Druid OP?

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: SmokeyJoe.4927


So I was just in a PvP match where my team had a Necro and a Guardian, after a little back and forth our team started losing badly so I decided to just run to our closes point, take it, run to the enemy teams point take that, and just keep running back and forth, but then I saw something interesting.
The Necro and Guardian on my team were fighting a Ranger, easy I thought, but then suddenly the Ranger started healing, so a Druid it was, but here’s the part that surprised me, no matter how much condition damage the Guardian and Necro threw at the Druid he just kept healing to full health, he also had some immobilize skill that kept them immobilized for like 5-6 seconds at a time, and boy could this Druid heal BIG and FAST.
It was almost like it had no cooldown on it’s skills cause it just kept healing and this fight lasted from the score 98-22 until the round ended with the enemy team winning, this Druid was having a blast never losing more than 50% health and healing fully up, barely taking damage and dealing major damage as well, not ONCE did that Druid go down and that makes me wonder is the Druid somewhat overpowered?
I mean if it just healed like crazy all right, but it healed like a fully healing gear Guardian, had toughness like a bunker and did damage like a glass cannon, how is that possible?

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


So I was just in a PvP match where my team had a Necro and a Guardian, after a little back and forth our team started losing badly so I decided to just run to our closes point, take it, run to the enemy teams point take that, and just keep running back and forth, but then I saw something interesting.
The Necro and Guardian on my team were fighting a Ranger, easy I thought, but then suddenly the Ranger started healing, so a Druid it was, but here’s the part that surprised me, no matter how much condition damage the Guardian and Necro threw at the Druid he just kept healing to full health, he also had some immobilize skill that kept them immobilized for like 5-6 seconds at a time, and boy could this Druid heal BIG and FAST.
It was almost like it had no cooldown on it’s skills cause it just kept healing and this fight lasted from the score 98-22 until the round ended with the enemy team winning, this Druid was having a blast never losing more than 50% health and healing fully up, barely taking damage and dealing major damage as well, not ONCE did that Druid go down and that makes me wonder is the Druid somewhat overpowered?
I mean if it just healed like crazy all right, but it healed like a fully healing gear Guardian, had toughness like a bunker and did damage like a glass cannon, how is that possible?

Druid is probably the most “balanced” atm, however, if you aren’t prepared to kill one, it’ll never happen.
Druid damage comes from pet swap quickness, pet abilities, and avatar 5, they clear all condis on avatar use, and aoe stealth on exit.
The immob triggers if they hit you while you are cc’d, it has a 10 second cooldown.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Are druids OP? Yes.

Is everything OP from HoT…just about!

The power-creep has seriously hurt this game from a fun and variability perspective.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


To kill druid you need the same things that you used to kill ele last season. Buttloads of hard CC and high burst damage.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

On my interrupt based chrono, I can kill Druid faster than anyone else on the field right now.

Simply because I can chain interrupt his skills, which are all channels.

The burst LB/GS setup though, that’s a nightmare to fight XD

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


To defeat a decent druid you need someone who can deal direct power bursts without much set up, someone like revenant, thief or a decent symbol guard. Druid have amazing 13 condi removal tied to stun break (pretty much on 10s CD) so condi damage is useless. Your best bet is to use power burst on him after he exit avatar form. You have roughly 10s to do that but note that with dolyak runes, regen and staff I have more than enough time to stack back to full celestial force.

However, druid will most likely lose the point to you when contesting your home due to stealth, so if you have someone bunky enough to keep him occupied (like scrapper) you can have someone else outrotate to far or fight 4v3 in mid. Having 2 players on druid is basically working at druid’s favor, not to mention necro is a dead weight against them.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gibimo.2193


I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief


Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


druids are trash. Only thing that makes them broken is celestial shadow. Reduce stealth from 3 seconds to 1 or remove it all together. Leave superspeed as is. Rename celestial haste. Done.

… I still want tengu.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


Even then celestial shadow isn’t broken in conquest specifically so it’s not even that important.

edit: After reading, none of what I said even matters, the guard and necro are trash.

… I still want tengu.

(edited by Hammerguard.9834)

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gibimo.2193


I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Problem is, I always got 3 stacks of stability and pet is gonna evade every attack while using smoke assault. and I don’t even spend a minute to kill a thief.
just simply send pet -> cloud -> wisp in -> swap GS -> bash -> turn on ‘protect me’
-> maul, swoop -> even if the thief trying to steal or break stun and attack me, pretect me is activates and additianal 2 seconds of stun for certain death.
but this is not particular for thief but every other classes include bow rangers.
and you can even remove several burst condi bombs there you have trooper rune and lots of shouts and celestial form, which is make you almost invincible to condies

If you playing bow ranger, try Staff/ GS or Sword, Warhorn/Staff ranger
It is just OP at 1vs1 and even easily capable with 1vs3

(edited by Gibimo.2193)

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gibimo.2193


druids are trash. Only thing that makes them broken is celestial shadow. Reduce stealth from 3 seconds to 1 or remove it all together. Leave superspeed as is. Rename celestial haste. Done.

even lots of pro players and high tier games prefer druid because of its mobility, burst damage, heals and team supports.
If you think that druids are trash, you are stupid or else you are trying to deceive other people because you worried for druid got nerf

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Problem is, I always got 3 stacks of stability and pet is gonna evade every attack while using smoke assault. and I don’t even spend a minute to kill a thief.
just simply send pet -> cloud -> wisp in -> swap GS -> bash -> turn on ‘protect me’
-> maul, swoop -> even if the thief trying to steal or break stun and attack me, pretect me is activates and additianal 2 seconds of stun for certain death.
but this is not particular for thief but every other classes include bow rangers.
and you can even remove several burst condi bombs there you have trooper rune and lots of shouts and celestial form, which is make you almost invincible to condies

If you playing bow ranger, try Staff/ GS or Sword, Warhorn/Staff ranger
It is just OP at 1vs1 and even easily capable with 1vs3

A G-well with a null field will strip that stabos and turn the rest of that to kitten.

It only takes one chain of interrupts with a little bit of stripping to end a druid. And a Chrono has two tries at it.

Of course, if the druid can somehow survive it, then he’s got all his kittene to tide him over.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Luxzeus.8043


i played support druid all season all the way to legendary and i can sya their hard to kill but not OP… direct counter to us was high burst high spike dmge .. bt first u need to set up well ur interrupt/cc then unload ur burst/spike and will be 100-0 in secs.. in an instance in a legendary match trap guardian zeroed me in 3 secs.. when he set his 3 trap with dragon maw that can daze me then set the cd trap again and burst me.. trap guard of can set up can unload 6 trap in 3 secs… the question is when will anet try to stop the spvp of being a guardian wars 2!

PS. thats when he caught me unprepared and my pet was on bristle back and i went ahead! but yeah our melee pet can ruin all the trap set up when we knw whats coming! its just an instance of how i got zeroed in with chain CC.

(edited by Luxzeus.8043)

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gibimo.2193


I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Problem is, I always got 3 stacks of stability and pet is gonna evade every attack while using smoke assault. and I don’t even spend a minute to kill a thief.
just simply send pet -> cloud -> wisp in -> swap GS -> bash -> turn on ‘protect me’
-> maul, swoop -> even if the thief trying to steal or break stun and attack me, pretect me is activates and additianal 2 seconds of stun for certain death.
but this is not particular for thief but every other classes include bow rangers.
and you can even remove several burst condi bombs there you have trooper rune and lots of shouts and celestial form, which is make you almost invincible to condies

If you playing bow ranger, try Staff/ GS or Sword, Warhorn/Staff ranger
It is just OP at 1vs1 and even easily capable with 1vs3

A G-well with a null field will strip that stabos and turn the rest of that to kitten.

It only takes one chain of interrupts with a little bit of stripping to end a druid. And a Chrono has two tries at it.

Of course, if the druid can somehow survive it, then he’s got all his kittene to tide him over.

yeah everyone loves to stay in null field and jumping inside it lol

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gibimo.2193


i played support druid all season all the way to legendary and i can sya their hard to kill but not OP… direct counter to us was high burst high spike dmge .. bt first u need to set up well ur interrupt/cc then unload ur burst/spike and will be 100-0 in secs.. in an instance in a legendary match trap guardian zeroed me in 3 secs.. when he set his 3 trap with dragon maw that can daze me then set the cd trap again and burst me.. trap guard of can set up can unload 6 trap in 3 secs… the question is when will anet try to stop the spvp of being a guardian wars 2!

PS. thats when he caught me unprepared and my pet was on bristle back and i went ahead! but yeah our melee pet can ruin all the trap set up when we knw whats coming! its just an instance of how i got zeroed in with chain CC.

yeah only guardian could do that insane amount of damage so i called it op
yet druid still need some adjustment

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Gibimo.2193


I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Problem is, I always got 3 stacks of stability and pet is gonna evade every attack while using smoke assault. and I don’t even spend a minute to kill a thief.
just simply send pet -> cloud -> wisp in -> swap GS -> bash -> turn on ‘protect me’
-> maul, swoop -> even if the thief trying to steal or break stun and attack me, pretect me is activates and additianal 2 seconds of stun for certain death.
but this is not particular for thief but every other classes include bow rangers.
and you can even remove several burst condi bombs there you have trooper rune and lots of shouts and celestial form, which is make you almost invincible to condies

If you playing bow ranger, try Staff/ GS or Sword, Warhorn/Staff ranger
It is just OP at 1vs1 and even easily capable with 1vs3

A G-well with a null field will strip that stabos and turn the rest of that to kitten.

It only takes one chain of interrupts with a little bit of stripping to end a druid. And a Chrono has two tries at it.

Of course, if the druid can somehow survive it, then he’s got all his kittene to tide him over.

first, even if you double g-well, you’ll fail to catch druid in it because each tick of grav-well takes only 1 stability, so 1 stability is still is remains and druid won’t catch inside of null field and he will simply walk out of it or dodge it, and soon, stacks gonna refilled.
After that, druid will dodge your mirror blade and give your head to his pet for dinner

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

If a Druid builds for healing it will have ineffective damage. If a druid builds for damage they can’t stand on a point. Their best attribute is they can escape and with the right weapon set they are quite mobile. They are good at 1v1, but in team fights they can easily get locked down and killed. Their most important skills are slow casts, so against decent players they need to kite to get them off. Even 1v1 most professions should be able to decap them.

In your example it looks like the necro was incompetent, and the guardian was likely running a bunker build that couldn’t kill anything. The guardian should have been able to keep a full cap on the node by himself the entire time.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


i can’t take most of you seriously.

Druid Op? No. Easiest class to focus fire down.

Why do I say that? Because its true. The pros agree.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Druid Op? No. Easiest class to focus fire down.

Nope necro is the easiest profession to focus fire down. No stealth, blocks, invulerabilies or extra dodges, they only have alot of health but thats easy do dps though.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Only fix that druid needs:

  • Less cele gain from random regens.
  • More cele gain from damage dealt.

This would enable viable DPS specs again, by allowing a more practical margin of time required to access cele avatar functions but also not nerf the sustain of bunkers so long as they keep attacking while fighting, to benefit the enhanced gain from damage dealt.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Problem is, I always got 3 stacks of stability and pet is gonna evade every attack while using smoke assault. and I don’t even spend a minute to kill a thief.
just simply send pet -> cloud -> wisp in -> swap GS -> bash -> turn on ‘protect me’
-> maul, swoop -> even if the thief trying to steal or break stun and attack me, pretect me is activates and additianal 2 seconds of stun for certain death.
but this is not particular for thief but every other classes include bow rangers.
and you can even remove several burst condi bombs there you have trooper rune and lots of shouts and celestial form, which is make you almost invincible to condies

If you playing bow ranger, try Staff/ GS or Sword, Warhorn/Staff ranger
It is just OP at 1vs1 and even easily capable with 1vs3

A G-well with a null field will strip that stabos and turn the rest of that to kitten.

It only takes one chain of interrupts with a little bit of stripping to end a druid. And a Chrono has two tries at it.

Of course, if the druid can somehow survive it, then he’s got all his kittene to tide him over.

yeah everyone loves to stay in null field and jumping inside it lol

If you’re facing someone with MoD, there’s a Gwell under the null field, and a chaos storm on top of that, you’re unlikely to have much of a choice.

But go on looking at pictures one aspect at a time if that’s your thing

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Problem is, I always got 3 stacks of stability and pet is gonna evade every attack while using smoke assault. and I don’t even spend a minute to kill a thief.
just simply send pet -> cloud -> wisp in -> swap GS -> bash -> turn on ‘protect me’
-> maul, swoop -> even if the thief trying to steal or break stun and attack me, pretect me is activates and additianal 2 seconds of stun for certain death.
but this is not particular for thief but every other classes include bow rangers.
and you can even remove several burst condi bombs there you have trooper rune and lots of shouts and celestial form, which is make you almost invincible to condies

If you playing bow ranger, try Staff/ GS or Sword, Warhorn/Staff ranger
It is just OP at 1vs1 and even easily capable with 1vs3

A G-well with a null field will strip that stabos and turn the rest of that to kitten.

It only takes one chain of interrupts with a little bit of stripping to end a druid. And a Chrono has two tries at it.

Of course, if the druid can somehow survive it, then he’s got all his kittene to tide him over.

first, even if you double g-well, you’ll fail to catch druid in it because each tick of grav-well takes only 1 stability, so 1 stability is still is remains and druid won’t catch inside of null field and he will simply walk out of it or dodge it, and soon, stacks gonna refilled.
After that, druid will dodge your mirror blade and give your head to his pet for dinner

Lol, here we go again.

Here’s what you envisage-

  • Cast Null Field – Hope stability gets stripped. Begin CC rotation/whatever

What actually happens

  • Be ready with MoD to land a free daze and interrupt anything the Druid might like to cast. Has stability already? Flag it, it doesn’t matter.
  • Cast Gravity Well
  • Cast Null Field Under Quickness on top of Gravity well
  • Cast Chaos Storm on top of that
  • Be sure to send in your clones under shatter
  • If you really want, swap to shield and shield 5, but this is unnecessary.
  • Csplit ends

Everything’s off CD.

  • If they’re still alive, cast Chaos storm, force out anything they have left or you might have missed. Just a little bit more pressure. MoD should still be fully charged too.
  • If you really want/have to, hit them with another G-well/Null Field wombo combo
  • Don’t forget to shatter.
  • Now you can swap to sw/shield. You’ve still got MoD in conjunction with shield stun, and f3 still available.
  • The Druid should have been long dead, back during the opening engagement and a nasty condi bomb, especially with both him and his pet eatting mistrust interrupts. But if not he’s more than dead now as he had no chance to activate any skills let alone cleanse anything.’

Also: Mirror Blade? Who the hell is running GS right now? XD

Druid has been the single easiest fight for me this season.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

I don’t know how a thief main is complaining about Druids. They are honestly the easiest targets for you to +1. You must’ve died to too many smokescales.

… I still want tengu.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


“I always got 3 stacks of stability”… LUL

… I still want tengu.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Koru.8574


I play druid, thief, guardian and rev for pvp and wvw and yes.
Druid is currently op along with guardian. and the weakest is the thief

What makes druid particularly juicy as a target to interrupt is that his pet is right there to get interrupted too. So if you interrupt him and his pet, with mistrust that’s an easy 8 stacks of confusion shared between them for the double interrupt

Good times.

~All things relative.

Problem is, I always got 3 stacks of stability and pet is gonna evade every attack while using smoke assault. and I don’t even spend a minute to kill a thief.
just simply send pet -> cloud -> wisp in -> swap GS -> bash -> turn on ‘protect me’
-> maul, swoop -> even if the thief trying to steal or break stun and attack me, pretect me is activates and additianal 2 seconds of stun for certain death.
but this is not particular for thief but every other classes include bow rangers.
and you can even remove several burst condi bombs there you have trooper rune and lots of shouts and celestial form, which is make you almost invincible to condies

If you playing bow ranger, try Staff/ GS or Sword, Warhorn/Staff ranger
It is just OP at 1vs1 and even easily capable with 1vs3

wow 1v3 rlly…thats jus exaggerated..only way for that to happen is if the whole team doesnt have damage at all n thats a big if…i destroy druids on a condi cheese thief….war gimmick rifle melts them like butter on toast…plz stop crying..i dont play druid, its jus that i find what ur typing to be utter amber nonsense

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

do people just say nerf on every class they have a hard time dealing?

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Tim.6450


do people just say nerf on every class they have a hard time dealing?

Not just class even mechanic.


Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


stop the spvp of being a guardian wars 2!

All I see are druids, guards and revs. Occasionally warrior, thief and engi. Rarely mesmer. Nearly never ele.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


stop the spvp of being a guardian wars 2!

All I see are druids, guards and revs. Occasionally warrior, thief and engi. Rarely mesmer. Nearly never ele.

And necros never? Since you dont mention them at all and so…

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


And necros never? Since you dont mention them at all and so…

Yeah not often, same frequency as warrior I think. Just kinda forgot about them though. I think it’s getting shafted hard by the current meta since Guard and Druid have buttloads of cleanses, warrior ignores your condis and there’s a fairly sizable number of mallyx revs.

Still you see some really good ones – one guy lst night won a clutch 1v2 on necro vs rev and scrapper to give our team a 500:488 victory.

(edited by Ubik.8315)

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Most balanced and “never going to kill one” ? Helll yeaaah, I think logic is broken here.
This kitten of a class has been overpowered as a bunker/support with dps AI since season 1, then they added that Search and Rescue to them allowing to safely pull downstates out of a fight (they changed it now which is lovely).
I have a question though, why nerf mesmer and ele bunkers and let druids be?

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

I’ve been playing Druid almost exclusively this season, just cos I’m very comfortable with it and its utility is almost universal. I wouldn’t say it’s OP overall, though. Maybe in various situations, but you could say the same with any class. I think both the damage and utility of druid are dialed back enough that it’s not unreasonable. A team properly focusing Druid usually can take him down quick enough.

1v1 is tough, but a good Mes should be able to spam enough condis to deal with the heavy cleanse between cooldowns. Any other class is gonna have a very hard time getting a good Druid to give up a point. I wouldn’t count on his stealth to give you the point unless your pressure is so heavy that he really needs a break. Very rare in 1v1. When I utilize stealth in 1vX, it’s usually just to disengage; otherwise, I tag immediately after exiting CA to break the stealth and stay on point.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lalainnia.3598


The only thing I find crazy on a druid is the healing outside of actual healing amulets/runes you can go full paladin or marauder and still have exceptional healing for teammates and yourself with next to no investment in healing power.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Oh Snapalope.1378

Oh Snapalope.1378

It’s honestly the pet scaling. They just do too much damage.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


If a Druid builds for healing it will have ineffective damage. If a druid builds for damage they can’t stand on a point. Their best attribute is they can escape and with the right weapon set they are quite mobile. They are good at 1v1, but in team fights they can easily get locked down and killed. Their most important skills are slow casts, so against decent players they need to kite to get them off. Even 1v1 most professions should be able to decap them.

In your example it looks like the necro was incompetent, and the guardian was likely running a bunker build that couldn’t kill anything. The guardian should have been able to keep a full cap on the node by himself the entire time.

Would be true for any other class,but you know,pets got independent stats…. .Means you can have tons of toughness or healing but pet will still sit on solid dps stats,if you pick such pet,not even talking about how easy its to might stack those fellows.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

If a Druid builds for healing it will have ineffective damage. If a druid builds for damage they can’t stand on a point. Their best attribute is they can escape and with the right weapon set they are quite mobile. They are good at 1v1, but in team fights they can easily get locked down and killed. Their most important skills are slow casts, so against decent players they need to kite to get them off. Even 1v1 most professions should be able to decap them.

In your example it looks like the necro was incompetent, and the guardian was likely running a bunker build that couldn’t kill anything. The guardian should have been able to keep a full cap on the node by himself the entire time.

Would be true for any other class,but you know,pets got independent stats…. .Means you can have tons of toughness or healing but pet will still sit on solid dps stats,if you pick such pet,not even talking about how easy its to might stack those fellows.

Pets are not hard to kite, can’t dodge, and are pretty useless in a team fight. If smokescales and bristle backs keep you up at nigh because of their massive damage, then I’m not sure how you deal with other classes.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

If a Druid builds for healing it will have ineffective damage. If a druid builds for damage they can’t stand on a point. Their best attribute is they can escape and with the right weapon set they are quite mobile. They are good at 1v1, but in team fights they can easily get locked down and killed. Their most important skills are slow casts, so against decent players they need to kite to get them off. Even 1v1 most professions should be able to decap them.

In your example it looks like the necro was incompetent, and the guardian was likely running a bunker build that couldn’t kill anything. The guardian should have been able to keep a full cap on the node by himself the entire time.

Would be true for any other class,but you know,pets got independent stats…. .Means you can have tons of toughness or healing but pet will still sit on solid dps stats,if you pick such pet,not even talking about how easy its to might stack those fellows.

Pets are not hard to kite, can’t dodge, and are pretty useless in a team fight. If smokescales and bristle backs keep you up at nigh because of their massive damage, then I’m not sure how you deal with other classes.

Way to understate the potency of Druid’s and their pets.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

They seem weak to me:

Considering that you’re farming Sapphire scrubs on an alt account, I should hope so.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


They seem weak to me:

Considering that you’re farming Sapphire scrubs on an alt account, I should hope so.

That was in ruby (with a non-HoT build).

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

They seem weak to me:

Considering that you’re farming Sapphire scrubs on an alt account, I should hope so.

That was in ruby (with a non-HoT build).

Lol, the Sapphire tier reward is clearly showing above your minimap. You’re not as clever as you think you are.

Anyway, Ruby or Sapphire, doesn’t matter. You’re showing encounters with players who get confused and overwhelmed by a trap ranger. Players who allow you to stomp them without using Thunderclap, even when they potentially have a rally around the corner. These are not the kinds of players who display the potential of any class.

This would be like a grown boxer knocking out a poor kid with a white belt in karate, then saying “Meh, I guess karate’s pretty weak, huh?”

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I play ele and lots of druids out. Staff/GS are hard if they can play but they don´t kill me fast. If they swap to LB i usually burn their corpse a few seconds later with a fire overlaod :-).
So i never felt that they are OP but they are realy good. Mobile, surviaval and damage packed in one. Classic HOT powercreep class.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


They seem weak to me:

Considering that you’re farming Sapphire scrubs on an alt account, I should hope so.

That was in ruby (with a non-HoT build).

Lol, the Sapphire tier reward is clearly showing above your minimap. You’re not as clever as you think you are.

Anyway, Ruby or Sapphire, doesn’t matter. You’re showing encounters with players who get confused and overwhelmed by a trap ranger. Players who allow you to stomp them without using Thunderclap, even when they potentially have a rally around the corner. These are not the kinds of players who display the potential of any class.

This would be like a grown boxer knocking out a poor kid with a white belt in karate, then saying “Meh, I guess karate’s pretty weak, huh?”

Well I thought it was footage from Ruby, some of it might have been in sapphire i guess. I am in ruby atm and there is no ruby icon above my mini map.

Also the reason some players couldn’t prevent my stomp is not because they didn’t try, it is because I stopped them from doing it through counter play.

At any rate, I am pretty sure the OP is not in Diamond or Legendary, so if he is just learning the ropes like I am the vid shows a good example of how weak the druid can be. He may have just run into a really amazing player like you that can make a weak class seem strong because you are a pro.

Nor do I get your analogy: I am playing against players that are apparently the same skill level as me, and also I don’t even have HoT. Surely its more like I am David vs Goliath considering how OP the HoT specs are compared to vanilla.

Druid is so weak (except in the hands of super players like kin korn karn) that you can often beat them easily even without a HoT build. OP, just put a focus on them in group fights and you’ll find they often go down fairly quick.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023


Your video shows little more than how easy it is to kill exceptionally poor players. That doesn’t make me godly; it just means that the encounters you cherry-picked from Sapphire division aren’t representative of what a lot of players are up against on a regular basis.

To be clear -and I already mentioned this above- I don’t think Druid is OP. But to call the profession weak based on that video is just absurd.

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963



Your video shows little more than how easy it is to kill exceptionally poor players. That doesn’t make me godly; it just means that the encounters you cherry-picked from Sapphire division aren’t representative of what a lot of players are up against on a regular basis.

To be clear -and I already mentioned this above- I don’t think Druid is OP. But to call the profession weak based on that video is just absurd.

The OP was concerned that druid is OP because he saw one druid that was hard to kill, but nearly every fight I have against druids goes like my video, which was just random footage I took in ruby tier. No other class is so easy to bring down (for me anyway).

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I have 4 issues with druids/rangers:

1) pets don’t scale with ranger stats really – you have bunker/healer druid and his pet following you around dealing basically thief kind of dmg while being more robust than the thief. Before HoT you could at least “outplay” petzoo by abusing terrain (jump on box, balcony etc.) now pets just port on top of you so any kind of kiting is rendered useless now. I just want to uninstall every time i see multiple druids with rev and thief on enemy team – there will be porting petzoo with rev/thief perma pressuring me no matter, where i port. Autotargetting after stealth doesn’t help either.

2) pets make CC useless. CCs are used to set up kills and peels. The problem with pets – yes, you can CC druid to prevent him from murdering you but pet continues to attack/CC you (and it is not a dmg you can ignore, not to mention knockdown from rev dog has 1000 miles range for some reason) so you never actually get a break. Inb4 kill the pet – that thing has more survivability than 3 warriors combined.

3) RTL got nerfed, yet druids got RTL on 15 sec CD. This gives them waaaaayyy to much mobility for the build/class that is great at holding point. On maps like foefire it is close to impossible to get decaps because of it unless druid player has awareness of a potato.

4) Under certain conditions the staff AA from druid follows the target across the map, ignores stealth etc. even if druid not using it or died. They always know where target is, even though the animation should actually break. It makes roamers job (thieves/mes/revs) to hell since there is a lazor thing following you around and marking you for the whole match. People been abusing this bug in matches since HoT came out and i honestly don’t understand why this exploit wasn’t fixed yet.


All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I have 4 issues with druids/rangers:

1) pets don’t scale with ranger stats really – you have bunker/healer druid and his pet following you around dealing basically thief kind of dmg while being more robust than the thief. Before HoT you could at least “outplay” petzoo by abusing terrain (jump on box, balcony etc.) now pets just port on top of you so any kind of kiting is rendered useless now. I just want to uninstall every time i see multiple druids with rev and thief on enemy team – there will be porting petzoo with rev/thief perma pressuring me no matter, where i port. Autotargetting after stealth doesn’t help either.

2) pets make CC useless. CCs are used to set up kills and peels. The problem with pets – yes, you can CC druid to prevent him from murdering you but pet continues to attack/CC you (and it is not a dmg you can ignore, not to mention knockdown from rev dog has 1000 miles range for some reason) so you never actually get a break. Inb4 kill the pet – that thing has more survivability than 3 warriors combined.

3) RTL got nerfed, yet druids got RTL on 15 sec CD. This gives them waaaaayyy to much mobility for the build/class that is great at holding point. On maps like foefire it is close to impossible to get decaps because of it unless druid player has awareness of a potato.

4) Under certain conditions the staff AA from druid follows the target across the map, ignores stealth etc. even if druid not using it or died. They always know where target is, even though the animation should actually break. It makes roamers job (thieves/mes/revs) to hell since there is a lazor thing following you around and marking you for the whole match. People been abusing this bug in matches since HoT came out and i honestly don’t understand why this exploit wasn’t fixed yet.

I think the druid was using the infamous sidewinder sigil


Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I have 4 issues with druids/rangers:

1) pets don’t scale with ranger stats really – you have bunker/healer druid and his pet following you around dealing basically thief kind of dmg while being more robust than the thief. Before HoT you could at least “outplay” petzoo by abusing terrain (jump on box, balcony etc.) now pets just port on top of you so any kind of kiting is rendered useless now. I just want to uninstall every time i see multiple druids with rev and thief on enemy team – there will be porting petzoo with rev/thief perma pressuring me no matter, where i port. Autotargetting after stealth doesn’t help either.

2) pets make CC useless. CCs are used to set up kills and peels. The problem with pets – yes, you can CC druid to prevent him from murdering you but pet continues to attack/CC you (and it is not a dmg you can ignore, not to mention knockdown from rev dog has 1000 miles range for some reason) so you never actually get a break. Inb4 kill the pet – that thing has more survivability than 3 warriors combined.

3) RTL got nerfed, yet druids got RTL on 15 sec CD. This gives them waaaaayyy to much mobility for the build/class that is great at holding point. On maps like foefire it is close to impossible to get decaps because of it unless druid player has awareness of a potato.

4) Under certain conditions the staff AA from druid follows the target across the map, ignores stealth etc. even if druid not using it or died. They always know where target is, even though the animation should actually break. It makes roamers job (thieves/mes/revs) to hell since there is a lazor thing following you around and marking you for the whole match. People been abusing this bug in matches since HoT came out and i honestly don’t understand why this exploit wasn’t fixed yet.

1) So you want to be able to jump onto a box and have the pet be completely useless? Pets have to run to their target even if they are birds. If you are in Krihlo an the ranger is at the window, the pet will have to run downstairs, back upstairs to the center to attack anyone.

2) If the KD from the smokescale is 1000 range I agree it should get nerfed. Also, if it has the survivability of 3 warriors and does more damage than a thief, I would agree it needs a nerf. Somehow I think you are exaggerating a bit. I don’t think making a mandatory class mechanic so useless that it can be ignored is good for the game.

3) So should all classes have leaps taken away, or put on a 60s cool down? A thief can jump the ledge and a Ranger can not, so a thief should be able to at least decap the point before the ranger can get to the point. If a ranger is already up on the hill, do you really think you should be able to go right by them and free cap the node before they can get there?

4) Mesmers have abused it since launch. Rangers aren’t the only class that have a ranged attack that follows a target after it has broken LOS.