Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Overthrust.2659


Gold, cloaks, Gems, unique skins to use outside pvp, anything you cau use to show off to friends and enemies alike inside and outside pvp.

Also GvG Halls like gw1 , had to be told.

The Ranger would be nerfed every time because that is the law of Tyria.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Adian.8756


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

Lyann Vail | 80 Mesmer
Aurora Glade [EU] | Leader of ‘The New Reality [NR]’
WvW Beast!

(edited by Adian.8756)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: klarkc.3754


I want to suggest rewards based on the leaderboard team and solo rank. But before this, we need to fix the leaderboard issues. Plus we need to have a season isolated leaderboard, like in WvW.

So after that:

  • All players who enter in the top 5 rank, any time in the season, will receive a unique token to trade for one legendary. The token is received based on the most played profession on the season. There is a token for each profession on the game. And the token can be traded for the profession usable weapons. The player who receive the token on this season, can only get other token on the next season.
  • The same above applies for the Exotic nice-looking weapons, but for all players in the top 50 rank.
  • All players between rank 1 and 200 have a chance to drop on the matches a random rare unique armor skins, the drop rate is based on your rank, better drops for better ranks.
  • All players on the season leaderboard will receive the actual spvp skins plus other things like, gold packs, gem packs, minis and consumable itens. All the dropable itens have the drop rate based on the leaderboard rank, better rank, better drops.
  • All the players who played on the season will receive on the end of that, a chest containing random of all stuff above, and again, the drop rate is based on the leaderboard rank plus the number of matches played on the season.

(edited by klarkc.3754)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’d like to not see any RNG reward system implemented and to not be too elitist with “legendary” reward. I think a Top200 is enough to be legendary, it’s always a better position than 99% of gw2 pvp population, otherwise the risk is create a reward only for very few people. Another way could be create different level league (diamond, gold etc.) and associated rewards but i think this could be a future step when population will be higher than now.

But in general i agree the key for skill/position rewards are seasons + good leaderboard.

As i said in my previous reply, anet can do a lot of stuff in this area, improving a reward system for every players and at the same time focusing on rewards based on skill level and progression.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


- meaningful ranks like in gw1.
- progressive rewards, means rewards getting better for every consecutive win for e.g.
- in general rewards that are challenging and not a one-shot goal like armors/weapons (rewards that create incentives for a longer period of time and reward also good play, not grind)


Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Hey noone noticed my great skill skins idea..
How about a Warrior screams something special while doing hundred blades?(like “you are dead meat” or something)
How about Thieves Guild elite skill put out 2 Quaggan thieves to fight for him?
I dont think that gold will save tpvp.The fun is the first and main reward

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Flowerpower.6795


I like that pvp and pve are separated.
Thats why i am against exp boosters, exp scrolls, gold and things like that. You don’t need them in pvp and in my opinion thats why you should not get them in pvp.

I think the best reward would be something like an ingame leaderboard or better rank statistics. I don’t like the Rank, where hotjoingloryfarmer are the top players. And the Leaderboard itself confuses me and it’s not even visible ingame.

Do you remember the Manifesto Trailer? “I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. Hey! I swung it again.’ That’s great. We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun. We want to change the way that people view combat.”

Can you please tell me what the Ranksystem, where you can’t loose Rankpoints, where you get the most points in hotjoingames, where you get max. sth. like 400Rankpoints/Round and where you need 8.971.500 Rankpoints to achieve the Dragonrank, is? Please?!

In my opinion it is the worst grinding scenario i’ve ever seen in my life. And if i try to reach the dragon rank, it will also be the last thing ill see in my life.
You want to make pvp more rewarding? FIX THIS!

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


I think anything that incentivises PvE and WvW players to come and have a match would be good! The tpvp player pool is just too small right now, queues are really long and we get massive mismatches in the relative skill and ranking of the players in the same match. We need new blood!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Thoth Divine.8642

Thoth Divine.8642

I am speaking as a pretty high end player with over 13,700 achievement points, 5 characters with 100% map, almost pvp rank 41 who has reached top 200 solo queue (though I have dropped recently playing staff ele) and never farmed a singly bit of rank/glory via Skyhammer. I also have a guild with people just like me except they positively refuse to PVP, even though they’d enjoy it. They don’t want to look like a noob and/or “waste their play time.”

First things first, the most rewarding thing that can be done to your PVP population is improve the population. It doesn’t matter how good or rewarding PVP is if no one is participating to bring value to the overall system.

To do this it is imperative that players be allowed to bring their appearances from PVE to PVP. I have countless friends who simply refuse to PVP because they refuse to self-identify as new players. Let’s be honest, when you join a PVP match and see someone in the starter gear they are usually easy targets. This identifies these players as instant easy targets who tend to get dogpiled and destroyed. This takes a highly impressionable player who already feels ignorant, vulnerable and embarrassed and piles another bad experience on top which is discrimination.

The fact of the matter is that cosmetic gear is not working as a PVP reward scheme. Cosmetic gear is about player identity. As soon as PVE players lose their appearance they lose their connection and they drop out of PVP like flies. Take the locker and make it universal.

That is step 1. Tear down the wall which isolates the playerbases and allow single unified identities.

Step 2 is giving PVP unique rewards that allow players to customize themselves in all game modes. Taking the existing Tribal armor or Rubric armor for example and making it cost a set amount of glory. Make this the equivalent of a PVP karma armor/equipment.

Add some kind of karma-esque vendors for glory spending. Add the equivalent of jewelry boxes. Include gold, karma, crafting materials and other cross-gameplay rewards as a way to channel glory into other game modes. In addition to these random boxes also bring in things like obsidian shards, ascended crafting materials and other end game progressable collectives. There are literally hundreds of options here. I’m not picky.

Make PVP matches into dynamic events. Each one should award significant experience (10-20% of a level minimum), gold and karma for participating in. Players may now level in PVP. Alternatively make these awards liquid so they can be passed to alts.

Now that you’ve mixed up the game modes enough that PVP is a continuum of the GW2 universe you can add PVP exclusive rewards to take back to PVE.

  • A medal by your character name on any class you’ve earned your champion <class> title for.


  • A PVP rank display that shows up by your PVE level.
  • Launch a PVP season like the WvW season. Award serious achievements. This will cyclically keep players involved.
  • Improve all other achievements in the PVP pane.

The simple truth is that for PVP to be appealing long term it has to plug into all of the other reward systems.

I like Guild Wars 2. I like to PVP. I like to PVE. I like to WvW. I like dungeons. I like fractals. I like my guild.

I can do all of those things. But when I go into pvp now and someone sees my world completion star or sees my achievement points I get “Oh boy a PVE scrub.”

When my guildmates see my /rank Tiger pop up I just get laughs.

Let’s bridge the gap Anet.

Nothing else to add.

Blessed Curse – Symbolic DH
Thoth Divine – Power Necro
I Hope You Die – Burst Berserker

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Leonschiggen.1860


EXP for leveling a character.

Deathknight NA

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: urieldhynne.2743


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

This guy know pvp, Arenanet you should learn from him.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Flowerpower.6795


I think anything that incentivises PvE and WvW players to come and have a match would be good! The tpvp player pool is just too small right now, queues are really long and we get massive mismatches in the relative skill and ranking of the players in the same match. We need new blood!

Yes and no. The pvp playerbase is small and need more people. Thats true. But to force people who are interested in PvE and WvW to play PvP, just because there are some rewards they want, is not the way to go in my opinion.
I would try to get the playerbase of cod, lol, cs and so on interested in my game.

I would do a GW2 PvP only free Trial for 7-10 days, combined with a tourney in the last days, where everybody can be a part of it if he wants to.

A homepage for this event, with some information about the game and especially the classes with prebuilt builds, people of carcrash, Paradigm and so on were using. (I would invite them at this point to be part of that event. They should create good builds for every class and rate then damage, difficulty, survivability and so on. These Rating can be displayed on the Homepage and help people to decide, what they want to play. Not more then 2 Builds for each class, 16 different Builds is really enough.. The difficulty rating is focusing the sight of a newb ofcourse)

The builds should have names. For example, the engineer with the riffle is a “Heavy Gunner.” People that play games like counterstrike can then just use these builds and don’t need to spend their time on builds. I think lots of people don’t like that games like gw2 are so complicated when you’re new to them and try to play pvp. Skills, Boons, Conditions, Traits, the Conquest mode, downed state, 8 Classes.. if you really want to get the Fanbase of those Games to your Game, you should make it easier for them.

The next thing you should find on that website is a tool that helps to create teams of 5 players, weeks before the free trial starts. That means if i want to play on that pvp event with friends, i can enter their e-mail there and they get an invitation. Then some Commercial on youtube and other known websites. If it’s possible i would try to get the Download of the game on the Steampage as well, because counterstrike and other pvp games are directly connected to steam and lots of pvp player will see it there.

At least there should be a nice Reward for winning this Tournament and shoutcasts for the final games.

Do you think this would work? btw. english is not my first language so have mercy on me O:-)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

This. Basically.
It would be interesting to hear why rewards are so important. To those of you suggesting and wanting rewards, are you mainly PvE’ing, playing both or only PvP’ing?
And please don’t assume that either of those have a negative connotation, since it’s entirely up to people themselves how they want to distribute their time IG.
I’m honestly just curious, since I’ve never really cared for rewards when playing PvP or any competitive game for that matter.
And do you really think that revamping the reward system is a priority, or do you just contribute to the discussion because Anet has mentioned rewards?

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

(edited by KrisHQ.4719)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: klarkc.3754


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

Me too, but we need to think in the growth of pvp player base. And sadly, today pvp player base, most of them, don’t play without any type of reward.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kugkug.8795


xp towards pve leveling (this would be a MASSIVE motivation to pvp)

a slow accumulation of gold/gems and any other cross benefits for the pve WvW side of the game. Not a ridiculously long grind for each item.

the addition of a 1 stage upgrade to pvp gear power so there was some form of progression. Cost would be a few games per upgrade. Even if it is a small upgrade, it is still something to progress towards. Update this every 4-6 months. Make the old set the new baseline starter set. (WoW progression style because it really is addictive).

In spvp add some kind of bonus (a la Last of Us) for the losing team to have some motivation not to quit. Damage/health regen/etc bonus for the losing team so they have a chance of catching up even when faced by a premade.

Some unlockable pvp ability to use in pve, WvW and pvp.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: klarkc.3754


Remember of this:

In Battlefield, we have rewards.
In Dota 2, we have rewards.
In LoL, we have rewards.
In Starcraft 2, we have achievements, so rewards for pvp.

What today game exactly don’t have at least one reward system?

The true is, in a game with PvP, you can only motivate players to play with 3 things: fun, tournaments and reward. We have players who only want fun? Yes. But we have players who want to play e-sport and we have players who want rewards.

Deal with it.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


to answer the question why i want rewards

because i am an mmorpg player and gw2 is an mmorpg and gw2 has an mmorpg playerbase

i play MMO´s now more than 20 years and i need my PROGRESS – i like to lvl + i like to get archievements + i like to get more gold and so on

thats the soul in any mmorpg till today and thats the BASE

i like to pvp and do it a lot but i dont like the feel i wasting my time and could get more archievement points gold exp … when i would go wvw or pve

you cant cut out pvp from an mmorpg and trie to make it like a shooting game or like Lol – this is not working how last year showed us – players just dont play it than and ignore the pvp part

thats they reason why we dont have players in spvp

spvp need to be integratet in the other parts (wvw pve openworld) and not cutted out – it is no seperated game IT IS GW2 and gw2 is an mmorpg

have fun

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Flowerpower.6795


Whoever is really ineterested in pvp don’t ask for gold and experience because you don’t need those things in pvp. Arenanet should improve the ranking system or at least should add an ingame version of the Leaderboard. Thats all.
What i really think what the pvp needs are more pvp interested people playing this.
If they just make GW2 more common in e-sport leagues and get more playing Guild Wars 2 PvP who don’t care about legendary, gold and a lvl 80 character.. It would be perfect.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: klarkc.3754


Whoever is really ineterested in pvp don’t ask for gold and experience because you don’t need those things in pvp. Arenanet should improve the ranking system or at least should add an ingame version of the Leaderboard. Thats all.
What i really think what the pvp needs are more pvp interested people playing this.
If they just make GW2 more common in e-sport leagues and get more playing Guild Wars 2 PvP who don’t care about legendary, gold and a lvl 80 character.. It would be perfect.

To do this, ANet must have a HUGE focus on the PvP, so much as PVE. Because the players will not buy a game just to do 10% of the game, a section of the game not in “first” interest list of ANet.

And we know, ANet don’t have people and will not leave PvE to focus the PvP aspect of the game.

That said, the reward system is the only way to don’t let the pvp mode of the game die.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


What I want ;

Scrap the Current PVP Mystic toilet
Revamp PVP Locker 6 slots per line:
Skins are unlocked and are permanent for all characters; Skins generated this way are unsalvageable just like achievement rewards.

Salvaging Still Gives you Dust Slivers etc but not tokens
You can now turn those tokens into valueable prizes; Dyes; Magic Find Dust; Unidentified Minipets; etc

Glory can still be used to buy chests; but also allows buying unique weapons at certain ranks at extremely high prices; like at rank 10 you can buy quip for 150k glory. etc.

New Rewards for tournaments like the 5 bags of candy every event.

Rank Rewards from Tournaments now count towards achievements.

New achievements.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolf.5816


Legendary weapon skins would be a nice way to start! As well as giving all races acess to all racial armor ect in the Mists!

I would also love to see a (glory) purchasable one time use item along the lines of a “Capture PvP Costume” that allows you to create a PvE copy of that specific character. These items should of course be expensive (glory) and only provide a physical appearance for PvE. This would allow you to show off your prowess in then mists in PvE, and (for me personally) bring incentive to step out into PvE instead of having to acquire all the visually appealing gear you have already acquired by conquering the mists.

I would also love to have a way to earn all limited time PvE cosmetic items through PvP. There’s no reason for players who merely enjoy PvP or lack the time to invest in PvE to lose the opportunity to gain these aesthetic content. I would be okay with any mechanic implemented to gain these, as long as it is possible through PvP.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Flowerpower.6795


I think different. To improve the pvp mode of this game you need more pvp interested people playing it. And you wont get the pvp interested people that actually play different games like LoL by adding pve rewards to the pvp section.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: oDe Da Beast.7596

oDe Da Beast.7596

Gold and gems would be great !

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


Watch this is what anet is going to do:
“Oh players want more rewards!?!” Gives all skins to pvp players that take about a day to get get and done.

No real incentive nada. What needs to happen is for them to make certain skins only accessible by using a currency only obtainable by doing a real tournament that happens weekly.

All this game needs is a working weekly tournament system or a 3 times a week tournament system that awards skins/gems to players competing. This lets you show off how good of a player you are.

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Watch this is what anet is going to do:
“Oh players want more rewards!?!” Gives all skins to pvp players that take about a day to get get and done.

No real incentive nada. What needs to happen is for them to make certain skins only accessible by using a currency only obtainable by doing a real tournament that happens weekly.

All this game needs is a working weekly tournament system or a 3 times a week tournament system that awards skins/gems to players competing. This lets you show off how good of a player you are.

I like this a lot. However the pve hotjoin heroes will cry that they don’t want to do tournies to get existing skins so we already know anet won’t do this. But maybe they can still put these automated tournies in and create some interesting pvp-only skins that use this system.

edit, wow you got star on post super fast lmao

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Hugh Norfolk


Hugh Norfolk

PvP Game Designer

I really appreciate all the feedback everyone is giving us! I wanted to let everyone know we are listening.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


Whoever is really ineterested in pvp don’t ask for gold and experience because you don’t need those things in pvp. Arenanet should improve the ranking system or at least should add an ingame version of the Leaderboard. Thats all.
What i really think what the pvp needs are more pvp interested people playing this.
If they just make GW2 more common in e-sport leagues and get more playing Guild Wars 2 PvP who don’t care about legendary, gold and a lvl 80 character.. It would be perfect.

so what u do if u want that new shiny backpack-item for your toon that comes with the next bi-weekly contentpatch for pve? grind pve? nope, not an option for really pvplers. use your gold to buy it on trading post? nope, not an option for really pvpler except they where extremly lucky and got some high value dyes. so your only option is to spend your money to buy that new shiny backpack-item. the same goes for all other skins.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Oulov.7913


I really appreciate all the feedback everyone is giving us! I wanted to let everyone know we are listening.

This is not a time for listening, it is finally time to ACT/DO things. You’ve made a survey (for which we are greatful) and we responded. Now please do something so that you can get more players and earn more money as a company! I can’t believe we have to encourage you to do this…

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

I really appreciate all the feedback everyone is giving us! I wanted to let everyone know we are listening.

This is not a time for listening, it is finally time to ACT/DO things. You’ve made a survey (for which we are greatful) and we responded. Now please do something so that you can get more players and earn more money as a company! I can’t believe we have to encourage you to do this…

Rome wasn’t built in a day. They are doing what they can. Ragging them about it won’t speed up the process.

We are all frustrated that the PvP released in a beta testing state and hasn’t come along faster, but try to be constructive in your critique. I’m sure the design team gets frustrated with the community every day for the abuse they take on these forums. I don’t hear them whining or being uncivil (except in rare, extreme cases).

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Hype.8032


I want my character to be able to obtain full ascended gear from playing spvp. I also think skins only obtainable in spvp should be usable in the pve/wvw environment. I still want to be able to go into wvw with my thief but I have no desire to farm for ascended pieces anymore.

Tualek & F I Monk / Thief —-- Tk E / Engineer
Highest Solo Queue Rank Achieved: 40
Highest solo-join Team Queue Rank Achieved: 198

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307

What I want ;

Scrap the Current PVP Mystic toilet
Revamp PVP Locker 6 slots per line:
Skins are unlocked and are permanent for all characters; Skins generated this way are unsalvageable just like achievement rewards.

Salvaging Still Gives you Dust Slivers etc but not tokens
You can now turn those tokens into valueable prizes; Dyes; Magic Find Dust; Unidentified Minipets; etc

Glory can still be used to buy chests; but also allows buying unique weapons at certain ranks at extremely high prices; like at rank 10 you can buy quip for 150k glory. etc.

New Rewards for tournaments like the 5 bags of candy every event.

Rank Rewards from Tournaments now count towards achievements.

New achievements.

This sounds good.

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


Some of your guys’s suggestions are disgusting lol, sorry but it’s true. Gems as a currency !?!? Gems are Anet’s currency they’re able to use & make a bit of profit off of and I doubt they’re wanting to distribute more of them, that’d be just silly of them.

Now for my suggestions:

- PvP reward Skins based on rank for WvW/PvE (rabbit,deer,dolyak,wolf,tiger): I know these would take a long time to create but I totally think it’d be worth it!

-Rewards for winning a match: Honestly, I was ecstatic when i found out i’d be getting 5 ToT bags for every solo queue win but after halloween something like 15s per win is all good with me ^^

-Different reward amounts for different types of PvP: hotjoin probably shouldn’t be very rewarding but solo queue should be a step up, then after that the rewards should behigher, making people Want to create a tPvP team.

-A way of acquiring XP: Honestly, I just want this implemented more than ever.I have no idea how it could be implemented without causing some sort of problem but that’s for you to figure out Anet

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


I think anything that incentivises PvE and WvW players to come and have a match would be good! The tpvp player pool is just too small right now, queues are really long and we get massive mismatches in the relative skill and ranking of the players in the same match. We need new blood!

Yes and no. The pvp playerbase is small and need more people. Thats true. But to force people who are interested in PvE and WvW to play PvP, just because there are some rewards they want, is not the way to go in my opinion.

That’s not really what I meant: I wasn’t talking about pvp-exclusive rewards, I just meant being able to get other rewards through pvp. There’s currently only one extremely inefficient way to turn glory into gold, no way to earn karma, and there are still several weapon skins that are completely unobtainable in pvp.

Having said that your idea was cool too, a pvp-only free trial with a tournament at the end of it might be cool! Though if you do that FOR HEAVENS SAKE make tournaments rank-gated (rank 20 I think) and put in a better explanation on how the queue system works so we don’t get complete scrubs joining Team Arenas for their first ever pvp game again and spend the whole match trying to leave!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


Watch this is what anet is going to do:
“Oh players want more rewards!?!” Gives all skins to pvp players that take about a day to get get and done.

No real incentive nada. What needs to happen is for them to make certain skins only accessible by using a currency only obtainable by doing a real tournament that happens weekly.

All this game needs is a working weekly tournament system or a 3 times a week tournament system that awards skins/gems to players competing. This lets you show off how good of a player you are.

I like this a lot. However the pve hotjoin heroes will cry that they don’t want to do tournies to get existing skins so we already know anet won’t do this. But maybe they can still put these automated tournies in and create some interesting pvp-only skins that use this system.

edit, wow you got star on post super fast lmao

Having a tournament 3 days a week ie( Wed, Fri, Sun) from 9pm-12am and it doesn’t require any ticket system like before. Who cares if people in hotjoin would cry just because they don’t want to compete for rewards this is pvp.

I got this idea from an online game I won’t mention. They had a system called survival at the times I listed and it was the only way to get currency to buy gear. It was a tournament style system and if you win 5 matches in a row you received +500 currency. So 1 match =50, 2=150, 3=350, 4=400, 5=500. The catch is you can requeue once you lost during the time.

On Mondays they would hold a real tournament and the reward was a beret to the top 3 teams. In this case it should be a legendary.

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

(edited by BlackhawkSOM.6401)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: yLoon.5289


Guys~~~Cut arena some slack.

Its like you bought Final Fantasy VII and wanna obtain Ultima Weapon in Chocobo Racing.

Its like you bought Final Fanasy VIII and wanna obtain Lion Heart from the Card Game.

Arena’s been treading lightly in this, hence the loooong update-less in PvP. Its like do it you are kitten ed, don’t do it you are also kitten ed kind of situation.
Words of encouragement to Arena: Thanks for this awesome game! Keep it up! Ignore whiners! Listen more !

Anyway, I agree with some of the players here, the “grinding” glory features need to be maintain or you gonna give a finger to the current players that are working kitten it in a legitimate way.

12K AP
Level 54 Bear Rank

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

Being able to work towards earning the resources to craft or buy skins

Getting the perma finisher banners are enough reward to keep the rank system in my opinion, just don’t lock skins away behind a rank barrier. This is particularly important as some races only have ~5 sets that don’t suffer dire clipping/stretching issues and all of these sets are locked behind huge rank grinds.

There needs to be more connection between PvE/WvW and PvP.
Having no stat progression is excellent and that must stay, but in regards to everything else sPvP may as well be it’s own Free-to-Play title at the moment.

This connection could be achieved through shared rewards, earn something in one and you can use it in the other. (Especially for living story one time skins, having to choose between sPvP and PvE isn’t fun).

Providing a way to earn gold through PvP is irrelevant if we can earn gear through it.

Glory can remain as the sole PvP currency, but it should have some value relative to gold and be able to be used in the TP and exchanged for GEMs.

It is probably important to be able to earn paid currency through PvP currency, as that draws a larger audience and we all know that player numbers are extremely important if you’re trying to enter the eSport scene.

(edited by Brew Pinch.5731)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Pve experience for spvp but at a reduced amount – we make pve toons to spvp with…why not have our cake and eat it too?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


My wants:

  • Unique PvP Skins that are skill oriented. This could be rewarded for leaderboard performance after a few tweaks to the system are made. Could be based off of performance at “season end” or just require reaching a certain rank once.
  • When we encounter Arenanet organized/assisted tournaments like Pax or MLG, I would like some fancier in-game rewards to drool over, or at least be envious of. I keep forgetting this is a skin-reward based game. It doesn’t feel like it, at times.
  • Lesser, but competitive money earning for winning streaks, based on MMR with 5 person tournament queuing, compared to dungeon running, or champion farming.
  • Multi-use skins! Unlockable and withdrawable from the achievements tab.

This sums it up well.

Skins as rewards/ progression are totally viable and obviously what was intended for the spvp side of the game. I honestly dont understand why that went away.

Think about the old school ticket tournies, where paid tourny skins were rare and you knew they were achieved by being good.

Obviously dont bring back that broken system but recreate that feeling.

PVP only unique back items could be an easy way to start

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Amandil.2149


I would love a new system for pvp-skins. These skins shouldn’t be rankbound, because rank up get’s very frustrating from 39. Instead the skins are obtainable for different amounts of glory (t3 armor and weapon are of course the most expensive). So everyone can get every skin if they “work” for it and don’t have to wait like a year until they have the necessary rank to get it.

But before I would suggest to make tpvp more rewarding compared to hotjoin and that everyone in your tourney team gets the same glory amount in the end.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: ozzero.3892


1. Improve the leaderboards? Whatever you want to put into the game, make it work! becouse leaderboards dosnt work, still see ppl with 10-15 matches played in TOP 10…. wtf?

2. I wanna see something like “dual specialization” – 1 click of a button and all my traits, skills, wepons, gear and amulet are changed. You need to implement that before adding new maps and modes and many ppl will agree with me.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: V Man.8512

V Man.8512

The ranks need a big rework. Waiting 10 levels between new armour choices is a big turn-off. That can take months!

Also, I’d love to be able to level alts by pvping. I don’t like leveling in pve but I wouldn’t mind having a couple more 80’s for dungeons and such.. so if there was a way to cash in glory to buy scrolls that increase your pve level I think that would be a huge boon to the game. It would also clear out a lot of the stockpiles of glory people have sitting around.

Then, you could add more unique stuff to the glory vendor. A way to get the monthly weapons such as the ones from black lion weapon specialist, or other sets not currently included in pvp.

A nice influx of new armours and weapons to the game wouldn’t go amiss generally, either.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


  • Some sort of WvWvW packet or starting kit that costs 50,000-100,000 glory and levels that character to 80 upon entering WvW, and gives it a BIS (exotic/ascended) gear set of whatever stats they choose, but only for WvWvW. I was going to exclude ascended, but 100,000 glory is a huge grind and comparable to the ascended mats anyways.

This for sure, I love pvp but I can never last out the grind to 80 (not to mention the gearing) to have fun in WvW.

A reward like this would open up a whole new part of the game for me in a meaningful way.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Titan.3472


I would like to be able to convert my glory points into ranking points because it’s sick long to unlock finishers like fenix and dragon to be able to use them in wvw… And could also add a WvW ranks tree unlocking specific wvw finishers may be in other case…

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Rufy.6093


Gold and Legendary’s.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Gold and Legendary’s.

We don’t need more grind-mechanics in PvP. Please stop with this cosmetic-BS.
If you need some cooler Pixel-Combinations visit PvE.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


-A way of acquiring XP: Honestly, I just want this implemented more than ever.I have no idea how it could be implemented without causing some sort of problem but that’s for you to figure out Anet

I have played over 750hours, almost all in spvp.

I really want to do wvw as well, but I just can’t handle the grind to level/gear up. I have had a great time playing spvp, but I have really nothing reward wise to show for it, and I can’t participate in a meaningful way in WvW, even though I have played the game quite a bit.

In fact I left GW2 for several months partly because of this very issue.

Please give us pvpers a way to participate in the other pvp part of the game, by acknowledging/rewarding the time we spend in spvp. Because look, after more than a year I still don’t have one level 80. I try from time to time, but a few hours of shooting doors and running in zerg (really all you can do if not levelled/geared), I just have to go back to spvp and have fun- and it will be months before I venture back to WvW.

I am sure there are many others like me. So whether its xp gain through spvp, or buying levels/gear through glory-something- it would open the game up so much for us.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Drakula.8405


For Jonathan Sharp what we need in spvp as rewards :

- new armors that can BE OBTAINABLE ONLY in spvp and new looks like —--
(I know is from other game with lower graphics then gw2 but i bet will look “goodlike” in gw2 )
- or u can take reference to other game and make set for each race and class with unique looks —i point in the direction that Dota2 and his reward works.
Also u can make more sets for each class very different from each other as look.

This thing i think will work like per win u have a chance to get 1 skin depending on u performance u got in that tournament

- some gold
- unique back peace (for each class when u reach for example 200 tournaments win with that class)

All these skins have to be different from pve or wvw and can be use same way u use the skins from AP (ex. zenith skins)

(edited by Drakula.8405)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


More skins, easier to attain ranks (current ranks are a ridiculous grind), less points for losing team, more points for winning team, more points for playing correctly and less for zerging around. On top of that I would like a more reasonable way to make gold/gems then hoping to get good RNG and burning slivers on making dyes.

Also, please make a Capture the Flag map. Two bases, two flags, identical terrain, debuffs for flag carriers. Thanks.

(edited by Ashanor.5319)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


i dont really like the gems idea, it would only cause gems farming like when they were awarded in paid tournaments… only if they werent able to farm, as a reward from automated daily/weekly tournaments etc

other ideas seems good to me

and what i want the most, the progress, be rewarded for skill, for good play, for wins, for better rating… good idea would be to make reward system based on rating, but if you want to keep glory/rank, you could add some skin sets which were only available from rating… and giving more rank points for winning at higher rating is a must if rank/glory system will stay