Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Elementalist is honestly more OP than it was back in the days when s/d ele was broken.
I didn’t think it was possible to make a more easy to play build than warrior builds. But anet have managed it with staff ele. I don’t use path of corruption currently but even with this (thus specing for full boon removal) I really don’t think I could get close to beating a staff ele on a point. They don’t even have to be good players. They literally just ignore everything I am doing and follow a simple rotation which floods the point with aoe. That is it. No aiming, no counting dodges, no setting up big skills. Just spam red circles on another red circle whilst dodging in between. I EVEN feel sorry for warriors with respect to these eles, as I am pretty sure a staff ele would kill a warrior too.
I said before everyone was saying “buff staff ele” that it was a stupid thing to do. At the end of the day, weapon sets with such huge amounts of AoE are bad for the game. Especially when that AoE provides lasting effects. With necro marks, if they dodge or block or invuln then you lose the mark for zero effect. This isn’t the case for staff ele. You can’t dodge anything they do because much of the AoE has lasting effects (i.e. you can’t dodge meteor shower because it is continuous). This is truely terrible game design as it provides no counter play and makes it insanely easy for ANYONE to be effective on these builds. If anyone wants me to explain this again please ask below. I think I have done a good job though. Another one is engi grenades – if you dont set them up then you can waste them all if they dodge it. Again meaning engineer takes skill to use, whereas staff ele you don’t have to worry about it because all your effects last for ages.
D/D ele and staff ele are like the new warrior. The problem with both eles and warriors is they do massive damage whilst be insanely tanky. Added to this, both are mobile. What this means is that ANY players who run such a tanky comp (either in solo or team q) are almost unbeatable. Their sustain is just mathematically too high for a squishy team to cope with. They make the fights last long by the fact they are tanky. And the longer the fights last the more screwed you are as a squishy class because you run out of cooldowns and just die. Rotations? Its np. You don’t get punished for sloppy rotations when everyone is tanky because everyone can hold a point, everyone can hold a 1v2 for a while. Everyone can take any 1v1 because they are tanky enough to not get 1 shot. So not only are these tanky builds easy to play, but when you put them together you get a comp which is easy to play (I have seen people from rank 200+ run tanky comps and immedietly shot into the top 50).
It is essential for the game to be fun that builds cannot do everything. There needs to be some give and take. If a warrior or ele is tanky enough to not have to worry about ever getting nuked down in a 1v1 or even a team fight then their damage should be lower to not allow them to do the same.
tl;dr – ele is broken again – but worse this time, and still so is warrior.
This is just my view. I am not the best player. I do not know everything about the game. But I know this to be true.
The best advice I can give is to play the elementalist builds yourself until you understand how to fight them. I don’t mean to be offensive but I wouldn’t understand half the weaknesses of the build if I didn’t play it.
I really don’t think I could get close to beating a staff ele on a point.
there’s your problem. its the same thing with players complaining about dying to bomb/nade engis on point.
conquest mode encourages on point aoe spam. that’s how it is.
so what should you do? leave the point and attack them from the outside. even if you’re defending.
what’s better, your point getting decapped but you win in the end or you die, lose the point, enemy gets 5 points and is able to cap the point?
okay, let me tell you something about staff-eles:
there are basically three build-options
1. full GC-Staff-Ele: this is the only one that can truly deal massive damage but is so fragile itself that he will die by only coughing at him.
2. defensive cleric Staff-Ele: deals 0 damage, only good for support/healing and holding point 1v1
3. celestial Staff-Ele: Similir to D/D when it comes to damage-output, but far from OP, when not using stupid pirate-runes
Staff has never recieved major buffs, only some little tweaks to water-fields and earth-4. I think that is all.
Some tips for playing against staff-ele:
1. corruption won’t help you much since staff-eles don’t rely that much on boons as D/D does.
2. the only thing that makes staff viable (against good players) is conquest mode. Staff-Eles will rarely win 1v1s outside of nodes where people can move freely.
So don’t mindlessly stand on point eating all his AoEs like you described. Usually as staff-ele against good players you will have to perfectly time your CCs to even land a single damage spell on your enemy. Positioning is very important – it’s not that easy as you discribed.
3. Staff-eles are cannon-fodder for thiefes. If there’s a good thief in the enemy team a staff-ele shouldn’t be able to do anything.
4. Taken aside all the 2 spells and meteor-shower Staff-Eles don’t have any good sources of damage – all of these have slow and obvious animations and fire-fields are the only ones that continuosly deal damage. Avoid these and dodge the other 3, then you’re fine.
5. Fokus the ele first in team-fights and he won’t be able to do anything but running away. I don’t see how anything besides cleric-eles can withstand a 2v1 ON POINT longer than half a minute.
A Staff Ele that deals significant damage has two things:
1) very low survivability
2) very low damage on a kiting target
If they spec for condi cleanse/healing they shouldn’t be able to hurt you that much just by spamming AoEs, unless you try really hard to stand right in the middle of them all.
As Jekkt says: don’t try to contest the point if it’s too dangerous. They can’t leave it without risk of decap (and if they leave it to cast MS... you just walk out of the area, apply more pressure, move in to stomp once the shower finishes). As long as you don’t waste too long trying to kill them without decapping, you’ll make a net gain.
So first I need to mention I almost only play Ele, DD Ele Full zerker (to be precise), and every slot is reserved for burst. So I dont play a build mentioned there.
I need to mention as well, that i play that build since Ele was totally underpowered prior to April 14. , cause the only way back then for me to win a fight was to try to kill those OP Warriors etc before they could react, cause once they had time to react it was almost impossible to win against them (not only warriors other classes as well).
So now to your statement:
D/D ele and staff ele are like the new warrior. The problem with both eles and warriors is they do massive damage whilst be insanely tanky. Added to this, both are mobile. What this means is that ANY players who run such a tanky comp (either in solo or team q) are almost unbeatable. Their sustain is just mathematically too high for a squishy team to cope with. They make the fights last long by the fact they are tanky. And the longer the fights last the more screwed you are as a squishy class because you run out of cooldowns and just die. Rotations? Its np. You don’t get punished for sloppy rotations when everyone is tanky because everyone can hold a point, everyone can hold a 1v2 for a while. Everyone can take any 1v1 because they are tanky enough to not get 1 shot. So not only are these tanky builds easy to play, but when you put them together you get a comp which is easy to play (I have seen people from rank 200+ run tanky comps and immedietly shot into the top 50).
So basically the problem is not the classes itself its the tankmeta.
And there I want to tell you , guardians with the right Build are insanely strong.
I also met (since you seem to play necro) a tank necro once, and believe me that build was insanely strong (buffles me I only saw that build once maybe twice so far).
So now to the Ele builds you mentioned:
Zerk Staff, ya it does a huge amount of dmg, and ya AEs are very strong if you consider the size of the capturing points and I understand why you have problems with them, cause their weakness is close range fights and enemies with high mobility, so … not you though there are necro builds able to counter that.
And of course therer are also necro builds that utilize the smallness of the capturing points really well, you shouldnt forget that.
Celestial Aquamancer DD:
To be honest I met very few good ones, but they can be incredibly good I admit that.
But you need to keep one thing in mind, the sustain mainly comes from healing, a lot passive from the signet but also a lot from active actions as to proper rotations, so the problems with cool downs on rotations can affect them as well.
I tried this build as well but be honest , while i have a pretty high win rate with my full burst build, in the aquamancer build I always tend to wreck up after 30-40s infight (accidentally swapping to wrong attunement whatever and thus blocking the essential healing that moment)
I recommend you try to play that build yourself as already mentioned and uncover its weakness.
If they are so overpowered, how about you play a staff elementalist against a team with at least 2 thieves on the enemy team and you’ll quickly notice that you’re just being outplayed and they’re actually somewhat overpowered.
Considering how strong celestial elementalist are I am surprised there hasn’t been more posts like this one.
I find it funny to see others complain about a support staff Ele who mainly have to hide outside of the battle and use meteor shower. Dude close the gap pop stability and the staff will go down easily. As a player that main Ele d/d I assure you that the best CC Engi can kite d/d due to d/d having no range minus ride the lightning. So survive the burst by dodging ride the lightning/updraft get out of AOE range and net me with your rifle. Keeping moving around I’m not mobile minus 6 sec of swiftness from attuning to air. Ele will eventually fall… If class x defeats class y then class x is overpowered. Class y gets buffed due to all the kittening and moaning . Class Y can now compete and sometimes defeat class X. Class x then complains how overpowered class Y is. It repeats… I forgot this is GW2 where everyone expects to be able to 1v1 every other class and if they can’t it’s because that class is overpowered. Go figure…
staff-ele has never changed
why are people suddenly complaining about it?
I find it funny to see others complain about a support staff Ele who mainly have to hide outside of the battle and use meteor shower. Dude close the gap pop stability and the staff will go down easily. As a player that main Ele d/d I assure you that the best CC Engi can kite d/d due to d/d having no range minus ride the lightning. So survive the burst by dodging ride the lightning/updraft get out of AOE range and net me with your rifle. Keeping moving around I’m not mobile minus 6 sec of swiftness from attuning to air. Ele will eventually fall... If class x defeats class y then class x is overpowered. Class y gets buffed due to all the kittening and moaning . Class Y can now compete and sometimes defeat class X. Class x then complains how overpowered class Y is. It repeats... I forgot this is GW2 where everyone expects to be able to 1v1 every other class and if they can’t it’s because that class is overpowered. Go figure...
Its not there 1v1 ablities that make there strong its what they bring to a team aoe dmg, heals and cc all in one and its quite easy to play. Though not just staff ele I think all celes eleis dd, sf and staff are strong atm.
@OP – You create a new thread on a weekly basis about what you think deserves more attention and what is overpowered, solely based upon what angers you in solo queue or hotjoin (whichever type of player you are).
None of your arguments are backed up with actual facts and good suggestions, it’s just a rant and some QQ here and there.
@OP – You create a new thread on a weekly basis about what you think deserves more attention and what is overpowered, solely based upon what angers you in solo queue or hotjoin (whichever type of player you are).
None of your arguments are backed up with actual facts and good suggestions, it’s just a rant and some QQ here and there.
Elementalist is honestly more OP than it was back in the days when s/d ele was broken.
I didn’t think it was possible to make a more easy to play build than warrior builds. But anet have managed it with staff ele. I don’t use path of corruption currently but even with this (thus specing for full boon removal) I really don’t think I could get close to beating a staff ele on a point. They don’t even have to be good players. They literally just ignore everything I am doing and follow a simple rotation which floods the point with aoe. That is it. No aiming, no counting dodges, no setting up big skills. Just spam red circles on another red circle whilst dodging in between. I EVEN feel sorry for warriors with respect to these eles, as I am pretty sure a staff ele would kill a warrior too.
I said before everyone was saying “buff staff ele” that it was a stupid thing to do. At the end of the day, weapon sets with such huge amounts of AoE are bad for the game. Especially when that AoE provides lasting effects. With necro marks, if they dodge or block or invuln then you lose the mark for zero effect. This isn’t the case for staff ele. You can’t dodge anything they do because much of the AoE has lasting effects (i.e. you can’t dodge meteor shower because it is continuous). This is truely terrible game design as it provides no counter play and makes it insanely easy for ANYONE to be effective on these builds. If anyone wants me to explain this again please ask below. I think I have done a good job though. Another one is engi grenades – if you dont set them up then you can waste them all if they dodge it. Again meaning engineer takes skill to use, whereas staff ele you don’t have to worry about it because all your effects last for ages.
D/D ele and staff ele are like the new warrior. The problem with both eles and warriors is they do massive damage whilst be insanely tanky. Added to this, both are mobile. What this means is that ANY players who run such a tanky comp (either in solo or team q) are almost unbeatable. Their sustain is just mathematically too high for a squishy team to cope with. They make the fights last long by the fact they are tanky. And the longer the fights last the more screwed you are as a squishy class because you run out of cooldowns and just die. Rotations? Its np. You don’t get punished for sloppy rotations when everyone is tanky because everyone can hold a point, everyone can hold a 1v2 for a while. Everyone can take any 1v1 because they are tanky enough to not get 1 shot. So not only are these tanky builds easy to play, but when you put them together you get a comp which is easy to play (I have seen people from rank 200+ run tanky comps and immedietly shot into the top 50).
It is essential for the game to be fun that builds cannot do everything. There needs to be some give and take. If a warrior or ele is tanky enough to not have to worry about ever getting nuked down in a 1v1 or even a team fight then their damage should be lower to not allow them to do the same.
tl;dr – ele is broken again – but worse this time, and still so is warrior.
This is just my view. I am not the best player. I do not know everything about the game. But I know this to be true.
Try playing one yourself and not die in a couple seconds first before you comment things like these.
Though I haven’t been playing ele a great deal (just 200 wins in hot-join), I find that ele is very hard to master that the positioning is very crucial.
One more thing, unless it’s a 2 v 2 scenario, a warrior should NEVER lose to a staff ele.
If you, as warrior, with so many CCs and defensive abilies, to lose to a very immobile and glassy spec, it really is more of a L2P issue on your part. Sitting on a point 24/7 is not the way to go, stop letting that passive regen carrying you.
@OP – You create a new thread on a weekly basis about what you think deserves more attention and what is overpowered, solely based upon what angers you in solo queue or hotjoin (whichever type of player you are).
None of your arguments are backed up with actual facts and good suggestions, it’s just a rant and some QQ here and there.
Now that i have seen the last 3 posts of lordsricky I can only say
Looking at the last 3 posts ALL startet by lordsricky, they all have pretty much the same keynote:
-Nerf this class cuz my necro is weak against it
-Nerf this item cuz it makes other classes strong against my necro
-buff necro
Seeing that I ask myself why I event took it so seriously explaining in my first post
You make 3 posts out of the same topic just viewing from a different position.
And maybe its even true that necro atm is a bit weak in pvp.
Cause from what i can see most necro builds are plain stupid and maybe good for a 1on1 but lose their strength in team fights a lot.
But before feature patch we had a condition meta were necros were really strong but honestly I dont want condition spam meta to come back to that extent
(edited by Duran.3196)
Every class has their own faceroll build now. Elementalist is not OP but it became braindead like other builds. DD and staff ele= roll your face over the keyboard.
How about try one yourself before you say anything?
Try win a Team Q and see if it’s really faceroll or not.
Every class has their own faceroll build now. Elementalist is not OP but it became braindead like other builds. DD and staff ele= roll your face over the keyboard.
How about try one yourself before you say anything?
Try win a Team Q and see if it’s really faceroll or not.
I agree. Any build that becomes good people start to QQ because they die to it. THEN they say its OP. If a build kills them, it’s automatically OP. Logic of anyone under the age of 17 and/or bad at GW2 PvP.
this guy lordrisiky or what ever happens to be one of the top necros in the game, he doesnt have a biased opinion like most people, he just genuinely wants the game to improve, so before you start qqing or calling him bad go check his team que and solo que records and i personally have played with him and i know hes a formidable player, quite capable of carrying people. that said when hes trying to help the developers by informing them of something that clearly is overpowered how about before you start calling him noob or passively calling him bad check your own statistics and see how many games youve carried to victory and i m pretty sure its 100s less than him, so before you get buthurt cause hes calling something you play overpowered just think about how these over powered classes affect every other class
Sad to say but I feel like this is a case of you being outplayed. A great ele will frustrate you if you don’t know how to fight one properly. On the other side, an avg ele will die pretty easily since they won’t have the proper cooldown management. Yes you heard me, eles have to manage things to be great despite people saying they can faceroll and be OP. They can and will die when you attack them and know what to interrupt, when to fear, when to condi load, etc. It’s all timing. Just practice more and less qq.
this guy lordrisiky or what ever happens to be one of the top necros in the game, he doesnt have a biased opinion like most people, he just genuinely wants the game to improve, so before you start qqing or calling him bad go check his team que and solo que records and i personally have played with him and i know hes a formidable player, quite capable of carrying people. that said when hes trying to help the developers by informing them of something that clearly is overpowered how about before you start calling him noob or passively calling him bad check your own statistics and see how many games youve carried to victory and i m pretty sure its 100s less than him, so before you get buthurt cause hes calling something you play overpowered just think about how these over powered classes affect every other class
You can’t help the developers by ranting how something is broken without providing some solution to this problem; that is constructive feedback.
Sad to say but I feel like this is a case of you being outplayed. A great ele will frustrate you if you don’t know how to fight one properly. On the other side, an avg ele will die pretty easily since they won’t have the proper cooldown management. Yes you heard me, eles have to manage things to be great despite people saying they can faceroll and be OP. They can and will die when you attack them and know what to interrupt, when to fear, when to condi load, etc. It’s all timing. Just practice more and less qq.
if you dont know who duke henry is then you clearly dont play pvp that much and therefore have very little insight into what it entails. 1. your not even top 1000 and you think you can basically say to one of the best necros in pvp ‘’ learn to play’’ your the reason this game doesnt develop properly cause you assume its qq when he genuinly cares about the state of pvp, you never play team que, and if you do you play against the bottom of the barrel therefore meaing you dont see any of the top players he faces on a daily basis, you need to learn to play cause your not even close to his level.
Sad to say but I feel like this is a case of you being outplayed. A great ele will frustrate you if you don’t know how to fight one properly. On the other side, an avg ele will die pretty easily since they won’t have the proper cooldown management. Yes you heard me, eles have to manage things to be great despite people saying they can faceroll and be OP. They can and will die when you attack them and know what to interrupt, when to fear, when to condi load, etc. It’s all timig. Just practice more and less qq.
if you dont know who duke henry is then you clearly dont play pvp that much and therefore have very little insight into what it entails. 1. your not even top 1000 and you think you can basically say to one of the best necros in pvp ‘’ learn to play’’ your the reason this game doesnt develop properly cause you assume its qq when he genuinly cares about the state of pvp, you never play team que, and if you do you play against the bottom of the barrel therefore meaing you dont see any of the top players he faces on a daily basis, you need to learn to play cause your not even close to his level.
Or he just plays NA and doesn’t know those names cuz I don’t
imho ele is one of the better examples of balance,
bad ones will be destroyed, good ones will do well, incredible ones will be godly.
this used to be the same for engi and thief, but power crawl has given those 2 classes noob-friendly specs.
As someone who’s played bunkery eles since beta and all kinds of builds as an ele, I can say that it is our boons that make us live so long(as well as knowing when to use our evades/dodges). If you keep stripping our boons(at least protection/regen), then you’ll see us die very quickly or at least have to blow cooldowns. Also make sure you are watching which attunement that elementalist is in and putting all your conditions/fear on when water is on cooldown.
Immobilize is also a killer. You can many times bait an elementalist to blow his water attunment cooldown by applying immobilize. Many eles afterward would switch to earth for the protection boon when being pressured. There’s your chance. You can remove both regen and protection which makes them very vulnerable afterward and bait bigger cooldowns.
Like any bunker, it’s a battle of cooldowns and attrition, and defensive cooldowns are almost always longer than offensive ones. If you get an ele of any kind stuck into your convert boons into conditions well on a point, then you’ll see them just melt away.
Save fear for offensive pressure instead of just to chaining them together for no reason. Use them to actually interrupt our abilities and put stuff on cooldown. If strip protection/ regen/ stability off someone channeling ether renewal and DS fear them, you can probably kill them immediately afterward.
I’ve fought many necros who just blow all their fears one after another so they can get like 3 scepter auto attacks or 4k terrormancer damage. It’s awful.
(edited by Shinoobi.1259)
this guy lordrisiky or what ever happens to be one of the top necros in the game, he doesnt have a biased opinion like most people, he just genuinely wants the game to improve, so before you start qqing or calling him bad go check his team que and solo que records and i personally have played with him and i know hes a formidable player, quite capable of carrying people. that said when hes trying to help the developers by informing them of something that clearly is overpowered how about before you start calling him noob or passively calling him bad check your own statistics and see how many games youve carried to victory and i m pretty sure its 100s less than him, so before you get buthurt cause hes calling something you play overpowered just think about how these over powered classes affect every other class
being the best player ever does not stop someone for being a whiny child.
Sad to say but I feel like this is a case of you being outplayed. A great ele will frustrate you if you don’t know how to fight one properly. On the other side, an avg ele will die pretty easily since they won’t have the proper cooldown management. Yes you heard me, eles have to manage things to be great despite people saying they can faceroll and be OP. They can and will die when you attack them and know what to interrupt, when to fear, when to condi load, etc. It’s all timing. Just practice more and less qq.
if you dont know who duke henry is then you clearly dont play pvp that much and therefore have very little insight into what it entails. 1. your not even top 1000 and you think you can basically say to one of the best necros in pvp ‘’ learn to play’’ your the reason this game doesnt develop properly cause you assume its qq when he genuinly cares about the state of pvp, you never play team que, and if you do you play against the bottom of the barrel therefore meaing you dont see any of the top players he faces on a daily basis, you need to learn to play cause your not even close to his level.
You said he cares about the state of pvp, but to me, all I see is he only care about his necro not being able to beat the best ele out there.
Seriously, he can be the strongest necro out there, but it does not give him credit to judge ele is too powerful if he never plays one, or never play some other classes and face ele. His perspective is limited to necro vs ele and that does not represent balance. Since you said he plays Team Q a lot, it means that the ele he faced is definitely some of the best one out there (because no-one will accept a crap ele in the team because LMO ele is the class with the highest skill ceiling)
I heard some of his claims being playing ele is a face-roll, but it’s definitely not true, and he can’t prove it if he never plays one in TPVP. Also I believe staff ele is too strong for him because in team fight they are strong if their teammates cover the ele properly, but there it comes down to team cooperation, which is not solely base on one class being OP, but the combination of one class and another class being OP. This itself proves that ele is not OP because it needs someone else around to be strong.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
+1 Aomine
It is just a lie, that Ele doesnt need to watch his cooldowns or anything, cause as Ele you have the lowest base def (light armor) and the lowest health pool.
In other words once your defensive skills run out, you misjudge the situation and blow out a CD the wrong time you are pretty much f******
Staff is good with heavy dps builds in group fights, but becomes helpless if focused.
Op has a major point as a necro player.
necro was given dhuumfire. It made necro face melt anything with below moderate cleanse. necro was the new gold in soloQ. A-net reduced a lot of their bleeds and poison. They then moved staff mark traits to a higher tier. They then reduce dhuumfire. They then changed dhuumfire altogether without rescinding some of the previous nerfs that were designed to bring dhuumfire back in line. Currently some professions boon stack like mofo’s, and this should be an area necro excels in dealing with, but it just doesn’t. It scraps a small percentage of boons away but by and large the stacks still remain or are replaced non relatively quickly. In other words within 4-6 seconds and the necro corruptions go on cooldown from anywhere from 30-40 seconds depending on traits. With no blocks or evade on use skills and limited use of mobility and lethargic channel skill speeds necro is not viable, but becoming increasingly less desirable to play. The collaborative development thread asked what 3 professions need to the most help? ele/ranger/necro. So far we have seen some buffin g to ele with one of the dev’s stating “I can’t wait for the next patch to go live. Beware the ele…” This is fair to say ele was getting some much needed love. What about the other 2 professions mentioned?..the ones that have the poorest representation in the up coming ToL2 and habitually get kicked from dungeon/speed run groups purely for being what they are? In a perfect world a heavy boon stacking ele/engi should get nervous around a corruption necro, currently they don’t. The addition of turrets that regularly spam boons also pretty much nullified the entire corruption line of necro in one foul swoop, and made boon hate far more desirable that corruption. I don’t neco is weak, the death shroud mechanic is entirely strong when worked with rhythm and purpose. However an aspect of necro in the corruption skills have basically been made very dilute against profession that through combo fields produce excessive amount of valuable boons. (regen-vigor-swiftness) Unfortunately necro is just not up to the task of being the profession that was intended to manipulate and punish builds that runs 5-7 different stacks at times. the ability for a necro to wait for the boons to stack up majorly before corrupting is just not there. They need to be given more teeth in this area and some of their conditioning abilities restored. A leap finisher would be nice. A projectile finisher that isn’t slow moving would be helpful. Maybe even a singular block. asking for one ain’t much and a few combo kinda get the point. The necro lacks a lot of what many other professions have in spades.
Deja vu much??
It has become pretty clear to me by now that when ele is in necro (condi) is out and the opposite.These kind of threads are the same Lordrosicky was making before the dhuumfire patch
I for once still remember the time right after that patch where i got a duel with a friend on his necro ,me on my valks ele..before the duel started he accidentaly auto me once proccing everything..which resuled in me losing half my hp in the few seconds.
It was such a WTF moment.. and given anets balance im totally prepared for it to cycle back to that eventually !! The circle of life
Sad to say but I feel like this is a case of you being outplayed. A great ele will frustrate you if you don’t know how to fight one properly. On the other side, an avg ele will die pretty easily since they won’t have the proper cooldown management. Yes you heard me, eles have to manage things to be great despite people saying they can faceroll and be OP. They can and will die when you attack them and know what to interrupt, when to fear, when to condi load, etc. It’s all timing. Just practice more and less qq.
if you dont know who duke henry is then you clearly dont play pvp that much and therefore have very little insight into what it entails. 1. your not even top 1000 and you think you can basically say to one of the best necros in pvp ‘’ learn to play’’ your the reason this game doesnt develop properly cause you assume its qq when he genuinly cares about the state of pvp, you never play team que, and if you do you play against the bottom of the barrel therefore meaing you dont see any of the top players he faces on a daily basis, you need to learn to play cause your not even close to his level.
Member with Disney Channel/Team Lonely, played with various other top NA players winning many weeklies and other tournaments, ToL (3rd place finish), won a 2v2 the week before I left for my break, nominated for All-Stars tourny, and many other accomplishments before I left to do my 8 week full time clinical for grad school. Sorry I have a life and haven’t been on recently to impress you with my ranking.
Oh, and here’s a fun link for you since you like leaderboard ranks:
Might want to at least research/look things up before you try to beat somebody down.
A+ for your effort though
I do not think of staff ele as much of a power house in 1on1 situations, other than holding a point, but it’s definitely a horrible thing to deal with in a team fight.
GW2 is designed for casuals. There are always going to be builds that take very little skill to play so that people that don’t have all day to practice can still play and win fights.
Also, I have not been in your shoes so I can’t say exactly what has made you come to the conclusions you have. But in my own experience, I’ve never encountered an Ele that could deal massive damage while at the same time being almost unkillable. 90% of the Ele’s I encounter are extremely squishy. Any build/profession that uses a lot of regeneration are very weak to poison. Have high poison uptime and they’re screwed. Healing sig Warriors are a perfect example, slap some poison on them and they’re butter.
(edited by SpellOfIniquity.1780)
Definitely not op. D/D is the most used weapon set and by far the most easy to predict. Saying that ele is the new tank is just rediculous. I’d say warriors and engineers are quite a bit stronger currently, not so sure about other professions, but in the end it depends on what profession you’re playing when facing x.
But for a necromancer like OP, I can see the frustration of having conditions removed often and not having burning anymore. In the end, it’s about frustration most likely. It would be more appropriate to say “Necros need love”.
Elementalist has the same issue as warriors currently. Their kit is overloaded with too much strength and little to no weaknesses. Stability, immunities, condi clear, tons of heals/regen, tons of damage, both single and aoe from both direct and condition (burning), mobility. Every other class that isn’t ele or warrior have glaring weaknesses that you can counter, either lack of stability, lack of condi clears, lack of damage etc.
No class should have both high damage and high survivability. A celestial engineer can be taken down really easily, so can a necromancer or a ranger but a warrior and elementalist have such high survivability without sacrificing much if any damage at all in their builds.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
staff-ele has never changed
what is this, gw2 version of historical revisionism ?
staff ele had his healing and damage coefficient tweaked multiple times, fire 4 range was increased and evasion frames were added, earth 4 used to cripple, the untraited radius of aoes was smaller and lastly some traits were moved around (i can remember arcane attunement minor 1 and blasting staff major 2)
Definitely not op. D/D is the most used weapon set and by far the most easy to predict. Saying that ele is the new tank is just rediculous. I’d say warriors and engineers are quite a bit stronger currently, not so sure about other professions, but in the end it depends on what profession you’re playing when facing x.
But for a necromancer like OP, I can see the frustration of having conditions removed often and not having burning anymore. In the end, it’s about frustration most likely. It would be more appropriate to say “Necros need love”.
Wrong in regards to engi, ele is more useful in team fight and harder to focus down than engi. Engi has more weakness and is more susceptible to cc and conditions when compared to an ele.
staff-ele has never changed
what is this, gw2 version of historical revisionism ?
staff ele had his healing and damage coefficient tweaked multiple times, fire 4 range was increased and evasion frames were added, earth 4 used to cripple, the untraited radius of aoes was smaller and lastly some traits were moved around (i can remember arcane attunement minor 1 and blasting staff major 2)
I already mentioned the earth 4 change as well es the water-field changes. Blasting Staff moving to tier 1 didn’t change anything since you’ll have 20 or 30 points in arcana anyways. I didn’t remember coefficient-changes just some aftercast-reductions but anyways these changes have mostly been made a long time ago.
And all together they didn’t fundamentally change staff-gameplay or efficiency (especially not since the last patch) and before I’ve never ever read a QQ about staff-eles rather than claims for a buff of staff in PvP.
And to be honest … staff-eles, especially good ones, are extremely rare in PvP. I think that’s for a reason. And this reason may be that it’s not as easy to play as OP mentioned.
Things have Changed for Staff elementalists though since the great D/d Ele nerfs.
Which rendered Ele almost unplayable
Fresh Air
3 new GM traits were added.
Arcane skills were revisited. (Blasts ftw!)
Sigils/Runes were rebalanced adding new viability to certain builds
battle/energy anyone?
Signet of Restoration was buffed.
Cantrips were buffed
Bug fixes like static field being blockable were implemented.
Ele had a huge rebalance patch on dec10 too
Saying nothing has changed is silly
Ele had a huge rebalance patch on dec10 too
That was over half a year ago, affected basically all builds, the number of staff-eles hasn’t really changed since then but we’re seeing QQs for staff only now? Kinda weird…
That’s why I also think (like many other already mentioned) that some people just see a good staff-ele – which are rare – can’t figure out how to play against them and come to forums and demand nerfs.
Half a year ago I got flamed for joining sPvP with staff … and suddenly I’m OP without any drastic changes since then? Smells fishy.
Right exactly, and ele has just started coming back into the meta people are starting to play it and realize how OP it is now, even though it has been for some time.
Do you remember when Hambow started happening? 3 or 4 months after patches that made them redic. People were screaming OP! but Warriors were like NOTHING CHANGED GUIS.
That’s how a meta works, it takes time for someone to figure out the better build and figure out how to actually play it, but after that happends welp…
I can honestly Say I don’t like Staff ele on my team :/ I feel like sustain healing meta is lame and needs to die.
So Elementalist is the best profession of the game. Let’s just nerf it to smithereens and we shall all be happy.
Elementalist has the same issue as warriors currently. Their kit is overloaded with too much strength and little to no weaknesses. Stability, immunities, condi clear, tons of heals/regen, tons of damage, both single and aoe from both direct and condition (burning), mobility. Every other class that isn’t ele or warrior have glaring weaknesses that you can counter, either lack of stability, lack of condi clears, lack of damage etc.
No class should have both high damage and high survivability. A celestial engineer can be taken down really easily, so can a necromancer or a ranger but a warrior and elementalist have such high survivability without sacrificing much if any damage at all in their builds.
Haha, very funny.
Try playing a high damage staff ele yourself and see if it’s as durable and w/o weakness as you claimed.
Noobs these day now think ele is an easy class to play w/o actually playing one.
Don’t bring warrior on the table because you clearly never play an ele before.
Right exactly, and ele has just started coming back into the meta people are starting to play it and realize how OP it is now, even though it has been for some time.
Do you remember when Hambow started happening? 3 or 4 months after patches that made them redic. People were screaming OP! but Warriors were like NOTHING CHANGED GUIS.
That’s how a meta works, it takes time for someone to figure out the better build and figure out how to actually play it, but after that happends welp…
I can honestly Say I don’t like Staff ele on my team :/ I feel like sustain healing meta is lame and needs to die.
I’m playing staff for over a year now and though staff-eles are rare I’m not the only one. Staff-builds haven’t changed with the dec 10 patch and also not with the patches before.
Like I already said, half a year ago people were laughing at me for playing staff and some even went afk at the beginning of the match because of it … since then nothing has changed and now staff should be OP? It takes people half a year to realize that standing in a lava font can hurt? … really?
I agree with you though that bunker-meta is boring, that’s why I play zerker staff as often as possible. But thiefs make this rather impossible and force any GC-ele if not any gc-class to reroll a bunkerish build. That’s why I also think that thieves need some kind of rework. But that’s OT…
Staff ele was never good. Look at all the builds that failed miserably in tPvP just by playing with staff ele. Look at Tournament of Legends 1 and other competitions where staff elementalist was the least played profession, and statistically elementalist was one of the least played professions overall (with or without staff). Staff ele should not be OP.
If there is something to be nerfed here, that is staff ele. The PvP game is not centered on teamplay and combos, it is focused on 1v1, so there is no room for staff ele in tPvP.
Staff ele was never good. Look at all the builds that failed miserably in tPvP just by playing with staff ele. Look at Tournament of Legends 1 and other competitions where staff elementalist was the least played profession, and statistically elementalist was one of the least played professions overall (with or without staff). Staff ele should not be OP.
If there is something to be nerfed here, that is staff ele. The PvP game is not centered on teamplay and combos, it is focused on 1v1, so there is no room for staff ele in tPvP.
who cares what hte majority of teams did if the 2 teams who made it to the finals were running staff ele? get a clue
Elementalist has the same issue as warriors currently. Their kit is overloaded with too much strength and little to no weaknesses. Stability, immunities, condi clear, tons of heals/regen, tons of damage, both single and aoe from both direct and condition (burning), mobility. Every other class that isn’t ele or warrior have glaring weaknesses that you can counter, either lack of stability, lack of condi clears, lack of damage etc.
No class should have both high damage and high survivability. A celestial engineer can be taken down really easily, so can a necromancer or a ranger but a warrior and elementalist have such high survivability without sacrificing much if any damage at all in their builds.
And there in lies the issue. Players defending ele(or any class) will be comparing them to the strongest profs Warriors/Guards and people crying for nerf with be comparing to less prominent(weaker?) profs ranger/necro. Whether or not Warrior is op is not the issue. There is no indication that warriors performance is going to change any time soon so you can assume Anet is happy with them. So whats the big deal if ele can perform/contribute at a Warriors level?
Assuming ele is on par with war at lest ele is harder to play right? Though imo an ele playing at near maximum efficiency would outperform warriors is that ok? Also unless someone is experienced/competent at playing an ele at high level play they really shouldn’t be asking for nerfs.
In a pvp game like this its basically impossible to balance all classes evenly there will always be a class that is a tiny bit stronger than the rest(but should not be stronger at everything). I think the main focus should be that all classes atlest have a role/s they can fill and be viable enough to be consider for any team.
Ele is currently a strong and flexible class able to fill multiple roles. Is it very OP? I dont think so, maybe at tiny bit op. Anyway atlest for me I will try to reserve judgement until I have had more experience at playing the class.
(edited by vincecontix.1264)
Ice bow eles and cleasing wave eles, as in recover 50% of their hp in a splash while dishing out ridiculous damage.
I encounter an ele and end up fighting them for like 3-4 mins if I’m timing out defenses (as a mesmer). Even when a 2v1 an ele it’s like “wtf is this recovery??”
Elementalist has the same issue as warriors currently. Their kit is overloaded with too much strength and little to no weaknesses. Stability, immunities, condi clear, tons of heals/regen, tons of damage, both single and aoe from both direct and condition (burning), mobility. Every other class that isn’t ele or warrior have glaring weaknesses that you can counter, either lack of stability, lack of condi clears, lack of damage etc.
No class should have both high damage and high survivability. A celestial engineer can be taken down really easily, so can a necromancer or a ranger but a warrior and elementalist have such high survivability without sacrificing much if any damage at all in their builds.
And there in lies the issue. Players defending ele(or any class) will be comparing them to the strongest profs Warriors/Guards and people crying for nerf with be comparing to less prominent(weaker?) profs ranger/necro. Whether or not Warrior is op is not the issue. There is no indication that warriors performance is going to change any time soon so you can assume Anet is happy with them. So whats the big deal if ele can perform/contribute at a Warriors level?
Assuming ele is on par with war at lest ele is harder to play right? Though imo an ele playing at near maximum efficiency would outperform warriors is that ok? Also unless someone is experienced/competent at playing an ele at high level play they really shouldn’t be asking for nerfs.
In a pvp game like this its basically impossible to balance all classes evenly there will always be a class that is a tiny bit stronger than the rest(but should not be stronger at everything). I think the main focus should be that all classes atlest have a role/s they can fill and be viable enough to be consider for any team.
Ele is currently a strong and flexible class able to fill multiple roles. Is it very OP? I dont think so, maybe at tiny bit op. Anyway atlest for me I will try to reserve judgement until I have had more experience at playing the class.
Except its not healthy game design to have every class balanced to warrior level. Because if thats the case then you have all the classes have tons of immunities and sustain and fights will become drawn out and meaningless. Right now fighting an ele and a warrior you don’t really make any meaningful choices because every move you do is instantly stunbreaked/stabilitied/healed/immunity/blocked/condi cleared. Even if those things were balanced all in one class, it is still toxic to have such a class/build in the game.
I really emphasize on meaningful choices because part of a competitive pvp environment is to have choices that a player can pick that would be the right one. When you have encounters where the choices they make are consistently trivialized, it leads to player frustration.
(edited by Lifestealer.4910)
I havent played in a few months but as far as i read in the patch notes the only ele buffs were to SoR and cleansing water (which were just a revert of a nerf), and some small buffs to d/d eles like to burning speed, all of which have nothing to do with staff eles except cleansign water making bunker eles more supportive.
Has anything else really changed that i missed or is this just a big troll post.
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