Dragonhunter is better than Firebrand
DH was meant to be the power elite spec (I believe).
I hope they leave it alone / ensure that it’s a good/great power elite spec for PvE & PvP
I make PvP & WvW videos
DH with just the valor tree and a blank tree is better then a fully traited optimized spec of Firebrand. No reason to play this specialization in PVP
Honor symbolic DH is way better support then anything Firebrand could spec into. I promise.
I will play Firebrand anyway. It’s rseriously funny to play, still if underwhelming if compared to the DH.
To be at the same level the FB need a lot of improvement on the Tomes and Mantras. Also some traits are not so good to be chose instead of the others.
The Axe is good but the Symbol should last a little longer and the Bleed and Burn should have a longer duration. 1 sec of 2 bleed is more or less nothing, the same for 1 sec of Burn (I got 2 sec only with sigil, runes and traits that increase Burn duration and that’s not so much).
Traits 1-1-1 are totally useless. The others are good.
Tome of Justice can inflict an incredible AoE damage, if the enemy don’t chose to focus you and you have enough stability to cast your skills.
Tome of Courage is also good, grant a huge version of WoR AoE that is really useful in a teamfight against ranger, thief, condi mesmer and DH. Also grant Stability and Resistance in a large area. The Taunt is really good to stop an enemy to ress someone because can be use frequently and is AoE, forcing the enemy to AA you for 1 sec.
Tome of Resolve is garbage. If you don’t spec to heal and nothing more you will never be able to use this tome properly. But is the only real healing support of the FB, making a build like that not exelent. (a dh can do better).
Mantras are bad. Grant good things but are more for PvE than sPvP.
The only two i found useful are the Mantra of Lore because grant a really good condi clean and the Elite because grant 3 stability+breakstun (useful to spam F1 in mid, for example), but you can use Renewed Focus and obtain a little more survavibility.
Mantra of Flame inflict too little damage (need to inflict 2 burn each and 4 the last one, maybe with another condition like a Vulnerability or Weakness or Blind), mantra of Truth is totally useless. Restoring Reprieve don’t heal enough to be viable in sPvP, still if grant Aegis (maybe with a traited Aegis that heal you’re able to increase a little the skill potential), and the third stack have to grant Protection or/and Resistance for at last 3-4 seconds.
There’s different things to fix but the Firebrand should be a very strong sPvP Elite.
The Dragonhunter is more flexible and have better skills to fight in sPvP and that make of him a better choice. But the Firebrand can be really useful.
Is a totally new way to play the Guardian and if played wisely can be a great resource for a team.
Thats how the game should be
It’s almost like there are multiple ways to play the game, and the individual player can choose the one they enjoy the most.
It’s almost as if DH has been around for two years and gone through tweaks and updates and Firebrand is brand new…
Firebrand is in a bad spot but wait to see what changes they make (in two years ).
Ya I can’t wait for 2 years when all the rest of the classes are going to be watered down and nerfed so hard, they are all as bad as firebrand. Then I will have fun.