Either total domination or epic butt whooping
Most of mine have been close, but I have had games that are really lopsided, and they have gotten worse now I’m in gold.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
It’s been like this every season, the matchmaker decides the winners before you even spawn. I dunno how that is supposed to be fun for anybody.
It’s been like this every season, the matchmaker decides the winners before you even spawn. I dunno how that is supposed to be fun for anybody.
every game does this…… the mm of every game will know one if one team is favored or not…..
just because your not favored to win doesnt mean you wont….. winning that game will improve your rating far more than beating a team you should beat… thats called progress.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
(edited by NeXeD.3042)
Was just about to write the same, still getting blowout matches 90% of the time. Still feels like its just RNG at the start (the game puts the teams together), and nothing significant after the game starts – just waiting for the inevitable.
And its not just some wierd forum dudes who come here and complain about it all the time. I’m a regular viewer of ESL players’ streams and its quite often the case with them as well. You see them going 2v1 or even 3v1 for minutes and their team still loses other caps. How can you possibly carry harder than that? You cant… this system is just not able to measure true skill level and potential. (Dunno which one does though…) What were those players doing in that division if they cant win 2v3s and 2v4s? Got a guildie, I could never ever beat him 1v1. Still he’s lower rated this season than me… Killed a necro on my thief in like 12 seconds last game, the next game a DH did the same to my ele… its just crazyness all over the place.
I believe Anet is trying, but if they do they are constantly overlooking fundamental things I suspect. It’s been the complaint since forever, and seems to stay so for a good while…
Was just about to write the same, still getting blowout matches 90% of the time. Still feels like its just RNG at the start (the game puts the teams together), and nothing significant after the game starts – just waiting for the inevitable.
And its not just some wierd forum dudes who come here and complain about it all the time. I’m a regular viewer of ESL players’ streams and its quite often the case with them as well. You see them going 2v1 or even 3v1 for minutes and their team still loses other caps. How can you possibly carry harder than that? You cant… this system is just not able to measure true skill level and potential. (Dunno which one does though…) What were those players doing in that division if they cant win 2v3s and 2v4s? Got a guildie, I could never ever beat him 1v1. Still he’s lower rated this season than me… Killed a necro on my thief in like 12 seconds last game, the next game a DH did the same to my ele… its just crazyness all over the place.
I believe Anet is trying, but if they do they are constantly overlooking fundamental things I suspect. It’s been the complaint since forever, and seems to stay so for a good while…
Yeah it’s a function of a system that gives you a rating based off of your team’s performance and the other team’s performance, even though you only impact 10% if a game’s outcome. Just as a great player can turn a game around by playing great, that amazing play can be negated by a permadead who is constantly feeding the other team in 5-point increments. 90% of the rating you gain/lose each individual match is determined by people other than yourself. People like to say that if you improve your skill level then you’ll win more matches, but that’s only true if your teammates are generally equally matched against the other team’s players. If they’re inferior then there’s a limit to which you can counteract that.
Also, just an overly detail-oriented note, it’s a bit easier to understand what you mean if you always put the number relating to your team first, such as “my team lost 356-500” or “we were in a 2v3 situation but we ended up winning anyways.” I got a little confused when you said “they cant win 2v3s and 2v4s?” I was thinking, yeah… of course they can’t. Then I figured it out.
Btw can some1 come up with some kind of at least half-rational conspiracy theory for this phenomenon? As I just refuse to believe that Anet cant do what this guy can do…
Is it possible that impleneting a proper MMR system would bring other even worse issues to light? Is that possible that Anet ignores these problems or gives ‘solutions’ that are actually not solutions – on purpose?
Or try it from the other way around: What can be screwed up if they implement a proper MMR system? Population issues would be revealed to the public creating a vortex of self-fulfilling prophecies and further decrease population? Or are they protecting the silent army of ‘pve noobs’ so they get at least some wins as well and are less likely to desert the game?
Even though we will never get a definite answer to this question, its worth theorizing about because within the normal and ‘politically correct’ course of things it obviously does not work. And I just cannot believe that all the problem Anet has with this is that they cant figure out a proper MMR system… Come on, they made the whole game… community is crying about it for years. Are they really this incompetent? Or do they have motivations they dont make public?
Btw can some1 come up with some kind of at least half-rational conspiracy theory for this phenomenon? As I just refuse to believe that Anet cant do what this guy can do…
Is it possible that impleneting a proper MMR system would bring other even worse issues to light? Is that possible that Anet ignores these problems or gives ‘solutions’ that are actually not solutions – on purpose?
Or try it from the other way around: What can be screwed up if they implement a proper MMR system? Population issues would be revealed to the public creating a vortex of self-fulfilling prophecies and further decrease population? Or are they protecting the silent army of ‘pve noobs’ so they get at least some wins as well and are less likely to desert the game?
Even though we will never get a definite answer to this question, its worth theorizing about because within the normal and ‘politically correct’ course of things it obviously does not work. And I just cannot believe that all the problem Anet has with this is that they cant figure out a proper MMR system… Come on, they made the whole game… community is crying about it for years. Are they really this incompetent? Or do they have motivations they dont make public?
They aren’t trying to make pvp fail. They whole-heartedly tried to revamp the system this season and overall it’s wayyyy better than 1-4. They just need more people to actually play all season. Until they get a good playerbase, which is unlikely to happen this far into gw2’s life, the system will continue to fail.
Also, here are my last games confirming the post’s topic for more than half of my games. http://i.imgur.com/8HyTi4n.png
Without reading any of the posts here:
Out of 15 matches I usually get 2-3 which are lost by MORE than 100 pointsRest are pretty close. This pattern is valid for my roughly 150-200 matches. For me it looks quite balanced. And when it’s more than 100 points it’s usually the fault of duoq-s or dual duoq-s in one team (not always though)
(High hold / low plat atm)
Long White Hair – among others
Last night I got a game that the enemy team wiped the floor with us. At the start I went close with my thief and won 1v2 to cap it. All of my 4 teammates went far and died while the enemy team capped mid, which means they were 4v2. And that repeated through all of the mach. I was getting beaten pretty bad also, a Guardian was killing me in 2 sec. So after the match I whispered with some of the players in the opposing team and 1 if them was Platinum and 2 were Gold, and I’m in BRONZE 1!!! I mean WHAT?!?
The problem is, people complained about long queue times, so the system just throws anyone into match for the sake of shorter queue times and calls it a day. Worst part it doesn’t even attempt to spread higher rated players evenly across 2 teams, it just stacks high rated into one team and low rated into another. There is no “fair” matchmaking in this game and your rating is based purely on luck.
[Teef] guild :>
Last night I got a game that the enemy team wiped the floor with us. At the start I went close with my thief and won 1v2 to cap it. All of my 4 teammates went far and died while the enemy team capped mid, which means they were 4v2. And that repeated through all of the mach. I was getting beaten pretty bad also, a Guardian was killing me in 2 sec. So after the match I whispered with some of the players in the opposing team and 1 if them was Platinum and 2 were Gold, and I’m in BRONZE 1!!! I mean WHAT?!?
I think I will start checking it as per this post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Matchmaking-Question-3/first#post6433448
I am just wondering why, in the name of God, the higher rated player allocation is so unfair? Why they are all stacked in one team, meanwhile other team is full bronze?
When is this getting fixed? Why the rating even exists if it matches you with higher tiers anyways?
Another thing I noticed: the further you get with your w/l ratio past 50% the bigger chance that you will be “chosen” to carry the game. As soon as I am starting to get my win ratio over 50% I notice I am paired with worse players each game against stronger teams. At the moment the following pattern developed for me: win streak > loss streak > repeat. Once I get back to around 50% w/l I am again paired with better players against worst teams, so we steamroll the enemy. As you can guess it is a lot of fun for both teams <rolls eyes>
This is a nightmare, I play more balanced games in unranked than in ranked. Ranked sucks badly at the moment in matters of pairing players.
Last night I got a game that the enemy team wiped the floor with us. At the start I went close with my thief and won 1v2 to cap it. All of my 4 teammates went far and died while the enemy team capped mid, which means they were 4v2. And that repeated through all of the mach. I was getting beaten pretty bad also, a Guardian was killing me in 2 sec. So after the match I whispered with some of the players in the opposing team and 1 if them was Platinum and 2 were Gold, and I’m in BRONZE 1!!! I mean WHAT?!?
I think I will start checking it as per this post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Matchmaking-Question-3/first#post6433448
I am just wondering why, in the name of God, the higher rated player allocation is so unfair? Why they are all stacked in one team, meanwhile other team is full bronze?
When is this getting fixed? Why the rating even exists if it matches you with higher tiers anyways?
Another thing I noticed: the further you get with your w/l ratio past 50% the bigger chance that you will be “chosen” to carry the game. As soon as I am starting to get my win ratio over 50% I notice I am paired with worse players each game against stronger teams. At the moment the following pattern developed for me: win streak > loss streak > repeat. Once I get back to around 50% w/l I am again paired with better players against worst teams, so we steamroll the enemy. As you can guess it is a lot of fun for both teams <rolls eyes>
This is a nightmare, I play more balanced games in unranked than in ranked. Ranked sucks badly at the moment in matters of pairing players.
Thanks, I could use all the help I can get. If you can, post the results you get on my thread there as well so I can gather more data together. Would love to see the results other people are getting.
Was it on foefire? Just curious lol.
Standard procedure is that 8-10 people vote foefire. People join, never accept start (because of course). Clash at mid, whichever team loose the fight give up and its a total blowout.
Everyone voted for it and everyone wanted a quick win. Just sucks to be you if you ended up on the loosing team.
Other “normal” hours with a more varied PvP crew, foefire can come up and get like 2 votes lol… most of the time much, much more balanced matches.