Do you have a fardon?

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


What is peoples obsession with going far over and over in pugs when it most always results in a losing position?

I don’t understand Pls explain ty.

Especially if you have a thief on your team who is actively decapping and trying to +1 fights.. Why do you push far on a bunker ele and create a losing 2v2 situation on 2 nodes? Why not instead stay on home and mid and create situation where the thief can come make 3v2 2v1 etc? I don’t understand

Please if you are one of these guys who has a “fardon” explain me thanks.

edit- To clarify im thinking maybe im just stupid and someone can explain it to me .. thanks

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

(edited by dank.3680)

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: Captain.1348


Best explanation I can give you is some players have builds that let them bunker far and lock it down up to 1 v 3 or 4 depending on the opposing teams comp. By locking down Far it allows mid to have 2 defending home to have 1 defending and 1 player as a floater between the two. The worst thing you as a player on a team can do is start yelling at the other players. I had a match yesterday where I kept 4 people on Far for two-thirds of the match and had a Rev yelling at me about sitting on a point the entire match. Be malleable to strategy. Sometimes mid is not an option to cap. I have won far more matches with Home/Far caps than I have Home/Mid.

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


Keeping 2-3 players on far point and preventing it from capping as a bunker means that your team has a 1-2 member advantage in every fight and should be winning 100% of the mid and home fights.

The worst thing you can do when you have a person who’s successfully doing this on your team is go to far point “to help them out” and lose that +1 or 2 advantage on the other nodes.

Now, sometimes there are people who FAIL to keep far point decapped and just fight 1v1 on a point that’s capped by the enemy. In this case, they are making your team lose. The same thing applies to home-point bunkers — if they’re successfully keeping 1 or 2 people at bay and have the point capped, this provides an opportunity to push mid with an extra player advantage. Going to help out if they don’t need it is going to make your team lose.

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


I constantly ask this question when Solo Quing and as far as I’ve found the consensus reason for going far is “winning mid is too hard” because “all the enemies are there”

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


What is rotation? I constantly hear this term mentioned by casters, my rabbit rank teammates, and even pro players. But when I watch Phantaram play, he just goes far.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: Captain.1348


Rotation is one of two things.
The order in which you use your skills.
The act of moving as a group of 5 people back and forth between 2 or three points constantly capping/decapping while using the enemy teams defenders as a way to feed your point gain.

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


I get that it’s a good strat under the right conditions ie you are not the only bunker so your team is able to sustain in team fights… But what I normally see is a bunker continuously “1v2” on far while the team cannot sustain itself on mid and gets wiped then home is lost as well.

Then the bunker on far goes I’m 1v2 why cant you win outnumbered fights vs 3 bunkers?

What I mean to say is it’s not always only about the number of players in a system with random comp teams.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Stopping the cap on far generally means you have Home while the other 2 points remain contested. Sometimes you end up with Far + Home and mid contested.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


What is rotation? I constantly hear this term mentioned by casters, my rabbit rank teammates, and even pro players. But when I watch Phantaram play, he just goes far.

Rotations in Guild Wars 2 PvP are what you might call “troop movements”. It’s the movement of your teammates from a position of value to another in an effort to support a teammate, or pressure the opposing team.

For instance, after winning a mid fight it’s typical for the losing side to push towards a different objective, i.e. your home node. Your teammate defending home calls the number of enemies inbound to his objective, and your teammates wrapping up at mid send an equivalent number, plus an additional player (the +1) to support and maintain control of the objective. That is to say, you rotate players from one point to another point.

What Phantaram is doing is a very specific tactic that is part of a greater strategy based on denying points (objectives and scoring) to your enemy, while keeping heavy pressure on the enemy. It takes strong individual skill, as well strong team coordination and communication to pull off. Which means it’s not ideal for pugs to try to execute.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: Elyndis.2130


When I go far, it’s because it’s undefended.

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

I think it is not so much going far as it is who is going far. I have played many games soloq in which we have 4 dps and 1 bunker. Our bunker goes far and attempts to tank 1 or 2 players, and then wonders why we are dying. It turns out the enemy team have two bunkers so they can split them and heal their dps. Thus our 4 dps loses on the other two nodes due to sustain.

Honestly I rather my team push far and force their bunker/support to sit on mid himself alone the whole game, creating that 5v4 on the two nodes of interest. But solo q players “MUST HAVE MID AT ALL COSTS”

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


What is rotation? I constantly hear this term mentioned by casters, my rabbit rank teammates, and even pro players. But when I watch Phantaram play, he just goes far.

Rotations in Guild Wars 2 PvP are what you might call “troop movements”. It’s the movement of your teammates from a position of value to another in an effort to support a teammate, or pressure the opposing team.

For instance, after winning a mid fight it’s typical for the losing side to push towards a different objective, i.e. your home node. Your teammate defending home calls the number of enemies inbound to his objective, and your teammates wrapping up at mid send an equivalent number, plus an additional player (the +1) to support and maintain control of the objective. That is to say, you rotate players from one point to another point.

What Phantaram is doing is a very specific tactic that is part of a greater strategy based on denying points (objectives and scoring) to your enemy, while keeping heavy pressure on the enemy. It takes strong individual skill, as well strong team coordination and communication to pull off. Which means it’s not ideal for pugs to try to execute.

Oh I know what rotations are silly forumgoer. I was just giving this thread the gift of relevant dank copypasta.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


5 far is a great split if you can pull it off

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: dank.3680


I think it is not so much going far as it is who is going far. I have played many games soloq in which we have 4 dps and 1 bunker. Our bunker goes far and attempts to tank 1 or 2 players, and then wonders why we are dying. It turns out the enemy team have two bunkers so they can split them and heal their dps. Thus our 4 dps loses on the other two nodes due to sustain.

Honestly I rather my team push far and force their bunker/support to sit on mid himself alone the whole game, creating that 5v4 on the two nodes of interest. But solo q players “MUST HAVE MID AT ALL COSTS”

This is the kind of scenario repeatedly frustrating me.. There seems to be a lot of players who just want to play far at all costs no matter the comps or splits.. Seems to be a mantra of if I’m 2v1 I’m doing the right thing regardless of the situation..

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Do you have a fardon?

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


If your bunker is doing 1v2 at far and keeping it decapped while you lose the mid point in a 4v3 scenario, you have no chance of winning a 5v5 group fight anyway. I’m amazed that some people think they’d have a chance in this thread.

A bunker’s ability to “tank” decreases exponentially with every added player. Know what happens if you all try to go mid? Your bunker drops in 5 seconds to focus fire from 5 players and then the 4 dps that are left over drop in 1-2 second each. You’ve just lost all the cap points and the game.

A solo bunker can 1v2 all game without dying, and even 1v3 for a couple of minutes. But, as soon as you put that bunker against 5 players focusing him/her, he/she’s dead. Now you’re terrible team comp is outnumbered and without a bunker.

If you want to yolo Q, you should be asking your team of randoms how many players are bunkers at the start. If you only have one, you should be swapping to another build that can tank. The reality of the current meta is that you can’t have a team full of DPS builds and expect to win unless you’re really coordinated over voice chat. It can only work if you can spike a target and instantly kill it together, forcing an outnumbered fight in your favour.