Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: EthanLightheart.9168


You nerfed druid in an instant with lingering light, because the community said it was too op.

Dragon hunters REALLY OP Traps, that do ten times more damage than a ranger trap are also called OP by many. And u sit still and quiet.

I find no words to describe this.

PVP is not fun atm. As soon as a team has 2 dragon hunters in it you’ve lost. You often join with inexpereinced players and they don’t know how to evade a trap. Besides the evading argument sucks anyways, why are Ranger traps so much weaker then? Using the same argument?

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


So basically u cant adapt to the changes since u only play druid, and therefore pvp is not fun FOR U atm. Ok cool.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: EthanLightheart.9168


So basically u cant adapt to the changes since u only play druid, and therefore pvp is not fun FOR U atm. Ok cool.

Nice that you can’t stay on topic, bring no viable facts and just start a personal attack.
You are a pitiful person.

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


So you are comparing condition traps to dmg traps? Apples and Oranges are 2 different things.

99% whining posts are totally noobish and unreasonable. You dont even know your class and what your traps do.

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


You did not even comment on how Revenant also got nerfs few days after HoT release… k

Stella Truth Seeker

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Krispera.5087


lol 3 comments and all flaming the OP and not talking about what he’s pointing out. Must be scared DH fotm players.

I was talking about it with my guildmates how they were so fast to push the nerf to WHaO, Lingering Light and to Smokescale, but let other professions (looking at DH) unerfed skills in the wild.

Lingering Light did spam blind, but that was it. It was annoying and wasn’t killing anybody with the OPness.

Talking about apples and oranges about condi traps Ranger and and power traps DH. None of the Ranger traps are instant and give boons (except Healing Spring).

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

They already increased the Cd of procession of blades & nerfed test of faith duration (and made it not proc damage more then once per second).

Besides pretty much every DH who takes traps also takes the trait.

That trait puts out a very visible daze before the traps do any damage.
That ^ is there as a warning telling you to dodge.

If you want to see how much traps hurt good players look at the higher end streamers.
They avoid the traps so easy its laughable.

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Trap damage is fine. The problem is the utility and sustain DH has even when the trap pile fails.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: alain.1659


DH is imbalanced. They are not invincible, and some core professions (dont know about HoT ones) can counter them with a little skill. But no single class should have a distinctive upper hand in spvp. DH’s advantage is far more greater than other classes when it comes to hold or take a point.

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Personally as someone who often plays a guardian (among a few other classes) I would be fine with them changing the traps into marks.

This would cause them to have a couple trade offs from how they are currently

1: They would Become visible to everyone when placed.

2: They would become ranged

3: Some possibly all of them would be able to apply their boons to nearby allies when triggered (possibly at a reduced duration in some cases)

This would make their play style a bit more flexible but at the same time make it so the guardian can no longer ambush people with them thus making the idiots/noobs stand a bit better chance of not being instantly nuked.

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


You nerfed druid in an instant with lingering light, because the community said it was too op.

Dragon hunters REALLY OP Traps, that do ten times more damage than a ranger trap are also called OP by many. And u sit still and quiet.

I find no words to describe this.

PVP is not fun atm. As soon as a team has 2 dragon hunters in it you’ve lost. You often join with inexpereinced players and they don’t know how to evade a trap. Besides the evading argument sucks anyways, why are Ranger traps so much weaker then? Using the same argument?

The difference is that druid was considered OP by people that is actually good at PvP, while DH is not considered OP by this same people. Not only this, but I dont remember anyone saying Druid was balanced, while I can see in every rant post ppl saying the problem with DH is just about l2p


Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


You nerfed druid in an instant with lingering light, because the community said it was too op.

Dragon hunters REALLY OP Traps, that do ten times more damage than a ranger trap are also called OP by many. And u sit still and quiet.

I find no words to describe this.

PVP is not fun atm. As soon as a team has 2 dragon hunters in it you’ve lost. You often join with inexpereinced players and they don’t know how to evade a trap. Besides the evading argument sucks anyways, why are Ranger traps so much weaker then? Using the same argument?

The difference is that druid was considered OP by people that is actually good at PvP, while DH is not considered OP by this same people. Not only this, but I dont remember anyone saying Druid was balanced, while I can see in every rant post ppl saying the problem with DH is just about l2p

Says who? I heard different opinion from “good” players~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


You nerfed druid in an instant with lingering light, because the community said it was too op.

Dragon hunters REALLY OP Traps, that do ten times more damage than a ranger trap are also called OP by many. And u sit still and quiet.

I find no words to describe this.

PVP is not fun atm. As soon as a team has 2 dragon hunters in it you’ve lost. You often join with inexpereinced players and they don’t know how to evade a trap. Besides the evading argument sucks anyways, why are Ranger traps so much weaker then? Using the same argument?

The difference is that druid was considered OP by people that is actually good at PvP, while DH is not considered OP by this same people. Not only this, but I dont remember anyone saying Druid was balanced, while I can see in every rant post ppl saying the problem with DH is just about l2p

Says who? I heard different opinion from “good” players~

Top PvP streamers


Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


They already increased the Cd of procession of blades & nerfed test of faith duration (and made it not proc damage more then once per second).

Besides pretty much every DH who takes traps also takes the trait.

That trait puts out a very visible daze before the traps do any damage.
That ^ is there as a warning telling you to dodge.

If you want to see how much traps hurt good players look at the higher end streamers.
They avoid the traps so easy its laughable.

So by going your logic they should revert the nerf on Smokescales burst skill, seen as all you needed to do was dodge once and the “warning” was easy to spot and just to make it more balanced they should add a daze to the skill as well, that way you can tell when you’re being bursted.

You can’t base fact’s off stupid logic.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Dissappointed with balancing strategies anet!

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBunny.3681


Traps damage is high if you like walking into test of faith. Its pretty difficult to walk into a test of faith without automatically pressing V but some people still pull it off. As a druid you shouldnt be complaining…. roll a theif or warrior then you will know true pain.
Druids where impossible to kill 1v2 and even 1v3 depending on specs at the start of xpac are you srsly defending that…. Druids are still top support class.