Eat a snickers
People complained about this in previous seasons when they couldn’t get out of whatever division had backwards progression or even couldn’t get out of a tier with no backwards progression like sapphire. Not everyone is the best in the world. Not even the best in the world are the best in the world, that’s why there is one “God of PvP”.
That’s ok. Try to improve. It doesn’t affect your rewards and in fact makes them better because of queue times.
Sorry I disagree, when I’m constantly getting matched with people who don’t coordinate at all, don’t use mini map, don’t rotate, don’t cleave etc… I expect that in bronze and silver, not gold. So ya I do think these players where misplaced during qualifying matches just as much as some of those legendary players who don’t belong up there either.
I definitely like the concept, and the UI of the changes, just implementation of them is pretty weak. I hear some guy climbed over 200 points in just 3 matches after qualifying round?? Yet the most I ever got after a win was 30 (once)….Most are 11-15…
Your first 3-5 matches determines where you will be and you will be stuck there for an eternity unless RNG favours you.
But really, as far as spvp is concerned, solo/duo q is one the best changes ranked has ever seen. People absolutely hate being stuck in a certain spot, it’s human nature to dislike that. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not the best player in gw2. (Who knew.) My wins and losses are about 50/50, but my rating seems to be dipping in and out of platinum and gold 3.
People don’t want to hear what I’m about to say: If you’re stuck in a certain place, that’s probably where your skill level in spvp resides. I’m going to look and think outside the box over the next few days, maybe record some games and look for my mistakes. I’ll be doing all that while someone who is pushing far while being +2’d is yelling at me as to why I didn’t revive him. ;D Then he’ll come to the forums and complain about how kittenty this rating system is. But really, these changes are quality.
It’s difficult to eat the same snickers when Anet keeps falling into the same failure like they did the past seasons.
You will never get your skill level in solo/duo q as long as you only play solo like me, you are playing with big disadvantage.
Moving is only luck. This system is not designed for teams of 5 randoms, they need a system to determine individual skill or contribution. Playing like a god and losing means you still lose rating even if there was literally nothing you could have done about it.
Very demotivating, I don’t see any point in playing any more.
Your first 3-5 matches determines where you will be and you will be stuck there for an eternity unless RNG favours you.
I know I’m necro-ing this thread. However, it’s still relevant.
First things first- I need you to understand that I have played only 900 spvp games since the launch of the game. 500 of those games came from s5.
I was dipping in and out of plat and gold 3 for the first 200 or so games. Really interesting stuff, considering how I finished with 1800 rating and ended up with rank 228 on the leaderboards!
I went from 1500-1600 rating to 1800-1850 towards the end of the season, all because I spent a lot of time trying to improve myself. Guys and gals, there’s no RNG here.
I just want you all to know that s5 was a huge success. I’m really hyped for s6!
Gj devs! Continue the positive changes!!!
But really, as far as spvp is concerned, solo/duo q is one the best changes ranked has ever seen. People absolutely hate being stuck in a certain spot, it’s human nature to dislike that. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not the best player in gw2. (Who knew.) My wins and losses are about 50/50, but my rating seems to be dipping in and out of platinum and gold 3.
People don’t want to hear what I’m about to say: If you’re stuck in a certain place, that’s probably where your skill level in spvp resides. I’m going to look and think outside the box over the next few days, maybe record some games and look for my mistakes. I’ll be doing all that while someone who is pushing far while being +2’d is yelling at me as to why I didn’t revive him. ;D Then he’ll come to the forums and complain about how kittenty this rating system is. But really, these changes are quality.
So you are telling me it is my fault that i am only plat player on full team of golds facing top 5 players (200-400+ rating above us) on enemy team? And that is not just an exception. Good to know, thank you.
[Teef] guild :>
Can someone delete pvp forum? No need for a forum from a dead game mode. Ty
Can someone delete pvp forum? No need for a forum from a dead game mode. Ty
Teef Main thinks s5 ranked was gud ~ oh the irony :^)
I agree with you to a certain degree. I placed into upper gold and felt that was appropriate. I held that spot and improved it on and off for a bit, but suddenly about a month and a half into the season, (6) i began a tailspin spiral down that took me all the way to bronze.
At first I panicked, had I suddenly gotten horrible at PvP? I took a break for a day or two and tried to look at things from a new perspective. What I realized was that what I was pairing with, what people were playing, who was playing at what time suddenly mattered due to the fact that at that point in the season there were less people playing ranked. Indeed I realized that the matchmaking system was still pushing out fast queue times while actual players in PvP dipped for a couple weeks as many had reached the end rewards (byzantium) ect or gotten thier backpiece. Things Righted themselves towards the end of the season and I returned to my spot in gold as suddenly as I had dropped.
So, while I agree many people are exactly where they place with a slight degree of margin up and down, in general, low pvp populations can affect your team mates and if you are in gold level you really arent equipped to carry team mates as a legendary player can.
I Have no ego about me and never have and have always understood I was an Average (on good days slightly above average player). What I expect, are good matches with generally close scores regardless, and I am willing to wait in Queue for that.
I dont need 2 minutes or less queue times if it will mean a bad match for me. I will wait 3-4 with no issue. Even 5 if need be.
Then why have they had a WvW forum the past couple of years?
Can someone delete pvp forum? No need for a forum from a dead game mode. Ty
Have you considered immigrating to the EU servers? I heard it’s night and day between the two regions in terms of general skill level.
I think NA is plagued by quitters and players that never intended to stay past the Fractals equipment.
I’m gonna play Season 6 on EU as long as the ping is tolerable, and after five seasons in NA — I bet I’ll have some interesting findings.
Im in the boat that says solo and duo only killed PvP.
After many threads and pictures of people in bronze and silver fighting top 20 players im also inclined to say rating and skill level doesnt mean crap either. Only the top players landed where they were supposed too.
The concept is good, but the quality is poor.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
Well at least not everyone and their mothers got to legend again like previous seasons. ^^ Sure the game can put you at times with ppl of lower skill rating vs ppl of higher skill rating or vice versa but thats usually because the matchmaker doesnt find anyone near you skill lvl, it happens in alot of games happens in lol happens in ow.
My only grudge agaisnt the system is thatnthe rewards you get are immidiate and that makes them obtainable but ppl who ptherwise wouldnt pvp hence the influx of “bad” players.
Also the distribution of duo in qm there needs to be a rule that prevents 2 duo to be on the same side against a team of solos.