Do something about unbalanced teams(AFKS)!

Do something about unbalanced teams(AFKS)!

in PvP

Posted by: bruizA.9073



I can’t help getting mad having to play SPVP and ending up losing due to poorly matched teams. I’ve been investing loads of my free time on it but as a result of this issue, i cant seem to better my win and lost ratio, and its discouraging me to play anymore.

Perhaps some-sort of a punishment for afkers might help? like disabling them from SPVP for a limited time followed by a notice or a warning?

Do something about unbalanced teams(AFKS)!

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


“Leaving rated arena games will punish players with a Dishonorable debuff. Each stack of dishonor lasts for 72 hours. If a player has the maximum amount of dishonor (5 stacks), they will be prevented from joining rated games.” (August-6th-2013)

But system is too lax and doesn’t work. Eh, most people don’t even know about it.
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Do something about unbalanced teams(AFKS)!

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


My advice: If you are queued for over 7 minutes then leave the queue and wai 1-2 minutes to requeue. Most of those games end up 4v5 because it is more likely people will afk and forget they queued/get bored queuing and leave their pc

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Do something about unbalanced teams(AFKS)!

in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


I’d rather have an afk than lose because we have 2 bad eles or 2 ba mesmers whatba shame go learn the class before u play it

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