Double engineer daily again...

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

This is the third time (as far as I know) that we’ve had double engineer daily and haven’t had a single double daily for any other class. Please fix this.

EDIT: 4th time

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

(edited by Random Weird Guy.3528)

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Unlike PvE achievements in which you want people to go to the same place and do the same thing so there’s more people there, in PvP you want people to diversify.

And so, you can’t go and tell them “Well, now you all go engineer”.
You simply cannot have the same daily profession achievements for everyone in PvP. It’ll result in these horrible kind of boring situations with too many of the same profession and longer queues for those professions.

The two fixed profession dailies that are the same for all should be changed into two different achievements based on the account’s data:

  • One picked randomly between the 5 most played professions, so everyone can do it even if they only have 5 character slots.
  • One picked randomly between the 4 least played professions (5 if the account has HoTs and the revenant), to encourage people to try stuff they don’t use often.

Once achievement generation ha a framework to use game metrics instead being fixed, preset and the same for everyone, it could be used for other stuff, like reintroducing dungeon dailies rewarding visiting the paths less visited by most players.

Reward people for not getting out of their comfort zone once in a while.

No exceptions!

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

This is the third time (as far as I know) that we’ve had double engineer daily and haven’t had a single double daily for any other class. Please fix this.

Yes. This should be fixed.

Still I didn’t see much any engineers today at the lobby. In fact I was the only engineer in my winning daily (yet another 500-0 win on courtyard, no I I didn’t vote for that map and I always solo queue. I think 500-0 or 0-500 shouldn’t exist on a well-designed game). The number of engineers has clearly dropped since Jun 23 patch.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: GrandHaven.1052


Least of the problems that exist in PvP.

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: Tman.6349


Opinion: this was stupid and lame and I was of the impression this is why they added a 3rd and 4th Daily Profession…you know…b/c too many stacked teams due to previous Dailies!? :/

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: Extreme.8350


It means josh davis is playing

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: GrandHaven.1052


Opinion: this was stupid and lame and I was of the impression this is why they added a 3rd and 4th Daily Profession…you know…b/c too many stacked teams due to previous Dailies!? :/

How often do you see engis?

The dailies are an issue, not the fact that they double up.

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

4th time now…

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Double engineer daily again...

in PvP

Posted by: Xandrian.8304


It’s hardly the end of the world, and besides, when HoT comes out one of those dailies will probably become ‘X and Revenant Winner’ rather than ‘X and Engineer Winner’, just be patient