Elementalist Shocking Aura ... bugged?
Darn those elementarlists! Just have to spam that number 2 on lit attune and win? brb, rolling ele
Are you one of those leaping death blossom caltrop thieves? If so it’s really funny to hear a complaint about the one thing that effectively hard counters your nonsense. That’s such a troll build anyway.
since when does it stun when u take cond. dmg? I only notice it stuning when im atacked in close range….
You’re pulsing hits on them, so yes, it’s intended. I’ve dropped wells on eles with shocking aura recharged before, and it’s my own stupid fault. Think about it.
@ Prince of dbags. Of course you’re going to have an average forum response defending your class while condescending to another since you main Elementalist and would cry if you had a nerf via FIX of your easy mode / no skill utility in this situation. It only hard counters because there’s no ability to skillfully negate that trash you currently have, 5 seconds of stun is easymode for a glass cannon to kill someone. Fire Aura doesn’t work the same, so why do you get this benefit from Shocking Aura?
And as far as the way I run a condition build as thief, I fight mainly with bow. My reasoning is simple as deathblossom costs too much initiative and is inconsistent with movement / landing all 3 hits and then the fact it requires you to be in melee range. Where as with bow it’s possible to spam cluster bomb and detonate much more consistently with range / wide aoe (while having poison to help layer conditions) and worry less about condition removal bringing my DPS to a halt thanks to the fact I can actively apply them more frequently instead of running out of initiative in 2 to 3 attacks.
It isn’t a troll build. It has it’s uses, especially in Foefire, but from the sound of your experience it’s just that most thieves don’t even consider using a bow to play the build let alone even have the skill to actually AIM attacks rather than easy mode steal, cloak and dagger, backstab. So of course you’re only going to consider it a troll build, this game is designed in such a way that 90% of the time you only get to face random baddies.
Get over yourself. Your class needs fixing too.
And @ Mammoth.
How is it fair if I put caltrops down, choose not to attack the elementalist because he activated shocking aura … and so he simply stands on caltrops to gain a free 5 second stun on me? 5 second disable is ridiculous in this game … -_-
Players should not be rewarded for making bad choices. The design of the skill is labeled as “Stun foes if they attack you.” I fail to see how this mechanic should work like that when you aren’t actively attacking them.
Thus Ele gets a free no skill 5 second disable vs any condition builds out there.
Perhaps not any … I could be mistaking the fact that caltrops actively apply conditions, and so does choking gas, every second … but I swear I’ve been shocked simply because the elementalist was bleeding / poisoned. However that’s what I could be mistaken about …
Either way, I know for a fact them standing in AOE triggers this … so they’re standing in something they shouldn’t, yet they benefit from it. Doesn’t make sense to me.
Why shouldn’t they stand in it, when it benefits them by stunning you? Sure they may get some bleed stacks but… -> water “cleanse ALL the conditions!”
It rewards them more than you. You are the one that shouldnt drop pulsing AOE, when he has shocking aura.
As an Elementalist, I do not want this Thief-esque ability.
Please fix it, I have honor.
“Why shouldn’t they stand in it” <—- Do you even realize what you’re saying here? Do you understand how absurd that sounds? Why shouldn’t they stand in it, really?? It’s a cripple + a strong source of damage when combined with detonated cluster bombs, poison aoe and the Tier 1 Trickery trait “Uncatchable” which leaves behind caltrops when you dodge. Why shouldn’t they avoid effects that are BAD for them when they can benefit from it so much that it auto wins fights for them.
… … Okay, maybe you do have a point! It’s so good to use shocking aura while standing in that, that it’s game breakingly good. So much to the point that someone like Prince refers to a condition build from a thief as a joke / troll build! Now please tell me how you aren’t supporting what I’m getting at here.
Sure takes a LOT of skill to see a red circle with caltrops in it, activate shocking aura, stand in it, and then effortlessly destroy the thief because for 5 seconds it’s not going to do anything except maybe shadow step away, and then get stunned in the following pulses anyway!
Lawl … it’s broken trash mechanics like this that ruins what this game COULD be other than the insanely stupid decision to have 8v8 hotjoin PvP instead of making it just like tournament PvP. Arenanet really did try way too hard to be unique.
You know, that D/D ele has low range almost melee attacks? If you stand with that ele within your caltrops its your fault, that he can benefit from 5 seconds stun. Use a stunbreaker to get out of range and then sit there until shocking aura is over or he moves towards you (so you wont be stunned by your caltrops anymore).
Thief calling an Elementalist ‘easy mode’.
Now I’ve seen everything.
Crimson Imperium Reborn
I did mention using a stunbreaker, such as Shadowstep away. And this is not to mention the latency in this game will ensure you are going to get stunned again at LEAST one more time even after Shadowstepping far enough away, and even then it’s easy to close the gap with ride the lightning and then updraft. Or, suppose the thief actually gets to wait out the duration of Shock Aura without miraculously eating all 5 seconds of stun, and then comes back in to attack. Elementalist uses Ride the Lightning, Updraft, now the thief can’t do anything to fight back since stun break is already used and gets exploded anyway. Or it could be that perhaps the thief may have already had to use Shadowstep / Stunbreak to get out of first Updraft, so when Shock Aura comes into play, Thief has nothing to do but sit there for 5 seconds while being easily exploded. It really isn’t as simple as you claim, and doesn’t make this Shock Aura BS sound any better.
And to Scribbles. Wonderfully constructive post you have there! I did not directly state Elementalist is easy mode whatsoever. But if you’re a glass cannon, and someone is stunned for 5 seconds, it’s going to be easy to explode them, end of story. Learn to read / comprehend better brah!
I did mention using a stunbreaker, such as Shadowstep away. And this is not to mention the latency in this game will ensure you are going to get stunned again at LEAST one more time even after Shadowstepping far enough away, and even then it’s easy to close the gap with ride the lightning and then updraft.
It’s easy to updraft and destroy you, without shocking aura. If you shadowstep out he can use earth 3 and 4. Maybe your build ist just bad against D/D ele and you need more than 1 stun breaker? I have to play (ele) with 3 stun breakers because I dont want to get instagib by all those 100b war or BS thieves popping out of nowhere.
Or, suppose the thief actually gets to wait out the duration of Shock Aura without miraculously eating all 5 seconds of stun, and then comes back in to attack. Elementalist uses Ride the Lightning, Updraft, now the thief can’t do anything to fight back since stun break is already used and gets exploded anyway.
If he is able to kill you within an updraft cc but you shadowstep away he will going to kill you with earthquake anyway. But I doubt that any thief die within 2 seconds unless that ele doenst play tank. (but then he has far more things to cry about than you)
Or it could be that perhaps the thief may have already had to use Shadowstep / Stunbreak to get out of first Updraft, so when Shock Aura comes into play, Thief has nothing to do but sit there for 5 seconds while being easily exploded. It really isn’t as simple as you claim, and doesn’t make this Shock Aura BS sound any better.
Maybe you put some more stunbreakers into your utility slots, if you want to kill that kind of eles.
btw tankele counters your build hard, because he is able to cleanse bleed all the time.
let me get this straight
You’re complaining that you get stunned for 5 seconds out of (at most)every 25, when you’re not attacking anyway? If the ele is sitting in your aoe for the full 5 seconds, you’re accomplishing what you wanted to anyway.
If this is your biggest complaint about a class that you can 3-shot and kill before unstealthing…… I don’t know what to say.
I did mention using a stunbreaker, such as Shadowstep away. And this is not to mention the latency in this game will ensure you are going to get stunned again at LEAST one more time even after Shadowstepping far enough away, and even then it’s easy to close the gap with ride the lightning and then updraft. Or, suppose the thief actually gets to wait out the duration of Shock Aura without miraculously eating all 5 seconds of stun, and then comes back in to attack. Elementalist uses Ride the Lightning, Updraft, now the thief can’t do anything to fight back since stun break is already used and gets exploded anyway.
Or it could be that perhaps the thief may have already had to use Shadowstep / Stunbreak to get out of first Updraft, so when Shock Aura comes into play, Thief has nothing to do but sit there for 5 seconds while being easily exploded. It really isn’t as simple as you claim, and doesn’t make this Shock Aura BS sound any better.
And to Scribbles. Wonderfully constructive post you have there! I did not directly state Elementalist is easy mode whatsoever. But if you’re a glass cannon, and someone is stunned for 5 seconds, it’s going to be easy to explode them, end of story. Learn to read / comprehend better brah!
Only way to get stunned by shocking aura is being bad and hit the ele for 5s like a champ….and stun last 1s for hit, less QQ and more food for thought next time, a thief a profession mastererd in 1 week complaining about an ele who trained himself for months in order to time shocking aura against baddies…..give me a break
You dropped caltrops against a d/d ele before he used shocking aura. Your mistake, you died. Just like it was my mistake when I dropped a well on them. Get better, no more problem.
Dunno you but shocking aura works only against direct dmg at a close distance, I’ve never been able to stun a thief using caltrops, even if I get caught by it occasionaly, before raging on forum you should make sure of your actions, at 100% you were attacking the ele during caltrops….rather than worry about rank, you should worry about your skill level
Because taking damage out of your rotation / play is obviously the best way to fight any class! So don’t use poison aoe for reduced healing and added damage, or caltrops on dodge roll, and no caltrops utility skill while fighting an Ele. Okay, well, there goes half of condition builds damage sources so … with that kind of logic, might as roll power and play 3 button easy cheese no skill mode.
Best game design ever.
And Arheundel, you are obvious the one with the learn to play issues, not me. I’m rank 40 for a reason, as I’ve played 1.5k games already. That being said, I’ve played enough to figure out that there are some mechanics in this game that don’t work as listed in Arenanets infamously vague tooltips.
This is why I’m bringing it to the forums, so that hopefully Anet will read this. And thanks to morons who blindly argue without even truly understanding how this works from experience themselves, I get free bumps on a thread. So no matter how troll-ish or how much your replies completely lack any constructive nature, you’re still helping me out.
Thanks <3
Because taking damage out of your rotation / play is obviously the best way to fight any class! So don’t use poison aoe for reduced healing and added damage, or caltrops on dodge roll, and no caltrops utility skill while fighting an Ele. Okay, well, there goes half of condition builds damage sources so … with that kind of logic, might as roll power and play 3 button easy cheese no skill mode.
Not sure if you’ve thought this through. What do you think happens to 3button easy cheese mode guys damage when his mug stuns him? Play better, not more.
Apparently you think Thief can’t beat Ele? Funny how this thread spiraled down into the garbage it is now when all I did was state a realistic trash mechanic in the game … then all these fanboy Ele’s immediately come to defend their class … even the generic thief is OP trash made it in here too! Never saw it coming! XD
Because taking damage out of your rotation / play is obviously the best way to fight any class! So don’t use poison aoe for reduced healing and added damage, or caltrops on dodge roll, and no caltrops utility skill while fighting an Ele. Okay, well, there goes half of condition builds damage sources so … with that kind of logic, might as roll power and play 3 button easy cheese no skill mode.
Best game design ever.
And Arheundel, you are obvious the one with the learn to play issues, not me. I’m rank 40 for a reason, as I’ve played 1.5k games already. That being said, I’ve played enough to figure out that there are some mechanics in this game that don’t work as listed in Arenanets infamously vague tooltips.
This is why I’m bringing it to the forums, so that hopefully Anet will read this. And thanks to morons who blindly argue without even truly understanding how this works from experience themselves, I get free bumps on a thread. So no matter how troll-ish or how much your replies completely lack any constructive nature, you’re still helping me out.
Thanks <3
Only baddies care about rank, those who zerg around in sPvP..if you die to a semi-decent ele you’ve got better things to worry about..like the decent/pro tournament eles, shocking aura work as intended…anti-baddie skills aka button smashers, those who zerg spvp and think to be good.
You call yourself a good player? You talk about rotation while enemy defenses are up, maybe it’s time to look at more than your initiative bar to spamm 1-2-3 and actually l2p..if you think Anet will nerf non-spammable defense skills for the sake of random button smashers baddies…you’re sadly mistaken
Because taking damage out of your rotation / play is obviously the best way to fight any class!
You can say the same thing about frost aura, warriors with missile deflection, guardians with wall of reflection, high confusion stacks, etc. There are a variety of situations where it’s beneficial to briefly stop attacking your opponent and it’s not really that big of a deal imo.
Also, I seriously doubt that any decent d/d ele is actually going to sit in your caltrops for a full 5 seconds. Most glassy and balanced d/d builds don’t really have the ability to repeatedly cleanse that many bleed stacks while simultaneously putting out heavy burst.
So, if you’re dying to ele’s who flail around in caltrops… dunno what to say. Different story if it’s 1v2+ I guess.
Of all the fixes needed, this one can wait till last..
Of course this fix can “wait till last”! Players who know how powerful / easy something is to abuse that makes them win much more easily naturally don’t mind if trash like this is never fixed or in the very least delayed!
This is usually the one thing when fighting an Elementalist that makes it an imbalanced fight. I’ve learned to compensate / anticipate specific behaviors from Ele’s at this point, yet that won’t matter, people are going to assume I’m bad and just talk trash like the rest of the shallow minded twits out there with nothing useful to add to the post. I just love how condescending idiots on here seem to enjoy gracing everyone with their worthless trash on the forums so commonly … oh well, standard part of being on the internet.
Anyway, when I speak about “rotation” by this I mean if I wanted to fight an ele properly with condition build I’d have to
A) Change Tier 1 Trait to no longer dodge drop caltrops (less dps)
B) Stop using a utility skill against them (also less DPS)
C) Stop using Choking Gas for Poison DMG & Healing reduction (even less dps!)
The main problem here is that it would be hard for them to abuse Choking gas, it’s only down for 4 seconds, and I certainly won’t spam that as there’s no need for it. Caltrops, however, stay down for 14 seconds. It’s EXTREMELY easy to just say oh look, caltrops are down! Activate Shocking Aura and just stand in them for a 5 second disable on the player who put them down.
Which if you will read patch notes … actually screw that, I’m going to quote Arenanet for ya’ll because MANY of you have issues reading in the first place, and rather most of you only have the intent to reply with mundane and ill-thought out trash like Arheundel, rather than try to actually understand the point being made.
“Reduced fear’s maximum stacks to 5 to prevent excessively long periods of time where players don’t have control of their character.” This to me goes along the lines of how Pistol Whip has a 1/2 second stun. Or the fact that Tactical Strike is a 2 second daze that also requires positioning of being behind your target. Or that knockdowns are what, 3 seconds?
For a class capable of being a strong glass cannon to have 5 seconds of stun, regardless of whether or not that player is actually attacking them, is a hell of a lot of time for them to dish out some damage that can be almost impossible to come back from if not an instant downstate for the stunned player should they not have a stunbreak available, considering this gives Ele’s two immediate sources of strong disable. Updraft, if you stay in the following AOE … you’re GOING to be hurting for it, so it’s best to Shadow Step or Roll for Initiative out of it.
This is also coming from a Thief that doesn’t play 100% trash cannon that runs 0 survival traits and instead 100% DPS traits. I play 30 into Shadow Arts, 20 into Acrobatics and Trickery with condition build for added survival, and I sit at nearly 20,000 health too. Even so, the added toughness really doesn’t do anything as you can explode almost instantaneously to one combo from a Glass Cannon Ele.
Yet of course … here they are telling me how it’s just that I’m bad even though this trash mechanic eliminates an entire utility skill, trait, and poison AOE with one push of a button and they naturally want to defend their precious easy mode garbage while instead telling me I’m bad in hopes that this never changes. Typical idiot behavior. It’s this kind of trash that further ruins games.
Oh internet, how I love thee.
when caltrops continously procs attacks and thief gets stunned bc of aura it’s a bug
when caltrops continously procs attacks and thief gets free heals from signet of malice … everything’s fine guys!
I don’t use signet of Malice … especially not when running 30 into Shadow Arts because Hide in Shadows becomes REALLY strong as a heal when you’re 30 into SA … but uhm, yeah … didn’t know about that with Signet of Malice healing on caltrops applications. If that’s true, then that’s yet another broken / trashy mechanic in this game added to the list because that just shouldn’t count …
Especially considering you could lock someone onto caltrops + dodged caltrops (3x bleeds per second) using surprise shot followed with cluster bomb. 2x Procs from both caltrop stacks then per cluster bomb fired, or troll blossom. Realistically though, the way I play the build I have no need / use for Signet of Malice / abusing some garbage like that.
Thanks for pointing it out, though. I wouldn’t care / mind at all if Arenanet fixed it. (Along with some other trashy aspects of thief)
(edited by Jesiah.2457)
Or how shocking aura doesn’t work on bow rangers even at mele range……
Or how thieves are currently being favoured by the graphic glitch that make them invisible for 2/3s on top of stealth
In the end anyway this bug doesn’t exist, any direct dmg used on shocking aura will grant you a 1s stun at 240-300 radius, condition dmg is no direct dmg…end of the story
(edited by Arheundel.6451)
Hahaha! So you’re saying that your build get negated by an ele who time a defensive skill…this doesn’t sound better than a 100b warrior who get outsmarted by players using a stunbreak…or shocking aura.
As I have said before this is a l2p issue, I don’t attack mesmers with chaos armour up, I don’t waste skills on aegis, I don’t waste skills on warriors with endure pain, I don’t waste skills on engineers who got themself small, I don’t waste skills on mist form eles…etc etc.
Many times in tPvP I get disabled for more than simply 5s…I still manage to come on top, I really don’t know why you can’t understand the silliness of your argument.
In the end you’re complaining that your silly build can’t kill eles with half-brain ( and in your case no brain at all as they were standing in it)…ohh despair…ohh the sorrow!
(edited by Arheundel.6451)
This is also coming from a Thief that doesn’t play 100% trash cannon that runs 0 survival traits and instead 100% DPS traits. I play 30 into Shadow Arts, 20 into Acrobatics and Trickery with condition build for added survival, and I sit at nearly 20,000 health too. Even so, the added toughness really doesn’t do anything as you can explode almost instantaneously to one combo from a Glass Cannon Ele.
Have you actually played this encounter through from the other side?
The kind of glass cannon d/d build that can put out even close to the sort of damage you’re talking about is going to melt to your bleed stacks fairly quickly. They can’t cleanse the bleeds without switching to water, and if they switch to water then they won’t be updrafting anything for 9-10~ seconds.
If they do updraft, they’ll probably knock themselves out of your caltrops radius and you should be able stun break it and evade the incoming burning speed before shocking aura can proc again (if it’s even still up by the time they re-enter caltrops radius).
At this point, he’s going to be focused on recovering health and you should be free to continue spamming caltrops or whatever since shocking aura is down for 20 seconds or so.
The point is – no sane glass cannon d/d ele is going to sit in caltrops for 5 seconds and then try to kill you instead of cleansing the bleeds off and reseting the fight. They will get destroyed. All it takes is one stun break and they’re severely behind.
I mean I get what you’re saying, but there’s some heavy hyperbole going around.
Putting on shocking aura isnt exactly a noob move as it last only a few seconds and a person would have to know that it works against condition damage.
I didn’t know that and as a noob i just started to understand that shocking aura can be used against thieves fairly effectively if i can get my fingers there fast enough.
Noob meaning im only rank 17 after several days of playing the ele in spvp.
however… whether its supposed to work that way i dont know… I would wager its not. But compare it to other abilities. what else does the same thing?
Is it the damage tic that’s procing the stun, or is it the condition application that’s doing it?
In my expirence the only reason why field effect status locks down enemies is because the field constantly re-applies their status effects. At this point it’s not the ‘bleed’ that’s causing the damage, so much as the application of bleed and cripple the effect keeps layering on the shield, which then counters it like it would a normal attack.
Given the shield’s limited stun range I woulden’t say it’s broken. It’s just bad placement on behalf of the field user. This ability counters damage field based attacks only if the enemy is in close range, making it a decent bunker-counter to those style defenders.
I think it only activates when you put on a new effect, not from the passive condition damage ticking.
Don’t thieves have that spiny move that gives them stability and reflect projectile? Not sure if it stunbreakes but if he is in lightning and a glass cannon he will switch to fire next, and oh fire auto attack is a projectile, limiting him to hit you with his 4 skills then have to swap to earth or water for defense or not attack you.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Its not about thief vs ele balance. thing is Thief condition build got 3 seconds calltrops on dodge and 14 seconds calltops on ground,
So you set calltrops on ground, ele just march in, and since every puse(1 pulse per second) adds stacks of bleed and criple, it somehow also activate Shocking aura, stuning thief as long as that aura is on. Stunbreaker dont help, as you instantly get stuned again unless you use shadowstep. 5 seconds is enought to die as condition thief has 13500 hp and defences based on dodges(get stuned on dodge) and evades from Death blossom.
You call yourself a good player? You talk about rotation while enemy defenses are up, maybe it’s time to look at more than your initiative bar to spamm 1-2-3 and actually l2p..if you think Anet will nerf non-spammable defense skills for the sake of random button smashers baddies…you’re sadly mistaken
Arheundel and I have certainly had our issues on these here forums before pertaining to the Elementalist class, but in this case, I have to agree 100% with him here.All-in-all, this really is a learn to play issue.
Are you honestly complaining about an Ele eating stack after stack of bleeds JUST to keep you stunned for 5 seconds so that he can unleash hell on you and take away 30% of your hp? Really? Seriously? Maybe he’ll wind up his REALLY BIG DAMAGE item while you’re stunned in melee range, that is churning earth with it’s FOUR SECOND cast time (why that’s only 1 second less than the maximum available stun duration).
Solution to this “problem” (which isn’t really a problem), use your one stunbreak, move out of melee range, resume beating on him while shocking aura is unavailable for 20+ seconds. Oh, and no one believe you “spoke to a Dev” about this (it appears as if the post in which you insinuated you had has been deleted, for good reason)…
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock
You call yourself a good player? You talk about rotation while enemy defenses are up, maybe it’s time to look at more than your initiative bar to spamm 1-2-3 and actually l2p..if you think Anet will nerf non-spammable defense skills for the sake of random button smashers baddies…you’re sadly mistaken
Arheundel and I have certainly had our issues on these here forums before pertaining to the Elementalist class, but in this case, I have to agree 100% with him here.All-in-all, this really is a learn to play issue.
Are you honestly complaining about an Ele eating stack after stack of bleeds JUST to keep you stunned for 5 seconds so that he can unleash hell on you and take away 30% of your hp? Really? Seriously? Maybe he’ll wind up his REALLY BIG DAMAGE item while you’re stunned in melee range, that is churning earth with it’s FOUR SECOND cast time (why that’s only 1 second less than the maximum available stun duration).
Solution to this “problem” (which isn’t really a problem), use your one stunbreak, move out of melee range, resume beating on him while shocking aura is unavailable for 20+ seconds. Oh, and no one believe you “spoke to a Dev” about this (it appears as if the post in which you insinuated you had has been deleted, for good reason)…
You cannot stunbreak it as you get instantly stuned again. If you ware in melee range after he used Shocking aura, you will eat all 5 seconds of stun+ what he cast on you while you are stuned, unless you use Shadowstep(not like everyonehas it)
So you get hard countered by a main-hand dagger elementalist.
Not feeling any sympathy here, as it’s your decision to invest to hard into caltrops, and the Elementalist itself has to juggle condition clears in order to survive all those stacks of bleed.
Sorry but Caltrops build can be a severe pain to many builds, especially melee based ones. To have a counter that is equally annoying to it is fair play on this issue. Again, you’re are capable of being out of range of the stun, or by having stability.
Thief does not have stability, also… calltrops has cast time and is droped under myself, so there is no avoiding it, to go long range.
Well but i guess it is ok, Like against minion necro i heal 4x more, since of minions, which hard counters him too. Just healing 4x more and taking 5-6 second stuns fallowed by more CC could be instant death, if ele was burst type.