[EU] 8v8 GvG League - 2850G Prize Pool

[EU] 8v8 GvG League - 2850G Prize Pool

in PvP

Posted by: jakpwnsall.7864


Hello Guys
This week i have been spending my time establishing a new Competition aimed towards GW2 GvG Community on EU.
The GvG league will have a league table on a website. Weekly fixtures will award 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss, the winner will be the team with the most points at the end of the season, just like any football league around the world.
(Premiership/Bundesliga/La liga)

Since it is impossible to establish a GvG League or Tournament with the original 20v20/15v15 GvG matches that happen in the obsidian sanctum, this this tournament will be happening in PvP Arenas. Even Though the matches will happen in a PvP Arena, the original GvG Deathmatch rules will still apply.

Since i have made a couple of posts on the unofficial and official WvW forums, there has been quite alot of interest for the GvG League, and some Top EU GvG Guilds have already signed up, and even some less known WvW Guilds on EU are taking some interest.
The league fixtures will be streamed by chemsorly (ty chemso), and an experienced GvG player has agreed to shoutcast the matches. (Its not sacrx)

Because my other post was more of an introduction, and originally posted just to see if people would be interested in such a gamemode, people have been asking alot of questions regarding rules and when this thing is going to start. Hopefully i can make some things clear.

- There is only a few certain rules of the gamemode so far, the remaining rules will be confirmed at the end of the week in a teamspeak meeting with all of the signed up team leaders. Here is what we have so far.

Rule 1 – No more than 2 of the same class in your squad.

Rule 2 – No more than 4 of the same amulet used in your squad.

Rule 3 – Once you are dead, you are dead. (No Respawns) Classic GW2 GvG Rule

Rule 4 – If the map for the tournament is chosen as legacy of foefire, the arena for the fights will have a boundary.
If a member of your team leaves the boundary will mean the round is reset if your team wins the round. Breaking this rule 3 times in one GvG will result in a disqualification.

Rule 5 – The round by the team that eliminates all of the enemy team members. A round can also be won if the enemy team leader calls GG in map chat and surrenders the round.

Rule 6 – No full Ressing. Another classic GvG rule, once you are dead you are dead. Being downed is different, you can ress a downed player.

Rule 7 – The GvG Matches will be Best of 9, which means the first team to win 5 rounds will win.

When will it all start?
- If all goes to plan, the date for the weekly fixtures will be chosen at the meeting this weekend. Most likely going to be 2 weeks from now.

What are the prizes?
1st Place – 2000G/ 2nd Place – 500G/ 3rd Place – 250G/ 4th Place – 100G

Which map will the matches be played on?

Foefire or Courtyard, and it depends on which map the guilds involved would rather play.
(Will be decided at the meeting at the end of this week.)

If you have any other questions regarding this tournament, you can PM me ingame @ El Zingy, or i can reply on this post

You can sign up your guild here – http://goo.gl/forms/P0Hukmd8Ze

The deadline for the signup is saturday, if you sign up i will PM you with details on the meeting on sunday.
Hope to see some more guilds sign up for this, Thanks for all the interest so far.

Zingy the sik DPS warrior from [ST] [TA] [VnT] [Wu]

[EU] 8v8 GvG League - 2850G Prize Pool

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Sounds interesting. Not going to take part, but will be interested to watch the streams.

One – Piken Square

[EU] 8v8 GvG League - 2850G Prize Pool

in PvP

Posted by: Prysin.8542


why not bump it up to 10 v 10? or do you need it to be 8v8 so there can be 2x spectator/commentor?

just askin.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

[EU] 8v8 GvG League - 2850G Prize Pool

in PvP

Posted by: jakpwnsall.7864


why not bump it up to 10 v 10? or do you need it to be 8v8 so there can be 2x spectator/commentor?

just askin.

It is for the referee and shoutcasters, also pvp arenas lag in 10v10

Zingy the sik DPS warrior from [ST] [TA] [VnT] [Wu]

[EU] 8v8 GvG League - 2850G Prize Pool

in PvP

Posted by: Doon.2364


May I enter this tourney solo? I would like to 1v8 and not share the prize money.

[EU] 8v8 GvG League - 2850G Prize Pool

in PvP

Posted by: Sakulos.7963


Fresh aproach to gvg, making it possible despite match ups.
Going to be at least interesting. B|

[nRBL] Next Rebel guild leader