Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Toafer.7139


So, after playing since release I feel sPVP is basically closed off from the rest of the game. Open world activities all advance through normal experience as does WvW. Naturally they work well together since they have the same progression mechanic. If you want to jump from one to the other it doesn’t hurt your progression. The only thing holding me back from playing sPVP is the fact that it feels like wasted time since I can’t actually level up from it. I really down’t see a down side to just replacing the glory system with regular experience.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Spitu.8657


Yes, it is closed off from the rest of the game. They did this so sPvP could as balanced as possible, in every aspect.

To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands,
but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


And am glad it is, I love PvP and hate PVE…none of my characters have seen any of the maps past the first one minute sequence you have to do to be able to pvp. That is what I love about this game.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


They should at least let us go into town with our spvp gear. Atm spvp seems like a minigame quite underwhelming in a PVP centered game.

play hard , go pro.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

I honestly don’t see why they wouldn’t allow us to gain EXP while in sPvP. That’s really the only downside I see with the system, seeing as the rest is balanced/vanity-based.

EXP in sPvP – Yes, please!

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


Wasted time? As in you are achieving something grand elsewhere in a videogame? I know what you are trying to say, but the fact remains you are losing rational logic within the game. Spvp is for pvp! If you like it, play it. What in the world are you looking to achieve within your fantasy pixelated universe. Do you want to kill deer in sexy pvp gear or something. Wtf is the logic?

It’s real simple:

Pvp is pvp
Pve is pve
WvW is pvp/pve

Not a difficult equation

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


They should at least let us go into town with our spvp gear. Atm spvp seems like a minigame quite underwhelming in a PVP centered game.

Go into town with your pvp gear?

Uh, what does that do. Are you RPing or something and have grand tales of yore to tell..
Or do you guys have a serious case of make believe vanity and think people will ask for your autograph “in town”?

Seriously video game heros, what is the logic behind your very trivial demands. Do you really think the game would be better if you could walk around “town in pvp gear”! Gears easy to get in the gam, gone are your days of “look at me” so get over yourself. And go pvp for god sake.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Toafer.7139


Well, there’s no need to belittle people first off, Irishbrewed. Let’s try and keep it civilized.

The main point I was trying to make was that I think it wouldn’t hurt to be able to gain experience in sPvP. In all the other game modes (PvE and WvW) you gain experience but not in sPvP. With how much work Arena Net put into making all aspects of the game work well off each other this just seems like a slip up. I mean, from every aspect of the game; crafting, questing, gathering, you name it, you get experience from it except for sPvP. I can understand people saying they want it completely separate so its balanced and I agree. But allowing people to gain experience in sPvP wouldn’t make it unbalanced. It would just make it jive with the rest of the game better and allow players to seamlessly switch between play modes and keep their progress continually going.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: katrinalorien.2796


They should at least let us go into town with our spvp gear. Atm spvp seems like a minigame quite underwhelming in a PVP centered game.

Go into town with your pvp gear?

Uh, what does that do. Are you RPing or something and have grand tales of yore to tell..
Or do you guys have a serious case of make believe vanity and think people will ask for your autograph “in town”?

Seriously video game heros, what is the logic behind your very trivial demands. Do you really think the game would be better if you could walk around “town in pvp gear”! Gears easy to get in the gam, gone are your days of “look at me” so get over yourself. And go pvp for god sake.

Hmm… seems pretty harmless to want to walk around town in something you think looks cool. Or to even want to show off your accomplishments. I know that I spend plenty of time in the beginning of the game making my character look as cool as possible. I’m a big PvE person, but I don’t really see an issue with that? Seems fairly reasonable to me? Call me vain though! I think its a fairly honest request.

Some people enjoy RPing, no harm in that. Not my cup of tea, but no problems with those that do! Just ’cause its not your thing…

Either way, seems like a fairly decent request!

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Yes, it’s closed off. And I prefer it that way.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Freakiie.8940


So wait. PvE is all about running dungeons to earn cool looking skins, but if somebody wants to show his cool looking skins he earned in PvP he gets shot down? Sense!

I don’t see why people wouldn’t be allowed to use their PvP gear as SKIN in PvE. After all they worked for it, just like people worked for their PvE skin. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to get cool looking gear just to be able to show it in a minor part of the game.

About the exp part. No. There’s a reason you get a max char when you enter sPvP. Simply keep it the way it is now. If you want kind of PvP and lvl at the same time, go to WvW.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Shalashaska.4803


Yes, it is closed off from the rest of the game. They did this so sPvP could as balanced as possible, in every aspect.

It is closed off from the rest of the game though having to do that to make it as “balanced as possible” is a bad excuse to not integrate pvp with the pve in general.

I’m sure there are things that arenanet could implement that cross over that don’t give advantages to either side. Things that cross over from pve to spvp.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

“About the exp part. No. There’s a reason you get a max char when you enter sPvP. Simply keep it the way it is now. If you want kind of PvP and lvl at the same time, go to WvW.”

Can you elaborate on the reason you say no?

And what’s the reason you get 80 in WvW and still gain EXP, yet this is not true for sPvP? I’m not seeing the connect here. They’re both forms of PvP. Arguing that it’s also got PvE in it is irrelevant to maintaining the balance and cohesion of the PvP in GW2. This would actually make it more cohesive across the board, as sPvP is the only thing in the game that does not give EXP.

Another thing: WvW is not the same experience as sPvP. Not at all. It doesn’t make sense why sPvP shouldn’t give EXP. I know why it doesn’t, but it’s a silly excuse.

sPvP is an odd duck in the way that it’s very geared towards those who have already hit 80, and even then it’s lacking. As someone who enjoys both PvP and PvE, it’s unfortunate that I cannot continue to gain EXP if I choose to participate in a more structured form of PvP.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652

Dust Bunny.1652

PvP gear in PvE is not an option. It should stay in the mists. I do actually hate the fact that as soon as I go out of the mists my character looks like crap, but hey, that’s how it should be. I accomplished nothing in PVE.
As far as experience goes, I’m 50/50. I would like to have it, so when I need to do PVE stuff with my PvP characters, I would have a lvl 80 PVE character, but I can see how that could be unfair to PVE players.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Oma Overdose.2069

Oma Overdose.2069

sPVP is seperated from PVE. If you wanna role play go play WvWvW!

sPVP and WvWvW are very different. For one WvWvW doesnt have balanced teams and goes on for weeks. WvWvW is just a huge ugly zerg where one person has no impact on the final result. sPVP is all about personal skill and ability to work in small 5-8 man teams.

In the orginal GW pvp was way way more seperated. You had the casual pvp with zerging and stuff in Factions. You had random arenas where you learnt to PVP and actually had to know how to play your class (kinda).
If you reached a high enough ranking in the RA you could apply for teams aiming to get to Halls. Getting on these teams was really hard unless you have played a lot.

In summary GW2 sPVP is seperated from the PVE content but is still accessible compared to the high level pvp in GW1.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Toafer.7139


Dust Bunny, how would getting xp in PvP be unfair to PvE players? you already get xp in WvW which is just another kind of PvP. like i said, the only thing you dont get xp for in the entire game is sPvP which really doesnt make any sense since WvW is just another kind of PvP. so really its unfair to sPvP.

and i’m not talking about making people sPvP at whatever level they are just to clear that up if thats what people were thinking. I’m talking about keeping it the same, going in as 80, you just continue to gain xp as if you were fighting mobs in the open world.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

PvP being separate from PvE – the worst thing about GW2. And I don’t mean just the fact you can’t wear your PvP gear outside the Mists (which IS annoying).

I mean the lack of any world PvP.

Just to counter the “WvWvW is world PvP” nonsenses – it’s not.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: Streaks.5076


PvP being separate from PvE – the worst thing about GW2. And I don’t mean just the fact you can’t wear your PvP gear outside the Mists (which IS annoying).

I mean the lack of any world PvP.

Just to counter the “WvWvW is world PvP” nonsenses – it’s not.

I agree it is a pretty bad feature. Makes it somewhat unapproachable for casual players who want to get into after having an 80 or two. It mostly favors hardcores players due to the fact that we don’t do nothing else besides spvp. But I sort of see why they made it this way. It’s to balance it out between spvp and pve, considering leveling to 80 in pve takes shorter then in spvp. And level 80 might not even be the cap in spvp. If they made it so you could use the gear outside, and vise verse then it would be unfair to players who only choose to spvp. We get better looking gear at a slower pace. If the leveling system was even between glory and levels, then it would be another story.. but that isn’t a challenge at all, we don’t have stats on gear so getting max glory rank is pointless. It shows dedication and skill. They really didn’t have an option with the way they structured it.

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