Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Today I had a situation that perfectly illustrates why in unranked, even teams of 2 should be disallowed. Map was skyhammer and a mesmer and thief together controlled the laser.

They responded to each other so quickly as soon as one was downed, that it was obvious they were working together. They singlehandedly (well…double handedly!) controlled that match. Once I got the mesmer down and the thief came just in time and ressed him…well, it was impossible.

I tried using team chat to rally others to take out the treb and we managed once or twice, but only for a few seconds as the duo once again managed to wrest it from us.

This is exactly why even a 2-man team must never be allowed to play against pugs. It’s not always a question of experience. Or skill. Or voice chat. It’s about 2 people playing together, who look out for each other and have common goals.

That is an unfair advantage when fighting against soloers. Sorry, but if people want to team up, that means they should go to the ranked q. The act of teaming up means they’re more than just casual. There’s no place for them in unranked.

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


or here is an amazing idea for ANET…. have a solo queue and a team queue.

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


They are adding a checkmark in case you want to play stronghold or conquest, I don’t see why they can’t do the same for solo only if you queue up alone.

I wish they would combine the queues as they stand now and give these sorts of options.

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: oxtred.7658


2 people at the skyhammer canon? Ignore them, win the 5v3?

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Batelle.1680


2 people at the skyhammer canon? Ignore them, win the 5v3?

It’s not 5v3, though. It’s 5v3.75 + the Skyhammer (which is a pretty huge advantage, not only for the ability to make decapping incredibly difficult, but also because you can see almost everything going on below, and can thus prioritize targets for your team on the ground).

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Omocha.4931


I can understand full team going unraked being a problem, and not even then. New team, new players in the same guild, new classes.. every of these is a good enough reason to go unraked as a team. Just as trying out pvp is best done in hotjoin where, for the most part, it shouldn’t matter who wins.
Also, 5 man team, 2 of them working toward common goals. That makes your 5 man team still thinking it’s just everyone for him/herself?! It’s team play. It’s less the duo’s “fault” for smacking your behinds as it’s your own team’s fault for headless chicken’ing there or everywhere.

Admitedly, toys are a poor choice for this type of pvp (there’s plenty pve content in WvW). But other than that, I actually don’t see a problem. There are teams that are good yes, and they have very little reason for going unraked, unless they met some much better teams in ranked and want to blow off some steam – making the unraked match incredibly difficult. But these are actually rare ocassions and I’d call them opportunities to improve one’s play-style, to get closer to how ranked it.

Remove the hammer, trebs and guild lords from the maps. Done. Rest relies on personal skill and ability to play as a team member, not a yolo artist.

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Batelle.1680


I can understand full team going unraked being a problem, and not even then. New team, new players in the same guild, new classes.. every of these is a good enough reason to go unraked as a team. Just as trying out pvp is best done in hotjoin where, for the most part, it shouldn’t matter who wins.
Also, 5 man team, 2 of them working toward common goals. That makes your 5 man team still thinking it’s just everyone for him/herself?! It’s team play. It’s less the duo’s “fault” for smacking your behinds as it’s your own team’s fault for headless chicken’ing there or everywhere.

Admitedly, toys are a poor choice for this type of pvp (there’s plenty pve content in WvW). But other than that, I actually don’t see a problem. There are teams that are good yes, and they have very little reason for going unraked, unless they met some much better teams in ranked and want to blow off some steam – making the unraked match incredibly difficult. But these are actually rare ocassions and I’d call them opportunities to improve one’s play-style, to get closer to how ranked it.

Remove the hammer, trebs and guild lords from the maps. Done. Rest relies on personal skill and ability to play as a team member, not a yolo artist.

Except teams will always have an advantage, especially if they’ve worked together before and go into the map with a game plan, one that has been honed over countless matches. This weekend I was up against the same pre-made several times and I about lost it when two of the players were both touting dragon finishers. One of them had more PvP experience than my collective pug- even efforts to coordinate failed in the face of a group that familiar with the map and each other, one that could anticipate most moves and cut us off. If they couldn’t cut us off, they were able to coordinate on the fly much more effectively.

Either Anet should separate solo queue from team queue, or they should stop pretending that it’s “an even playing field for everyone!” because it’s absolutely not.

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


TS or any other voice communication makes even 2 players superior to the other two who has no access to a voicecomm option.

Solution: make some emotes! Like FollowMe! ProtectMe! StayHere! and so on… Maybe choosen from a contextual menu like in LoL… (I’m not a huge supporter of LoL but this befinitely helps coordinating PuG groups…)

Now we have two: AttackMyTarget! and GoThere! (aka Ping). And these are not enough!

If you think about it for a second… The most important informations told on the TS-Ventrillo-Skype are:
-XY Go there!
-I go there!
-Stay here because XY is coming…
-I’m out-of-CD’s HALP!!!44!!

If these “voices” could be announced via a small interface the biggest benefit of a voicecom would suddenly disappear.

More order-giving emotes would make the PuG’s life much easier!

Just my 2 cents…

#I no words have"

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Krolisia.6102


There are more important problems at unranked like chains of quitters who just wait in queue just to ruin match (cus map was bad or weather ugly). I don’t see problem either if there is situation with new players in guild just starting pvp together to go unranked, we met such premade and they lost vs 3 solo and 2 of us skyped. People playing solo there are actually good players but let’s see. U see a problem with 2 people communicating. Looking now before match starts and there are ppl not rdy it actually gives enough time to splat in team chat info to skype to be with this ppl in voice chat and actually be almost same team as premade huh? And if i duo everything with 1 person and i no need anyone else to play with then goes the same question: why should i be forced to go solo? like a solo guy: why should i be forced to play vs teamed guys. There won’t be solution to make everyone happy. Pvp is brutal ground for now and u have to swallow facts that there still gonna be quitters, premades who are good enough for ranked and rly lot of duos. Sorry u had bad and annoying match but pvp is ground where “friendly community” goes step lower.

Bout toys, agree agree agree. And skyhammer i do it every time: if there are 1-2 ppl defending it, u can just dodge it – take all points and go zerg them. Because all in all u are against only 3 ppl down and belive me, IT IS easy to dodge skyhammer and sometimes they were killing their teammates because of breaking glass in bad timing.

Eg: Even 2-man teams Unfair for Unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Omocha.4931


Except teams will always have an advantage, especially if they’ve worked together before and go into the map with a game plan, one that has been honed over countless matches.

Either Anet should separate solo queue from team queue, or they should stop pretending that it’s “an even playing field for everyone!” because it’s absolutely not.

I partly agree with you. It’s better to be with someone you know in unraked, especially if in voice. I’m new enough to pvp to not venture into ranked but I’ve had my share of hotjoin and I’m kinda done with it (unless I’m just trying new stuff which could render me more useless than I sometimes am to any team I end up with).

Also, I consider it to be utterly boring to jump unraked when you’re obviously beyond that level. One match per week should be enough to remind you that you don’t wanna be there. But some people just need to brush their egos that way (pretty much like some feel really stronk when smashing a mosquito on the window).

Lastly, pvp in GW2 was never an even playing field. Neither queue wise nor class wise. And if Anet pretends to be otherwise… I want some of the stuff they’re smoking! Must be really good.