Downed Interrupt Skill
Off the top of my head.
Mistform, elixir S, distorion, blind, stability, teleports, stealth.
-warrior has balanced stance and dolyak signet
-guardian has hallowed ground and aegis/blocks
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
-ranger has RaO
-engi has a stability skill and the shrinking potion
-mes has a stability mantra and stealth
-im sure you know ele stuff
-lol necro
yeah i hate my necro.
necro has 30 SR DS stomp, plague stomp, and lich stomp
stability, stealth or invuln like elixer s or distortion
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m afraid this is a learn to play issue.
Play more. Learn other classes skills. Don’t come whining on the forums when the smallest thing doesn’t go right for you.
Saying necro plague stomp is awesome is pretty stupid. Do you really think a necro would use their awesome elite that is great for group fights to just stomp one person? That’s ridiculous. No one will do that. Shroud stomping is only to keep your HP high without risking anything for the stomp. You’re still able to be feared and interrupted. The only really cool method to stomp as a necro is to drop your well of darkness so they’re blinded plus anyone who gets near you gets blinded and stomp.
Saying necro plague stomp is awesome is pretty stupid. Do you really think a necro would use their awesome elite that is great for group fights to just stomp one person? That’s ridiculous. No one will do that. Shroud stomping is only to keep your HP high without risking anything for the stomp. You’re still able to be feared and interrupted. The only really cool method to stomp as a necro is to drop your well of darkness so they’re blinded plus anyone who gets near you gets blinded and stomp.
IIRC, you can trait for stability upon entering death shroud.
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m afraid this is a learn to play issue.
Play more. Learn other classes skills. Don’t come whining on the forums when the smallest thing doesn’t go right for you.
Mate he wasn’t stealthed, so I would like to kitten know what the kitten is going on, maybe I’ll improve if I knew kittentard.
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m sorry, but this post has me literally laughing out loud.
Btw idk If anyone is even taking you seriously, with the way your talking.
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m sorry, but this post has me literally laughing out loud.
Btw idk If anyone is even taking you seriously, with the way your talking.
Okay seriously though. The guy was standing next to my non stealthed and he just went ahead and finished me. I have no clue what happened there. I typed the kittens in there for fun, you know like how the smurfs change their words?
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m sorry, but this post has me literally laughing out loud.
Btw idk If anyone is even taking you seriously, with the way your talking.
This guy is rather hilarious, not gonna lie. Taking him seriously would be nigh impossible at this point.
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m sorry, but this post has me literally laughing out loud.
Btw idk If anyone is even taking you seriously, with the way your talking.
Okay seriously though. The guy was standing next to my non stealthed and he just went ahead and finished me. I have no clue what happened there. I typed the kittens in there for fun, you know like how the smurfs change their words?
No not really. If it only happened once you might as well let it go dude. I cannot imagine trying to count how many times my engineer #2 would fly right into someone without stability, and not do a thing to them.
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m sorry, but this post has me literally laughing out loud.
Btw idk If anyone is even taking you seriously, with the way your talking.
Okay seriously though. The guy was standing next to my non stealthed and he just went ahead and finished me. I have no clue what happened there. I typed the kittens in there for fun, you know like how the smurfs change their words?
No not really. If it only happened once you might as well let it go dude. I cannot imagine trying to count how many times my engineer #2 would fly right into someone without stability, and not do a thing to them.
It’s a shame though that stuff like this happens, I think we could have expected more from a game that has been in the works for 5 years+. There are more things (like obstructed arrows on an open field) I could list, but let’s just chalk it up to bad coding, again…
Saying necro plague stomp is awesome is pretty stupid. Do you really think a necro would use their awesome elite that is great for group fights to just stomp one person? That’s ridiculous. No one will do that. Shroud stomping is only to keep your HP high without risking anything for the stomp. You’re still able to be feared and interrupted. The only really cool method to stomp as a necro is to drop your well of darkness so they’re blinded plus anyone who gets near you gets blinded and stomp.
I never said it was awesome, nor did I suggest that you blow plague solely for a stomp, that still doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to use it.
And Foot in the Grave gives you stability stomp every 10 seconds by DS stomping.
Saying necro plague stomp is awesome is pretty stupid. Do you really think a necro would use their awesome elite that is great for group fights to just stomp one person? That’s ridiculous. No one will do that. Shroud stomping is only to keep your HP high without risking anything for the stomp. You’re still able to be feared and interrupted. The only really cool method to stomp as a necro is to drop your well of darkness so they’re blinded plus anyone who gets near you gets blinded and stomp.
I never said it was awesome, nor did I suggest that you blow plague solely for a stomp, that still doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to use it.
And Foot in the Grave gives you stability stomp every 10 seconds by DS stomping.
Shroud stomp is pretty boss.
You were probably blinded, thieves have plenty of blinds. Unfortunately you can’t tell when you’re downed.
If he didnt use stability/invulnerability it probably was a blind. There are some skills that blind every second and can be used before a stomp to prevent interrupting like black powder or smoke screen and there are instant skills that can be used while casting other stuff or stomping or rezzing like signet of shadows or blinding flash.
-thieves can stealth so you might not see them
That’s kitten weird, the kitten was standing right next to me, I could basically punch him in the sack. No one was around for like 500 kilometers, yes not miles, suck it americans, I hit my interrup button with the fury of 10 angry muslim prophets and he just proceeds to ram that spike through my guts anyway.
I’m sorry, but this post has me literally laughing out loud.
Btw idk If anyone is even taking you seriously, with the way your talking.
Okay seriously though. The guy was standing next to my non stealthed and he just went ahead and finished me. I have no clue what happened there. I typed the kittens in there for fun, you know like how the smurfs change their words?
No not really. If it only happened once you might as well let it go dude. I cannot imagine trying to count how many times my engineer #2 would fly right into someone without stability, and not do a thing to them.
As best I can tell, it’s a targeting issue. Sometimes I’ll go down with one player or npc targeted, and if a different player stomps me, I’ve noticed I almost never hit him with the #2 even after I change target. Unfortunately, there are many more serious engineer bugs than this that need to be addressed first. Which is really sad, because the downed #2 skill missing is a pretty bad bug.
On my Guardian I blind the enemy or stability myself before finishing.
On my Necro I put Well of Darkness.
Thief can do something else, GW2 has a machanic “You can do ANY instant utility skill while casting something” so if as a Thief I want to finish a guardian who has AoE interrupt I start casting “finishing him” and at the begining of the cast I teleport myself with “Shadowstep” way away from the fight (I can also stealth myself with an instant stealth 3-4 seconds) and the “finish him” skill is still being cast, at the very second of finishing my cast I return with “shadowstep” and finish him.
Also Thief has a loads of blinds that “tick” real often like Pistol 5 (4 seconds blind every 1 second) or Smoke Screen (7 seconds every 1 second).
I bet the rest classes also got some of their tricks how to finish another player.
Saying necro plague stomp is awesome is pretty stupid. Do you really think a necro would use their awesome elite that is great for group fights to just stomp one person? That’s ridiculous. No one will do that. Shroud stomping is only to keep your HP high without risking anything for the stomp. You’re still able to be feared and interrupted. The only really cool method to stomp as a necro is to drop your well of darkness so they’re blinded plus anyone who gets near you gets blinded and stomp.
I never said it was awesome, nor did I suggest that you blow plague solely for a stomp, that still doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to use it.
And Foot in the Grave gives you stability stomp every 10 seconds by DS stomping.
Rolling a thief that can stealth stomp is also available. Why even list things that really shouldnt count. This aint school. I’ll give you that we have 1 source of the super unique stability for the low low cost of a grandmaster trait that we can use for stomping.