Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I understand that Anet changed the matchmaking policy to force partied low ranks into the highest rank in the party, but that needs to be modified. I feel that a player shouldn’t be allowed to play in a division that’s two tiers above their current tier. So an Amber player should only be allowed into Sapphire games and below. If they want to play with a friend in Legendary division, they simply can’t until the Amber gets to Ruby.

Highest division playable:

  • Amber -> Sapphire
  • Emerald -> Ruby
  • Sapphire -> Diamond
  • Ruby -> Legendary

I think this would allow for much better solo queue matchmaking.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Zui.9245


The way to improve solo queue matchmaking is to have an actual solo queue.

Personally, I think that leagues should require a FULL team to play. It’d smooth out some issues with balance that occur due to uncoordinated teams. Most importantly, it’d help reduce the gigantic gap between those at the top of the game (proleague / actual teams) and everyone else. This is something that simply NEEDS to happen if they’re legitimately trying to push the game into a more competitive direction, or at least a competitive direction that’s actually a healthy one for the game. Having this kind of system allows players to engage in learning, much more so than what we currently have.

Then have an ACTUAL solo queue outside of league play, with a bit better rewards than Unranked. Maybe even with a solo queue ladder.

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: megilandil.7506


The way to improve solo queue matchmaking is to have an actual solo queue.

Personally, I think that leagues should require a FULL team to play. It’d smooth out some issues with balance that occur due to uncoordinated teams. Most importantly, it’d help reduce the gigantic gap between those at the top of the game (proleague / actual teams) and everyone else. This is something that simply NEEDS to happen if they’re legitimately trying to push the game into a more competitive direction, or at least a competitive direction that’s actually a healthy one for the game. Having this kind of system allows players to engage in learning, much more so than what we currently have.

Then have an ACTUAL solo queue outside of league play, with a bit better rewards than Unranked. Maybe even with a solo queue ladder.

no, its more simple, full team or full soloq, no duo, trio or quadq, if you in your full team want to put your newby friend for fun is your problem not ruin game of others

and clearly separate leagues a long league for teams whith rewards/valoration tied to team not individual and the actual short leagues for solo players

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


If those “lower tier” players were not allowed in “your” queue, you’d have 3 hour queue times.

The same would be true of requiring full teams. Yes, teams on ts are “a” way to play gw2 PvP. They are not by any means the only proper way or even the best way.

Beside that, with 2 seasons of stacked matchmaking, no one can really claim that they “deserve” the higher tier they were carried to on win streaks, in matches that they were pre set with advantage and intended to win.

Elitism won’t work. We really need solo queue back.

Mesmerising Girl

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


The way to improve solo queue matchmaking is to have an actual solo queue.

Personally, I think that leagues should require a FULL team to play. It’d smooth out some issues with balance that occur due to uncoordinated teams. Most importantly, it’d help reduce the gigantic gap between those at the top of the game (proleague / actual teams) and everyone else. This is something that simply NEEDS to happen if they’re legitimately trying to push the game into a more competitive direction, or at least a competitive direction that’s actually a healthy one for the game. Having this kind of system allows players to engage in learning, much more so than what we currently have.

Then have an ACTUAL solo queue outside of league play, with a bit better rewards than Unranked. Maybe even with a solo queue ladder.

no, its more simple, full team or full soloq, no duo, trio or quadq, if you in your full team want to put your newby friend for fun is your problem not ruin game of others

and clearly separate leagues a long league for teams whith rewards/valoration tied to team not individual and the actual short leagues for solo players

Full team or full solo without a choice of having a team of less than 5 queuing together would be terrible, shameful is what it would be. So you want to play GW2 with a friend, either Soloq and hope to be in the same team or pick up 3 random players?
Its an MMO, you play with others online, it’s even in the title, Guild Wars. Guild, I’m sure a lot of people who are friends in the real world are members of the same guild. Not enough Guild members online for a party of 5, lots of people would be annoyed if they couldn’t queue together.

TBH Division is to me not a reason to refuse to queue with someone. Especially if you know the person. Kind of like when Dungeon teams have the 5k+ rule.
I am in ruby just now, my best friend is in emerald, skillwise I’d say we are pretty close but I play more. Wouldn’t be much fun when I’m visiting if because of us being in different divisions we played separately. People want to queue with their friends, they play to have fun. Why should 2 friends be forced to for a pick up group of 5 just to be able to queue together?

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Zui.9245


…If you had a friend, and wanted to queue, you could either pick up 3 players and then queue, or queue unranked with just your friend…

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


Just the whole idea of needing either to soloq or have a party of 5 though. An unnecessary restriction put on the game and how does anybody even benefit from it?

(edited by Sinmir.6504)

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

If those “lower tier” players were not allowed in “your” queue, you’d have 3 hour queue times.

The same would be true of requiring full teams. Yes, teams on ts are “a” way to play gw2 PvP. They are not by any means the only proper way or even the best way.

Beside that, with 2 seasons of stacked matchmaking, no one can really claim that they “deserve” the higher tier they were carried to on win streaks, in matches that they were pre set with advantage and intended to win.

Elitism won’t work. We really need solo queue back.

That’s not how the current matchmaking works. If you’re in Ruby, you’ll never be randomly matched with an Amber. It’s only when Sapphire or Ruby parties with the Amber do you get the chance to be placed with them.

On the topic of elitism, that’s not what this suggestion is about either. It’s about skill. Tonite I was placed with a guild group who brought an Amber. Sure enough, we failed because of poor play. I blocked that player to hope I don’t get him on my team, and sure enough, next match it was the same guild on my team. It was over before the match started. I can’t carry 4 people or type out directions while I’m bunkering against a Mes and DH, so I stop “tryharding”.

I’m pretty sure Anet will never allow Solo Queues, since they need us to fill spots for pre-mades, or the queue times would be ultra high for them. But if they could make this one adjustment, it would make our lives a tiny bit better.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Matchmaking should always first pair teams and of course keep max 1 division diffrence.
So first macht 5:5 then if a 5 is left 5:4+1 and so on down till only solo is left and team size weights more then MMR. This means you don´t have a solo Q but you keep mixing solo and premades as low as possible eve nif this will lead to more blowouts when teams are mixed first because if there are only two 5 premades they are mateched even if one is ESL level and the other a random diamond team.

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: megilandil.7506


The way to improve solo queue matchmaking is to have an actual solo queue.

Personally, I think that leagues should require a FULL team to play. It’d smooth out some issues with balance that occur due to uncoordinated teams. Most importantly, it’d help reduce the gigantic gap between those at the top of the game (proleague / actual teams) and everyone else. This is something that simply NEEDS to happen if they’re legitimately trying to push the game into a more competitive direction, or at least a competitive direction that’s actually a healthy one for the game. Having this kind of system allows players to engage in learning, much more so than what we currently have.

Then have an ACTUAL solo queue outside of league play, with a bit better rewards than Unranked. Maybe even with a solo queue ladder.

no, its more simple, full team or full soloq, no duo, trio or quadq, if you in your full team want to put your newby friend for fun is your problem not ruin game of others

and clearly separate leagues a long league for teams whith rewards/valoration tied to team not individual and the actual short leagues for solo players

Full team or full solo without a choice of having a team of less than 5 queuing together would be terrible, shameful is what it would be. So you want to play GW2 with a friend, either Soloq and hope to be in the same team or pick up 3 random players?
Its an MMO, you play with others online, it’s even in the title, Guild Wars. Guild, I’m sure a lot of people who are friends in the real world are members of the same guild. Not enough Guild members online for a party of 5, lots of people would be annoyed if they couldn’t queue together.

TBH Division is to me not a reason to refuse to queue with someone. Especially if you know the person. Kind of like when Dungeon teams have the 5k+ rule.
I am in ruby just now, my best friend is in emerald, skillwise I’d say we are pretty close but I play more. Wouldn’t be much fun when I’m visiting if because of us being in different divisions we played separately. People want to queue with their friends, they play to have fun. Why should 2 friends be forced to for a pick up group of 5 just to be able to queue together?

simple, duo trio or quad q ruins the mathcmaking sistem, firts season they tried to put the “team” in the division of lower player resulting in an exploit for teams, they get an alter and farm victories easily. rest of seasons they put the “team” in higher player division creating salt when players saw that had one or more lowers div players in their comp and match result in a blowout.

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


You can´t ban the play with a friend or two teams which makes a large player number after solo. Now you also face the problem that preamdes are not the same. Some are guild or other teams on com some just random people that formed a team. The diffrence is so huge that matching only similar teams would result in blowouts.
As soon as you mix teams and solo Q you also have problems in creating fair matches. It can´t work.
The only thing that will work to a decent level is if you have only solo Q and a per class MMR. Then it will more or less even out in the long run there.
Spliting the system in more ques will result in most team Q´s to have either ridicoulous Q times or unfair matches or a mix of both.
So pick your poision …

Summed up:
If you mix solo + team you ruin match balance.
If you split it you destroy the team Q.

Maybe the following is a compromise:
Make a per class MMR and don´t alow class swap. You play what you Q.
The periodic match maker first builds as much solo palyer matches as possible. It does that by building with as low class redundancy as possible thus leaving solo players of the most used class (es) left. Then it builds the team matches filling up with the left solo players. By doing that it goes down the road matchign 5:5 first, then 4+1, 3+2, 2+2+1 and so on propably leaving onl a few left. Players left will get a mark that they were not scheduled which will let the system pick them before players not marked.
This will lead to unfair team matches as usual (you can´t avoid that), but it will create much more solid solo Q experience.

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Nova.3817


instead of arguing about if ambers should be allowed with there higher ranked friends (they should) If you have a issue with getting in ques with lower ranked people there is a obvious solution play with friends. There are numerous spvp guilds who you can easily get into team ques with even if you dont get a 5 stack…. the more people you have the less likely you will be paired with another lesser ranked player ( like that matters)…. all id like to say is fair penalty for loss if a amber decides to play in a diamond que or what have you then it should disable any saftey he has from losing pips..

in other words if a friend of mine is in amber and decides to play with me in legendary then he will lose pips all the same as i do…. of course if he has nothing to lose its a mute point but atleast then they would have something to lose…

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

The recent change to PvP matches was to allow Solo Queue players the option of forming a party with your last group. But this isn’t a real answer to the problem of not being allowed a separate Solo Queue system. I shouldn’t be forced to find 4 other players each time I want to play Ranked just to avoid lower skilled players. I do Solo because I like to flip between PvE, WvW, and PvP whenever I want to. Leaving a team after a game or two is bad etiquette. I have more freedom to go in and out of PvP as a solo player.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


I understand that Anet changed the matchmaking policy to force partied low ranks into the highest rank in the party, but that needs to be modified. I feel that a player shouldn’t be allowed to play in a division that’s two tiers above their current tier. So an Amber player should only be allowed into Sapphire games and below. If they want to play with a friend in Legendary division, they simply can’t until the Amber gets to Ruby.

Highest division playable:

  • Amber -> Sapphire
  • Emerald -> Ruby
  • Sapphire -> Diamond
  • Ruby -> Legendary

I think this would allow for much better solo queue matchmaking.

Unfortunately, I could make a team of Amber on the fly that would wreck any Legendary team. (I would send 20 emails to old timer top players that left for good, and even if they are rusty… with Teamspeak rotations call we would make it happen)

Grinding wins over bad players, don’t show skill. It only show the time you have to play the game.

All grindings PIPS “segregation” don’t offer better match-making. After 4 season, there is a large consensus about it. The league will changed to get skill-based based on Evan Lesh post.

From there… we could just wait to see how Anet, will try to make a grindy bad ranking system into a skill-based one.

There is a small occurrence that some account with 100 games are better than account with 10000 games. Usely, it’s veteran new player account. Since, grinding is not skill, you can’t removed that from them.

Other new players that come from PVP games, will Rank Q when they finished their “training”. They are better than any PVE players that spam dps rotations all dayz. Not their fault, PVE make you register bad muscle response for the new situation you have in front of you.

But I agree with you, somebody new with 70 loss on 100 games, should had never been there. They should have 50 loss on 100 games and to do so, play with their “own” new “players” trying to learn the game / not being carried to 50% ratio with old vet.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


The recent change to PvP matches was to allow Solo Queue players the option of forming a party with your last group. But this isn’t a real answer to the problem of not being allowed a separate Solo Queue system. I shouldn’t be forced to find 4 other players each time I want to play Ranked just to avoid lower skilled players. I do Solo because I like to flip between PvE, WvW, and PvP whenever I want to. Leaving a team after a game or two is bad etiquette. I have more freedom to go in and out of PvP as a solo player.

Finding 4 skilled players to team with is pretty much the only way to have a 100% guarantee of not getting teamed with lower skilled players. If a lower skilled player who made it to your division solo queues there’s a chance he’ll be on your team unless all 5 places are taken.
I do the same when I solo, I might queue but do some PvE or WvW while queueing, or just leave PvP for hours to do something else. I don’t really see a bad etiquette thing with leaving a party after a couple of games. If you aren’t in a match with them then you aren’t leaving them 4v5, you don’t need to stay in the party after the match has ended. Could only plan to do one more match then go offline, think, good team, might as well go with them for my last match of the day. Etiquette is what you make it. I could think of some things I’d call bad etiquette. Once had a team from another server attacking me during the Slay the Veteran Harpy event, I was just in WvW that time for the daily but the cc they were using it seemed like they were determined to stop me getting a hit on it. Unlucky for them I managed to and a hit and get the daily. I’d call that worse etiquette than leaving a team between matches, maybe others wouldn’t. Some might say joining a dungeon party labelled as full run and leaving after one path is bad etiquette, I was guilty of that yesterday, I just needed to do one path to get enough tokens, afterwards the other 4 were free to do the next path and could advertise for it if they wanted to fill my place. I wouldn’t be bothered if I was had started a full run party and someone left after one path, same time, in WvW if a player is clearly there to kill the veteran creature for their daily I only attack the creature, I let them get their daily, they want a fight afterward, well that’s fine. What some see as bad etiquette other might see as normal.

(edited by Sinmir.6504)

Don't let low ranks in higher tier queues

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

The answer seems to always go back to forming a pre-made group. If Anet wants PvP to be a 100% pre-made team game, then they should just step up and block solo players from entering.

For now, since there are divisions and rules for how matchmaking is randomly done, just make a few adjustments and you can make the community happy. No low skilled players in Legendary, and no high skilled players in Amber.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!