing. A way for competitive players to see they are actual getting better outside of playing in tournaments. And these “rewards” would do just that.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dimglow.5489


I am speaking as a pretty high end player with over 13,700 achievement points, 5 characters with 100% map, almost pvp rank 41 who has reached top 200 solo queue (though I have dropped recently playing staff ele) and never farmed a singly bit of rank/glory via Skyhammer. I also have a guild with people just like me except they positively refuse to PVP, even though they’d enjoy it. They don’t want to look like a noob and/or “waste their play time.”

First things first, the most rewarding thing that can be done to your PVP population is improve the population. It doesn’t matter how good or rewarding PVP is if no one is participating to bring value to the overall system.

To do this it is imperative that players be allowed to bring their appearances from PVE to PVP. I have countless friends who simply refuse to PVP because they refuse to self-identify as new players. Let’s be honest, when you join a PVP match and see someone in the starter gear they are usually easy targets. This identifies these players as instant easy targets who tend to get dogpiled and destroyed. This takes a highly impressionable player who already feels ignorant, vulnerable and embarrassed and piles another bad experience on top which is discrimination.

The fact of the matter is that cosmetic gear is not working as a PVP reward scheme. Cosmetic gear is about player identity. As soon as PVE players lose their appearance they lose their connection and they drop out of PVP like flies. Take the locker and make it universal.

That is step 1. Tear down the wall which isolates the playerbases and allow single unified identities.

Step 2 is giving PVP unique rewards that allow players to customize themselves in all game modes. Taking the existing Tribal armor or Rubric armor for example and making it cost a set amount of glory. Make this the equivalent of a PVP karma armor/equipment.

Add some kind of karma-esque vendors for glory spending. Add the equivalent of jewelry boxes. Include gold, karma, crafting materials and other cross-gameplay rewards as a way to channel glory into other game modes. In addition to these random boxes also bring in things like obsidian shards, ascended crafting materials and other end game progressable collectives. There are literally hundreds of options here. I’m not picky.

Make PVP matches into dynamic events. Each one should award significant experience (10-20% of a level minimum), gold and karma for participating in. Players may now level in PVP. Alternatively make these awards liquid so they can be passed to alts.

Now that you’ve mixed up the game modes enough that PVP is a continuum of the GW2 universe you can add PVP exclusive rewards to take back to PVE.

  • A medal by your character name on any class you’ve earned your champion <class> title for.


  • A PVP rank display that shows up by your PVE level.
  • Launch a PVP season like the WvW season. Award serious achievements. This will cyclically keep players involved.
  • Improve all other achievements in the PVP pane.

The simple truth is that for PVP to be appealing long term it has to plug into all of the other reward systems.

I like Guild Wars 2. I like to PVP. I like to PVE. I like to WvW. I like dungeons. I like fractals. I like my guild.

I can do all of those things. But when I go into pvp now and someone sees my world completion star or sees my achievement points I get “Oh boy a PVE scrub.”

When my guildmates see my /rank Tiger pop up I just get laughs.

Let’s bridge the gap Anet.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: docMed.7692


I love a lot of the suggestions here. The main thing is; make exciting and time consuming rewards that encourage all types of players to take an interest. The first best step here was introducing earned finishers as usable types in WvW. Literally one of the best and most intriguing implementations that I know a ton of players now hop into sPvP because of, including myself. sPvP still needs it’s own unique rewards too (like it’s own legendary system/etc), but giving huge incentives for players outside of sPvP is huge to bolstering this community.

Although it doesn’t impact me much anymore (almost 7 80’s), I do think it would be very cool to have a minimal amount of xp contribution towards your character from participating in pvp.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Average amounts of money. It doesn’t have to be as much as the farmer of pve does, but something would be nice. I think gw1 had it pretty good with those zaishen keys.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


I think a lot of what Dimglow.5489 is spot on. PvE players and WvWvW players need to be able to enter PvP with:
1) a select amount of skins from their PvE gear.
2) the same amulet/ring/accessory setup, AKA bring more diversity stat-wise to PvP so people don’t have to re-create builds that fall short of the original.

PLEASE only give good rewards for people who win tournament matches, hotjoins do not need any rewards (they will be brainlessly farmed) and the losing side of a tourney should not get as good rewards as the winning side(or they will be afk farmed).

What rewards would I like to see?
1) Glory should be rewarded to both the winning and losing team (more to the winning, not in hotjoins), and should be spendable on any weapon/armor skin I want, at an appropriate price, and that skin should be transferable to PvE / WvW.
2) The winners of tournament matches (remember, not in hotjoins, and not losers) should get Gems or gold, and at a rate that rivals PvE farming (a minimum of 2 gold an hour, since some PvE farmers can get almost 6 gold an hour!).

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

(edited by Serdoc.7261)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: data.4093


Unique skins whether crafted in the forge with tournament chest materials, glory or something else. Make them unbound too.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

Gold or Gems. Anything that excludes casuals from casually playing PvP because they need to keep up. Skins are fine. But why not skins/minipets/dyes that can only be obtained by good players? Why not?

I also want Hotjoin to be completely reward-free since people are absusing these to “farm” glory. HOW. IS. THIS. NOT. FIXED. YET? (Yes, I am talking about Skyhammer.)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


1) Glory should be rewarded to both the winning and losing team (more to the winning, not in hotjoins), and should be spendable on any weapon/armor skin I want, at an appropriate price, and that skin should be transferable to PvE / WvW.

Ohh yes, THIS. Exactly that + new game mods ofc! Agreed and aproved. You got my blessing.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


To do this it is imperative that players be allowed to bring their appearances from PVE to PVP. I have countless friends who simply refuse to PVP because they refuse to self-identify as new players. Let’s be honest, when you join a PVP match and see someone in the starter gear they are usually easy targets. This identifies these players as instant easy targets who tend to get dogpiled and destroyed. This takes a highly impressionable player who already feels ignorant, vulnerable and embarrassed and piles another bad experience on top which is discrimination.

i think thats a misbelief by your pve-friends or just how other pve/pvp player thinks. every serious pvp-player would the possible performance of a enemy dont expect by cloth or rank.

atm im rank 48 and still use starterweapons and armor.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: FoopOplo.7914


I feel as though Tournament rewards should be considerably more than rewards you get just from hotjoin. That should really help stop the farming too.

Don’t play GUILD wars without a GUILD!


Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Surreal.5243


1. Implement Seasons

2. Reward Achievments like:
-Top Team @ end of season on the leaderboard/ladder
-Top 100 @ end of season on the leaderboard/ladder
-xy amount of glory farm
-xy player kills
-xy blue/red lord kills
-xy trebuchet hits
-most tournament wins as warri/ele/mesmer… on server
and so on….

rewards could be:
-unique titles for the top tpvp team(s) like the gladiator titles in WoW (<-most important for me!)
-private server
-mentioning @ wall of fame
-guildbanner @ heart of the mists from the winner team/guild of the tpvp season

Read it Backwards [BooN]

(edited by Surreal.5243)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gesamtkunstwerk.6590


I believe the difficulty of the current ranking system should remain as is it. Rank in pvp is far more significant than the easy grinding to 80 that goes on in pve. Rank is something requiring an enormous amount of time and dedication. It’s the only reward in pvp worth taking any pride in. Replacing this with a dumbed down system, where everyone can get to 80, or one that undermines the investments made by the current player base, will be an utter disaster; mark my words. It should stand as is to demonstrate one’s long-term achievements. Accordingly, the rewards for these achievements should be increased (e.g., access to unique skins, finishers, account privileges, and so on).

I’d also like to see all non-rank related tournament chests given the chance to produce their own unique set of skins (those not specifically assigned to one’s ranking; e.g., frozen, zodiac, destroyer, and so on), finishers (including permanent finishers), perhaps even coin, gems, or some other currency. Tournament chests should be completely reworked to have some value to players. As they stand right now, their only value comes from salvaging/forging them into unidentified dyes. This is hugely wasted potential.

Glory, as another poster mentioned, could be used as the main currency for accessing a variety of skins, finishers, etc., while simultaneously removing the RNG element. I like this option quite a bit, but I think I would still prefer it if glory could be used to acquire gems, gold, crafting material, or some other valuable in-game currency. If pve and wvw players are able to enjoy these things, I don’t see why pvp are left in the cold.

Diotima of Mantinea, r65 Elementalist
Vovin, r65 Warrior
Guild: V A E V I C T I S [HEX]

(edited by Gesamtkunstwerk.6590)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Aza.2105


Simple, Gold. Since its the currency for everything in game. Gold buys gems, gold buys in game items etc.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


An option to disable downed state in all subsequent PVP and WVW matches.

downed state is bad for PVP

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


Why disable downed state? What about all those spectacular finishers available? PvP is a good place for them.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Nezia.8154


New skins(armor and weapon) that can ONLY be obtained through PvP but can be used in PvE. Skins must have this wow factor(eg. glowing effect) in them that would make PvP players stand out.

If you close your mind to new information, you are not being a productive member of the society.
You are the useless log of flesh we have to drag behind us as we move forward.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


  • Skins that take about 2 days to a week in PvE to not take 2000-3000 hours of grinding in PvP.

Also skins and other rewards that are obtainable through constant wins and awesome plays in tourney matches and not 200-3000 hours of grinding hotjoins.

And skins that are usable in PVE.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


I need new content skins, weapons and armor, that are launched every couple of weeks for PvE to be obtainable with PvP too.

I need cultural armor skins, that are currently unobtainable ingame but they do appear in deposit slots since the game was released, to be obtainable with PvP.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Neare.9703


Definitely the ability to change something into gems so we have the same opportunity to purchase things from the gem store as those who convert gold.

The implementation of all those weapon skins that are absent from the pvp locker.

Many more achievements to boost your points so that people can obtain those rewards through pvp at the same pace as those who pve.

Exclusive visible accessories (even something as cliche as a Halo).

Class exclusive finishers for obtaining champion status etc. and further those titles, so after obtaining champion, add a few thousand wins to that and you might get “Ultimate …”. Also add those same titles without the Champion part for those who have played out of solo or teamq.

Zaishen keys! Or rather Black Lion keys now as a rare drop from winning tournies.

I’m sure there are many more great things that could be implemented too.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Stalefish.7615


For me who doesn’t play any PvE or WvW at all, I don’t care at all for a way to get gold. The only thing that I really feel is a complete given is that PvP gear and skins comes EXCLUSIVLY from PvP. The cooler the gear the higher skill of the player is what would make the gear a truly desirable! This would also mean no more “rank” from hot join, only from arena!

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: zamalek.2154


I want an alternate way to PVE to level up my alt for WWW use. PVE leveling tomes with glory comes into my mind.

I couldn’t agree with this more.

That, and some decent account bound PvE/WvW armor that can be bought with glory.

While I would like to see gold/gems that will attract too much unhealthy play.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hey, some ideas here:

General improvements

Glory system: i think actutal armors/weapons in pvp should not be linked to rank tier but people should be able to buy them from merchant with glory points.

A bridge between PVE/SPVP/WWW: basically people who play PVE/WWW don’t want to approach to spvp because they don’t want to lose their specific look of their characters. Would be a great option to “copy” character look from pve/www to spvp. And with a “medal event system” (See below) like in PVE/WWW people don’t interrupt their progress (in money/exp/karma etc.). This is very important imho.

Make a pvp match an event (exp/silver/karma/glory): an average pvp match is 10 min so i think would be great to see at the end of the match gold/silver/bronze medals like in PVE and in WWW (but with glory) If you lose (“fail the event”) the match, you gain exp/silver/karma but with less rewards (same of pve/www). With this system people are stimulated to win the match too because they know they can gain more rewards. You can use this system in hot join (only for 5vs5 match) and in tpvp, but in tpvp you need to gain more exp/silver/karma/glory points.

Progression improvements (only for tpvp):

Seasons /leaderboards Unique rewards (skins/title) progression system : Would be great a progression system like the achievements system reward we have. Unique skins should be account bound with withdraw, so you can use everywhere these skins (same achievements reward system). These skins need to look really epic (and not like ascended armor/weapons skins). These skins need to be linked to leadearboards in a window time (Season): at the end of the season, you’ll get the rewards based on your leaderaboard position.

Unique PvP Legendary weapons: I’d like the idea to make a pvp legendary weapon with 3 gifts + a precursor like in pve, but of course the recipe for gifts and precursor is only linked to spvp. These legendary weapons need to be new skins, and of course when you get 1, you can use it in pve and in www too (account bound reward with withdraw). Would be great a system where there is a mix of grind/skill actions, but at least 1 component (gift) must be skill based (for example position in leadearboard at the end of the season, tournaments wins etc.). NO RNG to make a pvp legendary weapons.



- people are stimulated to win the match because they get more rewards
- this system is alt-friendly (rewards account bound with skins multi use)
- You don’t interrupt your progress from pve/www (u continue to gain money/exp/karma etc in pvp).
- people is interested to play tpvp because they can get more rewards and unique rewards
- people is interested to improve their gameplay and team gameplay to win more.
- you gain rewards in a not rated match too (but less then rated match)


- For every rewards linked to leaderaboards, we need of course a good leaderboard with a decay very good (to avoid 12-0 winstreak + afk until the end of the season), good mmr, and less 4vs5 match.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


Exotic gear of my choice.

Basically things to help level up & equip an alt

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Nix.3152


the only reward i need is balance. if the game is fun to play you dont need any rewars – ranks, weapon skins etc.

“You need actively react to the passives” (GW2 PvP 2013)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Tomes of knowledge plz

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


XP so i can level my chars for WvW without grinding pve.

the ability to spend glory on pvp skins (with higher cost for more exotic skins) rather than skins being tied to rank.