Dishonorable You miss Q
I find it a perfectly suitable punishment for not having the patience to go to the bathroom before queueing.
hours ? I play PvP over a year now and i only misses a Q once and had 2-3 disconnects (i remember a client freeze and i think connection hiccup). I got maximum 15 minutes. (also from that overtime victory ….). How often do you disconnect or miss Q ?
I find it a perfectly suitable punishment for not having the patience to go to the bathroom before queueing.
The problem is my queue was on a 6 minutes and counting sir…
Gets annoying when people take forever to click ready on que, refuse to select a map and then won’t check ready for match start even if they don’t reroll. Time, time and more time.
well i manualy quit Q if i leave the PC …..
Yeah if you’re getting hours of dishonored then you probably deserve it since that means you are doing this quite a bit.