Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Rewards are a sidenote, games easily get away with bad/un-notable rewards in PvP if their gameplay is fun… and having great rewards in a boring game won’t make it fun…

In terms of work->return, this should be near the bottom…
At best Anet should open up the real money market a bit by letting you buy higher tier gear for some real money (since revenue is a corner stone of keeping a game going)

Make the gameplay playable, then focus on rewards.
When more MMOs hit the market, rewards won’t do jack kitten for this game’s survivability.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

but PvE “should” have rewards? hmm

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Rufy.6093


Gold and Legendary’s.

We don’t need more grind-mechanics in PvP. Please stop with this cosmetic-BS.
If you need some cooler Pixel-Combinations visit PvE.

So you want no money for winning a tourney and no decent rewards? Well okay then. The game is perfect as is then according to you.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Gold and Legendary’s.

We don’t need more grind-mechanics in PvP. Please stop with this cosmetic-BS.
If you need some cooler Pixel-Combinations visit PvE.

So you want no money for winning a tourney and no decent rewards? Well okay then. The game is perfect as is then according to you.

Read my comment before. There have to be rewards, but definitely no legendaries. We don’t need more cluster-kitten and brainless grinders.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Rewards are a sidenote, games easily get away with bad/un-notable rewards in PvP if their gameplay is fun… and having great rewards in a boring game won’t make it fun…

In terms of work->return, this should be near the bottom…
At best Anet should open up the real money market a bit by letting you buy higher tier gear (since revenue is a corner stone of keeping a game going)

Make the gameplay playable, then focus on rewards.
When more MMOs hit the market, rewards won’t do jack kitten for this game’s survivability.

I think the fundamental problem is they forgot how to make challenging and fun gameplay around 2010.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Spooko.5436


For my daily and monthly pvp reward I would like to receive finishers of different kinds instead of an arcane stone of some stype.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


Seperate rewards into two different types: Progression-based rewards and Skill-based rewards

Progression-Based Rewards

Keep the rank system similar to how it is, but change the following:

  • Flatten the curve near the high end, so it doesn’t take ages to acquire ranks past rank 40
  • Add mild exp, gold and karma gain from doing sPvP (doesn’t need to be competitive with the rewards gained from PvE and WvW, but something to make the player feel as if their character is still progressing while having fun in the Mists)

Skill-Based Rewards

  • Change hotjoin to give much more of a bonus by actually playing Conquest correctly (eliminate Skirmisher bonus, always give bonus points for kills within 1200 range of a control point, increase glory gained by communing with secondary objectives, give credit for capping/neuting control point if within 1200 range or if contributed to a kill near that control point in the previous 15 seconds, reduce points gained from using Skyhammer/Trebuchet/Cannon)
  • Add tPvP seasons, and have special tiered skins and finishers depending on your leaderboard rank at the end of the season, usable only while you retain the required rating threshold. For example, you could have skins and finishers for the following rating tiers: Top 10, Top 50, Top 200, Top 500, Top 1000. At the end of the season, you get to pick one full set from a few sets of armor according to your placing, and one weapon. You get to wear that armor and weapon during the next season, and any future season where you placed in that same tier or higher in the previous season. The same reward structure would work for both Solo Arena and Team Arena (so if you consistently place highly in both arenas, you will be able to acquire those rare skin sets even faster). For example, let’s say you placed in the Top 10 for Solo Arena at the end of Season 1, and in the Top 50 for Team Arena. You would get to pick one set of Tier 1 gear and one set of Tier 2 gear, and you could wear either of those during all of Season 2. If you only placed in the Top 200 in Solo and Team Arena in Season 2, you would only get to wear your newly acquired Tier 3 armor and weapons during Season 3. Also, all of these skins would of course be sharable among all of your characters, so you could make an obsession of placing well in each season so you could get cool PvP skins for all of your characters. Hope that makes sense.
Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
Bunker Guardian Guide
Twitch Stream

(edited by cymerdown.4103)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


  • Change hotjoin to give much more of a bonus by actually playing Conquest correctly (eliminate Skirmisher bonus, always give bonus points for kills within 1200 range of a control point, increase glory gained by communing with secondary objectives, give credit for capping/neuting control point if within 1200 range or if contributed to a kill near that control point in the previous 20 seconds, reduce points gained from using Skyhammer/Trebuchet/Cannon).

Yes. Maybe clutch plays could give even more points. Maybe like
—stomping/rezzing while under fire
—interrupting a stomp/rez and saving/finishing the player
—neutralizing a point while under fire
—defending a point 1v2
—dealing x damage/x healing

There are a ton of really exciting moments in good matches, but none of them really give any points. I think it may be one reason why people think conquest isn’t exciting.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: DeTriX.4503


They should bring back the arena title they gave out for the top pvpers with the most qp. So people who play and is constantly in the top 100 should be given the titles.
Top 5- Legend of the Arena
Top 15- Master of the Arena
Top 25- Veteran of the Arena
Top 50- Soldier of the arena
Top 100- challenger of the arena
Just like the old days but instead of qualifying points it’s leaderboard rank. Every month anet should sweet top 100 and give the titles out .

Good Fights
Fort Aspenwood

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Loki.8793


I like a lot of the ideas that have been listed in this topic and I’d like to reiterate the ones I agreed with and explain why.

What I suggest or agree with.

  • PvE Rewards Through Glory - Glory is a type of currency that is accumulated at such an easy and fast rate with nothing to spend it on. You just keep getting more and more, despite how much you spend. I think a good method to alleviate this problem is to update/add glory merchants with a selection of PvE goods similar to that of Karma merchants. Obsidian shards, dyes, unique armors/skins that can be worn in PvE, minis, RNG boxes, etc. Give us things to buy that will help us with our PvE characters.
  • Make PvP Matches Dynamic Events - I think this is an interesting idea that has a few notable merits. By making each sPvP match an event that awards PvE experience, players can level up their alts via sPvP. I feel this is a good option because not only will it start to add incentive for sPvP players to go to PvE and WvWvW, PvE and WvWvW focused players will have incentive to go to sPvP to level. With sPvP now accessible from anywhere in the game, it makes since that this accessibility should help players in any focus.
  • Add more sPvP achievements - With the addition of AP rewards, I think there should be some notable AP opportunities in sPvP. I think more achievments should be added as a whole with 8 new categories, 1 for each profession that can cater towards their mechanics and reward players for intelligent play. There could be specific titles and class rewards in these categories as well.
  • Medals - I think the 100% map completion medal is a fantastic small feature of the game, but I feel so much more could be done with it. You could add more medals that a player could choose to display by their name to show what that character has achieved. A medal for 100% exploration, a medal for completing all the dungeons on the same character, a medal for getting 200 match wins (or more) in solo/team queues on the same character, medals for placing highly in different PvP seasons, medals for WvWvW expertise, etc. etc. A lot can be done. You could even add slight passive buffs (PvE only) for choosing to display a medal (100% map completion = 5% overall move speed increase, for example), though that is an entirely different subject that I won’t delve into here.
  • sPvP Seasons - A lot of people have already explained the merits of sPvP seasons. Give specific rewards for people who place highly and suddenly you have a good cyclical population.
  • Add Additional Ways to Get New PvP Armors - After Rank 40, ranking up takes a lot of time. And that is a lot of time where you don’t have the freedom to be creative with your characters’ appearance. As it is now, you unlock a few more sets of armors and then you need to play sPvP for months to get the next few armor sets. I don’t mind the RNG chests to get the armors, but I feel there should be another way to get armors, perhaps some armors that cannot be obtained from the PvP chests. Perhaps combining 250 piles of dust, and some combination of Orbs, Crystals, and Slivers will produce some sort of token in the mystic forge, and enough of these tokens can be used to buy some PvP only armors.
  • Legendaries in PvP - While I personally don’t have a legendary, I would like to see players who have earned them to be able to show them off in PvP matches. If there are no changes to give PvE progression in PvP, then I would like to see PvP only legendaries people can obtain in some fashion.


Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Candar.8140


I’d like to see the ability to use skins earned in sPvP/tPvP abvailable for use in WvW and/or Karma earned in tournaments. Understandably, Anet would be concerned about stat balance for sPvP skins. This is resolved simply by adopting the basic exotic stats already found in armor from various Karma vendors.

More info here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/Discussion-Skins-earned-in-PvP-usable-in-WvW/first#post3082836

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Reveille.8397


So many people have requested skins transference from PvE to PvP, and PvP to PvE. What if they just remove the limitations on transmutation stones so that they have no level or mode limitation. Then they could just add Transmutation stones to PvP victories or chests and there would be enough between PvP and PvE to cross migrate all of our gear. I think that we like to see rewards benefit us whether we choose to PvE or PvP and it can be hard to focus on both unless you spend 24-7 in game. This is especially true of newer players and right now (speaking as a new player) incentive for PvP is low because of reward. It seems pointless to do things in one mode if they will not be recognized in the other. That’s my take so far though…

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: muscarine.5136


I believe the individual rewards are fine as they are.

Skins, cosmetics, /rank, those are all vanity items.
Asking for those to be available through PVE<>PVP would further increase tensions between the two “factions”, as one side will always feel less rewarded than the other. As it is you get stuff for the game mode you dedicate yourself to.

I’m not sure people remember GW1 as it really is.
Ranks weren’t more meaningful, they just indicated someone spent X time grinding other players with fotm compositions (6xSF, turret rangers […] anyone ?) through HA, farming TA, or syncing in RA before and after TA was gone.
It was probably a bit more indicative of someone’s ability to play in team as opposed to now where it is more about individual abilities.
But that’s still a small portion of the indicators vs time spent.

At most, ask for /rank to work in WvW, that’s all what is needed regarding bragging rights, and/or talk about lowering the grind curve a bit.

Asking for money or gems won’t help the game as a whole since it’s mostly individual resources, meaning almost no one else but the owner get benefits out of it. This is not how you keep a game and it’s community lively.

We should instead ask for something that draws a bridge between the two sides, something we can bring back from the heart of the mists as dedicated pvp’ers, which would have a value for the pve side of the crowd who would exchange their own luxury goods for ours.

Let’s not further separate the community for vanity purpose.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


-Exclusive skins only obtainable in PvP but transferable to PvE
-Exclusive finishers for X amount of glory and for achieving X rank on Leaderboards
-Gems (moot point if we can convert glory to gold since we could just use gold to by gems)


Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


alot people want exp for pve or some gold

i think a good and easy way for this would be to sell “Scroll of Knowledge” for glory and allow players to sell it to vendor for 10-20 silver OR in auctionshouse

this way rich pve players can lvl there characters (80+ a scroll) and pve players can earn some gold to buy gems to can buy characterslots or other things

its only a questsion how expensive this scrolls and i think it should not cost more than how many glory a player can make in 1-2 hours

i bet a lot players (ignore the skyhammer probleme here^^) say now but i have millions glory this would break economy ….. sure this amount on glory i saved over a year now but go in hotjoins or tournament and test how much can make in 1-2 hours.

and once all the glory is spent ppl have to play 1-2 hours spvp to can use or sell 1 scroll

think thats ok

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


  • PvE Rewards Through Glory - Glory is a type of currency that is accumulated at such an easy and fast rate with nothing to spend it on. You just keep getting more and more, despite how much you spend. I think a good method to alleviate this problem is to update/add glory merchants with a selection of PvE goods similar to that of Karma merchants. Obsidian shards, dyes, unique armors/skins that can be worn in PvE, minis, RNG boxes, etc. Give us things to buy that will help us with our PvE characters.

It would also be awesome if these vendors also had
Tome of knowledge – 5K Glory (most people could get like 10 – 20 – and each would earln your character a level. It would be a massive dump of glory for most people leveling their character though PvP

  • Make PvP Matches Dynamic Events - I think this is an interesting idea that has a few notable merits. By making each sPvP match an event that awards PvE experience, players can level up their alts via sPvP. I feel this is a good option because not only will it start to add incentive for sPvP players to go to PvE and WvWvW, PvE and WvWvW focused players will have incentive to go to sPvP to level. With sPvP now accessible from anywhere in the game, it makes since that this accessibility should help players in any focus.;
  • Add more sPvP achievements - With the addition of AP rewards, I think there should be some notable AP opportunities in sPvP. I think more achievments should be added as a whole with 8 new categories, 1 for each profession that can cater towards their mechanics and reward players for intelligent play. There could be specific titles and class rewards in these categories as well.
  • Medals - I think the 100% map completion medal is a fantastic small feature of the game, but I feel so much more could be done with it. You could add more medals that a player could choose to display by their name to show what that character has achieved. A medal for 100% exploration, a medal for completing all the dungeons on the same character, a medal for getting 200 match wins (or more) in solo/team queues on the same character, medals for placing highly in different PvP seasons, medals for WvWvW expertise, etc. etc. A lot can be done. You could even add slight passive buffs (PvE only) for choosing to display a medal (100% map completion = 5% overall move speed increase, for example), though that is an entirely different subject that I won’t delve into here.
  • sPvP Seasons - A lot of people have already explained the merits of sPvP seasons. Give specific rewards for people who place highly and suddenly you have a good cyclical population.
  • Add Additional Ways to Get New PvP Armors - After Rank 40, ranking up takes a lot of time. And that is a lot of time where you don’t have the freedom to be creative with your characters’ appearance. As it is now, you unlock a few more sets of armors and then you need to play sPvP for months to get the next few armor sets. I don’t mind the RNG chests to get the armors, but I feel there should be another way to get armors, perhaps some armors that cannot be obtained from the PvP chests. Perhaps combining 250 piles of dust, and some combination of Orbs, Crystals, and Slivers will produce some sort of token in the mystic forge, and enough of these tokens can be used to buy some PvP only armors.
  • Legendaries in PvP - While I personally don’t have a legendary, I would like to see players who have earned them to be able to show them off in PvP matches. If there are no changes to give PvE progression in PvP, then I would like to see PvP only legendaries people can obtain in some fashion.

Double empasis on the legendary thing. I mean people work their behinds off to get them pretty much for the sole reason of showing off their committment to everyone. And PvP is the only place they can’t do that. So if they have a legendary. It really should be unlocked in their PvP locker (which wouldn’t be needed if we bridged the gap between pve and pvp but until then they should at least get the skin for free.

*But yea pretty much this. It would not only save PvP but breathe entirely new life into it bringing in so much new blood without invalidating the rest of the game.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

Honestly dude if you think thats how people should think why is gold or exp rewarded in PvE or even WvW.

People play mmos, well ANY form of adventure game, and most other games, because of progress. As you play an MMO you start off as a level 1 nobody. And after hard work and effort you make it to level 80, with more hard work you work though getting gear and weapons. You take on hard bosses and high level fractals, you get map completion, badges of honor in hours of WvW, farming for ages. And one day get the perfect gear, weapons, legendaries, achievements, titles, stashes, what ever you play for.
Most people don’t just play the game for the sense to get better at it. Or just for the fun of it. They play because they are working towards a goal. And the sum of all the parts they play get them closer and closet to that goal

And in PvP you’ve got……rank. And how often is anyone really there to watch you /rank. And unlike a legendary in your hands, or a commnader tag above your head, or even shiny beta fractal capacitor when you sit around typing /rank (which noone is really sitting around to look at) you kinda look like a kitten. (meow). So the /rank is really kinda useless. And beside that what else is there? Glory? Nothing to spend that on? Useless. So the scale pretty goes like this (for me)

PvE farming – Fun – 2, Productivity – 10
PvP, Fun – 9 , productivity – 0
WvW, Fun – 8, productivity – 4

So while PvP is the most fun. Its not the highest one the scale ,or even second highest, for what i want out of what i’m playing.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Adian.8756


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

Honestly dude if you think thats how people should think why is gold or exp rewarded in PvE or even WvW.

People play mmos, well ANY form of adventure game, and most other games, because of progress. As you play an MMO you start off as a level 1 nobody. And after hard work and effort you make it to level 80, with more hard work you work though getting gear and weapons. You take on hard bosses and high level fractals, you get map completion, badges of honor in hours of WvW, farming for ages. And one day get the perfect gear, weapons, legendaries, achievements, titles, stashes, what ever you play for.
Most people don’t just play the game for the sense to get better at it. Or just for the fun of it. They play because they are working towards a goal. And the sum of all the parts they play get them closer and closet to that goal

Gold, rewards and levels are a part of MMOs because, as I said, modern gamers have been conditioned to play for virtual progress. I don’t care about PvE progress at all. I absolutely hate Ascended, and I firmly believe the game would’ve been better off without any character levels. I’m from the time of Ultima Online, where your personal skill mattered more than the amount of time you put into the game. Do notice, that this doesn’t mean that I hate PvE – not at all. But I play to be challenged, to have fun or to progress on a personal level – physical progress if you will. So unlike most modern MMOers, pixels and numbers don’t satisfy me.

So as you may be able to tell – I too play to reach a goal. Difference is, my goal is more than colorful pixels or numbers on the screen. And honestly, if that’s all you want, there’s easier and faster ways of achieving that sort of false accomplishments.

NB: This doesn’t include the story aspect of games. I enjoy a good story, but this is a multiplayer game that’s suppose to keep people entertained for a longer period of time. Increasing the number of your character (level), the number of gold you have, or the damage of your weapons is the laziest way of keeping people around. Fun, challenging and rewarding gameplay is much more rewarding.

Lyann Vail | 80 Mesmer
Aurora Glade [EU] | Leader of ‘The New Reality [NR]’
WvW Beast!

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Pixels.6532


Improve sPvP rewards:
Make sPvP matches an event system (Sample attached). Reward players with XP for killing players and decapping, capping nodes. Not a lot, similar to the XP gained for npc kills in PvE.

Maybe give some TP sell-able items as part of the reward chests for winning in solo/team queue as well.


Sanctum of Rall

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Pixels.6532


Expand existing title tracks and add new ones:
I keep getting network errors and losing my posts, so I split this up into two posts. In addition to adding some PvX rewards (post above). Why not improve the title track progress and add more titles that grant more achievement points.

Why not have all the class tracks include an “Ultimate” version for getting 1,000 wins in tournies?

Here are a few more ideas on an expanded title track and achievement rewards.


Sanctum of Rall

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


Gold or Gems. Anything that excludes casuals from casually playing PvP because they need to keep up. Skins are fine. But why not skins/minipets/dyes that can only be obtained by good players? Why not?

I also want Hotjoin to be completely reward-free since people are absusing these to “farm” glory. HOW. IS. THIS. NOT. FIXED. YET? (Yes, I am talking about Skyhammer.)

This is the dumbest post yet. Yes lets not try to grow the game’s pvp population at all. Lets keep to a small base of elitist want to bes.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


Rewards are a sidenote, games easily get away with bad/un-notable rewards in PvP if their gameplay is fun… and having great rewards in a boring game won’t make it fun…

In terms of work->return, this should be near the bottom…
At best Anet should open up the real money market a bit by letting you buy higher tier gear for some real money (since revenue is a corner stone of keeping a game going)

Make the gameplay playable, then focus on rewards.
When more MMOs hit the market, rewards won’t do jack kitten for this game’s survivability.

That is not really true at all. That is what MMO’s are about at there core giving people carrots to chase. I am not saying gameplay doesn’t matter, it is most important, but besides that you need to reward the player. Don’t make the mistake of projecting your beliefs on the average player. Don’t get me wrong rewards aren’t that big to me either and not why I play but I wan’t this game to grow and even if they fix a lot of what is wrong with the actual pvp game play they will need to add more rewards to attract more players imo. Playing solely for the competiton and winning appeals to a suprisingly small amount of people.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


Legends achivable ONLY through pvp that will reward my over 1 year pvp playtime.
For sure not tight to ledderboards – they r joke. For sure NO converiosn pvp-pve. Last thing I want to see is ppl having 5, 6 or more legends coz they came from beloved pve. no no no.
Some new skins achivable only in pvp. Little gold/gem rewards in tourney win chests.
I’m so in love with Sunrise, butif u will tell me that I have to work on it from 0 I’m done :x

Champion: >| Illusionist | Shadow | Phantom | Legionnaire | Magus | Hunter |<
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|

(edited by Michael.7382)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Improve sPvP rewards:
Make sPvP matches an event system (Sample attached). Reward players with XP for killing players and decapping, capping nodes. Not a lot, similar to the XP gained for npc kills in PvE.

Maybe give some TP sell-able items as part of the reward chests for winning in solo/team queue as well.

I said this in my old reply, i think this is the best and easy way to add exp/karma/money to spvp and to not interrupt progress from pve/www.

I’d create different values between tpvp and hotjoin, so people are stimulated to go in rated matches because they can get more rewards.

but for hot join, i’d add this concept only to 5vs5 match, so people are forced to understand real conquest mechanics to win a match to get more rewards. This could be a real first step for people who want to approach spvp and team queue and soloqueue could get great benefit from that.

A progression reward system instead needs 2 main components: Seasons and good leaderboard.

Anet i think can improve their reward system in different steps, first step they can add a general improvement reward (exp/karma/money by medals system) and when they fix (i hope soon) leaderboard and implement seasons, create a progression reward system.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Rewards are a sidenote, games easily get away with bad/un-notable rewards in PvP if their gameplay is fun… and having great rewards in a boring game won’t make it fun…

In terms of work->return, this should be near the bottom…
At best Anet should open up the real money market a bit by letting you buy higher tier gear for some real money (since revenue is a corner stone of keeping a game going)

Make the gameplay playable, then focus on rewards.
When more MMOs hit the market, rewards won’t do jack kitten for this game’s survivability.

That is not really true at all. That is what MMO’s are about at there core giving people carrots to chase. I am not saying gameplay doesn’t matter, it is most important, but besides that you need to reward the player. Don’t make the mistake of projecting your beliefs on the average player. Don’t get me wrong rewards aren’t that big to me either and not why I play but I wan’t this game to grow and even if they fix a lot of what is wrong with the actual pvp game play they will need to add more rewards to attract more players imo. Playing solely for the competiton and winning appeals to a suprisingly small amount of people.

Yes good rewards are good.
Yes they will keep players around longer.
Yes they tend to be one of the larger focuses of MMOs.

But when push comes to shove, when a new game comes out and people have to decide between the two, rewards will probly be a small part of it.

New MMOs are right around the corner and GW2 blows.
No amount of PvE gold or transferable PvE skins will save this game’s PvP.

As a sidenote, you seem to think ‘winning’ and ‘fun gameplay’ are one and the same.
They aren’t.

People enjoy winning, but it is far from the only way to get drawn into a game’s gameplay.
First and foremost MMOs are social games, if GW2 wants to hold on to players it actually has to start acting like a social game.
make it easier to find/fight people of your skill level
easier to que up with friends (only ‘social’ que is ranked teamQ, that is kittened)
easier to find a game mode that you and friends enjoy

The game also needs, not necessarily more depth and complexity, but less cheese.
No one, regardless of their reason for playing a game, enjoys fighting against top tier cheese builds.
Don’t get me wrong, GW2 is pretty decently balanced to say the least, but the top tier is balanced out mainly with cheese…. that will destroy a game.

Cheese can exist in a game, and in an ideal game, would exist, but only as a mid-> low tier sort of ‘introductory or noob’ strategy to a game. As you get more capable, the game weens you off it to other more generally engaging setups.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


Oh god. Modern MMOers have truly been brainwashed by the gaming industry, as evident in this thread. PvPing for rewards, holy smokes.

I don’t want any rewards. Having fun, improving and the thrill of winning should be rewarding enough in and of itself. I couldn’t care less about random colorful pixels.

Honestly dude if you think thats how people should think why is gold or exp rewarded in PvE or even WvW.

People play mmos, well ANY form of adventure game, and most other games, because of progress. As you play an MMO you start off as a level 1 nobody. And after hard work and effort you make it to level 80, with more hard work you work though getting gear and weapons. You take on hard bosses and high level fractals, you get map completion, badges of honor in hours of WvW, farming for ages. And one day get the perfect gear, weapons, legendaries, achievements, titles, stashes, what ever you play for.
Most people don’t just play the game for the sense to get better at it. Or just for the fun of it. They play because they are working towards a goal. And the sum of all the parts they play get them closer and closet to that goal

Gold, rewards and levels are a part of MMOs because, as I said, modern gamers have been conditioned to play for virtual progress. I don’t care about PvE progress at all. I absolutely hate Ascended, and I firmly believe the game would’ve been better off without any character levels. I’m from the time of Ultima Online, where your personal skill mattered more than the amount of time you put into the game. Do notice, that this doesn’t mean that I hate PvE – not at all. But I play to be challenged, to have fun or to progress on a personal level – physical progress if you will. So unlike most modern MMOers, pixels and numbers don’t satisfy me.

So as you may be able to tell – I too play to reach a goal. Difference is, my goal is more than colorful pixels or numbers on the screen. And honestly, if that’s all you want, there’s easier and faster ways of achieving that sort of false accomplishments.

NB: This doesn’t include the story aspect of games. I enjoy a good story, but this is a multiplayer game that’s suppose to keep people entertained for a longer period of time. Increasing the number of your character (level), the number of gold you have, or the damage of your weapons is the laziest way of keeping people around. Fun, challenging and rewarding gameplay is much more rewarding.

Well you may be right. You and like 10% of the pvp population (probably like 30% of the forum goers) could care less about any form of progression that isn’t internal. But i’m pretty sure the other 90% of the players who play Gw2 Play it for tangible progress.

And its not just modern games that do that. Many older games didn’t have any form of progress because the designs lacked insight a way to keep the player motivated and interested.

There is a reason (successful) games with rewards out number their counterparts. For a video game, its just a better model business and fun wise.

And you’er also right challenging gameplay is the best foundation for any sort of game. But just as that may be the best base to a game. The rewards and reason to continue are the icing on the cake. So you can’t just have rewards with out fun game player (not too many people get full just off icing) but to add great rewards to already good gameplay makes the perfect cake.

TL:DR I can understand a want to have better and better gameplay (its what every gamer wants outta their game). But to say there is no need for rewards of any kind is silly. Game designs have only gotten better as years go on which is why things such as rewards are getting more commonplace (great old games also had great rewards in place as well),. Those who do want them/are motivated by them (us filthy casuals) are the majority by quite a huge margin which is why so many rewards/pvp rework threads are up. So it just makes more sense to help out with the reward ideas or leave the threads as they be

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Pixels.6532


Improve sPvP rewards:
Make sPvP matches an event system (Sample attached). Reward players with XP for killing players and decapping, capping nodes. Not a lot, similar to the XP gained for npc kills in PvE.

Maybe give some TP sell-able items as part of the reward chests for winning in solo/team queue as well.

I said this in my old reply, i think this is the best and easy way to add exp/karma/money to spvp and to not interrupt progress from pve/www.

I’d create different values between tpvp and hotjoin, so people are stimulated to go in rated matches because they can get more rewards.

but for hot join, i’d add this concept only to 5vs5 match, so people are forced to understand real conquest mechanics to win a match to get more rewards. This could be a real first step for people who want to approach spvp and team queue and soloqueue could get great benefit from that.

A progression reward system instead needs 2 main components: Seasons and good leaderboard.

Anet i think can improve their reward system in different steps, first step they can add a general improvement reward (exp/karma/money by medals system) and when they fix (i hope soon) leaderboard and implement seasons, create a progression reward system.

Hey, thanks for the response. In the attachment, I did 60% of the Team/Solo queue value for hotjoins. Not sure if they could separate it between 5v5 or 8v8, but I def. think it should reward less for hotjoin than for tourney.

I agree on the seasons. They’ve set that precedent with WvW, so hope to see that in sPvP too.

Sanctum of Rall

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


Champ Bags!!!
Just like i hope they make matches dynamic events.

I hope they add incentives to win. Such as Champ bags.
PvE has Dungeons (cough champ farming cough);
WvW has flips (each time a champ is killed a WvW champ bag is given
PvP should have bags for each win. And not just tourney wins hotjoin wins. To encourage people to stay till the end and even to fight to win the match. Of course it would have to implemented right. (like in a match of over 8 people, or you have to have at least X amount of points) But seeing a reward, and moreso a reward for winning in PvP would be great to the overall health of the pvp section

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hey, thanks for the response. In the attachment, I did 60% of the Team/Solo queue value for hotjoins. Not sure if they could separate it between 5v5 or 8v8, but I def. think it should reward less for hotjoin than for tourney.

I agree on the seasons. They’ve set that precedent with WvW, so hope to see that in sPvP too.

I’d like something like that:

In general use glory points to buy different rewards from merchant and no skins linked to rank level.

10-8vs10-8 hot join: play like u want, don’t care if u lose or win, it’s the first spvp step so basically take it very easy. Try stuff, builds, weapon etc. everything u want. Reward: rank and glory points (like now)

5vs5 hot join: first step to understand conquest mechanics. If u win u get more reward. It’s not a rated match so take it easy and use it to understand conquest mechanics, roles, good builds, positions, movements, every conquest mechanics. There is no MMR here so it’s possible match is unbalanced but this is not really important here. Rewards: medal system with exp/karma/money + glory e rank points. If u win the match, u get better rewards.

Fix leaderboard + implement seasons

Tpvp soloqueue: same like 5vs5 hot join with higher exp/karma/money values/ + rank/glory points. If u win the match u get a better position leaderboard and better rewards. Based on your position at the end of the season, u get unique rewards (title, skins, gift of legendary weapons etc.) that u can use in pve/www too.

Tpvp team queue: same like soloqueue but with different unique rewards.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Leuca.5732


Some amount of PvP exp going towards PvE leveling progress. (If you can craft your way to level 80, why can’t you fight other players?)

Better ways of turning your PvP into workable currency in PvE

Using glory for a Zaishen Key system of sorts.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I hope they stay clear of achievement rewards other than tourney wins. It’s pretty bad when you enter a match and 3 people rush home and to cap it and you ask why they say they need to work on dailies….

Achievements have ruined many aspects of the game I attempted wvw and my server purposefully said we are going to lose smc and then recap it after to work on achievements. This was from a commander and players that were on teamspeak. It was pretty sad to see smc flipped over 5x in an hour so that players can get achievements.

Tourney wins/rewards should be much more substantial than hotjoin this is pretty self explanatory. I also agree with the other player who stated that rewards don’t make a game playable. I use to play counter strike 1.6/source and warcraft 3 dota for years there were no achievements during the time I played the game play was rewarding enough

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


Personally i would like to see all Living Story skins made available in spvp by chest drops, not just pve farm then convert. Or perhaps high glory purchase of 25000-30000 glory. Also really like the idea of crossover rewards between pvp/wvwvw/pve.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I don’t want to see any PvE specific rewards. By that I mean rewards that earn in sPvP even if they have nothing to do with sPvP (I see one exception).

I think things like the Fervid Censor and the Sclerite back piece should be obtained in sPvP (although I think it would be unfair to make it permanently obtainable while it was time limited in PvE) but PvP shouldn’t be awarding gold. Gold is the currency of PvE and it’s used for PvE purposes, not sPvP purposes. Players in sPvP don’t need to pay for transmutation stones, they don’t need to buy runes or sigils and they have a wardrobe feature that PvE players have been begging for since before launch. What else could you use in PvP that isn’t already available? Dyes make sense (although they are already obtained in sPvP) and a chance at the BLC items might make sense although remember that you can’t obtain BLC items from PvE. You have to buy gems. You can convert gold although this ends up being incredibly unfavourable and quite costly. In that sense, if glory is the currency of sPvP, it seems fair to sell it for gems (and allowing the conversion the other way). It’s unlikely this will produce much gold due to unfavourable conversion rates to the player.

Things like the Zephyr Rucksack don’t need to be obtained in sPvP because they were available to all formats in the form of a mini-game (which wasn’t PvE – it used the PvP appearance system and had players competing against each other unlike PvE which is about player co-operation, WvW being the exception).

Experience. I think experience would be a good thing to award from sPvP. Despite it being unnecessary for sPvP, it makes sense that you gain in-game experience for a class as you player it more. I see experience as a tutorial type of mechanism. Levelling to 80 is all about learning your class and I don’t see why you can’t do that in sPvP. It will allow PvE players to feel rewarded in sPvP and still make progress but it doesn’t make them feel like they have to sPvP to level up. At level 80 I guess they can still get skill points and that could become a new way to obtain sPvP rewards via mystic forge recipes involving skill points. The obvious downside is that this crosses over with a PvE currency (skill points) and it makes PvP characters less temporary and more permanent.

I don’t ever want to see PvP exclusive skins that can be used in PvE. A PvE player shouldn’t be forced into sPvP to acquire the PvE look they want to have. If you want to give skins that only be used and obtained in sPvP, prepare for the frustration from people who want it in PvE, but getting PvE players to do something they don’t want to do to obtain a reward they want is unfair and the design priority is in the wrong place. Players playing sPvP should be doing so for sPvP reasons, not PvE reasons.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


To those saying that PvP needs rewards to keep people interested, I direct you to games like Counter-Strike, Quake, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat, games with the biggest scenes in eSports history, NONE OF THEM HAVE REWARDS.

Rewards aren’t necessary in PvP, I don’t play PvP because I want to get some new shiny item to show off my rank, I do it for the competitive nature of PvP and I enjoy that greatly. I’m not saying that we can’t have rewards at all, but they’re not a requirement.

all is vain

(edited by Incurafy.6329)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


and league of legends the biggest e-sport game has rewards with accountlvl, champs and even the gameplay is lvling your champ and buy better items

but this is not the question and you dont have to agree/disagree with the people here

its only about your ideas to help the devs by working on the rewardsystem – thats what they do atm and when they are done it is to late for your wishes

so – help them – maby it will be THE system you ever wished and makes the game perfect for you

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Fhaeris.9237


Rome wasn’t built in a day. They are doing what they can. Ragging them about it won’t speed up the process.

That’s true, but it’s not an excuse for doing basically nothing in 1 year.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Rome wasn’t built in a day. They are doing what they can. Ragging them about it won’t speed up the process.

That’s true, but it’s not an excuse for doing basically nothing in 1 year.

It doesn’t help that the game was launched early and wasn’t finished when it was. There is so much unfinished content that it’s honestly just sad that Anet wasn’t given more time to finish it. When the game launched, PvP was practically non-existent, and all of the stuff that is in the game now AND MORE should have already been in it.

I really can’t wait to see what this game is going to be like when PvP is actually finished, but it’s going to be a while.

all is vain

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


just please, dont improve rewards in hot join… its unbalanced farming mess… people should be able to progress here, but not as much as in rated matches, especially after they hit some specific high rank, maybe after 20? or just increase rewards for high rating play enough that hot joins just wont be worth it

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Mladi Bojevnik.2517

Mladi Bojevnik.2517

To those saying that PvP needs rewards to keep people interested, I direct you to games like Counter-Strike, Quake, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat, games with the biggest scenes in eSports history, NONE OF THEM HAVE REWARDS.

Rewards aren’t necessary in PvP, I don’t play PvP because I want to get some new shiny item to show off my rank, I do it for the competitive nature of PvP and I enjoy that greatly. I’m not saying that we can’t have rewards at all, but they’re not a requirement.

I plaid UT 99 competitive for years and people still play it now, also Quake, CoD etc …
I didn’t play for rewards since there were none just for the gameplay.
But this isn’t FPS but a MMORPG, and when you play such a game you expect some rewards, progression etc.

If you play solo tpvp now it is like one big family because you know everyone after 10 matches. Lack of rewards isn’t bringing new players to pvp and the number of people playing only for the sake of competition is obviously quite small.

In GW1 being among the best PvP players was quite prestigious, capes, platinum, items, emotes, ranks that acctualy had a meaning. They had the coolest stuff.
And I think that is why gw1 had such a strong PvP community despite having 6 pvp modes, they were all full.

In my opinion removing the clear distinction between PvP and PvE and introduction of cool PvE rewards is the only way to bring more PvE players to PvP.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: deda.8302


More achievements
crafting experiance
dont just give us new armor/eq let us craft it and gain exp for it
some gold would be nice

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Adian.8756


Champ Bags!!!
Just like i hope they make matches dynamic events.

I hope they add incentives to win. Such as Champ bags.
PvE has Dungeons (cough champ farming cough);
WvW has flips (each time a champ is killed a WvW champ bag is given
PvP should have bags for each win. And not just tourney wins hotjoin wins. To encourage people to stay till the end and even to fight to win the match. Of course it would have to implemented right. (like in a match of over 8 people, or you have to have at least X amount of points) But seeing a reward, and moreso a reward for winning in PvP would be great to the overall health of the pvp section

10/10. Nice troll.

Lyann Vail | 80 Mesmer
Aurora Glade [EU] | Leader of ‘The New Reality [NR]’
WvW Beast!

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Rewards that can be used outside of spvp would be nice and would give me more of a reason to play it. Spvp is not the reason I play this game. I’m more into wvw. Yet spvp is a good way to pass time well waiting for wvw and hone my skills as a player at the same time. Would just be nice to get something from it that I cared about.

Edit: to the people who say “pvp doesn’t need rewards” you would be right if the tpvp was a stand alone game, but its not. It was packages with an mmo and you want more of your mmo players to be in spvp you needs to give them a reason to do it. I think the reason spvp didn’t take off yet is because it feels to much like a stand alone game and has no attachment to the character your playing.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

(edited by Samhayn.2385)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


Rewards should be proportionate to the achievements.

Big tournament winners get the rarest items: something equivalent to a legendary (if not a legendary) or unique armor skin or custom aura or special emote, laurels/gold and a title. Maybe a little companion pet that follows you around and whenever you stop he plants a standard in the ground which lists your name and accomplishment on it.

Next tier would be: a precursor or ascended gear or skins and laurels/gold and a title.

Next tier would be: an exotic or two, a skin, laurels/gold and a title.

That kind of thing.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


A spell that allows me, once a day for 10 minutes, to transform the Mystic forge into an actual toilet, complete with flushing sounds.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Some sort of reward system that interacts with the rest of the game.

I’d like to see something that can be traded or sold on the trade-post if you win a SoloQ game. Maybe something akin to grey loot bags that drop in WvW. I actually like what they did with the current rewards for Halloween as you could at least sell some of the Candy Corn you received.

Skins I think should be more of a long-term goal, where you work towards a set.

Ideally this would be specific to SPvP and not just a carbon copy of existing skins. These skins should then be usable in the rest of the game as well so you can show off if you’re good at sPvP.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Neon.8651


PVE: Leveling tomes, continued karma gain, gold.
PVP: A reason to be better, to have a higher win rate. Something that sets different tiered players apart. Could be a title, could be cosmetic, anything. Just do something that increases competition. Also, boxes are absolutely annoying. Getting the same random thing 50x in a row is starting to kill me.

Also, no more candy corn ever again.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: magic fly.2041

magic fly.2041

Rewards are one thing, but I’d think that more game modes would be much more effective.
Regardless, as far as rewards go, here is what I think:

Cosmetics don’t go outside of the mists currently. I’d really love to take some of them back with me to pve.

If you don’t grind, it’s impossible to get higher ranked skins for years on end. This is my biggest issue as far as rewards are concerned. I stopped trying once I got to rank 40 for the free 18 slot bags for all my characters. Many many months later, and I am now rank 42…

I am likely not the majority on this, but I do the stupidest things for infinite tonics. I’ve even got the cat mini, the dog mini, and the cat tonic from laurels. If there was some way to acquire infinite tonics, and be able to mystic forge them if i have duplicates, that would suck me right in. Although…I never really use them….

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Draehl.2681


More dark/macabre/grim/malevolent looking armor and weapon skins that can also be unlocked for PvE. Yay unocrns.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Nina.4317


I play gw2 only pvp and the thing missing in money… I play 1k hour in pvp i have earn only 20 gold!!!!

That not fair, we have to earn more!! give us more!

If i spend1 hour in pve i earn like 3/4 gold but pve is boring, i wznt money in pvp, so i can buy skin on black market, buy char slot…

1k hour in pvp for 20 gold!! do you think is it fair?

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


Maybe a compromise for “leveling in sPvP” would be, that you gain something like this:
If you have earned a certain amount of rankpoints in spvp, you get some bonus XP in PvE which you have to “unlock” by getting “PvE”-XP:

You earn 1000 rank points in sPvP —> your “PvP-XP-score” increases about 1000.
Now, everytime you get XP in PvE, you will receive"PvP-Bonus-XP" in the same height, as you gained “PvE-XP” until your “PvP-XP-score” is 0.

This is just an example how this could work, I havent paied attention to the propotion of rank-points to XP.

Some sort of “PvP-Characterslots” so that it becomes easier to play all classes in PvP would also be nice.

And of course: Gems, Gold and more Skins plz!