(edited by witcher.3197)
(EU) Unplayable lag
Gw2 is unplayable for me every evening.
my team mate from sweden and me from germany suffer from unplayable lag too, i cant attack anyone. People port around, I have 1 sec skill delay atleast and i get ported around aswell. All this while my ping is 35 ms.
(edited by Blackjack.5621)
my team mate from sweden and me from germany suffer from unplayable lag too, i cant attack anyone. People port around, i get ported around aswell.
I feel sorry for you if you’re routed through Frankfurt.
my team mate from sweden and me from germany suffer from unplayable lag too, i cant attack anyone. People port around, i get ported around aswell.
I feel sorry for you if you’re routed through Frankfurt.
Where can i see it and how can i change it?
I mentioned Frankfurt, because that city is a kitten for routes.
Roughly ~30% packet losses and high ping spikes.
That still doesn’t mean that’s the sole reason behind your lags.
Can be also one of the nodes in Germany, especially from Telia’s infrastructure, since they’re not really into fixing anything.
Change it?
VPN server straight to France.
At least it works for me – sometimes.
People port around, I have 1 sec skill delay atleast and i get ported around aswell. All this while my ping is 35 ms.
Same issue, every single day, and it’s mostly a prime-time thing. I was looking forward to the expansion, but if Eu servers go ham now, what will happen later?
Question to people playing both EU and NA. Does playing on NA solves lag issues?
I dont even bother with pvp anymore. Too laggy.
Yesterday I was fine until like 17:00 CET, but today, it became unplayable already at 13:00. Good thing I got a second account on NA that doesn’t experience such problems.
This ain’t just PvP btw, it’s in LA and PvE content aswel..
Mostly rubberband issues and DC’s
I got 1-2 seconds of lag. Everything stops and comes again. Unplayable 50% of the time. Im in the northern european legion as well. Just played CS:GO for 4 hours – no lag at all. Joining gw2, skills blinking, me teleporting after a leap etc. Let’s get the kittening pves out of the mist again and stop that MEGASERVER bs. thank you.
the fun part is gw2 server is actually in frankfurt lol
but ya lag is stupid evenings, can forget pvp
[Teef] guild :>
the fun part is gw2 server is actually in frankfurt lol
but ya lag is stupid evenings, can forget pvp
Ya, noticed you lagging like crazy in our Tournament yesterday evening.
Everyone’s connection seems fine, so I really can’t understand why there has been nothing done about it yet.
On the other hand, they’re (Anet) stationed in NA, so they can’t really experience the problems we have back here, in EU I guess.
the fun part is gw2 server is actually in frankfurt lol
but ya lag is stupid evenings, can forget pvp
Ya, noticed you lagging like crazy in our Tournament yesterday evening.
Everyone’s connection seems fine, so I really can’t understand why there has been nothing done about it yet.On the other hand, they’re (Anet) stationed in NA, so they can’t really experience the problems we have back here, in EU I guess.
reason is, my whole team plays from UK/sweden while i play from Germany and get routed through Frankfurt… go figure
[Teef] guild :>
It seems like us poor germans are being hit the hardest here. After a couple of mails with customer support I was asked to contact my ISP.
The PingPlotter on the other hand showed me that everything was fine until the signal reached the Frankfurt server.
It seems like us poor germans are being hit the hardest here. After a couple of mails with customer support I was asked to contact my ISP.
The PingPlotter on the other hand showed me that everything was fine until the signal reached the Frankfurt server.
Germans problem is that your ISPs give no kitten about problems.
And Telia is #1 I give no kitten about anything except dough.
Perhaps it’s an issue with some degenerated nodes, tunneling your connections instead of relying on isp’s routing solves the issue of lags for me.
It seems like us poor germans are being hit the hardest here. After a couple of mails with customer support I was asked to contact my ISP.
The PingPlotter on the other hand showed me that everything was fine until the signal reached the Frankfurt server.Germans problem is that your ISPs give no kitten about problems.
And Telia is #1 I give no kitten about anything except dough.
too true :/
i swear they are doing it on purpose to milk gaming providers
[Teef] guild :>
Its probably the backbone in Frankfurt that is clogged during primetime, because of all the internet traffic (imagine it like a huge jam). Frankfurt has the biggest internet backbone in the world. Its also the most used routing point and therefore produces the highest traffic (roughly 480 Provider / 50 Nations use it). I live somewhat close to Frankfurt and have been experiencing these problems for about 3 years already. Some servers (mostly those located in/routing through Frankfurt) will just timeout randomly or give you ridiculous high latencys resulting in lags timeouts and dc’s. Theres not much you can do besides locating servers in less accessed areas/datacenters or ISP’s not routing through Frankfurt (which is unlikely). EU datacenters, specifically Frankfurt just can’t deal with all the traffic that is produced, therefore people are lagging.
(edited by laquito.5269)
Its probably the backbone in Frankfurt that is clogged during primetime, because of all the internet traffic (imagine it like a huge jam). Frankfurt has the biggest internet backbone in the world. Its also the most used routing point and therefore produces the highest traffic (roughly 480 Provider / 50 Nations use it). I live somewhat close to Frankfurt and have been experiencing these problems for about 3 years already. Some servers (mostly those located in/routing through Frankfurt) will just timeout randomly or give you ridiculous high latencys resulting in lags timeouts and dc’s. Theres not much you can do besides locating servers in less accessed areas/datacenters or ISP’s not routing through Frankfurt (which is unlikely). EU datacenters, specifically Frankfurt just can’t deal with all the traffic that is produced, therefore people are lagging.
It can deal with it, but it needs to be upgraded.
Problem through infrastructure owners in Germany, is that they give no kitten about it. If something get fried, then they will not fix it or replace it for next couple of months at least.
It’s a proof how greedy they are.
Stupid belief that something like internet infrastructure once built can operate for tens of years without any upgrades or maintenances.
I’m more surprised that German law doesn’t favor customers in that area and people simply do not sue ISP companies, and ISP companies won’t sue infrastructure owners for lack of support for paid services.
I’m more surprised that German law doesn’t favor customers in that area and people simply do not sue ISP companies, and ISP companies won’t sue infrastructure owners for lack of support for paid services.
Germany is possibly the worst country in whole EU when it comes to internet. Rather slow internet, technical disturbances, more than 60% of Youtube blocked etc. Another problem is that a single provider basically has a monopoly on the whole internet infrastructure, so that other providers are forced to rent their lines. The ones that do own their own, are too local, so they usually can’t compete on a country level. It’s getting better, but we just need ten times longer than any other country when it comes to internet.
Its common courtesy to not complain about seemingly little disturbances in here, therefore people usually just suck it up. Sueing companies is not an option because of our bureaucracy. We’re also not the US, where you can sue anybody for anything. Of course you could always change your provider, but chances are high that you’ll end up with the very same connection, just under a different company.
TLDR: Our internet freaking sucks.
(edited by laquito.5269)
I’m more surprised that German law doesn’t favor customers in that area and people simply do not sue ISP companies, and ISP companies won’t sue infrastructure owners for lack of support for paid services.
Germany is possibly the worst country in whole EU when it comes to internet. Rather slow internet, technical disturbances, more than 60% of Youtube blocked etc. Another problem is that a single provider basically has a monopoly on the whole internet infrastructure, so that other providers are basically forced to rent their lines. The ones that do own their own, are too local, so they usually can’t compete on a country level. It’s getting better, but we just need ten times longer than any other country when it comes to internet.
Its common courtesy to not complain about seemingly little disturbances in here, therefore people usually just suck it up. Sueing companies is not an option because of our bureaucracy. We’re also not the US, where you can sue anybody for anything. Of course you could always change your provider, but chances are high that you’ll end up with the very same connection, just under a different company.
TLDR: Our internet freaking sucks.
Well, I’m from Poland.
Whole internet infrastructure is basically TP S.A.(atm Orange, since it bought TP).
The only provider who’s creating it’s own infrastructure and connect cables with other countries is UPC.
Fibers are dragged by both through bigger towns and cities.
Small towns have low speeds, and some villages, but many in my opinion, to connect to internet, can only use Satellite one, because neither UPC and Orange want to make infrastructure there, and what’s more funny, they sometimes have a problem to even drag a 50m cable to your house.
Lately some independent provider – MultiPlay – started making it’s own infrastructure, and began building it from small villages up to cities.
So it’s a reversal method than what majority does.
But it does work, due to way too high amount of providers in cities and bigger towns.
I worked myself as a Dispatcher for technical support for telecommunication infrastructures.
The idiocy level behind that monopoly business and procedures to make really small crap is waaaay too high.
For example.
There was a place between one town to another, where every single week, there were guys stealing ~100m of cable(copper).
Infrastructure owner refuse to set a fiber cable, because copper is cheaper and they don’t care that we have to send technicians with cables there sometimes even twice a week.
Well, even technicians were raging, and most of them quit the job, due to problems Orange give.
For example, technician know that client’s port is suspended. So it only needs a restart on it. He can’t do that, because before he does it, he needs to go through roughly for hundreds of stupid procedures which only consume precious time, and have nothing to do with security, safety or whatever else.
If those procedures wouldn’t be placed, 1 technician in the same time frame, would eliminate around 3 damaged places, including driving there.
Still an issue. 6PM CET is when the lag starts and that’s when I have to stop playing every day.. and no it’s not me, 10/10 people in the match had lag issues.
yea this lag is so real, fix pls.
Digging it out, because after quite some time I’ve recently experienced same server lag which makes tPvP unplayable right now.
Sunday problems possibly.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
Digging it out, because after quite some time I’ve recently experienced same server lag which makes tPvP unplayable right now.
Sunday problems possibly
It’s not “sunday problems”, it’s “every single late-afternoon/night problems”.
care what you post, apprently posting about lag and issues it is causing is against forum rules now too
[Teef] guild :>