Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Lean back a moment and recall the last situation you got seriously owned.

Maybe you got instant-gibbed by a Thief, driven crazy by a Mesmer, stun-locked to death by a Hammer Warrior or gibbed by a 100 Blades. Maybe you fought a 2 minute duel vs. another Guardian unable to drop his health below 50% etc etc.

All the situations occur and leave the player perplexed. He/she doesn’t understand what happened and at first glance it seems unfair.

So what options does one have at this point?

-You can create a profession that just owned you, get into SPvP, learn the skills and build…and finally learn how to counter them. Possible yes….but very time consuming and demanding.

-Ask your Guild Mates/Friends if they play said class. Possible, but chances are slim you’ll find someone playing that specific build on that specific profession.

-Ask on the forums: Not to bash anyone but these forums are pretty badwhen it comes to giving advice or PvP tips. Between “Dodge everything” and “L2P” you find very few helpful answers. And even then these are often pure theory and highly impractical.

Now in others MMOs you have a 4th option.


In fact Duels and small scale PvP are a great way to learn about other classes without actually playing them. If everyone had a little more understanding about every profession there’d probably be a lot less QQ around these forums.

I mean how are you expected to avoid xyz ability-combo when the only place you can practice it is in the chaos of sPvP where half the time you don’t have any clue what build the others are playing.

Duels would really help people learn the intricacies of other professions. It would provide them the opportunity to fine-tune their play in a controlled environment.

I think duels need to happen. They’d do the game a lot of good.

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: shalmont.2539


i like duels, currently only way to do it is go into an empty server, im able to do this for hours at a time sometimes in the A.M’s, and yes its the best way to learn to counter other classes

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Oh if only. Imagine fights goin down across the mists

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


Duels and 1v1 balance would be absolutely amazing for this game. 1v1 arenas with ranking even better. Actually, I’d probably only watch 1v1 as an esport. I do like playing PvP with objectives, but I certainly don’t like watching others play it.

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Vasilis.1963


I would like to see open world dueling , but with an ignore/block duels option.
Also the idea of 1v1 arena with ranking sounds awesome!

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Infinitus.3712


This is a fantastic suggestion, Whilst I do try and help out with some of peoples queries and problems with the Mesmer. The option of dueling will allow people to help themselves and do the theorycrafting themselves.

Bump for great justice !

EDIT- Also +1 for 1v1 ranked games that sounds amazing especially in a massive open arena that people can spectate


Infi TV- Engineer for Genesis Gaming [GG]
https://twitter.com/infinitustv -[Desolation EU]

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Dueling must be implemented into the game, I have no idea why such a thing is not yet here. As mentioned before its a great way to learn about other class weakness without playing them (also it is very fun)

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

1v1 arena? jeez no lol

80% of the fights would be bunker guardian vs random -> guardian wins after 50 minutes because the random said F THIS and quit the match

the other 20% would be 5 hour long matches between 2 thiefs because they cant see each other due to culling issues granting perma invis

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Infinitus.3712


1v1 arena? jeez no lol

80% of the fights would be bunker guardian vs random -> guardian wins after 50 minutes because the random said F THIS and quit the match

the other 20% would be 5 hour long matches between 2 thiefs because they cant see each other due to culling issues granting perma invis

You know this would be an idea to be implemented once this balancing issues are resolved as that’s all they are. Arena net are aware of bunker guardians and the rendering issues with stealth. However once there is balance I think it’s more than a viable feature.

Infi TV- Engineer for Genesis Gaming [GG]
https://twitter.com/infinitustv -[Desolation EU]

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Yinn.6507


This is not starcraft, I will disagree with having 1v1 arenas.

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


It’s not about learn a class .
It’s more about some real issue in the combat system.

Fight a class that go in hide and deal uber damage with fast attacks,and initiative system that allow this class to spam the same skills over and over(immagine a warrior with initiative system that spam 100 blade….or and engineer that can spam static shot or net-turret…) .
Or fight a class that have some hide skill and clones,that when destroyed dmg you,and when ignored also give you troubles…

This things are hard to counter,its useless ignore this,in a game that was supposed to become one of the most balanced from his beta-stage.

Retouch the hide mechanic not allowing to go in hide that often and make the player think 2 times when to use his stealth ability,improve in some way the initiative system not allowing to spam a single range of skills,allow to properly counter mesmer ability , not by nerfing the damage,may be even improving it but giving longer CDs .

Because,it’s really not a case the spam that you can see in the sPvP of this same 2 classes….mesmers and thiefs.

I’m taking TONS of screens if mine sPvP,where teams have a theif and mesmer spam…
First to say : “learn to counter,learn to play,try the class first to speak,etc etc blah blah”,ask yourself why there is so much spam of this classes in the game.
And here again,i would like to ask Anet some official statistic of what is happening in the class preferences.

P.S: my first lvl 80 was a thief,and every time i play it,i really feel mad for how i can troll my opponents(i just tested the new changes,trolling badly 4 sPvP maps).They basically cannot react to me,and i use a simply trap build,not even backstab/heartseeker/uber impact damage set.

I apologize for my english.


I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Kouryuu.4213


I’d love duels. I need them right now so I can practice against builds I have no chance against.

I disagree with a ranked 1v1 system though. I just want the chance to practice without some random guy coming to get free glory.

Forever unranked.

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


I wish duels would happen. It was incredibly requested during the beta weekend events, and ArenaNet even acknowledged it and hinted that it would be worked on, but now that they’ve mentioned dueling in the form of 1v1 custom arenas.. I don’t think we’ll get actual dueling that every other MMO seems to have.