Dear ANet,
I am not sure if you read any of the hundreds of post, but surely you should know by now that the Elementalists are majorly underpowered in Tournaments.
I can not understand, not in a single way, why it takes so long for you guys to understand that this class needs changing.
Guild Wars 2 has one of the, if not thé, most incredible PvP mechanics I’ve ever seen in a game. It feels incredible and smooth, being able to see the enemies movements and act accordingly with dodging or other nice stuff that needs really much concentration and quick acting.
Unfortunatly, skill does no longer matter here. The strongest classes in Tournaments right now have reached the point where it literally requires second to none skill to best an Elementalist in nearly EVERY way.
No matter how good of an Ele you are, enemies kill you in a split second if you are glass, and if you are not, you will not deal enough damage while being FAR from a decent Bunker like the Guardian or Engineer ( We can’t even hold a point, we NEED to be on the move at ALL times (Conditions are much more effective on Ele’s then on other classes), we have no knockback and no fears, we cannot force the opponents to leave the node in ANY way, and on top of that, our Mist Form and Obsidian Flesh prevents capture-point contribution!!! ).
Honestly, every class at this moment is ultimately overpowered compared to the Elementalist. MINIMAL skill required for INSANE outcome. I ask you ArenaNet, what is it YOU think Elementalists have that helps the team??
Not only does it seem like you don’t care about the class. But it also very much looks like you don’t even know what to do at all with the Elementalists! This has been going on for months and months!
Why is it that you did not undertake serious action yet, everyone except you seem to know that Elementalists are simply underpowered. HELL! Nearly every tournament I join has someone saying ‘Ele, Reroll other class, noob’ !!
What do Elementalists have?
Taking 3 stunbreakers will reduce our damage to a point where it is better to play another class anyways, and bringing them will still leave you too vulnerable compared to other classes.
ANet ‘encouraged’ us to leave Arcana and Water last patch. There goes our last bit of surviving called ‘healing’.
I believe Elementalists should not have the lowest amount of health. We need atleast the same health as Mesmer. Preferably the same as Necromancers. With this, maybe we can be able to interact a little more with the team.
What I believe needs to be changed, is the incredible difference between base health and armor between the Ele and other classes. The Elementalists is the lowest in both Health and Armor while NOT having much to keep us from dying. This keeps us from interacting with our team at all. Any AoE is enough to down our health to 50% in no time, while any other class seem to hardly feel it. On top of that, Elementalists are the number 1 focussed target and that is simply because we die incredibly fast.
Please discuss.
~ An Elementalist.