Ele balance feedback.

Ele balance feedback.

in PvP

Posted by: mysticsicness.7598


Really disappointed shatterstone was not buffed. Okay, that was sarcasm, now for the real feedback. Pumping damage into skills the ele actually uses was a nice little buff. Not anything anyone will be complaining about either. I still think there are two quality of life changes that could make ele more enjoyable without breaking it, which are the following:

1) Invigorating Torrents vs Harmonious Conduit. Conduit has the stability on overloads, whilst Torrents has regen and synergy with condition removal. Eles are pretty much forced to take Torrents; therefore, forced to constantly worry about positioning when overloading (minus earth). The risk it too high for the reward.

Solution: remove stability on overloads from Harmonious Conduit and place it into a minor trait, essentially making it baseline. Forcing other professions to waste 2 CC’s on an overloading ele they want to stop is not game breaking, and would allow the ele to play a little more reckless.

2) You buff D/D set every balance patch or so by a small amount. It would be fun to play D/D again, as I am sure many base eles want to. I believe the issue is with Ride the Lightning. It was constantly nerfed when celestial D/D was meta, but now many classes have low CD gap closers.

Solution: revert Ride the Lightning to a its original form or greatly reduce the CD. Remove the CD difference on a RTL hit vs a miss. That level of skill ceiling is no longer required in HOT. Probably would not make it meta, but would certainly make it fun.

That is all I got for elementalist. There were some nice changes in this patch across the board. Best change IMO was the removal of downed player invulnerability. Makes the game feel more fluid.

Ele balance feedback.

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


ELE and NEC still~
1. Lock target on them →
2. put CC on them →
3. put damage on them →
4. they die and your them have +5 point and 20 sec 5v4.

Ele balance feedback.

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


ELE and NEC still~
1. Lock target on them ->
2. put CC on them ->
3. put damage on them ->
4. they die and your them have +5 point and 20 sec 5v4.

All classes and builds need peels when focus fire.

But the guyz that was peeling for you had seen their build (support) nerf over and over again.

So, someday nobody will get peelz and the game will be trivial like you said in quote.
Until then, find some friends that are “godly supportive” and you will be good to go.

I usually do -1 fights with Ele/druids when I am on my scrapper or dh mender for minutes. Peelz shine, but need the best skill and reflex to make them GREAT.

People think that support is boring and faceroll easy. But the reality, it’s the most demanding role because you need to look at your team mate conditions/hp/positions and your opponent “burst/cc” to time the peelz correctly.

Since scrapper got Daze nerfed, the best peelz are now on the DH mender builds (with various weapon that are not meta… so bad support players will say you play bad build — to spectral backstabbing dagger inc — ) from my experiences so far (10 games on new meta, but thousands of games on ele, scrapper and DH support).

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.