Eliminate Stacking

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Enough is enough. I’ve just come from a game in which I was on a side that was all light and medium against 2 DH, 2 Eles and a War. That kind of unfun game is killing PvP.

It would lengthen queues you say? Who cares I say. People would have to branch out and not just play the flavor of the month. Overall game quality would improve. Then population might return.

Allow people to see how many of each class are in the queues. It doesn’t have to be exact, just a bar chart.

So, there are too many dh playing at the moment. This leads to nerf calls which inevitably will eventually allow the rise of a new flavor of the month and the cycle repeats. This is not balance and it will never settle to a good place.

Mesmerising Girl

(edited by Ithilwen.1529)

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


i agree i also enjoy the taste of mesmer tears.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


i agree i also enjoy the taste of mesmer tears.

Mmmmm, tastes like ribena!

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Emdrix.6124


cant eliminate stacking when people can just class swap just nerf overperforming classes that are still strong even if theres 3 of the same class on one team

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


There is nothing at all wrong with stacking in ranked and unranked. Never has been, never will be (unless balance devs truly mess up). If you are not playing at the very highest level, and by that I mean pro tournaments, then teams with any composition are equally strong. If you get stomped by 2 guards, 2 eles and a warr, you would still get stomped if there was no stacked classes on that team. It is all about skill, it is not about comp. balance is good right now.

Warr counters Druid, but I can still beat most warriors 1v1. Why? Because of a skill gap. Druid counters Rev, though I can still lose to ESL level revs. Why? Skill gap.

I have seen teams with 3 thieves beat teams with 3 guards due to the difference in skill and outrotations. Remember, combat is not the only way you can win. Look at the enemy composition, look at your composition and then come up with a strategy of how you can play to best counter the other team and carry out that strategy. Of course, sometimes you will still lose, but again, that is because the other team played better than you.

I would suggest that anyone who still has complaints about class stacking or even individual classes actually takes time to learn how to play against them and what to do when facing certain comps. That’s what I have always tried to do and I have gone in about a year from being totally useless to actually getting compliments from people I don’t even know about my skill, which feels great. It is the same for everyone else too.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: lilypop.7819


Thing is, ANY class that is stacked and the players team up is inherently OP.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


There is nothing at all wrong with stacking in ranked and unranked.

Lol this is the problem with making absolute statements. Of course there’s an issue. You are certainly correct that thieves can win against DH, for example, but there must be a very significant skill gap in that case. Sindrener even avoids 1v1s against DH in matches because it’s not a smart use of his time. When the best thief in the game conclusively decides that fighting DH is generally a bad idea, that tells you a lot about the skill gap necessary to win on thief. Just an example though, there are other similarly imbalanced matchups, such as Condi necro beating DH, DH being power med ms, condi warr beating Druid, etc. If your team is stacked in the wrong direction against a team stacked in the right direction it’s usually a guaranteed loss.

Regardless of whether you can outskill the other team’s DH on thief, you can’t make the same guarantee of your teammates. In my experience if there are 2-3 thieves in my team, 1 is usually pretty good and the others are permadead trash. At the point where MMR intentionally gives the high-skilled team the class-stacking disadvantage, then your argument will be relevant. At this point there’s no reason to believe the disadvantaged team will be able to outskill the advantaged team.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: OriOri.8724


One solution that will help immediately is to change the PvP dailies so they aren’t class specific. That does nothing but encourage people to play certain classes. It doesn’t completely solve the problem, but it will help

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


Sindrener even avoids 1v1s against DH in matches because it’s not a smart use of his time.

Sindrener avoids 1vs1 against most classes, because it is “not his role to 1vs1”.

Overall i tend to agree with suffish. Never found class stacking to be a huge issue. Of course one team can have a weaker composition than the other, but the same can happen without class stacking too.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Seen plenty of matches where the team with 3 dh fails miserably. It looks like the op is just complaining because dh generally counter mesmers. If it were a mesmer daily, you’d see more people such as power revs whine about class stacking.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Soothsayer.9206


Seen plenty of matches where the team with 3 dh fails miserably. It looks like the op is just complaining because dh generally counter mesmers. If it were a mesmer daily, you’d see more people such as power revs whine about class stacking.

I’ve seen plenty of matches where 3 of anything (including DH) rolls another team too, not particularly a good argument. Played a match Monday night where I was 1 of 3 Mesmers (along with 1 Druid and 1 Thief); didn’t go well for the other team. Just because DH generally counters Mesmer doesn’t mean OP cannot point out the fact that stacking is, in their opinion, bad and just used that as an example.

Personally speaking, I think sPvP community complains entirely too much and mostly about worthless things instead of just enjoying the game (yes, its not perfect but its really good imho and I am okay with it being a work in progress). Besides, can anyone name another type of competitive anything where you get to pick your opponent, or field of play, or composition of enemy, and even some times, your own team? I have played all sorts of sports on all sorts of teams, my job is to give it my all with whatever role I am assigned by my coaches/staff. I have been on plenty of good teams, and some poor ones as well, but never have I met so many so called “competitors” that whine as much as we do in sPvP.

Kyrie eleison…Dies irae, dies illa…Quando judex est venturus

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Seen plenty of matches where the team with 3 dh fails miserably. It looks like the op is just complaining because dh generally counter mesmers. If it were a mesmer daily, you’d see more people such as power revs whine about class stacking.

I’ve seen plenty of matches where 3 of anything (including DH) rolls another team too, not particularly a good argument. Played a match Monday night where I was 1 of 3 Mesmers (along with 1 Druid and 1 Thief); didn’t go well for the other team. Just because DH generally counters Mesmer doesn’t mean OP cannot point out the fact that stacking is, in their opinion, bad and just used that as an example.

Personally speaking, I think sPvP community complains entirely too much and mostly about worthless things instead of just enjoying the game (yes, its not perfect but its really good imho and I am okay with it being a work in progress). Besides, can anyone name another type of competitive anything where you get to pick your opponent, or field of play, or composition of enemy, and even some times, your own team? I have played all sorts of sports on all sorts of teams, my job is to give it my all with whatever role I am assigned by my coaches/staff. I have been on plenty of good teams, and some poor ones as well, but never have I met so many so called “competitors” that whine as much as we do in sPvP.

Yeah that’s all true. Coach Bik got u

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Soothsayer.9206


Seen plenty of matches where the team with 3 dh fails miserably. It looks like the op is just complaining because dh generally counter mesmers. If it were a mesmer daily, you’d see more people such as power revs whine about class stacking.

I’ve seen plenty of matches where 3 of anything (including DH) rolls another team too, not particularly a good argument. Played a match Monday night where I was 1 of 3 Mesmers (along with 1 Druid and 1 Thief); didn’t go well for the other team. Just because DH generally counters Mesmer doesn’t mean OP cannot point out the fact that stacking is, in their opinion, bad and just used that as an example.

Personally speaking, I think sPvP community complains entirely too much and mostly about worthless things instead of just enjoying the game (yes, its not perfect but its really good imho and I am okay with it being a work in progress). Besides, can anyone name another type of competitive anything where you get to pick your opponent, or field of play, or composition of enemy, and even some times, your own team? I have played all sorts of sports on all sorts of teams, my job is to give it my all with whatever role I am assigned by my coaches/staff. I have been on plenty of good teams, and some poor ones as well, but never have I met so many so called “competitors” that whine as much as we do in sPvP.

Yeah that’s all true. Coach Bik got u

Great video, especially enjoyed the commentary (that part about pugs at the end is classic)

Kyrie eleison…Dies irae, dies illa…Quando judex est venturus

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Ragion.2831


Lol ithilwen strikes again. Do you have any idea what it would take to generate 5 unique classes on 2 teams while also keeping the teams skillfully close to each other.

You guys need to forget about stacking being fixed in gw2 unless the population is ridiculously high all the time. If everyone who plays pve and wvw played pvp often then maybe. Even then at higher levels of play there will still be disastrously high queue times.

Just blame anet for creating an unbalanced 5v5 system and move on.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Lol ithilwen strikes again. Do you have any idea what it would take to generate 5 unique classes on 2 teams while also keeping the teams skillfully close to each other.

You guys need to forget about stacking being fixed in gw2 unless the population is ridiculously high all the time. If everyone who plays pve and wvw played pvp often then maybe. Even then at higher levels of play there will still be disastrously high queue times.

Just blame anet for creating an unbalanced 5v5 system and move on.

It wouldn’t be so difficult if they didn’t have the stupid daily bonus for winning on a specific class. The pool of classes would be much more diversified.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


It’s not about the CLASS, it’s all about the BUILD. There was a time where you could run an all Warrior team with all different build and be semi-viable because of how many different roles the class could fill. You can have one class running a damage build, and another player on the same class being support. Limiting team comps based on class just doesn’t make sense.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: abaddon.3290


Seen plenty of matches where the team with 3 dh fails miserably. It looks like the op is just complaining because dh generally counter mesmers. If it were a mesmer daily, you’d see more people such as power revs whine about class stacking.

I’ve seen plenty of matches where 3 of anything (including DH) rolls another team too, not particularly a good argument. Played a match Monday night where I was 1 of 3 Mesmers (along with 1 Druid and 1 Thief); didn’t go well for the other team. Just because DH generally counters Mesmer doesn’t mean OP cannot point out the fact that stacking is, in their opinion, bad and just used that as an example.

Personally speaking, I think sPvP community complains entirely too much and mostly about worthless things instead of just enjoying the game (yes, its not perfect but its really good imho and I am okay with it being a work in progress). Besides, can anyone name another type of competitive anything where you get to pick your opponent, or field of play, or composition of enemy, and even some times, your own team? I have played all sorts of sports on all sorts of teams, my job is to give it my all with whatever role I am assigned by my coaches/staff. I have been on plenty of good teams, and some poor ones as well, but never have I met so many so called “competitors” that whine as much as we do in sPvP.

the amount of spam when you get 3 or more mesmers. full portal uptime and kittentons of clones everywhere. i was on a team that got stomped because of it. i couldnt cleave the clones down and none of my team had builds that could do it either.and cleaving clones is the only way to kill a mesmer for me. no other way works. thats why condi warrior sucks so bad against them. gotta go power.

im bad at sarcasm