EU guild leaderboard full of no-names

EU guild leaderboard full of no-names

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Guild leaderboards are supposed to be elo-based right? So why are there zero known teams in the top 10, while these guilds that nobody has ever heard of are in it?

Also who is [FFF] and how are they 1st place with 53-22 but I’ve never seen a single person from that guild? Do they just farm with a premade at 4am in the morning?

EU guild leaderboard full of no-names

in PvP

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

I know quite a few of them represent other guilds. Also, I don’t know what you play but especially when you 5 man queue, you most often meet other 5 man queues, that could be why you never see them?

As to when FFF play, I don’t know, I think they haven’t played in a few days. We haven’t met them yet anyhow, but we just about met every other team in the top 10 several times (last I checked my team was third).

Just Filthy Kasuals – Bowscoooped!
YouTube / Twitch

EU guild leaderboard full of no-names

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


We farmed the leaderboard last season and got #1 in the end. The reward was so bad it is not worth to q as a team at all, therefore no pro league team cares for that.

It´s all about incentive.

I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
Esl profile:

EU guild leaderboard full of no-names

in PvP

Posted by: Enoreth.6742


We farmed the leaderboard last season and got #1 in the end. The reward was so bad it is not worth to q as a team at all, therefore no pro league team cares for that.

It´s all about incentive.

Indeed, the Proleague teams have no special purpose for leaderboard.
Hence, the leaderboard is the only way to be eligible for the Cllanger Cup.

This is it

Requïem – Thief | Elyka Aldwick – Ele

EU guild leaderboard full of no-names

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Esports have big names? Really? I bet 90% of GW2 population can’t even tell you a name of top 1 team for NA/EU.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

EU guild leaderboard full of no-names

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


Whats the point of the thread? Everything is as it should be

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide