Elementalist is very OP

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Gorni.1764


I havent played in a few months but as far as i read in the patch notes the only ele buffs were to SoR and cleansing water (which were just a revert of a nerf), and some small buffs to d/d eles like to burning speed, all of which have nothing to do with staff eles except cleansign water making bunker eles more supportive.

finally someone with common sense

Rachat – Elementalist (Abbadon’s Mouth)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Prysin.8542


elementalist is not OP. However it is now in a “all round solid performance” state.

It is not going to kill you with conditions, but you cannot blindly ignore them either.
It is not going to one-shot you, but you cannot think that facetanking will suffice, you gotta dodge.
It is not going to do anything to harm you in any serious way if you got stability.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


elementalist is not OP. However it is now in a “all round solid performance” state.

It is not going to kill you with conditions, but you cannot blindly ignore them either.
It is not going to one-shot you, but you cannot think that facetanking will suffice, you gotta dodge.
It is not going to do anything to harm you in any serious way if you got stability.

I totally agree with this. Elementalist was never strong, it was never overpowered and it always required lots of skill to play, keeping in mind all abilities and trying to combine them with cooldowns in your subconstient.
But, if children want it nerfed, then so be it. I already lost my patience in waiting for something great and exciting to happen in this profession. Right now I am with whatever change comes from developers (even nerfing).

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


if you lose 1 vs 1 against a staff ele, i suggest to you to change game..seriously staff ele is the worst 1 vs 1 profession, no matter if zerk or cleric or whatever..staff ele 1 vs 1 it’s always in disadvantage..

of course if u are a bunker, and staff ele is a healer, you probably gonna to lose, but there’s no one (mmo)rpg where a tank is able to kill a healer…

and if u go glassy, you should be able to kill a staff ele without any problem..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


I havent played in a few months but as far as i read in the patch notes the only ele buffs were to SoR and cleansing water (which were just a revert of a nerf), and some small buffs to d/d eles like to burning speed, all of which have nothing to do with staff eles except cleansign water making bunker eles more supportive.

Has anything else really changed that i missed or is this just a big troll post.

They buffed celestial amulet and strength runes which every d/d ele is using. If you’re not actually playing you should probably not comment.

Some classes can still beat them 1v1 and in teamfights they are not as tanky as they looks like in 1v1s since their armor and hp aren’t THAT and most of their tankyness comes from all the heals, the healing signet, regen and protection. If they get focused and bursted in the right moment they still die rather fast.

If anything is wrong with ele it’s that you can have a decent enough ammount of power to make lighting whip and burning speed dangerous and have burning ticking for 500/s at the same time. They should just revert the buff to celestial imo. They will probably won’t do that though since they don’t like admitting mistakes and ele (too an extent ranger) being the only class which can really abuse it since they make use of every single stat so it doesn’t look like it would be too overpowered.

Bullet Punch

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


As a Scepter/Dagger ele who wipes the floor beneath my feet with staff and d/d ele. All I have to say is try ele for a day and see if you don’t pull your hair out and quit the game.

Staff ele is annoying and that is all. A staff ele on a point isn’t one you should fear, it’s the one standing on high ground trying to avoid damage because he spec’d man mode and can’t hold his own ground but will destroy the ground you stand on.

d/d ele, well, it’s flavor of the month (or 6 months for guild wars 2). Its hardly even good. For some reason, kitten bags like to run around spamming LW and doing a predictable fire rotation. It can wear you down, but d/d ele has one ranged ability of 900 and its a lengthy cool down. they are just above melee range and are easy to deprive of actually doing damage. Most suck because they jumped on the ele hype thinking it was probably something near as good as grouch made it seem pre feature patch.

play ele and see how much you can stand.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

In the hands of an skilled player, they will by far out play other classes and builds. A skilled Guardian can never beat a skilled Elementalist now, it’s just how it is. Keep in mind Elementalists have a very, VERY high skill cap so a lot of them are just bad.

The good ones do play more often, the bad ones switch to Warrior to play with their Lamebow.

With that in mind, here is a few tips.

  • The less the Elementalist uses it’s basic attack, the more skilled it is, don’t fight a 1v1 if you never see that basic attack.
  • A good elementalist always starts the fight in Fire Attunement, if it is not in Fire, it’s bad and kick it’s kitten .
  • Poison and chill, abandon that Sigil of Battle as Sigil of Agony is significantly better even if you are not condi. Applying chill is key as it slows attunement recharge, miss that chill and you are in a longer fight.
  • If it is a D/D bunker carrying a Sigil of Agony, don’t bother trying to 1v1 it, bunker ele’s cannot team fight because Signet of Restoration lacks burst heal. Let it hug home or destroy it as soon as it comes mid.

Elementalists are a lot of fun to play but require such a high skill cap. More often than not you are going to run into A LOT of skilled Elementalists compared to other classes.

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Lurock Turoth.9085

Lurock Turoth.9085

You roll up to a point on a zerker necro, dump wells under the ele and smack him with lich form….see how long the little staff user ignores you.

Angst Hex, [FLOT] BG Havoc/Roaming

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Steb.2571


@OP – You create a new thread on a weekly basis about what you think deserves more attention and what is overpowered, solely based upon what angers you in solo queue or hotjoin (whichever type of player you are).

None of your arguments are backed up with actual facts and good suggestions, it’s just a rant and some QQ here and there.

Warrior, Ele, and Engi are all overpowered right now, and he does bring up valid points, it’s because they have too much sustain for the amount of damage output they can put out, on top of all the defensive utilities they can run without having to sacrifice damage or utility to do their jobs.

He makes a valid argument, everyone at the high end of pvp knows this to be true, but Anet can’t very well make a balance patch in the middle of an active tourny taking place.

We could break down all the math, and quantify the perceived or relative strength of CC’s and certain utilities. But let’s be honest, we don’t need all of that when you can see clear imbalances in the math. Warrior Signet is far too powerful, Engi Turret is not being used as a turret and has the highest healing output in the game, Celestial has had dozens of people do math on it, and has proven it’s vastly overpowered giving a almost a 40% increase in stats compared to other amulets.

None of this is new news or groundbreaking stuff, it’s the current meta, and it’s obnoxious, but it is what it is.

He has a point, lets not devolve his statements into childish banter.

IGN: Steb
Team: Blacklisted [Envy]

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

@OP – You create a new thread on a weekly basis about what you think deserves more attention and what is overpowered, solely based upon what angers you in solo queue or hotjoin (whichever type of player you are).

None of your arguments are backed up with actual facts and good suggestions, it’s just a rant and some QQ here and there.

Warrior, Ele, and Engi are all overpowered right now, and he does bring up valid points, it’s because they have too much sustain for the amount of damage output they can put out, on top of all the defensive utilities they can run without having to sacrifice damage or utility to do their jobs.

He makes a valid argument, everyone at the high end of pvp knows this to be true, but Anet can’t very well make a balance patch in the middle of an active tourny taking place.

We could break down all the math, and quantify the perceived or relative strength of CC’s and certain utilities. But let’s be honest, we don’t need all of that when you can see clear imbalances in the math. Warrior Signet is far too powerful, Engi Turret is not being used as a turret and has the highest healing output in the game, Celestial has had dozens of people do math on it, and has proven it’s vastly overpowered giving a almost a 40% increase in stats compared to other amulets.

None of this is new news or groundbreaking stuff, it’s the current meta, and it’s obnoxious, but it is what it is.

He has a point, lets not devolve his statements into childish banter.

If it was only that easy to nerf, I made a thread on this and was completely ignored, shocker, about some skills being more powerful then they are intended to by NOT because of the skill alone.

What helps Healing Signet? Pin Down, Endure Pain, Zerker Stance, Dolyak Signet, anything to buy more time for it to tick more.

If you want to nerf Warriors, start with getting rid of Endure Pain and Zerker Stance. It’s bad enough both stances have low cooldowns.

The problem isn’t the healing from Healing Signet, the problem is it gets a lot of help. Hell, buff it back the 8% as long as Endure Pain and Zerker Stance damage immunities goes away forever.

If you want to nerf ele’s, reduce burning durations from D/D. There is no reason for Ring of Fire can burn for 5 seconds, reduce it to 3 if a person walks through. Reduce Drakes Breath burning ticks from 3 seconds to 2.

Celestials + 25 stacks of might makes a very powerful condition combo, combined with so much burning everywhere

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


@OP – You create a new thread on a weekly basis about what you think deserves more attention and what is overpowered, solely based upon what angers you in solo queue or hotjoin (whichever type of player you are).

None of your arguments are backed up with actual facts and good suggestions, it’s just a rant and some QQ here and there.

Warrior, Ele, and Engi are all overpowered right now, and he does bring up valid points, it’s because they have too much sustain for the amount of damage output they can put out, on top of all the defensive utilities they can run without having to sacrifice damage or utility to do their jobs.

He makes a valid argument, everyone at the high end of pvp knows this to be true, but Anet can’t very well make a balance patch in the middle of an active tourny taking place.

We could break down all the math, and quantify the perceived or relative strength of CC’s and certain utilities. But let’s be honest, we don’t need all of that when you can see clear imbalances in the math. Warrior Signet is far too powerful, Engi Turret is not being used as a turret and has the highest healing output in the game, Celestial has had dozens of people do math on it, and has proven it’s vastly overpowered giving a almost a 40% increase in stats compared to other amulets.

None of this is new news or groundbreaking stuff, it’s the current meta, and it’s obnoxious, but it is what it is.

He has a point, lets not devolve his statements into childish banter.

If it was only that easy to nerf, I made a thread on this and was completely ignored, shocker, about some skills being more powerful then they are intended to by NOT because of the skill alone.

What helps Healing Signet? Pin Down, Endure Pain, Zerker Stance, Dolyak Signet, anything to buy more time for it to tick more.

If you want to nerf Warriors, start with getting rid of Endure Pain and Zerker Stance. It’s bad enough both stances have low cooldowns.

The problem isn’t the healing from Healing Signet, the problem is it gets a lot of help. Hell, buff it back the 8% as long as Endure Pain and Zerker Stance damage immunities goes away forever.

If you want to nerf ele’s, reduce burning durations from D/D. There is no reason for Ring of Fire can burn for 5 seconds, reduce it to 3 if a person walks through. Reduce Drakes Breath burning ticks from 3 seconds to 2.

Celestials + 25 stacks of might makes a very powerful condition combo, combined with so much burning everywhere

5 seconds or 3 seconds is an irrelevance. With condi duration thats more like 6 seconds or 4 seconds. If you leave burning on for 4 seconds you will die anyway. So it really doesn’t matter.

The problem will only get worse. When the patch came out there were basically only a couple of truely skilled eles. As they learn more and more of the class then it will become totally broken in the right hands.

Celestial suits classes which benefit from healing, which can stack might themselves, and which do condition damage as a side effect to their power damage.

Warriors and eles are the ones who can achieve this. I find it hard to believe the best comp won’t have at least 3 ele/warriors seen as whats not to like about classes which do high power damage, high condition damage, high healing and high natural tankiness (toughtness and vitality). All whilst having more cumulative stats than anyone else.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


IMO they should rebalance the impact might has on condition damage output.

Might stacking is too easy to achieve, and if this game is ever taken to a truly competitive level a pro team could abuse this easily. Its already being done to some degree in these ele/warrior comps, and I’ve got builds that take this even further. It would be a clear nerf if there wasn’t so many other rotten mechanics which might stacking builds can stomp on.

I think further to this point combo fields should be re addressed anyway. There’s so much potential with this mechanic and it hasn’t been changed since launch (unless you count the tweak to frost aura/leeching bolts (?))

Here’s some suggestions:

A: either..

i Blast finishers more rewarding to other players than yourself (i.e. 2 stacks of might for you, 3 for them etc.)
ii Blast/leap finishers in other players combo fields are more effective than in your own; makes for coordination of finishers rather than just relying on your own.

This both tones down might stacking bruisers in 1v1 (which have always been a problem), and also encourages players to combo off each other, which is really what combo finishers were intended for.

B: Buff projectile finishers. Make them relevant. Heres a perfect example, that just displays how rubbish they are. There’s a warrior adept trait (stronger bowstrings) which turns LB auto attack into two 100% projectile finishers. That’s HUGELY imbalanced relative to other projectile finishers. Yet nobody uses it. Why? Because projectile finishers simply don’t have enough impact in a fight.

You can burn people a bit more. big deal. Wells necro isn’t really viable, Mesmer fields are too infrequent, thief blind fields are too small/unnecessary/short lived.
If people hardly ran this trait in the hambow meta, surely that shows us projectile finishers should be readdressed.

Positional play of ranged classes to maximise the potential of finishers would be a clear way to solve a problem you’ve had from launch. The only way at the moment melee classes can outplay ranged classes is to make them extremely punishing when in the mellee combat zone. Due to the conquest gametype this turns the game into an absurd sloggfest (hence warrior meta). If outplaying an opponent meant the positioning of opponent relative to fields, this would add a highly spectate-able level of depth to matches. Especially to projectile-wall finishers

C: What about implementing skills that could destroy combo fields?

Wow dunno where this post came from… if you agree with even 50% of this please bump it, otherwise it will never reach the devs

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


IMO they should rebalance the impact might has on condition damage output.

Might stacking is too easy to achieve, and if this game is ever taken to a truly competitive level a pro team could abuse this easily.

Good idea. But can’t happen because its a PvE balance issue I expect.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


A lot of elementalist play purely by rotation, so they are extremely predictable. If you have an issue with them i suggest you read all the guides or even play an ele. Once you get an understanding of the elementalist, it becomes exceedingly obvious just how predictable they are.

A lot of ele players and nothing more than gloried bots. That rely on muscle memory.

IMO they should rebalance the impact might has on condition damage output.

Might stacking is too easy to achieve, and if this game is ever taken to a truly competitive level a pro team could abuse this easily. Its already being done to some degree in these ele/warrior comps, and I’ve got builds that take this even further. It would be a clear nerf if there wasn’t so many other rotten mechanics which might stacking builds can stomp on.

Everybody comes up with some kitteneyed reason why Guild wars 2 pvp isn’t competitive, I honestly doubt the might problem is the reason or even one of the reason guild wars 2 PvP has issues. Might stacking is not the problem, not even one of the problems. But hey what do I know.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Sind Bowdragon.8374

Sind Bowdragon.8374


On another note, TPVP stands for TEAM PLAYER VS PLAYER, so some builds and classes are built to beat down other builds. That’s the game. When you fight a class or build you can’t beat, you’re supposed to have a team mate that is built to kill them. So tell them in Team Speak to come help you, also if you are not using a mic. Don’t complain about losing on the forums because the rest of us are, and we are LAUGHING at you when you die because your group is running around with no sense of direction.

Everyone cry’s because they want to be able to beat everyone and never lose. Be realistic; learn what your build is capable along with all the rest of the builds and Classes.

Conclusion: Get good and stop bringing you PVE tactics to PVP.

Sind Bowdragon
Stormbluff Isle
[TBT] The Black TowerS

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


IMO they should rebalance the impact might has on condition damage output.

Might stacking is too easy to achieve, and if this game is ever taken to a truly competitive level a pro team could abuse this easily. Its already being done to some degree in these ele/warrior comps, and I’ve got builds that take this even further. It would be a clear nerf if there wasn’t so many other rotten mechanics which might stacking builds can stomp on.

Everybody comes up with some kitteneyed reason why Guild wars 2 pvp isn’t competitive, I honestly doubt the might problem is the reason or even one of the reason guild wars 2 PvP has issues. Might stacking is not the problem, not even one of the problems. But hey what do I know.

Please understand that I didn’t say this is why it isn’t competitive. I merely stated that if it was a bit more competitive, this would be a major issue.

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097



On another note, TPVP stands for TEAM PLAYER VS PLAYER, so some builds and classes are built to beat down other builds. That’s the game. When you fight a class or build you can’t beat, you’re supposed to have a team mate that is built to kill them. So tell them in Team Speak to come help you, also if you are not using a mic. Don’t complain about losing on the forums because the rest of us are, and we are LAUGHING at you when you die because your group is running around with no sense of direction.

Everyone cry’s because they want to be able to beat everyone and never lose. Be realistic; learn what your build is capable along with all the rest of the builds and Classes.

Conclusion: Get good and stop bringing you PVE tactics to PVP.

The forum does not allow me to give enough +1 to this comment. Many people want to simply kill and destroy everything in 1v1. Well, the game does not work that way. It requires teamwork. If a certain elementalist has a particular build that your build can not overcome it, simply call a person in teamspeak to help (such as a roamer or even bunker).

Elementalist is squishy, it is extremely easy to kill. Believe me. The game needs more complexity and teamwork, not 1v1 or one-shot_one-kill.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


IMO they should rebalance the impact might has on condition damage output.

Might stacking is too easy to achieve, and if this game is ever taken to a truly competitive level a pro team could abuse this easily. Its already being done to some degree in these ele/warrior comps, and I’ve got builds that take this even further. It would be a clear nerf if there wasn’t so many other rotten mechanics which might stacking builds can stomp on.

Everybody comes up with some kitteneyed reason why Guild wars 2 pvp isn’t competitive, I honestly doubt the might problem is the reason or even one of the reason guild wars 2 PvP has issues. Might stacking is not the problem, not even one of the problems. But hey what do I know.

Please understand that I didn’t say this is why it isn’t competitive. I merely stated that if it was a bit more competitive, this would be a major issue.

I see, but isn’t that putting the cart ahead of the horse?

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Prysin.8542


IMO they should rebalance the impact might has on condition damage output.

Might stacking is too easy to achieve, and if this game is ever taken to a truly competitive level a pro team could abuse this easily. Its already being done to some degree in these ele/warrior comps, and I’ve got builds that take this even further. It would be a clear nerf if there wasn’t so many other rotten mechanics which might stacking builds can stomp on.

Everybody comes up with some kitteneyed reason why Guild wars 2 pvp isn’t competitive, I honestly doubt the might problem is the reason or even one of the reason guild wars 2 PvP has issues. Might stacking is not the problem, not even one of the problems. But hey what do I know.

Please understand that I didn’t say this is why it isn’t competitive. I merely stated that if it was a bit more competitive, this would be a major issue.

I see, but isn’t that putting the cart ahead of the horse?

no problem with that. Porche has been doing that for years, and their doing quite fine.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


A little bit of advice when fighting a staff ele:

1. Step off the point for a minute while you kill them. Hitting someone with an aoe that is standing on the point is easy. Hitting a moving target that isn’t confined to any space is very hard and requires perfect setup of their cc’s.

2. Kill the pet. If they use their glyph, kill the fire ele/air ele especially. They are a large portion of their 1v1 dps. Tropical bird should be killed too (easier now with 50% less HP)

3. Save your interrupt for their heal. Most staff eles run ether renewal. This skill is laughably easy to interrupt. If you interrupt, it, you win. If they run signet, your scepter AA will keep high poison uptime and negate their signet heal. This is doubly true if you are a thief. Saving steal (traited) takes away all options they have to try and cover their heal.

4. Chill and condi burst when they leave water attunement. Many eles only cleanse outside of water are: perhaps 1 condi/10s from being crit (soothing disruption), ether renewal, and maybe cleansing fire (3 condis/40s).

5. Focus fire/coordinated burst: Staff eles have very specific and long CD’s that allow them to kite away from focus fire, while still being squishy (they survive mostly by healing constantly/prot). If they are kiting, they aren’t doing any support, and will eventually run out of steam. Most staff eles don’t take mistform, meaning they have NO invuln and can EASILY be spiked down with a coordinated burst. Call target, immob them (which also kills eles like chill does), and wreck them.

6. Rotate properly: Figure out their build by fighting them and forcing CD’s. If they have a lot of cleanse (ether renewal/cleansing fire) they are susceptible to CC heavy builds: send a hambow or rifle engie to kill. If they have a lot of stunbreaks (and little cleanse), send your necro or engie to kill them. Every staff ele build has multiple weaknesses: find out what they are. A well played mesmer or zerker ranger can also pew pew pew them from range (bait out magnetic aura, then go HAM as they can’t do anything about ranged focus) and there is little they can do about it if you don’t step on the point. Sidenote: I find it HILARIOUS how many people keep firing away full-tilt with projectiles while magnetic aura is up. Just stop dps-ing for 4s, he’ll still die

(edited by BlackBeard.2873)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


IMO they should rebalance the impact might has on condition damage output.

Might stacking is too easy to achieve, and if this game is ever taken to a truly competitive level a pro team could abuse this easily. Its already being done to some degree in these ele/warrior comps, and I’ve got builds that take this even further. It would be a clear nerf if there wasn’t so many other rotten mechanics which might stacking builds can stomp on.

Everybody comes up with some kitteneyed reason why Guild wars 2 pvp isn’t competitive, I honestly doubt the might problem is the reason or even one of the reason guild wars 2 PvP has issues. Might stacking is not the problem, not even one of the problems. But hey what do I know.

Please understand that I didn’t say this is why it isn’t competitive. I merely stated that if it was a bit more competitive, this would be a major issue.

I see, but isn’t that putting the cart ahead of the horse?

I’ll settle for a cart

Phaatonn, London UK

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: cheese.4739


4. Chill and condi burst when they leave water attunement. Many eles only cleanse outside of water are: perhaps 1 condi/10s from being crit (soothing disruption), ether renewal, and maybe cleansing fire (3 condis/40s).

*quick note: Soothing Wave is the trait that procs regen-when-crit every 10s. I’ve described Soothing Disruption below.

The Master-tier traits commonly taken in the Water tree both supply cleanse:
- Cleansing Wave: an AoE cleanse of one condition on attuning to Water (as you say, this is rendered useless by waiting to apply heavy condi until they leave that attunement).
- Soothing Disruption: grants Regen + Vigor on cantrip use (which procs the GM-trait Cleansing Water - "remove a condition whenever you apply Regeneration").
Soothing Disruption is an important one to be aware of - it kicks in with Cleansing Fire (meaning 4 conditions removed total), Armour of Earth, Lightning Flash and Mist Form. Armor of Earth is sually taken twice by Cele Eles, with the 0/0/2/6/6 build putting those 2 points in the Earth tree for an extra proc. Staff users may take Arcane Wave instead of one of these (because it’s a blast finisher so great for might stacking and healing combos), but the majority - certainly most running Cele builds - will have at least one and probably two cantrips that proc regen on use... along with the traited Armor of Earth proc.
If you don’t have repeat applications of your best shutdowns (immob/chill), try to bait the Ele out of their cantrips if you can, as well as paying attention to Water Attunement. Poor ones will probably pop them early anyway, but there’s always that fun extra proc of Armor of Earth that could pop out and let them get away (or try to counter your shutdown with a quick burst).

Sidenote: I find it HILARIOUS how many people keep firing away full-tilt with projectiles while magnetic aura is up. Just stop dps-ing for 4s, he’ll still die

Killing a Lich Form Necro because they just stood in a zerk Lava Font from me and hit 11111 into my Magnetic Aura? It honestly has made me laugh out loud a couple of times - people think the skill is so broken that they can pewpewpew without even looking around (or under) them or watching their health bar.
I do think the Lich Form AA is too powerful - with such high, long-range, piercing damage, and with the transform’s other attacks rarely getting a look-in - but against organised teams with good anti-projectile shielding it becomes much less of a threat. The issue is that like MM, turret Engi, and hambow - it is far too effective at lower skill levels compared to other setups.

(edited by cheese.4739)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

5 seconds or 3 seconds is an irrelevance. With condi duration thats more like 6 seconds or 4 seconds. If you leave burning on for 4 seconds you will die anyway. So it really doesn’t matter.

First, no right minded elementalist would take any condition duration increase runes, traits or sigils, period.
Secondly, it makes a massive difference.

Okay, I hit you with 2 ticks of Drakes Breath and you walk through my Ring of Fire.

That is 11 seconds of burning an it took me 2 seconds to apply. With 25 stacks of might that burning is going to hit large ticks, you are looking at ~600-1k health a second (losing/gaining some might stacks) or to make it easy 8,000 damage from burning alone.

Yes, you can remove it but the problem is 2 seconds of my casting time to nail a player (OR PLAYERS) with over 10 seconds of burning.

If you cut it in half, you’ll see a major damage difference, finding yourself able to sustain better.

As for survival, Cleansing Water needs to go. I’m fine with it going, I never use it anyways. I prefer taking Powerful Aura and still stomp bunker Ele’s with their cute lil’ Sigil of Agony.

Cleansing Water => When you are inflicted by a condition, gain a stack of Cleansing Water, at 25 stacks gain quickness for 2 seconds and lose all stacks.

Done, no more skill-less elementalists with condition immunity. Huh, some reason the word Diamond and Stupid came to mind…

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I havent played in a few months but as far as i read in the patch notes the only ele buffs were to SoR and cleansing water (which were just a revert of a nerf), and some small buffs to d/d eles like to burning speed, all of which have nothing to do with staff eles except cleansign water making bunker eles more supportive.

Has anything else really changed that i missed or is this just a big troll post.

They buffed celestial amulet and strength runes which every d/d ele is using. If you’re not actually playing you should probably not comment.

This thread is about the profession, not the amulets and runes which benefit all professions. If you can’t seperate those matters you probably shouldn’t comment.

The title of the thread states that the profession is the focus, not objects you equip your character with.

… OP could be trolling, but it’s more likely deep frustration because he can’t swat elementalists easily with a necromancer anymore. He tends to go on big nerf rants easily. Sometimes justified, other times not. This is just blatant whining though.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Keksmuffin.1450


I havent played in a few months but as far as i read in the patch notes the only ele buffs were to SoR and cleansing water (which were just a revert of a nerf), and some small buffs to d/d eles like to burning speed, all of which have nothing to do with staff eles except cleansign water making bunker eles more supportive.

Has anything else really changed that i missed or is this just a big troll post.

They buffed celestial amulet and strength runes which every d/d ele is using. If you’re not actually playing you should probably not comment.

This thread is about the profession, not the amulets and runes which benefit all professions. If you can’t seperate those matters you probably shouldn’t comment.

The title of the thread states that the profession is the focus, not objects you equip your character with.

… OP could be trolling, but it’s more likely deep frustration because he can’t swat elementalists easily with a necromancer anymore. He tends to go on big nerf rants easily. Sometimes justified, other times not. This is just blatant whining though.

That’s the point… elementalist is benefitting from celestial way more than most if not all other classes. If you’re looking at why ele is so strong all of the sudden you can’t ignore that they buffed celestial and that pretty much every ele is using it.

He asked if anything else changed about ele and I explained it to him, I don’t know what your problem is with that.

Bullet Punch

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


5 seconds or 3 seconds is an irrelevance. With condi duration thats more like 6 seconds or 4 seconds. If you leave burning on for 4 seconds you will die anyway. So it really doesn’t matter.

First, no right minded elementalist would take any condition duration increase runes, traits or sigils, period.
Secondly, it makes a massive difference.

Okay, I hit you with 2 ticks of Drakes Breath and you walk through my Ring of Fire.

That is 11 seconds of burning an it took me 2 seconds to apply. With 25 stacks of might that burning is going to hit large ticks, you are looking at ~600-1k health a second (losing/gaining some might stacks) or to make it easy 8,000 damage from burning alone.

Yes, you can remove it but the problem is 2 seconds of my casting time to nail a player (OR PLAYERS) with over 10 seconds of burning.

If you cut it in half, you’ll see a major damage difference, finding yourself able to sustain better.

As for survival, Cleansing Water needs to go. I’m fine with it going, I never use it anyways. I prefer taking Powerful Aura and still stomp bunker Ele’s with their cute lil’ Sigil of Agony.

Cleansing Water => When you are inflicted by a condition, gain a stack of Cleansing Water, at 25 stacks gain quickness for 2 seconds and lose all stacks.

Done, no more skill-less elementalists with condition immunity. Huh, some reason the word Diamond and Stupid came to mind…

No, you are wrong. The difference between 5s and 3s is just not a factor because you will be dead anyway. When dhuumfire got changed from 4s to 2s it made literally zero difference for this reason.

I don’t see why you care anyway. I am only talking about PvP and I looked you up and you have hardly any games of pvp ever. That goes for alot of people in this thread. I only mean a pvp-only change, so I was expecting to have discussions with people who actually play pvp

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I havent played in a few months but as far as i read in the patch notes the only ele buffs were to SoR and cleansing water (which were just a revert of a nerf), and some small buffs to d/d eles like to burning speed, all of which have nothing to do with staff eles except cleansign water making bunker eles more supportive.

Has anything else really changed that i missed or is this just a big troll post.

They buffed celestial amulet and strength runes which every d/d ele is using. If you’re not actually playing you should probably not comment.

This thread is about the profession, not the amulets and runes which benefit all professions. If you can’t seperate those matters you probably shouldn’t comment.

The title of the thread states that the profession is the focus, not objects you equip your character with.

… OP could be trolling, but it’s more likely deep frustration because he can’t swat elementalists easily with a necromancer anymore. He tends to go on big nerf rants easily. Sometimes justified, other times not. This is just blatant whining though.

Because amulets effect balance. If they add dire stats it would buff necros for example.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: DanzelOPP.5068


Ele op cause dey keeled me wig a staff in 2.5 sec. No fair. Warrior must chop chop yo face yet ele just cast den run away. How dis right? I should be able to 1 2 ko heem but nope.


Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zuik.7158


Ele op cause dey keeled me wig a staff in 2.5 sec. No fair. Warrior must chop chop yo face yet ele just cast den run away. How dis right? I should be able to 1 2 ko heem but nope.

lel brav u just nab no skill.

staff macro take 150% skill but u wudnt kno

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Ele op cause dey keeled me wig a staff in 2.5 sec. No fair. Warrior must chop chop yo face yet ele just cast den run away. How dis right? I should be able to 1 2 ko heem but nope.

lel brav u just nab no skill.

staff macro take 150% skill but u wudnt kno

I looked you up and you havent played pvp in 7 weeks. So why are you still posting on here? Makes no sense that this thread is full of people who don’t even pvp. Some have almost never pvped. And yet they all post here…. It is almost comical

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zuik.7158


Ele op cause dey keeled me wig a staff in 2.5 sec. No fair. Warrior must chop chop yo face yet ele just cast den run away. How dis right? I should be able to 1 2 ko heem but nope.

lel brav u just nab no skill.

staff macro take 150% skill but u wudnt kno

I looked you up and you havent played pvp in 7 weeks. So why are you still posting on here? Makes no sense that this thread is full of people who don’t even pvp. Some have almost never pvped. And yet they all post here…. It is almost comical

lel brav u is stalkin

Im at home working without my pc currently so I cant play. Still, I get bored sometimes and check the forums for things that I find interesting. Besides, how did you turn 5 weeks into 7 weeks?

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Ele op cause dey keeled me wig a staff in 2.5 sec. No fair. Warrior must chop chop yo face yet ele just cast den run away. How dis right? I should be able to 1 2 ko heem but nope.

lel brav u just nab no skill.

staff macro take 150% skill but u wudnt kno

I looked you up and you havent played pvp in 7 weeks. So why are you still posting on here? Makes no sense that this thread is full of people who don’t even pvp. Some have almost never pvped. And yet they all post here…. It is almost comical

lel brav u is stalkin

Im at home working without my pc currently so I cant play. Still, I get bored sometimes and check the forums for things that I find interesting. Besides, how did you turn 5 weeks into 7 weeks?

Fair enough. But people who don’t currently play can’t really talk about current balance issues. It makes no sense. I recently quit the game for 3 months, and before that for 3-6 months. During those periods I wasn’t on here giving my opinion on balance issues

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zuik.7158


Ele op cause dey keeled me wig a staff in 2.5 sec. No fair. Warrior must chop chop yo face yet ele just cast den run away. How dis right? I should be able to 1 2 ko heem but nope.

lel brav u just nab no skill.

staff macro take 150% skill but u wudnt kno

I looked you up and you havent played pvp in 7 weeks. So why are you still posting on here? Makes no sense that this thread is full of people who don’t even pvp. Some have almost never pvped. And yet they all post here…. It is almost comical

lel brav u is stalkin

Im at home working without my pc currently so I cant play. Still, I get bored sometimes and check the forums for things that I find interesting. Besides, how did you turn 5 weeks into 7 weeks?

Fair enough. But people who don’t currently play can’t really talk about current balance issues. It makes no sense. I recently quit the game for 3 months, and before that for 3-6 months. During those periods I wasn’t on here giving my opinion on balance issues

That depends entirely on when you are inactive. I was in top 25 for soloq with d/d celestial for over a month before leaving for home so Im sure you can understand Im not some random guy giving you bad advice on a build I cant use. This build is one thats best played to understand as its quite complicated to counter right.

Honestly I dont like shouting out the weakness of builds because its tiring hence the first comment I made. If you look through my history I think theres one in detail that might be useful to you though. Im sure there were a lot of tips for a necro missing from it though as it was a basic overview. * found it so will post below

Dont get me wrong, the current meta builds arent something I enjoy seeing however they are necessary to stay within capability of other badly balanced builds. This games balance needs some serious rework.

(edited by Zuik.7158)

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zuik.7158


I’ll explain the basics for you assuming you’re fighting one on a point. Firstly you need to keep an eye on their attunements, whether it’s through looking at their status or recognising their skills.

Their main burst comes from fire attunement as well as a strong portion of sustained damage through burning. A decent way to counter this is to stay at very close range to them when they’re in fire to avoid being hit by burning speed as well as running through them to position yourself behind them when they start casting drakes breath. Save your condition removal for after they use their burning skills or when they switch out of fire. Fire grab is normally casted at the same time as they switch out of an attunement for fury to increase crit chance so it usually comes late into the fire attunement. Dodging this skill and removing burning before it hits is important.

They are most vulnerable after switching out of water attunement or using their water healing abilities (watch for dodge roll) as this means they have less access to condition removal and healing.

Applying conditions and CC on them during lightning attunement would be wise as this is their main source of CC and sustained power damage with a decent amount of cleave. The reason you want to apply conditions now is because this attunement is normally the only one that is beneficial for them to stay in despite having skills on cooldown and so forcing them to switch back into water to remove conditions or focus on defensive play could prevent some damage on yourself.

When they are in earth you have 2 skills that you should truly watch out for. Magnetic grasp and earthquake are effectively lockdown skills that will make you vulnerable to their fire burst. Earthquake is very easy to avoid by dodging, magnetic grasp not so much. If you get hit by earth 5 though you’re just a noob.

For a necromancer the most important addition to this is timing your conditon transfer. Normally when fighting one I have to be extremely careful when using chill otherwise I can be of detriment to myself once the necro transfers. Theres a lot more to it than this such as baiting their skills and attunements. I really do advise you play it a bit.

(edited by Zuik.7158)