Either nerf bunker or increase dps
1. build shortbow ranger
2. spam attack (1) and poison (preferably from behind and with haste after petswitch)
3. kill any bunker without support
4. ???
5. profit
Ele problem is he does not have poison. Also you should actually never try to kill a bunker solo in the 1st place because its a waste of time. Get your mesmer or thief friend—-> move in —> get a stunlock --->??? —-> profit
Even if you cant get a stunlock most heals take long enough to be interrupted by a decent player.
Wait did i just respond to a troll post?
Ohh god i`m too tired…
(edited by RaynStargaze.6510)
Another post without any sense. And as a d/d ele (king of 1v1) write this another reason it is a troll post.
And a good bunker never drops against a ranger. Even when it’s really hard to outstand, he shouldn’t drop
Another post without any sense. And as a d/d ele (king of 1v1) write this another reason it is a troll post
And a good bunker never drops against a ranger. Even when it’s really hard to outstand, he shouldn’t drop
Another post without knowledge of ele’s. With his stats he’s clearly not a 0/10/0/30/30 spec. So he’s far from a “king of 1v1” spec.
To op:
Don’t try to play a gc ele till anet fixes the major problems with ele traits/mechanics. Which probably won’t happen, ever. Its cookie cutter or bust.
Actually I wasn’t reading properly, my fault here. But even gc-eles are strong on 1v1. Saying they’re not, is a lack of knowledge.
Back to the topic I wonder why a single player should be able to kill a bunker? A bunker can’t kill you, so why you should be able to kill him? It would be a issue if a bunker could outlast a 1v2. Not the case…
Don’t try to play a gc ele till anet fixes the major problems with ele traits/mechanics. Which probably won’t happen, ever. Its cookie cutter or bust.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Actually I wasn’t reading properly, my fault here. But even gc-eles are strong on 1v1. Saying they’re not, is a lack of knowledge.
You must be smoking the good stuff to use GC ele and strong in the same sentence.
In a 1v1 strong for sure. I mean which build can outlast a flame-pet and a full-dmg build with arcane wave. (excluding full-bunker-builds). But overall it’s definitely a bad choice.
Defense beats offense.
Defense is a personal stat that affects only the person who is survivable. Offense stacks with everyone else around you to help take down a target.
Also, don’t play glass cannon ele. It was underpowered before the last patch and it’s worse off now. Choose a different class if that’s the role you want to fill.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
King of 1v1 isn’t ele (assuming running away isn’t an option), It’s Mesmer.
As skilled mesmer should destroy pretty much any ele 1v1.
Back on topic : I’d like to see the extreames of both bunker and burst brought down a little. Just adding more dps will mean that the only viable builds are extreame burst, or (depending on how much more dps) extreame bunker. That’s only going to hurt build variety more, not increase it.
Victor(Ranger), Astral(Ele), Martial(Warrior), Erroneous(Mes), Ticker(Engi), Ravin(Thief)
with special guests Hematophagia(Necro) and Grace Burns(Guardian)
(edited by Fella Feller.4936)
The idea of a bunker was to counter a glass cannon.. you want to remove this? So a dps can cut through a bunker, while the bunker lacks the dps output to fight back.. and now the defense to stand up to the attack?
nerf mesmers already.
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
dude theres your problem..you play non fotm ele and even worse a kittening glass canon.IT DOESNT WORK.
Either go water arcane and accept that you cant kill bunkers at all or..
accept that you have the most obvious burst in game thus the least chance to kill people in glass before they kill you.
I had an experiment with a friend guardian on wether i could kill a guard with a 30/30/x/x/x spec full damage and well..you really need play good and burst out of the blue or his cooldowns will out last you..i assume that against top guards that are prepared for this damage from you you dont stand a chance.
Also keep in mind that bunkers of other classes like ranger do insanely more damage than guard and those will kill you.
Its not a general bunker problem though since other classes can actually kill them
(edited by Avead.5760)
Yeah this whole burst/bunker dynamic is pretty silly
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos
Actually I wasn’t reading properly, my fault here. But even gc-eles are strong on 1v1. Saying they’re not, is a lack of knowledge.
Well i assume as glass ele he doesnt mean something like x/x/x/30/30 with offencive runes +berserkers amu..that isnt glass canon.
Thats bunker build with zerkers :P
If you dont go heavy in arcane you end up with massive cd on att swap and well we know what happens to an ele without boons,no heal that has run out of skills and needs to spam those lovely autoattacks !
This is getting rediculous. All bunker builds on all classes either need a nerf or all classes need a dps boost. I am currently a pure glass cannon ele. Even with a base power of 3185 + 10 stacks of might + 58% crit damage and 74% crit chance with fury using all my d/d fire and lightning skills with combos + arcane wave I cannot kill a true bunker. They either just keep healing or laugh at me tickling them with their high hp pool. For every action there is a positive or equal reaction. For however much damage a bunker absorbs I should be dishing out just as much if not more because we are a pure glass cannon build.
No glass cannon should be able to kill a bunker solo anyway. If so, bunkers would be absolutely useless. What you´re asking for is basically something that would make PvP a one shot glass cannon zergfest.
Charrov – Engineer
Mindless DPS kids are always trying to get everyone nerfed that survives their hurrdurr alpha strike one-shot desired method of play because thought and actual depth within combat is too much for the average DPSers mind to handle. Offer them a game of chess and they’ll flip out and suggest coin-flipping instead.
“lolololo I jumped this kid first and ubernuked him before he could react, I’m so pro!”
“WTF, this dude survived my uber leet skill one-shot and now I have to adapt… NERF HIM TO THE ABYSS!”
Yaks Bend
Mindless DPS kids are always trying to get everyone nerfed that survives their hurrdurr alpha strike one-shot desired method of play because thought and actual depth within combat is too much for the average DPSers mind to handle. Offer them a game of chess and they’ll flip out and suggest coin-flipping instead.
“lolololo I jumped this kid first and ubernuked him before he could react, I’m so pro!”
“WTF, this dude survived my uber leet skill one-shot and now I have to adapt… NERF HIM TO THE ABYSS!”/eyeroll
You really have to hit up the thief or mesmer forums to witness this in it’s full glory… but if they kill you it is an L2POMG issue. It’s so easy to not die to them, according to them.
However, if they can’t kill you? Yea, OMGNERF.
Don’t worry,they’re gonna primarily nerf hundred blades warriors and sword thieves soon (cause you see these guys in tournies right?) in an attempt to tone down other bursts and I am gonna cry myself to sleep every night afterwards.
Mindless DPS kids are always trying to get everyone nerfed that survives their hurrdurr alpha strike one-shot desired method of play because thought and actual depth within combat is too much for the average DPSers mind to handle. Offer them a game of chess and they’ll flip out and suggest coin-flipping instead.
“lolololo I jumped this kid first and ubernuked him before he could react, I’m so pro!”
“WTF, this dude survived my uber leet skill one-shot and now I have to adapt… NERF HIM TO THE ABYSS!”/eyeroll
I love you man.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
King of 1v1 isn’t ele (assuming running away isn’t an option), It’s Mesmer.
As skilled mesmer should destroy pretty much any ele 1v1.
Back on topic : I’d like to see the extreames of both bunker and burst brought down a little. Just adding more dps will mean that the only viable builds are extreame burst, or (depending on how much more dps) extreame bunker. That’s only going to hurt build variety more, not increase it.
are u sure. tell me the name of the mesmer i gonna try that out
to be honest the dps is fine as it is . it is just the players skill who can destroy bunker builds. if u not paying attention to a thief he can oneshot u as bunkerele… mesmer thief warrior burst high. of course bunker is designed not to die in any 1v1 …. if u face good bunker player u will never be able to kill bunker only if the bunker player makes mistakes… and eleclass the burst is so kittening predictable that u can dodge it blindly u can hear the animations of dragons tooth: u dont need to watch on screen….
but to be honest not the burst classes nor the full bunker classes are op : X
guys i think you dont understand..
His problem is that he cant kill a bunker guard at all.Not that he cant kill in 1 shot Optimally every class should have a build as ridiculous as it is that it should take down even the most defencive class eventually and the devs themselves said that offence>defence in sence that the one end defeats the other end.
In otherwards the damage a bunker does is not enough to kill the pure glass before that kills the bunker WHENEVER that happens.
That doesnt exclude the bunker being able to outlive for minutes a 2vs1 against balanced builds and hybrids.
Imo his problem is in the class he plays and his poor decisions on when to burst and how to manage cooldowns.Ele gc builds are amongs the hardest glass canon builds in game(apart from totall unviable)..
I hope im understood
(edited by Avead.5760)
guys i think you dont understand..
His problem is that he cant kill a bunker guard at all.
If you go full bunker with no chance of ever killing someone yourself you shouldnt be solo`d either. <-period!
Both ends of the spectrum could use some changes, but changing one without the other is ludicrous. Why should a full zerker build be able to solo a full bunker build? They both species to extremes and effectively counter each other out.
A full bunker kills no one. You should need 2 people to kill him everytime.
I used to run a GC spec and had no problems in 1vs1’s accept when I faced a Bunker Guardian or Condition Thief. So I sought after the right build to be able to counter them. I have found a build but it is opposite of GC, but I can beat Guardians and Condition Thieves now no problem. Tweak your build until you find the right one for your play style.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
Can kill bunkers.
Just takes some time.
How much of your limits have you actually explored? Srs.
My only issue is I think bunkers can stall their death more than I think they should be able to atm. My belief is more boon removal would solve this, since I could just make a Bunker crush build, and do some anti-meta stuff but those options are pretty salty atm.
(edited by ensoriki.5789)
Well, the fact that you try a GC ele is the reason why it failed in the first place (that and what the others say. One person on a bunker shouldn’t work. Two against one however, another story).
Eles lack good damage skills and traits (and arcane blast/wave doesn’t help thaaat much) and trickery (like invisi or teleports). Can’t really rely on Churning Earth, as most know how to dodge and engineers and mesmers will null it quickly with daze or whatever they use. That leaves Fire Grab only, and the CD is ridiculously long, so that is a no go.
You could make some threads/pleas to Anet, asking for them to give ele some love in the damage/trickery department, thereby (hopefully) making the GC variant a possible and playable option should they act on it. Eles sorely needs damage and trickery/mobility boosts (RTL on a GC? Does very little for you).
A full bunker kills no one. You should need 2 people to kill him everytime.
A full bunker who relies on conditions will kill a GC ele quickly, because you will have little to no condition removal. Sure, you can tweak that to survive a bit longer, but then you move away from the GC aspect.
I think they need to remove this bunker concept all together, not focus so much on passives and maybe give guardian a weapon with some direct heals, prots and condition removals, opening them to run around, split and heal those squishy full dps chars abit better instead of sitting on a point trying to be as strong as bear. While also letting your other team mates spec differently without fear of dying because they have no super amours stats.
ALSO because there are no hexes in this game, unlike the first. This has changed game mechanics (as hexes or let alone any skill can be used offensivly or defencively) . It dosent force you to make a decision about which skills you take e.g. taking a skill that will remove conditions, or one’s that will removes hexes. The same goes for offensive (These would be weapon spells more I imagine) or another e.g. if your playing warrior your not forced to not attack because you have a hex on you, and it will kitten you if you do until its gone (yes empathy). It opens a lot more build variety too as well as another damage output, kinda like rock, paper, scissors.
I know their not going to implement them, just trying to shed some light about some factors they dont have but got them where they are.
I could waffle on more but there is always a time and another topic for that.
(edited by Panda.1793)
A full bunker kills no one. You should need 2 people to kill him everytime.
A full bunker who relies on conditions will kill a GC ele quickly, because you will have little to no condition removal. Sure, you can tweak that to survive a bit longer, but then you move away from the GC aspect.
A full bunker who has significant condi damage isnt a full bunker. He/she would have sacrificed something for the condition damage to be effective. I would say that’s leaning more towards a hybrid spec tbh. Necros / loltrops thief are my only examples, and they can do a bit of condi damage, but aren’t a pure defensive spec.
again one more time..A bunker should not survive forever against a pure glass canon.
Im not saying that it should melt to it but the 2 extremes should when faced against each other(escapes exclude) be nullified
A bunker should have a chance to kill a glass canon as well as a glass canon should definately be able to outdamage the defences of the bunker.And of course glass canons should be countered by balanced builds in sence that the latter have both enough damage and survival options to avoid damage and down them.
Actually guardians can be soloed by non “pure” gc of a few classes already.Its just an ele problem and what we (non fotm hardcore eles) have been screaming in ages about lack of reliable burst compared to the plethora of oh kitten buttons and escapes each class has.
When you play s/d burst build and you have only 1 cc in 40 sec cd that lets you land your most damaging spell without them being literally walked off range by a guy with 400 ms reaction time you know THERES A PROBLEM..
Maybe back in beta that huge nerf in arcanes cooldown should have been aimed at cantrips instead
Unless your a condition class, you probably cant kill a bunker 1on1. AT least not in a reasonable timeframe. Its best to avoid fights with them, go somewhere else, or get a 2on1 if you want to take em out.