Dishonor for missing queue pop.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Corvus.2831


I think its deplorable to give people stacks of dishonor for missing queue pops. Most people don’t sit and stare into the game screen waiting for 2 minutes. they alt+tab to a browser or leave the room for a minute to make tea or even just take a leak, the timer is set to 30 seconds and i miss it all the time. If a person fails a queue ready check just push them down the queueing list or make them requeue but don’t make them wait for 3 HOURS to play the kitten casual unranked game.

From the perspective of the queuers that lost a person or two its just a few more seconds when the next person in line gets ready.

Overall the amount of people in queue will increase with no dishonor penalty for missing the queue because people who missed the queue still want to play the kitten pvp match. Locking them out is not in the interest of the people who also want to play. Its not the same as ragequittting because you lost or even having a bad connection.

Dishonor after disconnect is another issue that could be improved.
(i sometimes got disconnected, i reconnected after a minute of loading, we still WON the kitten game so everyone was happy and i still got dishonor.) I get that dishonor is there to stop people who brake the connection to escape a loosing game, but in that case it shouldn’t be applied to people who genuinely had connection issues and reconnected to the game to play it to the end. In that case amnesty should be the option.

So here’s the summary of suggested changes:

Queueing to a game:
-no dishonor for missing the 30 seconds queue pop – definitely has to be done
-increase the queue popup time to 60 seconds? – optionally

Dishonor for disconnecting:
-no dishonor for people who got disconnected but then reconnected and played the full game which shows they want to play and that wasnt a fakeout to avoid finishing a loosing game or something

Hopefully You understand my point.
Because of 1 or 2 disconnects and more than a fev queue misses now i cant play the game. i have a 3 hour dishonor timeout and if that happens – my entire play session is pretty much canceled.

Thanks for understanding

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I even swap screen. There is a sound when it pops. If you Q then you should expect to be scheduled. If leaving the PC then exit Q. A slight increase in time to react would be OK but is not needed. Over a year and had 2-3 disconects and i thin two Q´s misses. It it happens regualry it´s not the system´s fault.
I don´t know about accumulation to much. I hope dishonour is removed like -1 stack per three days or it would be very bad.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Corvus.2831


Leaving queue would be something that You have to remember, if you remember then you are engaged with the game which pretty much comes back down to expecting people to sit at the computer and stare at the screen pointelssly for 3 minutes. And if you dont think its annoying just try sitting in silence for 3 minutes and see how many times you drift away to thaughts of doing something else. The sound either has not played for me or is too silent.

Fundamentally i think kicking someone out of pvp for 3 hours because he missed a queue pop is ridiculus and harms everyone including the people who didn’t miss it by extending queue times by reducing the amount of people able to join it.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


You never know. With their matchmaking system, they might have to reset completely if someone didn’t click accept. That means your inaction wasted other 9 people’s time.

Also if you only missed once, you will only be put on a 2minutes30sec hold. If you get hours of hold, you must have missed the queue pop like 3 or 4 times.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Corvus.2831


All you have to do to make it stack is miss it once or twice a day. ive been playing for about 5 days now. Im at 3 hours and the fact that this happens at all is ridiculus.

We are talking about changing the system, so if its written to brake everyones queue it can and should be changed. I also seriously doubt it is like that.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


What I find incomprehensible is that fact you incur dishonor for “Declining” a queue pop. Why even bother having the option to “decline”?

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Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Corvus.2831


Ok i got screwed by queue pop for 3 hours. i made this thread, now i just tried to play the game again, i was there for the queue and i got disconected during loading. Not my net issue, everything else is fine. I immediately reconnect. 3h45m wait penalty! Screw this crap! im out! NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO PLAY THIS GAME I PAID FOR BECAUSE OF YOUR LACK OF PERSPECTIVE ANET. Its not a dificult thing to fix. Not seeing this happen to players speaks to a lack of understanding of gamers habits ad behavior, i should not be blocked for 4 hours for not being there for a queue prompt that lasts only 30 sec. FIX THIS!

(edited by Corvus.2831)

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


Eh, the other side of the coin is that we’re already putting up with so many queues where only 9/10 players accept and people who never miss a q pop are waiting 20min+ because of all the people who queue up and then afk repeatedly. If there is only a minor slap on the hand for continued offenses, this will only get worse. (Playing devil’s advocate here, lol.)

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Solstace.2514


I think it’s fine. I find it incredibly frustrating when you have queue after queue reset because one or two people don’t ready up. It’s not that hard to pay attention for 2 minutes.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Corvus.2831


Eh, the other side of the coin is that we’re already putting up with so many queues where only 9/10 players accept and people who never miss a q pop are waiting 20min+ because of all the people who queue up and then afk repeatedly. If there is only a minor slap on the hand for continued offenses, this will only get worse. (Playing devil’s advocate here, lol.)

In unranked? average wait time is 2-3 minutes, with system set to just refill with the next person it would take 30s for him to have his time to confirm and then you play. I know how ti works in wow and when you get a queue call, then someone fails it you get another call instantly because you wait for the new person to get in, its extra 30 seconds and then you play. It almost never goes to another 30s which still wouldnt be a problem.

And you dont get penalised for missing the call there, you only have to start queueing agian and thus start from the back of the line which is enough of a problem. After all you queue in the fist place because you want to come play the game.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Corvus.2831


I think it’s fine. I find it incredibly frustrating when you have queue after queue reset because one or two people don’t ready up. It’s not that hard to pay attention for 2 minutes.

Sit and stare at a wall for 3 minutes and count the times you think about doing something instead. If you think then you should not be able to play a game you paid for for 4 hours if you did think about something else then youl understand me.

(edited by Corvus.2831)

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


As said i don´t stare at it. I might even stand up and get a coffe. I turn on loudspeaker so i hear the horn to be shure i am back in 20 seconds if needed. As said i thin i missed two Q´s in the last year without staring into the mists. I mostly minimize screen and do something else.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Kako.1930


As said i don´t stare at it. I might even stand up and get a coffe. I turn on loudspeaker so i hear the horn to be shure i am back in 20 seconds if needed. As said i thin i missed two Q´s in the last year without staring into the mists. I mostly minimize screen and do something else.

Same here, even just the game icon in the task bar turning orange is enough for me lol. Plus, since they increased the timer to 30secs it’s no problem.

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


Don’t you hear the loud “Wuaaaaaaaaaaa HA!” that plays from queue pop? You don’t have to have the game open (maximized) to hear it.

NSPride <3

Dishonor for missing queue pop.

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


I don’t really see the purpose in getting dishonor for missing or declining a queue pop. The queue isn’t that long, and it normally doesn’t take long at all to find another player. On the flip side, if you are getting locked out for 3 hours, then you are a repeat offender and the system was put in place exactly for people like you and you probably deserve it.

As for dishonor for disconnects in game, it does give you enough time to get back into the match and avoid the dishonor iirc. That system should remain just as it is. Even if you come back and win the game, you still screwed your team over while you were gone since they had to fight a 4v5 matchup. And again here, the penalties for this happening every once in awhile is hardly anything at all. If you are getting locked out for hours at a time, then again this system was designed for people like you and you deserve the lockout. I’ve been d/c’d from matches, my Internet randomly went out on me. I got dishonor for a couple of minutes and lost rating, then went into the next match won and got my rating back. It was no big deal.

The dishonor system is fine as is right now really.

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