Downed state/stomping state of the game

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Tiborb.1453


Let’s look at the interaction between classes related to stomping and avoid/stop a stomping attemp from downed

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? Yes
Can prevent a stability stomp? No
Can interrupt a opponent? Yes
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? Yes
Have multiple interrupt? No
Can move to avoid a stomp? No
Can stealth himself? No

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? No
Can stomp under self stability? Yes
Can blind before stomping? Yes
Can quick-stomp? No

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? No
Can prevent a stability stomp? No
Can interrupt a opponent? Yes
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? No
Have multiple interrupt? No
Can move to avoid a stomp? No
Can stealth himself? No

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? No
Can stomp under self stability? Yes
Can blind before stomping? Yes* (only with the longbow)
Can quick-stomp? Yes

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? Yes* (only if Booby Trap is available)
Can prevent a stability stomp? No
Can interrupt a opponent? Yes
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? Yes* (only if Booby Trap is available)
Have multiple interrupt? Yes
Can move to avoid a stomp? No
Can stealth himself? No

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? Yes* (Only using combo fields or with a 50% chance with toss elxir S)
Can stomp under self stability? Yes* (50% chance with toss elxir S)
Can blind before stomping? Yes
Can quick-stomp? Yes

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? No* (can interrupt a stealthed player only if you hit him with the aoe of thunderclap)
Can prevent a stability stomp? No
Can interrupt a opponent? Yes
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? Yes
Have multiple interrupt? No* (but if you have a disabler pet, for example a wolf, you can fear the enemy with the F2)
Can move to avoid a stomp? No
Can stealth himself? No

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? No
Can stomp under self stability? Yes* (with RaO or traited Signet of the Wild)
Can blind before stomping? Yes* (only with Solar Flare or Raven pet)
Can quick-stomp? Yes

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? Yes
Can prevent a stability stomp? Yes
Can interrupt a opponent? No
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? No
Have multiple interrupt? No
Can move to avoid a stomp? Yes
Can stealth himself? Yes

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? Yes
Can stomp under self stability? No
Can blind before stomping? Yes
Can quick-stomp? Yes

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? Yes
Can prevent a stability stomp? Yes
Can interrupt a opponent? No
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? No
Have multiple interrupt? No
Can move to avoid a stomp? Yes
Can stealth himself? No

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? No
Can stomp under self stability? Yes
Can blind before stomping? Yes
Can quick-stomp? No

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? Yes
Can prevent a stability stomp? Yes
Can interrupt a opponent? No
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? No
Have multiple interrupt? No
Can move to avoid a stomp? Yes
Can stealth himself? Yes

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? Yes
Can stomp under self stability? Yes (not for the full duration of the stomp by normal means)
Can blind before stomping? Yes
Can quick-stomp? Yes* (only with Time Warp)

When downed:
Can prevent a stealth stomp? No
Can prevent a stability stomp? No
Can interrupt a opponent? Yes
Can interrupt multiple stomping opponents? No
Have multiple interrupt? No* (can have only a fear on downed if traited)
Can move to avoid a stomp? No
Can stealth himself? No

When stomping:
Can stealth stomp? No
Can stomp under self stability? Yes* (with DS stomp if traited, but stability will not cover the whole stomping animation)
Can blind before stomping? Yes
Can quick-stomp? No

What did you think?
You feel that some classes are umbalanced from the downed or stomping side?
You think that some interrupt mechanic from downed need to be adjusted to match the others?

(in this list I did not take into account most tricky to safe stomp like shadowstep stomping, portal stomping or plague stomping)

[LOCK] The Closed Society – Seafarer’s Rest

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


you’re lacking a very important question regarding downed state synergy: when rezzing/preventing teamate stomp.
from a teamfight perspective most things are balanced yeah.
-Guardians dont have the best downed state but are the best ressers/stompers and best at preventing stomps from teammates.
-thieves have the best downed state but absolutely cant stomp in a teamfight. they can also save teammates from stability/invulnerabilty stomps.
-Eles have 2nd best downed state and are 2nd best stompers.
-Mesmers have a sort of rng downed state and can stomp under certain circunstances. they can also use IoL.
-Engies are on the same level of warriors in downed state but they apply insane pressure on downed enemies and people trying to ress them. they can also save teammates from stability/invulnerabilty stomps.
-Warriors also apply insane pressure with hundred blades but are very hard to ress because of their downed state.
-Necros can do some clutch plays with corrupt boon and fear to save teammates from stability stomp, but its a little harder. and they have the worst downed state in the lot. they also have signet but its kinda out of flavor right now. even the necro in the master of the mists NA final wasnt using it.
To me downed state actually synergyzes very well in a teamfight situation.
It’s different in 1v1 ofc, where if both opponents go down you already know who’s gonna win.

(edited by ahuba.6430)

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I think the downed states are actually in a pretty good place right now. The only class that concerns me is the ranger. With a wolf, a ranger has 3 interrupts and the downed 2 ability will come back off cooldown by the time the wolf uses his knockdown and fear. Once the rangers pet starts healing, you better find some stability and stomp fast. I’m not saying it’s OP but it’s definitely strong.

I dont think the ability to secure a stomp needs to be completely balanced between all classes. Stomping is a team effort and some classes may be stronger than others. You just have to take that into consideration when forming a team.

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


I played all class, some less then the others, but here my opinion :

Engineer -> Auto attack does horrible damage.The pull is horrible. Booby traps is awesome, but you never get to use it. Engineer are good stomper tho, with elixir S x2, bombkit, smoke field.

Necromancer -> Auto attack is among the best, traited It can down someone really fast. The fear cast time is bad, good effect when traited, single target. The number 3 is only damage. They are also pretty bad for stomping, you need a 30points trait to secure your stomp.

Mention to warrior, but can be deadly when using vengeance.

Ranger -> When I see people say Ranger have horrible downed state, it drives me crazy. Yes it can be countered, but having the possibility of 2-3 interrupt, and the best healing number 3 in the game, is awesome. Also add in the damage of your pet , especially for a BM ranger. They are also great finisher, with pet for block, and quickness.

Thief -> Best downed state, reliable and does high damage. Can secure a lot of stomp again most class, can also use SR to escape stomp for a long time, by using it just before dying.

Mesmer -> I love it. When I tried it for the first time : The damage, the nearly guaranted stomp. The rogue just hit so freaking hard.I really like my mesmer when downed.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Tiborb.1453


Sure, stomp/ressing is matter of teamplay, but there are some situation where the ability to prevent a stomp by self make a big difference: for example a bunker with a strong downed state have a big advantage compared to one that have no tools to counter a stability/stealth stomp.

By the other hand the ability to score a almost 100% (based on the class facing) stomp is a really HUGE:

Think to a little downed necromancer facing a stealth thief or a stability warrior.
Now think to a elementalist facing a stealth thief AND a stability warrior.
Did you see the difference?

Now think to a stability warrior attempting to stomp a downed necromancer aided by a incoming friendly teammate a with full disable build. What they can do to prevent this? Nothing if the mate don’t have something to remove stability.
Now replace the necromancer with a thief or a elementalist: the downed player can move toward the ally and have better chances to survive, buying precious time.

[LOCK] The Closed Society – Seafarer’s Rest

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: miriforst.1290


The problem lies in taking things too literal, look form example at the thief, he would be all green yes for considering that stealth is a guaranteed interrupt, and that the teleport can only be countered if you use it too early against someone with a teleport, so both skills are multi target interrupts, the first one sometimes counterable (against people who use it too early) if you are lucky enough to have an instant teleport available and the second one always counters multiple stomps more or less (depends on stealth traits in combination with multistomping coordination). but then so can thieves shadow step stomp people who can counter both stealth and stability stomps.

This is annoying, as an engineer a thief who DOES NOT STAND DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME (shout out to those thieves, you know who you are) always gets the stomp of, but a thief can interrupt my stomp in a way i cant counter + my other stomp (which they get in 80-90% of the time) is also not counterable by any means i got. So that leaves just dpsing him down, which does not work good in a team game.

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


The problem with the engineer downed state is that is simply nonsensical when put in practical use. After you’ve used the first interrupt, you’ve also pulled the enemy at your location. All he must do is stomp right after that and you won’t be able to do anything, cause booby trap won’t have enough time to charge up.

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Tiborb.1453


The problem lies in taking things too literal, look form example at the thief, he would be all green yes for considering that stealth is a guaranteed interrupt, and that the teleport can only be countered if you use it too early against someone with a teleport, so both skills are multi target interrupts, the first one sometimes counterable (against people who use it too early) if you are lucky enough to have an instant teleport available and the second one always counters multiple stomps more or less (depends on stealth traits in combination with multistomping coordination). but then so can thieves shadow step stomp people who can counter both stealth and stability stomps.

Yeah, I know that, moving around stop the stomp de facto , not literally

The point is:

  • mesmer, elementalist, thief 2# can prevent ALL stomping attempt (stability, with blind/smoke field, stealth, mist stomp, shadowstep stomp, portal stomp) coming from multiple opponents
  • guardian 2# can stop multiple stomping attempt coming from non-stability opponents (like stealth ones)
  • ranger 2# can stop multiple simultaneous non-stealth, non-stability, non-blinding stomping attempt
  • engineer 2# can stop a single non-stealth, non-stability, non-blinding stomp attempt and if have enought time the 3# can stop multiple simultaneous non-stability stomp
  • necromancer and warrior 2# can stop a single non-stealth, non-stability, non-blinding stomp.
[LOCK] The Closed Society – Seafarer’s Rest

Downed state/stomping state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Mydnyght.5026


Down state is a kitten mechanic, nothing more to add, everytime I try to post something about it they delete my post.

Reward bad players who makes tons of mistakes , and push them into being even more noobs and bad, this helps nothing but zerg play , and to all the ones saying its teamplay, no its not, teamplay and skilled gameplay in general is something that involve taking care about your positioning/skill rotation/escape mechanic/heal…etc and not putting yourself in danger 100% of the time because you have some dedicated players around you who spend their time rezzing you while you die from rushing solo into a group and every stupid things possible.

I know it’s supposed to be a teamplay game but people acting like noobs and dying everytime should be assuming the consequences, having a team full of guardian angels is not “skilled” its kittened.
Atm it’s more rewarding to play like a noob and begging for a rezz everytime you die from all the mistakes you makes than trying to be skilled and take 2 players at a time, cuz you will end being the one struggling to stomp the baddies, while they’ll have an easyer time rezzing the baddies.

But here GW2 devs decided to go like “Don’t worry you will never assume your mistakes, and don’t hesitate to put yourself in danger, there’s always a guard ready to rez you in less time that it takes to stomp you, go full glass canon and enjoy spamming 1 button in the middle of ennemy team till your whole team insta rez you”

The only thing I think about Stomp/Downed state, is that it should be removed from the game, so no more balance/unbalance around that stupid mechanic, and people will think twice before making stupid moves (that in the ends reward them anyway)

Revive > Stupid Moves