ESl, AG and Community Push for Balance!

ESl, AG and Community Push for Balance!

in PvP

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


We’ve been seeing a lot this lately with the ban of vamp runes in tournaments and amulets/traits in the 2v2s.

Good Job!

I would like to see you guys take more action with more rune/sigil and trait, amulet, and class stacking bans (Heck even amulet stacking bans just for an example) in the near future for more variety and flavor in matches. This can do wonders for the competitive scene and maybe Anet will follow suit and pick up a few things about balance!

I fully understand that balancing this game is a monumental task for this a just a proposal to the competitive community to take a more active role in the never-ending push for balance not just “ban this so I can win muniez” and not be caught in a cycle of whats gonna be the next “aids meta” for the next 3-6 months.

I know I and many others that play pvp competitively in this game really just want this game to succeed as a “esport” and not “espurtz” which I like to call it.

Kodas Blessing

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

(edited by SnowCow.5914)