[EU] CC-FTW: 1v1 Tournament

[EU] CC-FTW: 1v1 Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Noctifera.3746


CC-FTW: The Chosen Championship – Friendless Tournamnet Weekly (21/02/2015)


Each week / every other week we will run a 1v1 tournament (hence “friendless”) much like the [CA] Invitational Tournament we ran on 07/02/2015. This was a basic 1v1 tournament with 16 invited players in a knockout style system with no losers bracket (We can extend this to 32 players if we need). Like that tournament ceeding will not be used for these tournaments and absolutely anyone can play regardless of whether you played the week before or not. If we have an uneven number, for example we get 15 players instead of 16, then we will grant free passage to the highest attending ceed for the first round.

The small tournaments will take place at the mid point of Foefire, if there are more than 16 particiapants though there will be a quickfire knockout round of up to 32 players before where you will be designated a space on the map along with a tournament admin and we will have multiple fights at once (this is purely to avoid the tournament taking 5+ hours xD).

During these small tournaments you will be fighting for a small prize pool (much smaller than the original one) but most importantly you will be fighting for points. At the end of each week the top 8 players will score points towards the championship ceeding (see point breakdown below).
The leaderboard (ceeding ladder or whatever you call it) will be tracked for 4 or more of these smaller tournaments until we decide to hold a championship tournament. In this tournament we will take your position on the leaderboard as your ceeding therefore if you are the #1 ceed you should have a very easy path to the final where the real prizes will lie!!

These championship tournaments will be played on a variety of the maps suited to 1v1 through the different stages including Foefire, Forest and Courtyard. If you are lucky we will even have a troll match on the skyhammer control room! [Tongue]

1st – 10 points
2nd – 7 points
3rd – 5 points
4th – 3 points

5th – 2 points
6th – 2 points
7th – 2 points
8th – 2 points

Tournaments will start at 6PM GMT each Saturday unless stated otherwise. New entries for each week will open after the tournament concludes and will close at 6PM GMT the following Saturday.

If you have already paid during a previous week and would like to sign up for the next week please send another signup message as you did before, the only difference being you dont need to send us gold! [lol]

Additional information can be found on our CCFTW guild, 0 rep required and you can use it to contact the Tournament Admins

Rules of Engagement:

- You may only enter 1 character, so you are classlocked for the tournament.
- Disallowed Amulets (Soldiers, Settlers, Clerics, Magi, Celestial, Sentinels)
- No elites over 120 seconds
- No Dwayna runes
- Necromancers are not allowed to have more than 20% life force at start
- Mesmers are not allowed to use specific traits (Chaos XII, Phantasmal Defender)
- Thiefs are not allowed to use Shadow Arts XI
- No stacks of any sort before the game
- You must stay within the area alloted for the fight, if you are unsure of this ask a tournament admin
- If you are scheduled to play and do not turn up after 5 minutes of waiting you will forfeit the first match to your opponent (Be it a Bo1 or Bo7 etc)
- If you are scheduled to play a Bo2+ and do not turn up after a further 10 minutes you will forfeit the entire match to your opponent
- Rules are Subject to change should the Admins see fit (also we are still new to this whole thing so bear with us. Yes. BEARS)

Some rules may seem strict but you must agree watching 2 celestial builds fight for a few hours would get boring…


Firstly to sign up to the entire tournament it will cost you 1g. Now this as you may expect is entirely for the prizepools as we will be trying to find the sponsors to provide the big championship prizes we will use these small entry fees to fund the weekly prizes [Smile] (if you are strapped for cash ask a friend nicely, 1g is like 1 copper to some people ¬¬)

Okay now the bad news is out of the way time to get to the signups

Compose an in-game Guild Wars 2 mail to either me (Divok.6514) or Trigger (Morning Trigger.3279) with the following info:

- Your Account Name (Divok.6514 for example)
- Your Chosen Character Name (Mr Divok for example)
- Your Characters Class (Warrior for example)
- Your timezone (Preferably in terms of GMT +/-) so we can communicate our times better
- Whether or not you have paid already this month (We have a list so please don’t try any funny business [Tongue] )
- And your 1g entry fee if you haven’t paid of course. We will send confirmation of receiving it!


hope to see many people joining us for this event

[EU] CC-FTW: 1v1 Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Grove Runes and Barkskin might be things to look at for extra things to ban – just from experience in Angz.

GL with the tourny.