Done with solo queue - /cry

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Kryshade.6075


I hate to say it because I use it as a placeholder for doing tournies with my team but lately solo q has been nothing but an effort in both futility and frustration. I don’t mind that a lot of the people have no clue how to play. I don’t mind that people play it like hotjoin. I expect things like that. What I absolutely can’t stand is 99% of my solo q’s are against premades now. Not scrub, we just formed our very first group premades, but actual decent teams.

For the second day in a row, I wound up going against AL with a pug. Not a super pug of some of the better players that happened to get thrown together in a solo Q, but just random people with an average rank of about 30.

In what world should this ever happen in an MMO or a pvp environment? I can’t think of a single game where solo q or random join etc gets matched up against one of the best teams in the entire game.

This is ruining your game ANET. It’s honestly sucking the life out of me. I avoided solo q for a long time, but then I found I was rarely playing because I wasn’t willing to ever queue up for a tourny without my full team. That sucked, so I said screw it to my leaderboard rank and started solo queing. For awhile it actually worked out well. Match making was not great but it wasn’t this bad either. Now it’s literally 99% top tier premades with 1 out of 20 matches being against another pug.

There is something BROKEN with your matchmaking now. Please fix this. I want to be able to play without my full team (which is only 3 nights a week). I want to be able to do tournaments so that I can avoid the plague that is hotjoin. Please fix whatever it is that got broken in your match making since this last patch. Please simply put a variable in matchmaking that excludes top 200 leaderboard premades from facing solo queue. I know multiple top teams are queueing because I’m facing them with my solo q pugs every night. Make them fight each other instead of farming pugs.

I know you’re working on solo Q leaderboards, but it seems like it would/should be a simple fix to ensure solo Q doesn’t face a top tier premade. If it means waiting 5 mins longer for a queue then I’m fine with that because wasting 10 mins of my life getting stomped 500-50 is a lot worse and much more disheartening.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


It’s quite simple:

1. SoloQ should be in the game when the game was released.
2. The fact that it was NOT, is one of the main reasons pvp players were leaving the game in hordes. Hot-join is a joke of course, and getting matched up against pre-mades when you soloQ is an ever bigger joke…
3. Now there isn’t enough players left to even make a decent soloQ where you don’t get matched up against pre-mades. There’s only a handful of teams still playing tournies. I often just get tired of waiting for the tourny to begin and just exit the game…

SoloQ just can’t work if there isn’t enough players. And it’s all Anets fault that there isn’t many of them left.

That’s what happens when you release a game that has PvP features in Alpha state.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


One word pretty much sums up soloQ – frustrating.

On the chance u land the jackpot and actually get a 5 soloQ vs 5 soloQ, unfortunately u’ll be dealing with premades of all iterations (2 man-5 man premades). The odds will always be against you as a SoloQ player – its just how it is.

Seems the tpvp population is in a state of ‘last survivors’ on earth mode. Everyone that has any success in tpvp has formed a premade or play regularly with a small group of players. Those that choose to go alone have to be lucky to be picked up in a premade group by random chance or suffer a frustrating experience.

Its also true that SoloQ can’t work if there isn’t enough players to justify it. At the moment (and what seems like forever) the pvp population is tiny compared to the rest of the other game modes. Maybe its time to really do away with SoloQ and force players to be a premade, or the opposite and do away with premade and force everyone to SoloQ (obviously a stupid idea for tpvp). One or the other can only exist, not both else it ends up being too frustrating for those trying to get into tpvp.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Solo join in tpvp is toxic. That simple. We all know it has massive problems. You accept to be infuriated every time you join it. You know your at a disadvantage. You know your chances of winning are slim to nothing. You know many players expect you to run specific builds, and if you don’t they blame you for ruining the team. You know you’ll have quitters. Is is no one’s fault but the players if they choose to expose themselves to that. It is easy to say change it. Fine…good one..let them change it..but it hasn’t been changed yet, so why keep entering it until it is changed?

The best way to create change..let solo tpvp die. It is toxic to solo players wanting to enjoy the game. It is designed only for teams in mind. Let the mindless ganking of spvp die off as well. Play something else. The sooner the lines for these aspects of the game lay empty, the sooner development will happen. Nothing says to a company that has invested much into a game that it is not working as the game being empty with no player population wanting to touch it. Until then, if you know the this area of the game just doesn’t work for you..then don’t enter it.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


Well yeah… But when something dies, you know, you’ve waited for waaay too long. As I said earlier, it should have been there on release, or no later than a month or two after the release.

They had a perfect soloque system in RA in GW1 (apart form sync entering, but that’s not hard to fix, when there’s a lot of people joining…)

It was great, teams made of soloquers matched against eachother. If a team made 10 consecutive wins, they got matched up against pre-mades in TA (if so they desire).

And that would work GREAT when this game was released. Soloque teams would be matched against eachother, and the ones that had 10 consecutive wins would get an invitation into the paid tournaments that we had in place back then…

That way, people that wanted to solo que would have a chance to hone their skills in a fair environment, and teams that were waiting for paid tournaments wouldn’t have to wait for so long, because there would be a nice influx of strong teams from soloque.

Too bad it’s too late for that now, because the leading heads of Anet wouldn’t listen to a single advice, or at least some common sense that they still had while making GW1.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Why does everyone get the impression that anyone in Absolute Legends is good?

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Kryshade.6075


Why does everyone get the impression that anyone in Absolute Legends is good?

Pointless jabs aside, they are one of the top ranked teams. In no sense, ever, in a million years, in any universe should a pug solo queue group be matched up against a group like that. There are other pug groups queing at the same time, as well as other premades queing as well (I know because I faced many other premades the same night).

There is something broken in the system when it decides that a solo queue pug be matched against a top ranked pre-made. Something is simply wrong with the algorithm and this is what I’m asking to be looked at.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Valash.8142


I blame Anet for this premade mess.
Why? Because they think that people will not adapt to the situation. I bet this whole mess started like this:
-5 people found out that they are doing good as a team, thus they started winning alot.
-people who faced this group started noticing that they(the first 5 people) are winning alot so in turn they made their own team who they have good chemistry with.
-people saw these “first” premade teams and sees it as a good idea so in order to survive they started forming teams themselves
-premade teams now outnumbers solo que’ers (which where we are now)
-new people coming into spvp will get turned off by fighting against premades and thus gets discourgaed even more so when the premades starts trashtalking the other team
-less tpvp population
-no profit

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


I blame Anet for this premade mess.
Why? Because they think that people will not adapt to the situation. I bet this whole mess started like this:
-5 people found out that they are doing good as a team, thus they started winning alot.
-people who faced this group started noticing that they(the first 5 people) are winning alot so in turn they made their own team who they have good chemistry with.
-people saw these “first” premade teams and sees it as a good idea so in order to survive they started forming teams themselves
-premade teams now outnumbers solo que’ers (which where we are now)
-new people coming into spvp will get turned off by fighting against premades and thus gets discourgaed even more so when the premades starts trashtalking the other team
-less tpvp population
-no profit

It is the developers fault, your 100%. And the reason why tpvp isn’t as big as hotjoins right now is because they developers have a crappy matchmaking system, where you solo que and…
1. xv5
2. x people are afk
3. Your facing a premade
4. Your facing a premade that’s leagues above you in leaderboards
5. Your team has nothing but ranks 1-3 except for one person while other team is rank 9-43
6. Your team is consisted of one profession while other team is balanced.
7. People that ragequit when they get beaten early in the game.
8. Rank 1s should be rated at 0% on leaderboards not 90% or so.

Since the developers didn’t add a system that verifies everyone is there before a match begins, a system that negates solo que playing against a full premade team, a system that verifies the other teams leaderboard rating, a system that balances the ranks so each team is equal in the ranks (as in 2 rank 1s on one team and 2 rank 1s on the other team instead of 4 rank 1s on one team), a system that balances professions (as in 2 guardians on one team 2 guardians on the other team which balances it out), and since bad matchmaking happens it leads to people that ragequit early in game which gives you vastly reduces your chance to comeback at all and finally rank ones and people that never played a tpvp match before should be rated at 0% and improve from there and shouldn’t be at 90% and lose consecutive games until they are where they should be at (hint hint 0%).

Because anet developers failed on all those key parts that’s why there is minimal tpvp population.

Img1 is rank misbalance also this was a 90% rated leaderboard matchup. rank 1s shouldn’t be here.

Img2 is profession misbalance, that was a 5 guardian team however 2 ragequitted after they lost everything at start of game.

Img3 is another profession misbalance, I’m just showing that when you have a profession misbalance it can go either really good or really bad, in this case it went really good.

Img 2 and 3 anet failed to balance the professions out, which leads to a very good game or a very bad game and the best types of games anet should achieve for is not a very good or bad game, it is a very close game and with matchmaking where it is now, you’ll never get that many close games as you would with a good matchmaking system.


Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: LegendaryLukeee.1462


Why does everyone get the impression that anyone in Absolute Legends is good?

Target Acquired! Beep Boop

Lily | Lukeee

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


Why does everyone get the impression that anyone in Absolute Legends is good?

Watch yourself, the Yaks are incoming!


Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Best thing we can do as solo queuers is play something else.
For the past 2 days, i achieved 11 loses and 1 win, most of the loses where 500-100 or so, i even remember 2 games where the other team asked for forgiveness for crushing us so hard. I actually enjoyed only 2 games, 2 of 12.
Also the queues are now of 4 or 5 minutes.

Longer queues and ridiculous matches.
I don’t know if it’s a bug or it’s just the playerbase, but if it’s the playerbase, god help gw2 spvp, because only a miracle will save it.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Firebaall.5127


Why do you expect Anet to make PvP work? They failed in GW1, and it’s not working in GW2 either.

Good thing 95% of the players are here for PvE. It’s what pays the bills. It’s what gets the development time. PvPers are lucky to get the scraps left over. Usually, they just get to lick the plates.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Why do you expect Anet to make PvP work? They failed in GW1, and it’s not working in GW2 either.

let’s see how many people bite that troll bait

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


Yea Solo Q is a joke.

I personally risked my rank to try it out for 1 day because I just wanted to experience what the forum is talking about and I just got tired sitting in the mists worrying about ranking. I realized it was just silly.

Guess what?

I went from r18 -> r250 in 1 day (roughly a few hours) of solo qing. Then the next day I gave it another chance and went to r500.

They have to separate premades with solo Qs. People who are ranked well would rather sit in the mists and stare at the screen than to try to solo Q because it is a 90% guaranteed lost, the other 10% are wins IF you run up against another solo Q with new players.

Even when I was top 10, the ranks would shift drastically even if I lost 1 game. I can drop as much kitten ranks by losing 1 game…I’ve never played a game with a ladder that is so unstable…it’s just not fun.

So now, I don’t care for leaderboard rank anymore.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


I don’t mind playing premades of people with lower rankings. The real problem is when you face a premade with people who have higher rankings then you. Not only do they have better players but they have coordination. They need to lockout matchups where individual ratings of the premade are higher then the solo que players. It’s rather silly that I’m sitting at 4-500 solo queing and getting matched up against premades of the top 100.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


Pff, soloQ is fine

what’s wrong in meeting the same premade 3 times in a row while being in a full soloQ group XD

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


Solo queue only works if you queue with the right mindset.

What i do:
Solo queue
Join a 1v1 room in the meanwhile
Enter the match when the queue pops
If we lose all the points within the first minute i quit
Play a level of warframe
Get back to gw2 and repeat.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Stof.9584


+1 – Should be on top priority on their list at this point.

I must say it has gotten better in the last month with Leaderboards being less volatile, but this only means it now takes 10 – 15 matches for me to yo-yo from playing premade top 100 teams to solo queue r10 hotjoiners instead of 5 matches.

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Yea Solo Q is a joke.

I personally risked my rank to try it out for 1 day because I just wanted to experience what the forum is talking about and I just got tired sitting in the mists worrying about ranking. I realized it was just silly.

Guess what?

I went from r18 -> r250 in 1 day (roughly a few hours) of solo qing. Then the next day I gave it another chance and went to r500.

They have to separate premades with solo Qs. People who are ranked well would rather sit in the mists and stare at the screen than to try to solo Q because it is a 90% guaranteed lost, the other 10% are wins IF you run up against another solo Q with new players.

Even when I was top 10, the ranks would shift drastically even if I lost 1 game. I can drop as much kitten ranks by losing 1 game…I’ve never played a game with a ladder that is so unstable…it’s just not fun.

So now, I don’t care for leaderboard rank anymore.

I’m just like you, except I was at 314 on leaderboards, I just don’t care about leaderboards as much anymore because like you said its very unstable same goes with the matchmaking its the worst I’ve seen out of all the games I’ve played.

@ Baldric.6781 " Longer queues and ridiculous matches. " I noticed the same thing as well. " i achieved 11 loses and 1 win " I’ve been through that as well, posted my images of solo que and came out 11 games 2 wins 9 losses 18% chance to win solo que.

@ Shar.3402 " meeting the same premade 3 times in a row while being in a full soloQ group XD I’ve seen that too many times, very very frustrating.

@ Stof.9584 " +1 – Should be on top priority on their list at this point. " I told them before the sotg, but they DID NOT LISTEN. None of those people on sotg are solo que’ers, they just don’t understand, and that’s who anet listens too, anet doesn’t know jack about the solo que community and the real problems.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Why does everyone get the impression that anyone in Absolute Legends is good?


And yea soloq is fine, as long as you do it in moderation (read: once every few days for the daily). A tested recipe for keeping your blood pressure within permissable levels, even after having faced the same premade 3rd time in a row!
After laying nuclear waste to your rating, things can only go for the better, after all.
Besides, without prepatch BM bunker rongers behind every corner, and only s/d thieves left to troll you, the environment is manageable, as long as taken with a grain of salt.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


@ Stof.9584 " +1 – Should be on top priority on their list at this point. " I told them before the sotg, but they DID NOT LISTEN. None of those people on sotg are solo que’ers, they just don’t understand, and that’s who anet listens too, anet doesn’t know jack about the solo que community and the real problems.

Thats a real shame if this is true that anet only listens to a select few group of pvpers. Its fine and all that it is in the sake of game balance/achieving the mythical e-sport status but that is such a niche community inside a much bigger community on GW2.

I hope they realise that if they can fix this SoloQ/Premade mess that they have more or less created that the actual pvp population might get to a respectable number, and in turn anet can start introducing items/services via the Gemstore. In short, there is a profit to be made (on top of custom arena’s) from this – theres a market to be captured if they have pretty much promised what they were going to deliver.

I’m sure everyone who does spvp, from the casual to the very hardcore would like to see the population increase and be stable – its a better gaming experience for all, the elite players who thrive of ego-tripping will benefit with hopefully increased competition and they can make their name famous. The casual players may finally stop avoiding being glory meat over and over again from the same premades.

All this can only happen when SoloQ gets fixed/removed or anet offers a better alternative to what is available (Seperate soloq/pre made tournaments etc). So Anet, please fix the real ‘balance’ of tournament mode and spvp – the part that does not involve any actual gameplay.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Treeline.3865


This discussion is kind of derailed. I agree that it would be AWESOME to have both soloqueue and premade queue – But it also requires a lot of players to support – Surely you have tried queues taking several minutes to find a match. If you split it into 2 queues you could double these waiting times. Furthermore you would have to take partly premades into account. Do you simply ignore that people might want to enter 2, 3 or 4 people together? Force them to either split up and play alone or force them to pug their way to a premade team?

Lastly, the fact that some of you meet premade teams should not entirely be considered a bad thing. If you are an average player and run into a fight like this, fear not, they are not very good. If you are a good player who’s in the high percentile (Personally I didn’t see many premade teams until I got a bit into the 90th percentile), and you meet premade teams all the time – Congratulations! That effectively means that you are one of the best soloqueuers in the game. Why would you want to keep beating people who are worse than you then?

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Kryshade.6075


This discussion is kind of derailed. I agree that it would be AWESOME to have both soloqueue and premade queue – But it also requires a lot of players to support – Surely you have tried queues taking several minutes to find a match. If you split it into 2 queues you could double these waiting times. Furthermore you would have to take partly premades into account. Do you simply ignore that people might want to enter 2, 3 or 4 people together? Force them to either split up and play alone or force them to pug their way to a premade team?

Lastly, the fact that some of you meet premade teams should not entirely be considered a bad thing. If you are an average player and run into a fight like this, fear not, they are not very good. If you are a good player who’s in the high percentile (Personally I didn’t see many premade teams until I got a bit into the 90th percentile), and you meet premade teams all the time – Congratulations! That effectively means that you are one of the best soloqueuers in the game. Why would you want to keep beating people who are worse than you then?

You’re missing the point. It’s when as a solo que’r that you face one of the top NA teams that it becomes obvious that something is wrong. If it’s a random pull of one players rating that causes it to queue the entire group against a tournament winning team than something is wrong with that.

Saying congratulations you get to face better competition does nothing because it’s not “slightly” better competition, it’s getting absolutely stomped into the ground. I like playing good teams with my guild team because I feel it makes us better. I don’t like playing top rated teams via solo queue because all it does is frustrate me with this game. My choices are either to quit playing, or continue to smash my head against the wall which is usually a bad choice.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: gesho.9468


I blame Anet for this premade mess.
Why? Because they think that people will not adapt to the situation. I bet this whole mess started like this:
-5 people found out that they are doing good as a team, thus they started winning alot.
-people who faced this group started noticing that they(the first 5 people) are winning alot so in turn they made their own team who they have good chemistry with.
-people saw these “first” premade teams and sees it as a good idea so in order to survive they started forming teams themselves
-premade teams now outnumbers solo que’ers (which where we are now)
-new people coming into spvp will get turned off by fighting against premades and thus gets discourgaed even more so when the premades starts trashtalking the other team
-less tpvp population
-no profit

isnt what u describe a point and a purpose of mmo pvp?

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


This discussion is kind of derailed. I agree that it would be AWESOME to have both soloqueue and premade queue – But it also requires a lot of players to support – Surely you have tried queues taking several minutes to find a match. If you split it into 2 queues you could double these waiting times. Furthermore you would have to take partly premades into account. Do you simply ignore that people might want to enter 2, 3 or 4 people together? Force them to either split up and play alone or force them to pug their way to a premade team?

You are indeed probably right.
If spvp queues issue is playerbase, and since matchmaking isn’t rocket technology, i’m pretty sure that this isn’t a bug, and it’s low playerbase.
How can you solve those players who get 11 consecutive loses, well, u can’t, spliting the queues will only make things worse, and not spliting them is also bad.
That’s why i think the best course is not to play unless i’m in a team, this means a lot of average players will stop playing (getting 5 people with same times, compatible characters and everything is hard) and will destroy any eSports hope that still remains (calling eSport a game that isn’t even a success, i’m just talking about the spvp part, doesn’t pass the laugh test).

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: KooB.6503


They should bar tournament play from players below rank 10.
The average rank of two teams should not differ by more than ~15

- Twin Doggy Dawg

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


They should bar tournament play from players below rank 10.
The average rank of two teams should not differ by more than ~15

They should bar tournament play from players below rank 35

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


You are indeed probably right.
If spvp queues issue is playerbase, and since matchmaking isn’t rocket technology, i’m pretty sure that this isn’t a bug, and it’s low playerbase.

Low playerbase? Are you saying when I face same premade 3 times in a row its because only 10 people in the entire game are queing up for tpvp?

If only 10 people que up in tpvp out of all the servers that’s REALLY REALLY bad for pvp because you have over a million players but only 10 people are playing tpvp…. Yes GW2 is sure to become esports very soon.

But that’s not the case because I’m not dumb, the case is matchmaking isn’t rocket science but to these developers it is. Stupid formula doesn’t take into account matches ongoing, and makes you wait for nothing, not for the ongoing match to finish so you have bigger pool of players to play with for a full solo que vs solo que game. Instead there matchmaking puts you against premade and makes you wait for absolutely no good outcome.

One of the biggest flaws I see in current matchmaking system is that it puts you in a team before your match starts (when its still finding a team to go against). It shouldn’t do this, it should put you in team once the calculations are finished. Comparing leaderboard rating only for the pool of players to play together, but when it does its matchmaking it compares rank and equally distributes rank on each team, then equally distribute profession next, and finally if there are grouped players (people grouped with 2-4 people) it should equally distribute them as well, making it so if there are 2 different groups of players of 2 they put them on opposite teams instead of the same team.

The current system forms your group, it can form you with 5 of the same profession and then you wait and your game finally starts and it didn’t do any pvp rank, profession, grouped players distribution.

It isn’t rocket science, but to anet developers it is.

Now to the dude who said, “congrats you are one of the best solo que’ers because your facing premades”
All I gotta say is there’s no accomplishment in losing 11 games in a row due to premades. I’d rather have a good matchup then face someone better or worse. And if its to face someone better or worse, I’d chose worse because the accomplishment of winning more than losing rather than get one lucky win and lose all my other games.
The game doesn’t track who you played and won against, it only tracks your wins and losses, and if you can manage to play nothing but crappy teams, you’ll look good. As for getting jobs, as long as you look good on paper you’ll get the job, it don’t matter if your the best, if its not on paper that your the best you aint the best.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

…Congratulations! That effectively means that you are one of the best soloqueuers in the game. Why would you want to keep beating people who are worse than you then?

You must be kidding. I play with teams a fair amount, but still probably solo que substantially more often than team. What people want are competitive matches. That isn’t asking a whole lot. Close, competitive play is fun. Solo-queing and having your kitten handed to you by Jumper, Acandis, Ostritcheggs (and I forget the other two that were on at the time) isn’t fun… and yes, I had a full-solo-que team and drew that matchup a few days ago.

Having been on both sides of the beatings I can tell you that neither side is fun. Just separate the ques and eliminate Hot Join to pool the populations together and fix the matchmaking algorithm already. Refusing to do this is killing the game.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


Weird, I’ve had a drastically different experience since the patch that changed the algorithm. I’ve 3/4 of my games are evenly matched, I get qued against premades but they are rarely really good premades and I can often beat them.

I’ve had a few leaver games or a few unbeatable premades (Had 2 games against 3/5 AL players who had two bunkers and a roamer which was impossible for me to dent) but for the most part the games are evenly matched. I’ve had several that have come as close as <20 points difference at the end.

Overall my experience has been a lot better recently. Could just be lucky though.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: genip.7396


I haven’t had much problem with leavers in solo q after I got past 90 percentile, but after that you run into the problem of meeting premades constantly.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


Gw2 sold millions of copies, that doesn’t mean all of them play the game now, and that all of them play spvp.
The only people that have the real numbers are and they don’t release them, so we must use human judgement.

Go to the Hearts of the Mists some time, and then go to some dungeon or wvw, and then u will see how low the playerbase is.
Be sure to check the wvw zergs, and the zerg of the COF dungeon .

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


On any given night on NA there are maybe 5 competitive teams on, and that is split between scrimmages and tournament Que, more people need to make teams for the solo Q/ Team Q to work or else the teams will only have a small window of time to que up every day, just like the old tournament system.

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

On any given night on NA there are maybe 5 competitive teams on, and that is split between scrimmages and tournament Que, more people need to make teams for the solo Q/ Team Q to work or else the teams will only have a small window of time to que up every day, just like the old tournament system.

This is a Chicken v Egg issue. Separating the ques will create a better product leading more people to play tPvP, thus facilitating the creation of more teams and ultimately improving the que times for existing teams.

I do not dispute that there will be short term (possibly not so short term) pain for the pre-existing teams in the form of longer ques, but at least the good teams will be beating up on bad teams that signed up for it and might learn something from it and get better for having had their kitten handed to them. The current state of solo ques playing against good teams teaches people very little by comparison to what a team would learn by being able to communicate to each other after the match why they got roflstomped 500-50.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


I love PvP. Have done for years.
I’m also quite good at it.

I don’t have the time to dedicate to a permanent team, nor do I care to ‘train’ every day.

Attempting to solo q in gw2 just makes me frustrated and want to quit the game.

Thus I don’t bother PvPing in this game. I enjoy the PvE and WvW elements instead.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


Biggest issue with current soloQ (which will remain an issue even after makes the split) is that people just plain suck.

It is either they’re bad at playing, or they play with the chat closed and don’t even attempt to communicate, or they simply do stupid things.

I’ve lost too many games because people won’t wait for regroups and go fight 1vs3, or you see random_warrior attempting to 1vs1 a side point holder (with the point not even neutral → waste of time), or they don’t even attempt to res when you mist form towards them, and so on and so on.
And then, of course, is the problem of people not wanting to defend points and just run around hotjoin style…

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Kryshade.6075


Biggest issue with current soloQ (which will remain an issue even after makes the split) is that people just plain suck.

It is either they’re bad at playing, or they play with the chat closed and don’t even attempt to communicate, or they simply do stupid things.

I’ve lost too many games because people won’t wait for regroups and go fight 1vs3, or you see random_warrior attempting to 1vs1 a side point holder (with the point not even neutral -> waste of time), or they don’t even attempt to res when you mist form towards them, and so on and so on.
And then, of course, is the problem of people not wanting to defend points and just run around hotjoin style…

True, but if both teams were solo q, then you’d have an equal chance of this happening on both sides thus off-setting the bad play. When you have this against a premade team of high quality, then it only exaggerates the problem even more.

I do agree that the biggest fear of Anet is probably going back to the days of paid/free tournies when there were extremely long wait times and very few teams queing. There is the definite possibility that you will see lots of solo q and very little team q if they split the queues. You may also wind up with teams only facing the same 1 or 2 teams all night which makes for a stale environment. How you handle this is probably the biggest key and why it’s taking so long to get solo q going.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Treeline.3865


People seems to keep believing that when you meet a premade team you will get smashed into the ground and matchmaking sucks. But please remember, matchmaking is only taking your opponents rating into account, and matching it with yours. So yes, if you are both, lets say, rated 92% on the leaderboards you should still be around equals. If they were so much better because they have played together before and use voicechat they would not be matched against you (Unless you experience very long waiting time, in which case matchmaking will expand its search to find a match).

In other words, yes your opponents might have advantages, but you can at least rest assured that they are not THAT much better/worse than you. And again, if you keep meeting premades, take a look at your win/loss ratio. You must win around half if you keep meeting them. I’m not saying its a bad idea to split queues, but getting upset over being matched with premades because you are that good shouldn’t be that bad.

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


Great post. I’ve tried it a few times, but always ended up giving up on it and not doing it for a long time. I did it last week and had a similar experience of getting a lot of premades, or groups where 3 or 4 players queued together and clearly had voice, while my team was a rag tag crew of all solo and usually a couple of weirdly low ranked players in comparison to everyone else.

Went from the 100’s on boards to 500’s in one day, now that’s reasonably a good enough reason not to do it, those loop sided matches really aren’t a reflection of player’s individual skills. But boards are w/e, the real issue is that it’s not fun. I want to play with and against players of similar skill when I solo queue, that it should be rated differently is another (valid) point but the bottom line is that it’s just not fun being in those matches were you’re either stomping newbies or getting run over by a premade while watching your teammates do things you’ve learned not to do 6 months ago. First step is split queues and leaderboards, second step is improve the matchmaking system.

The concern with splitting the community seems odd to me because less and less people are queuing because of imbalance which is a much worse scenario. The question of “how many players” can solo queue together I also think it’s pretty easy, with a team of 5 it should be 2. Because 2 people that are used to playing together can’t carry a team of 5 and it’s hard to pug 3 people. Then for team queue you need 5. What if you have 3 or 4 players? Make friends. Use map chat, ask for people, get them on your voice chat. There SHOULD be more of that going on but there isn’t because in the current system if people have 3 or 4 they’re more likely to get lazy and just queue and get a random then making the effort to find someone, having those players have to actually find more to complete their team is a good thing not a bad one.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Yes there are a lot of terrible players out there, but if you don’t equal it out one team will get destroyed while the other dominates.
Anet has 3 issues that are big to me.
1. Solo Que
2. Matchmaking system
3. Hotjoins

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


Biggest issue with current soloQ (which will remain an issue even after makes the split) is that people just plain suck.

It is either they’re bad at playing, or they play with the chat closed and don’t even attempt to communicate, or they simply do stupid things.

I’ve lost too many games because people won’t wait for regroups and go fight 1vs3, or you see random_warrior attempting to 1vs1 a side point holder (with the point not even neutral -> waste of time), or they don’t even attempt to res when you mist form towards them, and so on and so on.
And then, of course, is the problem of people not wanting to defend points and just run around hotjoin style…

True, but if both teams were solo q, then you’d have an equal chance of this happening on both sides thus off-setting the bad play. When you have this against a premade team of high quality, then it only exaggerates the problem even more.

I do agree that the biggest fear of Anet is probably going back to the days of paid/free tournies when there were extremely long wait times and very few teams queing. There is the definite possibility that you will see lots of solo q and very little team q if they split the queues. You may also wind up with teams only facing the same 1 or 2 teams all night which makes for a stale environment. How you handle this is probably the biggest key and why it’s taking so long to get solo q going.

yeah I know that if both teams are soloQ, it would balance out in the long run…but you often face bad premades as soloQ (at least in EU primetime, either pvx guilds or newly formed teams of whatever), and you end up losing by 50 points for stupid mistakes like those I mentioned above…if kitten es me off XD

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Luizje.8023


I’m still hoping Anet will separate SoloQ and Team queue. I can’t find a reason why they wouldn’t.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Jono M.8519

Jono M.8519

Yeah, I just don’t bother with soloq anymore. I’d rather play hotjoin at this point and not deal with all the premades, leavers etc. If they want to do a temp fix until they have a proper soloq in place, then they should permanently bump rank points & glory from winners chests and try a +50% rank points/glory in tournaments week for their next update. Maybe also add in a chance to get their latest cash shop skins in the Winners Chests too (and let them be applied to PvE stuff to try and lure some of the PvE-only guys). Stuff like that ALWAYS filled arenas when they had a weekend event in GW1. Maybe then you could hook some more people in for the next month or so, giving them time to get a proper soloq out. Then they can sort out better rewards and reward structure.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Awe.1096


New patch every 2 weeks! Hurray! And still no solo queue implemented. Apparently this requires some extensive work. Take your time, take your time. Meanwhile more and more population will leave sPvP and never look back. This will surely improve overall queue times. /sarcasm

On more serious note. I can confirm that current solo queue experience is a * joke and consists mainly from being farmed by premades. I dont even have high rank atm. Barely around 60% or so. And guess what, still I get spammed by matches vs full premades like there is no tomorrow. There is no ELO hell in GW2. The entire ladder is hell if you dare to queue solo (which for many people is the only option).

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead

Solo que revisions are on the horizon guys, hang tight. I can’t give an exact date (that gets me in trouble), but it’s is on its way.

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Solo que revisions are on the horizon guys, hang tight. I can’t give an exact date (that gets me in trouble), but it’s is on its way.

Really awesome news, thanks!

Are there any plans for a duo queue as well? It’s not as important as solo, but a hybrid solo/ duo queue is cool when someone wants to play with a friend for fun, without the risk of facing premades. Part of the fun of a mmorpg is playing with friends, and a duo queue is a way to do that in pvp without having to make a highly-coordenated voice-chat hardcore team.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Solo que revisions are on the horizon guys, hang tight. I can’t give an exact date (that gets me in trouble), but it’s is on its way.

Liberate us from our torment.

The great forum duppy.

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Solo que revisions are on the horizon guys, hang tight. I can’t give an exact date (that gets me in trouble), but it’s is on its way.

Is there any sort punishment in ArenaNet given to employees who release ETAs?
Like being forced to listen to the whole discography of Justin Bieber hanging upside down?

(edited by sorrow.2364)

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


Liberate us from our torment.

I see what you did there