Discussion on the new sPvP blog post.
i’d really like to see jon get fired over this, unfortunately for the game he probably will not and the bs’ing will continue
Wow you need to settle down.
Look. To. Your. Metagame.
If you want to worry about sPvP, cut out the focus on bells an whistles and get things settled first. Hotjoin is a zerg filled mess, tournaments are good enough becaue of the reduced group size but clearly favor certain compositions (and not for synergy but because some classes really are that high on the tier compared to others, outside of very specific builds in very specific hands). You get more points for zerging about and killing than doing the things necessary to win the match. Incentivize objective playing and not ad hoc deathmatches.
It’s messy. It’s all over the board and utterly spastic. And you want to take the time to shill your new game additions to us instead of look to managing your game? Look at your nerfs. 15% to PW? That wasn’t the problem. CD increase to Illusions? All of this tells me that for all the claims of playing, you don’t play your own game enough to see what’s in front of you.
I like that they can show a little bit of “every man” style with stuff like “less QQ more pew pew”. Frankly, all the professionalism, bureaucracy, and political correction is out of hand in society. When I call up customer support, I don’t want someone feeding me a line of “professional BS”. I want someone who I can relate to. I personally feel more reassured by that than a line of professionally created word-vomit.
Still, the blog didn’t exactly wow us with new information. Hopefully the next one won’t take nearly a month to produce, and will have some substance.
you’re right! it’s great to see a blog post on a linguistic level of a 12yr old that is devoid of any new information whatsoever AND takes over 3 weeks to get out with the laughable subterfuge of it having to be translated
Totally dissapointed
Only things that we alredy knew, the only new info is about the rewards.
-No word about balance
-No word about new maps
And most important, no word about new modes.
Normally i enjoyed more PVE than PVP in GW1 but a lot of my friends who played GvG and AH a lot ( ranks 12 in AH and top 100 in GvG 4 years ago ) are totally dissapointed with GW2 pvp, yeah is fun the first days but that all, it have nothing with great GW1 pvp, and the lack of modes ( really only 1 mode pvp in a GW game ?? ) and maps dont help.
They had hope in the article to see new modes similar to AH or GvG or at least TA but nothing, there are two quote that they repeat a lot.
“GW1 had a great “Player vs Player”, GW2 have a good “Players vs CaptureBase”
" When in GW2 the only pvp mode is a “like BG WoW” the Guild Lord kill a kitten"
You had a fantastic PVP in GW1 with great and original modes that made the game popular, how arena.net could mess with this ?
You only had to add new modes like conquest and hotjoin to help the new pvp players to play until they try competitive modes, and work hard to adapt the new “no healer system game”.
if you want add the conquest mode, well add it, but dont throw the garbagge the great PVP modes who made GW1 a great game.
Hot Join TA, Hot Join AH, Hot Join GvG, Hot Join Conquest.
All of this without ranked and with less Glory reward to adapt new players to PVP or if you want play a “relax game”.
Structured TA, AH, GvG, Conquest
The same old modes with ranked, more rewards etc…..
And after this balance the game like GW1 and add new maps and modes if you like, but dont erase all GW1 pvp modes, put only a conquest mode with 4 maps and expect the PVP fanbase to be happy after a few weeks, when in GW1 launch we had 3 PVP modes with a lot of differnt maps, and now we have “this”……
(edited by GonzoNeo.4965)
Do you guys remember this?
Balance. Really, balance is pretty good. We’re very observant of the meta, we read the forums, and we’re playing the game with you. We don’t want to make knee-jerk balance decisions. And if did whatever the community wanted, what would happen to balance? How many threads are basically: “NERF X OMG!!” “Learn to play , X is fine” “Omg no, we can’t beat X at all!” “Just saying, none of the people I know even run X anymore” “Hey you guys forget X, let’s buff Y!”….then this just repeats over and over. We can’t just do exactly what players ask for in relation to balance, because different players at various skill levels view balance differently. So what we do is balance community feedback with gameplay results. We don’t want to play whack-a-mole with balance, so we don’t just nerf/buff everything as soon as someone posts about it. It would ruin the game if we did. We try to be patient, see if the meta fixes itself (because a lot of times, once you learn how to deal with something, you realize it may not be as imba as you first thought), and then make long-lasting balance changes. We don’t want to nerf X, then realize no one uses it, and buff it again, then have to nerf it again, etc. etc.
Maybe, just maybe, they are doing these balance changes.
and didn’t feel the need to comfort you with the note of something already said. To my knowledge, none of the things in this blog post was confirmed before hand—we only assumed because almost every other PvP has them.
Keep up the good work, ANet – we have faith in you.
Totally dissapointed
Only things that we alredy knew, the only new info is about the rewards.
-No word about balance
-No word about new mapsAnd most important, no word about new modes.
Uhm, LoL, Hon DotA(1/2) have only one gamemode and only one map and they are played more than any other other e-sports currently. Starcraft basically has only one competetive game mode and the game still lived after over 10 years only to be replaced by stacraft 2. I don’t need 10 zillion different game modes, I just need one that is good.
The only thing that I find disappointing in that blog post is the fact that it is only words, it is taking way too long for them to roll any features in. They could at least change the map rotation so that there would be a slight chance to meet a decent team in some other map than Kyhlo.
Words are wind and it seems to be blowing in Arena.Net headquarters.
I like that they can show a little bit of “every man” style with stuff like “less QQ more pew pew”. Frankly, all the professionalism, bureaucracy, and political correction is out of hand in society. When I call up customer support, I don’t want someone feeding me a line of “professional BS”. I want someone who I can relate to. I personally feel more reassured by that than a line of professionally created word-vomit.
Still, the blog didn’t exactly wow us with new information. Hopefully the next one won’t take nearly a month to produce, and will have some substance.
you’re right! it’s great to see a blog post on a linguistic level of a 12yr old that is devoid of any new information whatsoever AND takes over 3 weeks to get out with the laughable subterfuge of it having to be translated
Why are you talking of “linguistic level”, exactly? The “linguistic level” was fine in the post; not sure what you’re getting at.
I already voiced my complaints, here in this thread, about the lack of substance in the blog post. I was only joining in on the current talking point: the “less QQ more pew pew” line at the end. I don’t think there’s a problem with the use of a common meme, personally.
I also voiced my opinion about the time it took to post the thing on this forum… multiple times.
I’m surprised everyone knew that the exact order of deployment is going to be:
1. Paid Tournaments.
2. Private Servers.
3. Other stuff to be disclosed later.
I’m surprised everyone already knew that servers were going to be rented out, and that the payment options are still undecided and potentially up for discussion, provided an appropriate thread.
I’m surprised everyone already knew that you could fund your own PvP endeavors if you were good enough by earning tournament tickets/gems for more tournament tickets by winning.
I’m surprised everyone already knew and was comfortable with the fact that ANet was listening to our concerns and was prioritizing with feedback kept in mind.
Anyway, sure, you can get the impression from the tone that it’s behind schedule. For those who work with large companies and have deliverables scheduled to specific deadlines, what do you do when you’re behind schedule? You bust your kitten to compensate, unless you’re a slacking consultant that is milking a client for more than necessary (I’m a consultant, I’ve seen it done by others, it’s disappointing). I doubt ANet is built on a bunch of slackers considering their success
Also, this is not a typical client relationship. I’m not sure what type of client relationship experience is floating around, but I personally work with a main contact or a small team of a few people. Other agencies or interesting parties might be brought in for various requirements gathering or sign-off purposes, but me creating a personal relationship with my small subset of contacts makes it a whole lot easier to be transparent.
Now imagine you have 100 contacts for one client. Your job is to keep all of them happy. What do you do?
You fail, that’s what you do. Unless they’re all clones of the same person, odds are you’re going to be working with all different personality types, and no matter what you say or when you say it (unless you’re lucky and it’s always good news/right on schedule/etc.), someone is going to probably spam your inbox with disappointed e-mails about something. How transparent do you become to these 100 people to make sure they’re all happy?
Now imagine your one client has 1000 contacts. Do you see the issue?
I’d love to get extreme detail. I wish I could sit in on conference calls and design discussions about the sPvP developments to come. I wish I could see their estimated timelines, short term and long term general goals, and how they manage the workloads/developers themselves.
If you want sugar-coated marketing, you should read some of the doozies I’ve seen from Google. At least you can gather that Jon’s a human being, and to be honest, you can tell he’s itching to share everything, but he’s shackled by internal process and regulation.
Did we really expect something different? That magically this post would include all sorts of insights about balance and meta development considerations? I thought the expectation was that it would be about the features, and it was. I went from having a foggy hear-say idea as to what was happening to a concrete relative release plan.
But, people are entitled to their opinions. If it wasn’t your thing, that’s fine. However, as someone who also works professionally with clients, has written blog posts, and works with marketing data, I was fine with it.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Maybe, just maybe, they are doing these balance changes.
and didn’t feel the need to comfort you with the note of something already said. To my knowledge, none of the things in this blog post was confirmed before hand—we only assumed because almost every other PvP has them.
Covering the post: Free Tournament and the reward was already known. We can play these now. Paid tournament, we could easily deduce that everyone would get some sort of reward. They paid. We knew about custom arenas and renting them.
We don’t need to know why they chose these things first, so that’s pretty inconsequential. The “Rest” part just says, “We know you have concerns, we’re looking at it,” which we knew from looking at the forums constantly.
You may not have known these things, which is valid. However, I knew of them. Many others probably knew of them. This blog post was a waste of time topped off by a misfired meme.
My only comment on this is that this sort of blog post and announcements did not need to go through a lengthy translation and delegation process to announce new and upcoming things.
Something to take to your superiors, Jon:
You have multilingual fans who are more than willing to go through a translation process with you to speed up the spread of knowledge. Use them. Most players in multiple languages understand that sometimes it’s better to have quick, concise communication, even with announcements, than it is to sit and wait on them while they are mulled over by a committee of translators and editors.
There was far too little revealed here to have gone through such a procession. Put bluntly, this wasn’t worth a three week wait.
Some additional thoughts after reading all these replies.
To those talking about software development life-cycles, etc… Software engineer 12 years here (raises hand). Although good points are made, here’s the bottom line. sPvP side of the game feels like It shipped too soon. When they said things like “we know how critical observe mode is to making sPvP an esport” I assumed that feature would be a top priority and be available within a month.
I had no idea after a month would we still not have: Leaderboards, ranking/pairing (I got frustrated thinking about this core mechanic of any team-oriented eSport pvp).
I feel like the developers are pleading with the community at this point to “just hang in there”. Here’s the hard, cold truth. The hype has no power anymore. Sorry that boon is gone. People want fast delivery of core features. In terms of PvE that means fixing a lot of bugs (they have been doing a reasonably good job). For sPvP that means finishing a product that shipped without a lot of core features you see in other team-focused pvp games. Here we are past the 1-month marker and we get a blog post saying 1.) nothing new is available let because “it’s not ready” 2.) Reiterating more about what we already knew was slated.
Regarding “when it’s ready” mantra, I think there is a strong argument to be made at this point that on August 25th “it wasn’t ready”. I love ArenaNet, but kitten it that’s a true statement on many levels. Now, let’s move forward. I really want to support ArenaNet on this but the time table is very frustrating.
One last point
Prior to a game being released it belongs to the game studio. That is they can say things like “when it’s ready” and the community lines up at the gates chanting. The energy wave is there. Post release when things are broken it’s a different story. The game now belongs to the consumers/community. The community has the power at that point. When the features aren’t done and the developer’s statement continues to be “when it’s ready”, the community instead hears (appropriately) “it’s still not ready” and collectively yells back “you had your chance, we’re moving on”.
(edited by SamTheGuardian.2938)
I liked Jonathon’s post. While it did not mentioned things I personally would of liked to have heard (GvG and different PVP modes) it was good. I liked his choice of words, I chuckled a few times. People need to relax, these guys are laid back gamers but at the same time passionate about their game.
Its a new game, things take time….yes I gripe and moan to about things as well but at lest they are reading, listening and taking notes.
They cant magically design and make all new additions in a span of a month. They gotta squish bugs first with the content we already have…and balance stuff.
I still hope however to see lots of PVP additions in the near future.
“They gotta squish bugs first with the content we already have…and balance stuff.”
Problem is that also does not happen in a timely fashion. If they continue to fix bugs at the current rate it will take half a year until they are finished with this first step. And – I am tired of reiterating this – a large number of the current bugs were already known to ANet since the BWEs.
Where was their ‘when it is finished’ attitude back then? To put it blunt, ANet sold a software product with known bugs and now they ask for patience from the customer when it comes to fixing these bugs. And instead of putting all effort into fixing these shortcoming of a product they already were paid for, they decide to put their manpower into implementing new paid features that brings new cash.
I really do not mind paying a monthly fee for a game if I see that the money is used to hire people to fix and improve things. Maybe they should implement a way to donate gems, so poor ANet can actually hire some programmers to do the work the designers are promising.
To those talking about software development life-cycles, etc… Software engineer 12 years here (raises hand). Although good points are made, here’s the bottom line. sPvP side of the game feels like It shipped too soon. When they said things like “we know how critical observe mode is to making sPvP an esport” I assumed that feature would be a top priority and be available within a month.
I’m sure you’ve read The Mythical Man-Month, or at least heard of the concept, so the irony of your statement that it would be available in a month struck me. I half-expected you to say they should have thrown more people at it if too many were occupied with developing PvE content, working with WvWvW, fixing bugs, etc.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to start industry experience kitten-waving, but I’m still surprised by some of the strong opinions out there. Ah well, such is life.
Let’s not forget, also, that the game has no subscription. No one is tied to it. People say that the claim to “just quit until the features are available” isn’t valid or is inappropriate for the situation, but I think it’s very appropriate. If it bothers people that much, take a break and come back when the competition starts to kick off. There’s no shame in it, no stigma, it’s just a game that you aren’t even paying monthly for. Teams that play through will probably be a few leaps ahead, but there’s no reason to stress about it and force yourself to play against your own will.
And if you refuse to come back because the game didn’t have the features you wanted when you wanted, then an image of a pouting child with arms crossed comes to mind.
I really do not mind paying a monthly fee for a game if I see that the money is used to hire people to fix and improve things. Maybe they should implement a way to donate gems, so poor ANet can actually hire some programmers to do the work the designers are promising.
Speaking of The Mythical Man-Month, I suggest you take a look. Throwing more developers at a project doesn’t mean development time will necessarily go down.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
(edited by Cogbyrn.7283)
Well, Im pretty much disapointed by the blog post. In fact i expected it to be “comming soon” but all this in the blog is something we allready know its comming. You allready told us this goal and what do you want.
I was personally expecting some facts instead of ideas.
1) when? Are we talking weeks? monhts? maybe start of the new year?
2) How? What does it mean “rent” server? Do i need to pay real money? or gems to be able to start custom arena or organize tournament? Dont get me wrong, but i spend lot of time to organize PvP community and all the guilds are waiting to fight each other.
3) Where is challenge? without matchmaking system it doesnt really matter there will be paid tournaments. First round will be anyway filled with randoms who will get free chest even if they loose game. So what you will do? setup a random party in mists – join paid tournament and get free reward. Well almost free..
Ladder and matchmaking system is priority number one. Do you want the sPvP community growin up? THen you need to challenge them ! Without matchmaking the situation will be pretty same. Good teams will roflstomp bad teams in seconds. Noone will have fun as bad team will hardly realize what just happened and good team had no effort to do that.
Matchmaking is the only way how to improve the sPvP and in my opinion it should be priority number one !
Well, i think im done with PvP till probably next two years because based on this blog post i do not have the feeling that pvp is coming any time soon.
Sorry.. but thats how i feel it.
I have only one question regarding paid tpvp , and let me say its wonderful that we finally got a glimpse of the future pvp . Is there any difference between the free and paid chests ? cultural armor wise ? or just the gems are the bonus ? Hope someone clears this up for me.
Throwing more developers at a project doesn’t mean development time will necessarily go down.
That is like saying dancing across the highway with your eyes closed does not necessarily get you killed. It is by no means a law of nature. But the chances are pretty good as real life has shown. And finding some corner case with a thousand programmers which is not comparable to this situation does not change that fact that by hiring more programmer at least the bug fixing would progress at a faster rate.
I’m sure you’ve read The Mythical Man-Month, or at least heard of the concept, so the irony of your statement that it would be available in a month struck me.
Have read it… My issue isn’t with time tables now. My issue is with time table from first previewing the game two years ago, up through six months+ beta testing to release. They released a product that was not finished. Bugged events filled the higher level zones. We have camera problems. We have optimization problems on some CPUs. When it comes to PvE, we have no guesting option available. We have with dungeons… the list goes on and on and on.
With sPvP we just have an incomplete game that shipped. I qualify that by saying these features
- Observe mode
- Leaderboards
- Ranking/pairing
- Private servers
- Multiple game modes (only one shipped with GW2, point capture)
These are not innovative features. These a core features available in Team Fortress 2 on release 3+ years ago. If I ship a half-baked piece of software to a target audience that has a very short attention span when it comes to new products do I really expect long term success? Customers are not going to wait a year for you to get all the features in. If you ship a game too early you cripple it’s chance for a long future. Customers don’t care what’s practical on chart in Microsoft Project or how many sprints you have to go before your next release. They care about one thing only. Generally when it comes to a game perceived as not finished the attitude is " I paid for a game and it’s an unfinished mess, where is the product I paid for"?
All I got from this blog post is them asking us to please wait patiently while they finish the features that should have been included in the game they already sold us. And it took them several weeks just to tell us this… how long will it take to actually get them implemented?
The way we see it, Guild Wars 2 sPvP may be shipped, but it’s far from finished.
indeed =(
Anet, you do it wrong! GIVE US LADDER FIRST!
^^all i want for Christmas is Ladder/Ranking focused on GvG.
I would love to see Anet reconsider their priority like this
1) paid tournaments
2) matchmaking in paid tournaments + ladder / ranking
3) anything else like custom tournaments
there is no challenge to play against organized teams (and i dont believe they will be organized in paid tournament) if they are far far bellow level of your team.
Thats why SC2 has different leagues !! to matchup players of same levels.
Any of you actually believe its fun to play and win 90% of games? Any of you actaully believe you can improve when you get roflstomped in few seconds ? Any of you actaully having fun while not fighting teams of your level?
I found the tldr in good taste and amusing.
That said, I think the blog was poor. It was hyped and then delivered no new information. (I admit the hype given by the devs was minimal, but as they can see the impact of even those small whispers was great.)
I’m annoyed that I’m still waiting for the game to be released, and starting to think the dedication and admiration I feel for arena.net after Guild Wars Prophecies was misplaced. Every successive expansion with that game detracted from the PvP scene, and the state of PvP at the launch of Guild Wars 2 frankly has me demoralized.
I was looking to this blog post for some statements of vision. It’s nice to hear that esports are important to the team, ish. … Guild Wars 1 was inspired by Magic the Gathering, and you saw it when you played. I spent hours pondering tactics and team builds, and painstakingly I eventually designed the first Blood Spike. I’m still proud of that.
What’s the vision for Guild Wars 2? Obviously not MtG, but that can be okay, I can do different. What inspires your team and makes them say “that was fun, how can we capture that flavor of fun and improve it for our game?”
What’s your opinion on swapping characters during matches? Which of these elements will be allowed to stay and which will not?
There’s a lot of infrastructure that still needs to be established before GW2 can even be remotely close to an eSport. Of all the things ANet has chosen to speak about and claim to tackle first, private servers are probably the last thing that would cross my mind as bringing this game closer to a sport. Observer mode and a ranking/rating/ladder system are two that right off the bat would jump to my #1 and #2 priorities to do.
You might be able to get away with saying that PvP is ready, but it absolutely isn’t eSport-ready. Seeing that custom rooms have been placed higher on the list than those two other features has me feeling that the team is misguided and that we won’t be seeing the critical features until some many months down the line. I hope we still have players by then that want to make the game successful as a sport.
Activities are dead.
Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633
Eh, it’s fine I guess. I expected more, so it’s a bit underwhelming. Still it’s something, hopefully there’s a lot more to come.
800 GEMS ($10 USD) 1600 GEMS ($20 USD)? What do you think is a fair monthly price to rent an Arena for your team?
I missed the point if these private sPVP servers will be limited for a short time or not. If it is limited for a short time lets say 4h, I think 1 gold is more than enough. I would never pay 800 gems for a short term private sPVP server. I pay 600 gems for a bank space upgrade which is permanent and imho is valuable than a 4h private server. Otherwise I think 2000 gems is a good investment for a permanent private server for a group of players (16 in this case).
I think this is pretty obvious, but I guess some people aren’t seeing it. Without private servers, players have no way of creating an out of game tournament or system. With private servers implemented, people will finally have a way to create tournament systems for prizes/whatever.
The PAID tournament system should definitely be the first priority, so that people can stop crying about not playing anyone good and stomping pubs. This way you can play teams that actually had to be premade. This will hopefully allow groups to face better competition and get them off the “we win 90% of our matches” rant.
I think a rating system will be implemented later down the road, but WHY do you people think it is so necessary as a top priority? What is a rating system going to do that paid tournaments won’t? Unless paid tournaments become bracketed i.e. rated 5k+ face 5k+ top 100 face top 100 like it was in GW1, there won’t be a huge need for it instantly. Furthermore, the top organized teams will be facing each other at the finals for paid tournaments, so it should always be intense competition.
Overall, I think the order is spot on, and people that can’t see why it would augment the eSports of GW2 must not be thinking of the possibilities and are too focused on “my kitten rating is bigger than yours”
If you don’t want to wait for Anet to make sPvP better, there is nothing stopping you from not playing GW2 and coming back later. Lots of whine on the forums will be no good for anyone.
Sounds like some really good features coming up. I haven’t focused on sPvP as much as I would have liked yet, because I’ve been busy with other parts of the game. But seems like when I get my drive on for sPvP there will be more stuff waiting for me than now, great stuff.
I don’t care that much about paid tournaments but i guess it will help make the good teams go there and the randoms play free tournament.. But what really excites me is the rented servers, even though i don’t have a tournament team(atm) i will rent one.. just to be able to duel and set things up with friends, it also gonna be huge for the “pro teams” so they can actully scrim each other instead of sync queing
Being able to create scrims among guilds is definitely something the top-tier spvp guilds have wanted for quite some times. I find it good they prioritize that over other features for now.
Blog post was a nice confirmation of vague information we had previously. I was hoping for more exciting announcement, but it’s ok like this too.
A while back I stopped playing for a week and was checking out Torchlight 2 (great game) I suggest to others if the game is not up to your standards just take a small break and check back in every few days.
I think the order they have is a good one. Many of us are waiting for ratings but I think they need a new kind of tournament structure that takes rating into account. I don’t see rating fitting into free/paid tournaments. Jon did mention that there were bigger pvp competitions in the works and I suspect that these will have rating tied to them.
Ok, so Why i do believe ladder / ranking is more important and healthy than custom tournaments?
1) with custom tournaments you have no guarantie that you go play against best teams! i can be a total noob and join any of these tournaments. Leaving the issue we are facing right now.. – there is no challenge.
2) You never know how good opponent you are facing. It can be twice as good it can be just average. How do you want to know if you are actually improving ?
Ladder / ranking is important because you know your status. You know your team is in top 100 for example and the guys you just easily killed were over 500 so its clear you had upper hand.
while playing for ladder / ranking you have unlimited pool of players / teams. In custom tournaments you are only limited by the actuall tournament. That way you can´t say or compare yourself to “best”. You even dont know where you are.
Just imagine, there will be lot of interest to join these .. so how do you separate “top tournaments” vs “average” without knowing whats the ranking of guilds that are participating?
Dont get me wrong. Im definitelly supporting custom tournaments. Hell im waiting for it just because i allready have price sponzors and servers systems ready for it..
but in my eyes.. thats not going to work without knowing rankings of teams.
Ok, am I the only one that thinks that right now, besides all the other issues (balance, spectate mode, paid tournys, ladders ..) the most important think is to have more variety on spvp? GW1 RA/TA team death matches, as far as I know, were D most played game types on GW1.
So TDM arenas are not on Anet short-terms plans? C’mon, how hard to give us few 4v4 small/medium maps wo capture points?
On a sidenote, most QQ about balance may be also tied to this repetitive spvp game mode.
(edited by Kabra.4586)
I was writing a reply here, but I decided to make a blogpost out of it so people who don’t have forum access could read it as well. http://www.thriced.org/news/less-qq-more-pew-pew-arenanet-rolling-out-paid-tournaments
The problem is randoms will play paid tournaments, because they provide better rewards as stated and even if they loose they get a chest. Ppl always go for better rewards, so as long as they have the tickets they will be playing them, not much will change.
@Masakari that’s pretty dumb. There will be fewer bads playing paid tourneys because good players have greater access to tickets. Which means consequently it will be easier to play free tourneys (even if just by a little bit) and casual players will have an easier time there.
Read the post – there’s very little real content to the post that’s actually new. So much so that, given how long it took to turn this out, I’d strongly recommend ArenaNet avoid putting together blog posts in the future and stick to releasing this information via posts on the forums.
It’s literally 2 minutes worth of information that took weeks to be released due to proofreading and editing. Not efficient.
Additionally, I’m surprised by the lack of content mentioned for the near future. Then again the last MMO I played used to pump out new content every couple of months.
So it took what, more than 2 weeks, to tell players WHAT THEY ALREADY KNEW? Ridiuclous.
Well if you actually spend the day doing a hard farm you can make 20 gold, @ current rates you can get around 300 tickets. yeah they havent mentioned the entry fee, I know ! So i would think the pve players (Im not saying they are the bad players) will have more tickets than good pvp players. xD
Lots of text, but very little content. I’m disappointed they didn’t put more time into pvp before launch.
Also, changes and priority seems to be on things that generate money sinks that generate purchases in game store. If I want to duel someone 1v1 I have to pay gems to make a custom tournament. Really?
Just deal with it the way I have. DONT play the game anymore. You’ve bought it, its yours… forever.. just play Borderlands 2 or Planetside 2 beta or Dishonoured or whatever floats your boat. Just leave Guild Wars 2 to float along, let the devs play with it and put it out of memory until all the juicey games that are being launched have been finished and left behind and THEN! perhaps Guild Wars 2 will look like the game you always wanted it to be?
If it currently smells like kitten (not kittens btw, but the brown stuff) then just scoop it up and put it to one side until it eventually smells of roses =)
P.S I was a Quake 1 LAN tournament player too! TL:DR Indeed! QQ !
I do not understand why he said " Less QQ, more pew pew". Is this some kind of a bad joke?
They promised good PvP but what did we get? Zergfest hot-join glory farm and “stomp the random team”-tournaments.
The game is released since 6 weeks and there were no development in sPvP since beta weekend 2. Arenanet, please be honest, did you expect that PvP players will be satisfied with that poor designed sPvP?
There were(!) so many players and guilds who would like to compete in a decent PvP format but there is just no way to play any good team with your current system.
And now you make a blog post about upcomming features which you already promised months ago. This is how you insulted the PvP community, or at least what is left from that.
Get Ready Save Glory Boost [GrDy] RiP
I do not understand why he said " Less QQ, more pew pew". Is this some kind of a bad joke?
They promised good PvP but what did we get? Zergfest hot-join glory farm and “stomp the random team”-tournaments.
The game is released since 6 weeks and there were no development in sPvP since beta weekend 2. Arenanet, please be honest, did you expect that PvP players will be satisfied with that poor designed sPvP?
There were(!) so many players and guilds who would like to compete in a decent PvP format but there is just no way to play any good team with your current system.
And now you make a blog post about upcomming features which you already promised months ago. This is how you insulted the PvP community, or at least what is left from that.
if you read better maybe you can see he just joke …
..btw i am tired of reading posts, blogs, etc. i would like the time spent in blog and stuff like that was used to speed balance, and release of other things usefull for tpvp.
Guild Wars 2 sPvP may be shipped, but it’s far from finished.
oh thanks to let us know we are still playing a released beta.
I really don’t get it . The game is only a month out and yet the team is trying the best to fix/balance the game as well as try to implement new features.
I would , just like everyone else there to have Ladders/Spectator mode/Duels/Arenas , but lets wait . I am sure all of this will be implemented and hopefully will not take a long time.
I’m wondering if anyone in Bellevue has any clue how much of an unfinished sPvP they made and how pretty much they lost the game already.
People just need to face the facts and move to whatever suits them. In few years, maybe the time comes to return and play an actually finished game.
Can someone link the blog post?
lipstick all of those features were talked about in early betas. heck paid tournaments were working in betas. so its multiple months people have been expecting these features not just a month since release.