Dodging, capping points, and you

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


If you press a button that gives you invulnerability you don’t capture a point.
Should the same apply to a player during dodge?

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Vapula.8210


No, it shouldn’t. You already have to dodge properly on a point, or you will roll off.

Jared Kincaid

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Dodging doesn’t give invulnerability. Off the top of my head, sanctuary, guardian staff 5 and hammer 5, and mesmer focus 4 all break dodges. There’s probably others.

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: guza.6170


nothing breaks dodge, unless theres some bug i dont know. But im 100% sure that focus 4 doesnt.

To anwser the original question, NO. I dont know why u would want that. What would happen is u would just have to fight 1v1 and sooner or later the guy defending the point would get neutralized because neutralizing is faster than cappig.

aka Subl

(edited by guza.6170)

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


You already have to dodge properly on a point, or you will roll off.

Invalid point.
You can dodge in any direction, so even if you’re sitting at the edge of the point there’s still places for you to dodge.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Davinci.8027


Doing this would make bunker guardians completely useless, since we rely on dodge to stay alive.

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


nothing breaks dodge, unless theres some bug i dont know. But im 100% sure that focus 4 doesnt.

To anwser the original question, NO. I dont know why u would want that. What would happen is u would just have to fight 1v1 and sooner or latr the guy defending the point would get neutralized because neutralizing is faster than cappig.

Hmm, I could be wrong about focus 4. Binding blade does but I didn’t count that because you can dodge the first attack…I was pretty sure into the void was similar but I’m not an expert. Dodging into any guardian area-cc will knock you out of dodge roll for sure, though.

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Vapula.8210


You already have to dodge properly on a point, or you will roll off.

Invalid point.
You can dodge in any direction, so even if you’re sitting at the edge of the point there’s still places for you to dodge.

Right, that’s why I said you have to dodge properly. If you are bunkering, you won’t always be standing at the edge of the node, so it’s a little more involved compared to pressing a utility button.

What are your arguments for why it should prevent capping? It’s an evade, not invulnerability, and there are multiple weapon skills across several professions that cause evade. Are you suggesting using those should prevent capping as well?

Jared Kincaid

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


Right, that’s why I said you have to dodge properly.

What are your arguments for why it should prevent capping?

The only “properly” when it comes to dodging is timing it against damage. There aren’t too many positional considerations since channeled moves have autofacing for some reason anyway.

I don’t have any arguments for it, I was just asking a question. If I was convinced about this idea then there would be 4 paragraphs, two of which would be anecdotes.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


Doing this would make bunker guardians completely useless, since we rely on dodge to stay alive.

I think, from dodging alone, it would balance out.

During any given engagement people dodge. You dodge, point decaps a little. They dodge, you cap it back the same amount. If you have permanent vigor and quadruple energy sigils then maybe the point will get decapped from right underneath you, but that assumes the other guy hasn’t dodged at all.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


Can we blame a leapy spinny rolly dizzy unicorn thief for this?

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Nunganok.4590


You already have to dodge properly on a point, or you will roll off.

Invalid point.
You can dodge in any direction, so even if you’re sitting at the edge of the point there’s still places for you to dodge.

Invalid point.
You didnt use your brain to interpret what the person you quoted said. Sometimes its not beneficial to continue dodging on the point, thus it would be wise to leave the point, therefore dodging does not hold the same beneficial qualities as invulnerability.

If you have permanent vigor and quadruple energy sigils then maybe the point will get decapped from right underneath you, but that assumes the other guy hasn’t dodged at all.

Quadruple energy sigils? You know that if you have one sigil that has a cooldown on its effect it puts all other sigils you have equipped on cooldown once its used right? As in, you’ll get the use of one sigil and the rest go on cooldown?

Like if you have Air and Energy and you swap weapons and proc Energy the Air sigil goes on a 9 second cooldown…

I really think you should understand how the game works before making ridiculous posts like this.

The only “properly” when it comes to dodging is timing it against damage.

Again you are wrong.

Id rather take 5k damage and dodge 3 seconds of immobo than dodge the 5k damage and sit there immobolized while 3 people pummel me. Or even just one person…

You clearly do not understand this game or what you are talking about.

(edited by Nunganok.4590)

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


You clearly do not understand this game or what you are talking about.

You did nothing but try to inflate your position by assuming that which is obvious and unsaid to mean I took a contrary position.You also correctly identified a hyperbole. but took it at face value. Maybe I didn’t provide an in depth tutorial on dodging, but it doesn’t really make sense to try and discredit me based on what I didn’t say – or what you intentionally misconstrued.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Davinci.8027


You already have to dodge properly on a point, or you will roll off.

Invalid point.
You can dodge in any direction, so even if you’re sitting at the edge of the point there’s still places for you to dodge.

Invalid point.
You didnt use your brain to interpret what the person you quoted said. Sometimes its not beneficial to continue dodging on the point, thus it would be wise to leave the point, therefore dodging does not hold the same beneficial qualities as invulnerability.

If you have permanent vigor and quadruple energy sigils then maybe the point will get decapped from right underneath you, but that assumes the other guy hasn’t dodged at all.

Quadruple energy sigils? You know that if you have one sigil that has a cooldown on its effect it puts all other sigils you have equipped on cooldown once its used right? As in, you’ll get the use of one sigil and the rest go on cooldown?

Like if you have Air and Energy and you swap weapons and proc Energy the Air sigil goes on a 9 second cooldown…

I really think you should understand how the game works before making ridiculous posts like this.

The only “properly” when it comes to dodging is timing it against damage.

Again you are wrong.

Id rather take 5k damage and dodge 3 seconds of immobo than dodge the 5k damage and sit there immobolized while 3 people pummel me. Or even just one person…

You clearly do not understand this game or what you are talking about.

Why so rude?

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

The amount you decap per tick is >> then the amount you cap per tick. This would create a little imbalance in that the defender would be at a disadvantage. dodge 4 times and you lose the point.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


If you press a button that gives you invulnerability you don’t capture a point.
Should the same apply to a player during dodge?

NO!! :s

if you would apply it to dodge , then it should be applied to block to .

block = sort of a dodge = sort of invulnerability

results woud be :,
Guard / thief / ranger / mesmer …= useless as point defender/capture ( so useless in spvp/tpvp)
This change woud only be positive for necro bunker builds or the god ele bunker builds. maybe the new turret engy’s would be a little better at defending point to.

so my questions is what class are you playing atm ? necro, engy or ele ? to suggest such a dramatic change ingame ?

and did you come across this build ingame that made you post this ? :p

cheerz Tripp

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


If you press a button that gives you invulnerability you don’t capture a point.
Should the same apply to a player during dodge?

Dodge is not an invulnerability, so no. You can dodge twice, you avoid one attack per, for one second, and some attacks, (or AOEs) interrupt dodge rolls.

EDIT: kittenit this was posted April 1st…

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(edited by EoNxBoNx.9213)

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Dodge is a universal immunity, therefore im ok with it allowing capping. Some people have more dodges ofc like rangers and gaurdians. but its overall ok, this isn’t really a necessary change. Whereas stealth, mistform where.

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

This topic really asked to get flamed. I hope you got by now, why dodging shouldn’t be handled like invulnerability. Did you seen how conquest works? Decapping is twice as fast as capping a node…

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


block = sort of a dodge = sort of invulnerability

so my questions is what class are you playing atm ? necro, engy or ele ? to suggest such a dramatic change ingame ?

and did you come across this build ingame that made you post this ? :p

Block is not sort of a dodge. It’s a block. Even if you counted it as an invulnerability you’d only be “invulnerable” for the duration of the block, which is close to 0 seconds.

I play a bit of everything, mostly guardian, eng, ele, necro. Also; I didn’t suggest a change. I asked a question.

I was thinking about when the game first went retail and I played a guardian build where I could bunker despite having no clue what was going on.

This topic really asked to get flamed. I hope you got by now, why dodging shouldn’t be handled like invulnerability. Did you seen how conquest works? Decapping is twice as fast as capping a node…

The only flaming I need is the knowledge that you wake up in the morning ready to make pro-anet posts without receiving an appreciable bribe. Unsurprisingly, you repeated someone else (who happened to have the only real reason opposing this change) only to use the topic to inflate your own ego.

I guess, without a ladder, forum flaming is the only way players can experience any sense of superiority over each other.

IMO, better to learn to make your burst less predictable rather than blame the system.

IMO better to not be a presumptuous kittycat. If you can find any chat logs or forum posts where I complained about the dodge system because I couldn’t kill something then go ahead and quote it. Otherwise you can forcibly insert your opinions in your \!/

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: Acandis.3250


IMO, better to learn to make your burst less predictable rather than blame the system.

IMO better to not be a presumptuous kittycat. If you can find any chat logs or forum posts where I complained about the dodge system because I couldn’t kill something then go ahead and quote it. Otherwise you can forcibly insert your opinions in your \!/

Fair enough.

Back to the first statement I made which you seem to have ignored.

You want dodges to lose control of the point based on the assumption that you are invulnerable whilst dodging, which is clearly not the case. Therefore, I don’t see any point in nerfing dodges.

Dodging, capping points, and you

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


You want dodges to lose control of the point based on the assumption that you are invulnerable whilst dodging, which is clearly not the case. Therefore, I don’t see any point in nerfing dodges.

Yes. This change should not be made.

Keeping in mind that you used to be able to dodge over guardian walls, so using those as an argument against the invulnerability status of dodging is weak since it was stupid. I’m not sure how to argue against guardian gs5 in the same way, so I’ll just move on.

Far as I can tell the best reason for this change not to be made is the fact that you decap faster than you cap. If these rates were equal then the change would still be pointless since both players dodging would result in no net change.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]