Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

I wasn’t aware you added the ability for mist form to let the elementalist come up from being downed to full health? This happened in a 1 vs 1 on a point and he killed me because of it. I downed him and had like 13k health, he was DOWN. I was stomping him and he mist formed and all of a sudden was on his feet dodging around and attacked me and killed me…

A thief did this to me 3 times during an spvp match as well. Nobody else around, he went from down state and me in mid stomp, to him standing up, and then killing me… This just happened at 10:07 PM EST.

Please fix ASAP this will break tournaments for sure.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


People still do Tourneys?

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

People still do Tourneys?

On anvil rock and whatever servers can access our mists or however that goes theres usually 100+ ppl standing around and even more queueing or already in tournies. ya

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Chakuna.6325


If he dealt damage to one of your team-mates in that life, he’ll rally when that team-mate dies?

Working as intended, deal with it.

I’m trying to go back, but I’m still here.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

If he dealt damage to one of your team-mates in that life, he’ll rally when that team-mate dies?

Working as intended, deal with it.

I do not believe for a second Arena Net intends for a rally of 5,000+ range away when one of my allies dies. I never saw it work this way from so far away until last patch… I was pretty sure it had a range on it as I sometimes do not get rallied because I was too far away.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: SuperSpicyCurry.2415


Is the glitch with warriors staying alive after using Vengeance still an issue? Because that was annoying.
Edit: Nvm didn’t know they had a trait for rallying when they get a kill using vengeance

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Is the glitch with warriors staying alive after using Vengeance still an issue? Because that was annoying.
Edit: Nvm didn’t know they had a trait for rallying when they get a kill using vengeance

That is intended but I am not sure if they intended it to work for killing pets/minions. I believe that might have been an oversight on their part, because any warrior can easily kill a minion/pet within the 10 second ish time limit.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


Thieves cannot Rez themselves while in their downed state with any ability whatsoever. So, not sure how he got up (unless he rallied from a finished opponent).

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Now I thought I was seeing things’ I saw an elementalist do this yesterday……the only thing weird about it at all that stuck out to me was thathe went straight back to full health when he got up

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


I had this happen when I was playing Ele…. was my second time playing the ele.

I could not do it again but only played a few more games or so.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Are you playing a necromancer with reanimator trait? Because the minion can rally an enemy – happened to my twice on different ele same for you: enter mist form→mist form ends→ no longer in downed state.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Wise.8025


I wasn’t aware you added the ability for mist form to let the elementalist come up from being downed to full health? This happened in a 1 vs 1 on a point and he killed me because of it. I downed him and had like 13k health, he was DOWN. I was stomping him and he mist formed and all of a sudden was on his feet dodging around and attacked me and killed me…

A thief did this to me 3 times during an spvp match as well. Nobody else around, he went from down state and me in mid stomp, to him standing up, and then killing me… This just happened at 10:07 PM EST.

Please fix ASAP this will break tournaments for sure.

Are you a Mesmer and you used a shatter to kill him? If so then guess what there is currently a bug where when your clones die it causes your enemies to rally.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


I wasn’t aware you added the ability for mist form to let the elementalist come up from being downed to full health? This happened in a 1 vs 1 on a point and he killed me because of it. I downed him and had like 13k health, he was DOWN. I was stomping him and he mist formed and all of a sudden was on his feet dodging around and attacked me and killed me…

A thief did this to me 3 times during an spvp match as well. Nobody else around, he went from down state and me in mid stomp, to him standing up, and then killing me… This just happened at 10:07 PM EST.

Please fix ASAP this will break tournaments for sure.

Are you a Mesmer and you used a shatter to kill him? If so then guess what there is currently a bug where when your clones die it causes your enemies to rally.

Good stuff!! Thanks I will surely remember this.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


what you’re seeing is a rally.
it’s just like any other class thats down, if one of your teammates gets killed by the ele/thief’s teammates and the ele/thief has done enough dmg to them they’ll rally.
this has happened on my ele during mist form when my team mates have finished someone off. ;-)

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Is the glitch with warriors staying alive after using Vengeance still an issue? Because that was annoying.
Edit: Nvm didn’t know they had a trait for rallying when they get a kill using vengeance

They can rally from vengeance also without that trait they just have a low % …traited vengeance however gives you 100% chance to rally if you kill someone during it…

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


what you’re seeing is a rally.
it’s just like any other class thats down, if one of your teammates gets killed by the ele/thief’s teammates and the ele/thief has done enough dmg to them they’ll rally.
this has happened on my ele during mist form when my team mates have finished someone off. ;-)

I’m sorry, the part where we mentioned that the ele “rallied” back to full hp seemed to go over you head. In case you didn’t know, we don’t rally back to full health

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I believe ele’s have a signet that lets them rez themselves too. Something like if they use it on a teammate in a certain attunement, they ele rezzes the next time he is downed. Could be wrong though.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


I believe ele’s have a signet that lets them rez themselves too. Something like if they use it on a teammate in a certain attunement, they ele rezzes the next time he is downed. Could be wrong though.

It is glyph of renewal. And after being used the elementalist will get constantly near instant resses for the next about 15 seconds. But considering that it has a 4 (?) sec casting bar and about 160 seconds CD I don’t think this will be a problem. To be honest, you would be quite stupid to waste a slot for this..

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Sounds like a rally to me too, its not class specific. Just means someone they were attacking got killed. Elementalists mist form does not rez them and you would still be able to stomp them easy after that.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Since when does rallying take you back to full health

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

if the ele is in mist form while they rally from downed (aka when a player they’ve damage-tagged is executed or bleeds out), apparently it awards them full hp. frankly i don’t know if I’ve ever noticed this but…..

Team Shanghai Alice

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


I wasn’t aware you added the ability for mist form to let the elementalist come up from being downed to full health?

It doesn’t.

15 char.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Tribant.8127


This has happened to me on my ele. Sometimes I will just res while in mist form. There def is no rally involved. Sometimes when you hit mist form your silhouette shows quickly. This is where it tends to happen most often because next thing you know you are up and running around again. Doesnt happen often but yes this has happened a few times while playing ele

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


I saw it happen before

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


I used to like Rally/Downed/Stomping, thinking it gave combat another dimension, but now I think it just opens a can of worms for exploits and balancing issues. They should just remove Downed.