Dishonorable Problem

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Jingy.5643


I’m writing here because my friend couldn’t….

There is a bug or at least I hope it is.
When you leave x amounts of time from a sPvP match you will get the status [dishonorable] which means that you can’t enter a new game unless you wait for 2 days (and the time is ridiculous, 2 hours would be way better). And I know that there is a good reason as to why this exists. But now think bout someone with a very unstable internet that gets forced to leave the game and restart the client. Is it not a bit unfair that that person now must wait 2 days before he/she can play sPvP again? It should be based on whether or not you pressed the button “Leave” and not just a random DC. Or it should put the player back into the game as soon as he/she returns. It’s just not fair.

Need fix!

- Jingy

(edited by Jingy.5643)

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Paragon.5479


working as intended,every second matters in solo que and team que,if he has unstable connection then dont que

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


You are ruining the game for 9 other people, working as intended.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Jingy.5643


so you still think that the 2 days ban from sPvP is alright? Well that sucks… I thought more people would agree with me on that part.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

so you still think that the 2 days ban from sPvP is alright? Well that sucks… I thought more people would agree with me on that part.

The length of the dishonorable lockout buff depends on how quickly you accumulate dishonor. It’s like not being able to play as long as you have 3 bleed stacks. You can play as soon as your first 3 day stack wears off, but getting 1 more will lock you out again.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: One Epic Pie.3820

One Epic Pie.3820

So basically what your all saying is “People with internet that disconnects often should not be allowed to enjoy core gameplay or else they will get banned from said core gameplay” This is so unfair. I am taking part in the tournament of legends in 9 days now. Now my internet messing up has lost me 2 days practice. This is wrong, and unfair, and unreasonable.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Paragon.5479


dude if u have unstable connection don’t bother pal

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


As others have said, if you are dropping internet connection, stop being selfish. You are no the only person in the game. When you drop, you mess up the game for everyone else.

and remember, if you drop during tournament of legends, your team will pretty much be guaranteed to lose.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


So basically what your all saying is “People with internet that disconnects often should not be allowed to enjoy core gameplay or else they will get banned from said core gameplay” This is so unfair. I am taking part in the tournament of legends in 9 days now. Now my internet messing up has lost me 2 days practice. This is wrong, and unfair, and unreasonable.

and ruining the game for your other 4 team mates is reasonable? blame your ISP, not the game.

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Jingy.5643


dude if u have unstable connection don’t bother pal

Just because the Internet happens to be a bit unstable from time to time (I’m sure everyone have DC at least one time) still makes this a bit unfair to get banned for 2 days. and I know that it stacks up and stuff and that you will be able to play again after the timer hits 0 but still… 2 days is insane.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Jingy.5643


so you still think that the 2 days ban from sPvP is alright? Well that sucks… I thought more people would agree with me on that part.

The length of the dishonorable lockout buff depends on how quickly you accumulate dishonor. It’s like not being able to play as long as you have 3 bleed stacks. You can play as soon as your first 3 day stack wears off, but getting 1 more will lock you out again.

Thank you for the answer btw. But 2 days is still way 2 long.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Neko.9021


So basically what your all saying is “People with internet that disconnects often should not be allowed to enjoy core gameplay or else they will get banned from said core gameplay”

Yes. You’re ruining the game for 9 other people.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Nettle.9025


No sympathy from me either. 4v5 is out of control lately, and whether that is from intentional leavers or a bad ISP, it’s still an auto loss and a wasted 10-15 minutes for 4 other players.

If you are having connection issues but still want to try and practice, go find a custom arena or something. Don’t keep ruining games for people who queue up.

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


So basically what your all saying is “People with internet that disconnects often should not be allowed to enjoy core gameplay or else they will get banned from said core gameplay” This is so unfair. I am taking part in the tournament of legends in 9 days now. Now my internet messing up has lost me 2 days practice. This is wrong, and unfair, and unreasonable.

As someone that recently had an unstable connection (for almost 1 week) I just didn’t play because it’s not a fun feeling knowing your team would’ve won if you didn’t dc. Just don’t play, call your ISP and fix your connection. [dishonorable still lets you do hotjoin and custom arenas]

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Fun fact, people complained it wasn’t enough and it was increased to be more severe.

You’re only prevented from rated PvP, not hotjoins. Nothing is stopping you from practicing in custom arenas.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Jingy.5643


Fun fact, people complained it wasn’t enough and it was increased to be more severe.

You’re only prevented from rated PvP, not hotjoins. Nothing is stopping you from practicing in custom arenas.

Well this was a great answer. thank you. Bad internet can happen to anyone and you was the first not to scream “You are ruining the game for everyone else”

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Jingy.5643


So basically what your all saying is “People with internet that disconnects often should not be allowed to enjoy core gameplay or else they will get banned from said core gameplay” This is so unfair. I am taking part in the tournament of legends in 9 days now. Now my internet messing up has lost me 2 days practice. This is wrong, and unfair, and unreasonable.

As someone that recently had an unstable connection (for almost 1 week) I just didn’t play because it’s not a fun feeling knowing your team would’ve won if you didn’t dc. Just don’t play, call your ISP and fix your connection. [dishonorable still lets you do hotjoin and custom arenas]

Didn’t see your post, silly me xD Well thanks for the kind answer. Just suck to hear people scream “You are ruining the game for everyone, don’t play” Bad internet can strike anyone when you least expect it.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You must have really bad internet if you are disconnecting so often you can’t get back into the game before it ends 3 times in a couple of days. That sounds like disconnecting every 5 minutes bad internet. Don’t play ranked matches if it gets that bad.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

Calm down guys.
It is working as intended and will keep working as that.
There is no way to distinguish a case of disconnect because of bad connection or a rage-quit disconnection.
If your connection is unstable, it is ISP fault, not ArenaNet.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Way too quick! Now my ranger friend Gringopin had the chance of winning once in his life -.-

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Druss.6917


uhh yeah…basically stop leaving matches or get a better network or pay for a VPN routing. Many people in places (I’m almost willing to bet money on) are in worse off than your friend and they make it work. I know a guy in egypt that pays what amounts to a sub fee monthly to play this game because he rents a vpn. Yes it sucks, yes it’s unfair, but technology limitations and your own local craptacular internet aren’t the responsibility of their company. Bottom line, if you want it bad enough, shell out the money. It says plainly on the box: " Internet connection is required, all players are responsible for all applicable internet fees"

“Come to me and die you stinking whoresons. For I am Druss, and This is Death!”

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Prophet.1038


I don’t want people with bad internet connection on my team :>, I’m glad its 2 days :P.

Prophet Saladin
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: LexiHamster.1609


My laptop has a tendency to overheat, but I’ve found it helps if I take a break after every two or three matches. That seems to lower the chances of getting interrupted from a game. If there’s any kind of pattern to your ISP disconnects, you can try to find a way to maximize play time, or something.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Nutshel.7264


dude if u have unstable connection don’t bother pal

Just because the Internet happens to be a bit unstable from time to time (I’m sure everyone have DC at least one time) still makes this a bit unfair to get banned for 2 days. and I know that it stacks up and stuff and that you will be able to play again after the timer hits 0 but still… 2 days is insane.

I’d say that penalty for leaving game is not enough, first 3 leaves within 1 day = 2days ban, next time you get 4 days ban and – 10% of your gold, then 8 days and 40% gold. This would put stop to afkers/leavers ruining game and wasting time of 9 other people.

So basically what your all saying is “People with internet that disconnects often should not be allowed to enjoy core gameplay or else they will get banned from said core gameplay” This is so unfair. I am taking part in the tournament of legends in 9 days now. Now my internet messing up has lost me 2 days practice. This is wrong, and unfair, and unreasonable.

I’d phrase it differently.. like so “People with internet that disconnects often should not be allowed to ruin gameplay for others”. Sure one DC can happen ever now and then, but if its often then get better ISP, it’s your fault not your team mates or opposing team, and they should not be punished for it.