Don't have them play - just award the match

Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Here’s an idea for the PvP development person: when the matcher puts together good players against those with low mmr, DON’T actually have them “play” a match and pretend.

Instead, just flash a pip award message to the strong team, award it, and dismiss the match.

Save 20 minutes for everybody involved.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: Warlord.9074


ya stop pretending AN. you are pretending you have PVP.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: jessiestiles.9437


They could also make an official noob list and everyone on it can wear a coloured armband to signify they are less than human, asura, charr.. and so on. That will make them fair game for noogies, name-calling, stomping and all other increasing forms of discrimination and torture. Maybe a little culling? Removing the dead weight on the rest of the borderline psychopathic community. Then we’ll go total fascist and order full assimilation into community guild groups or be exiled to a blurry spot on the Tyrian map. No inferior scum or individuality allowed. (Mordremoth is sounding like a care bear now).

Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


They should do that in Starcraft II ESL tournaments and just award wins immediately in the randomized pairings based on the player’s WCS score. It would save me all that time watching that bullkitten.

Everyone one wants to kitten about a fresh ladder that hasn’t normalized yet, but like what are you solutions? How do you fix the problem?

You got like two different routes you can go.

You can nuke MMR and just randomize all the teams and then randomize what teams are pitted against others. That creates a literal slot machine for everyone as to whether or not they get even get out of Amber and makes an increasingly toxic environment.

You can match players based on MMR and then match teams based on average MMR. Then having divisions loses all value. They never normalize and you always fight players who are within your same caliber no matter what division you are in.

Improvements can be made. Move players into higher starting divisions based on past season performance to speed up the process of the ladder normalizing after a fresh reset. Consider having two seperate leagues, one for solo and one for premades.

But at the end of the day, if you are going to go solo with random people at the start of the season with a fresh ladder and all players of all calibers in amber, you are going to subject yourself to a lot of volatility and the possibility of losing your first few matches do to unfair pairings wrecking your MMR and putting you on a losing streak.

Don’t play in solo in a ladder for a team based game if you don’t want to deal with the liability of other random people sucking and hampering your performance or just sit out the first weeks of a reset to protect your MMR until the ladder stabilizes.

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

(edited by MadRabbit.3179)

Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: Torafugu.1087


You want a solution ? get rid of pips, have rating only. match teams by similar rating. rank players by rating at end of season.
over 5K, legend, 4-5K, diamond, 3-4K ruby, 2-3K sapphire, 1-2K emerald, below 1K amber.

Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


You want a solution ? get rid of pips, have rating only. match teams by similar rating. rank players by rating at end of season.
over 5K, legend, 4-5K, diamond, 3-4K ruby, 2-3K sapphire, 1-2K emerald, below 1K amber.

And then when the season resets and you have to reset the MMR to have a new season instead of just sending everyone over 5k straight to legend and then players are being pitted against and with other players of random skill and the volatility returns and a hundred posts are made on the forum about how much this all sucks and how they are losing to do all the noobs they are playing within this gigantic slot machine, what then?

Reset of a ladder = volatility. Every ladder in every game I have played in besides this one.

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

Don't have them play - just award the match

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


When experienced people observe their assigned team members do something really stupid at the beginning, and all die in 2 minutes, and see the opponent score start to skyrocket, they pull the plug in a few minutes. They stand around. They go through the motions.
Why go through the motions.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”