ETA on Arena?

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Anyone have any idea when arena will be out? Wow arena is like complete crap atm and really want to play some competitive arena.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


Have Anet said anywhere that there would be a deathmatch arena?

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


There was in gw1, it was pretty much all I did. I would like to think there would be arena.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


When it’s ready.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Darkrachet.8732


Have they actually said they’re making it? Sorry haven’t been keeping up with this game lately.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


I don’t recall anything being said about any death-match style pvp at all. In fact I vaguely remember a game dev saying that style of pvp wasn’t going to work well in gw2. Probably because if you have no dedicated support class and the only objective is to kill… why would you run anything other than max damage glass cannon? That was the whole reason they chose conquest as main pvp type, to stress smaller skirmishes over resources and only occasionally having larger fights.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


why would you run anything other than max damage glass cannon?

This, we need modes that move people away from feeling like they need to build 100% glass cannon.

Also I’ve not read anywhere that there will be an arena mode. In GW1 != will be in GW2

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Haku.5068


why would you run anything other than max damage glass cannon?

This, we need modes that move people away from feeling like they need to build 100% glass cannon.

Also I’ve not read anywhere that there will be an arena mode. In GW1 != will be in GW2

Would need to be ONLY random arenas. The meta for that mode would take all of 1 day to develop into the same team being ran by everyone because why not?

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Ziddy.2583


There is no eta because they never said there would be arenas. There’s no need for it either, the game isn’t balanced around deathmatch.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: Pray.9751


Have they actually said they’re making it? Sorry haven’t been keeping up with this game lately.

They haven’t even mentioned arenas as of yet so as there are about 10 things ANet thinks about starting to maybe be as far as to come to the conlusion that it might be in the best interest of all to slowly grow a sense of a general idea to actually do something…

Arenas will not hit this game in 2012. Or 2013.

ETA on Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: EvilExE.3460


I wonder if in custom arenas, you can customise the functionality of the maps, this way you could turn capture points off and increse the time limits, player numbers etc.. since its called custom arenas, i would assume that these standardised configuration features will be present. Yes im right, yes i am.

Every person makes error’s, all that matter’s is how they fix them.