Elite Specs

Elite Specs

in PvP

Posted by: Gecko.1962


So I’ve got an question for everyone that thinks Elite Specs are “over powered” or “pay to win”. What about it makes it pay to win, and why do you want it nerfed so badly?

Rather than learning a form of counter play, or understanding that your Rev has a weakness, and you cannot actually button mash your way to Legendary – You kitten and cry until anet decides to just pull down a very very well planned out and crafted class specialization.

Yes, HoT grants you access to new specs. Do I think they should be over powered or more powerful than normal? No, I think the Elite Spec’s should offer more class variety, and the ability for players to chose their play style.

Now, that being said, why is it that everyone wanted the Elite Spec’s to be nerfed, but are now retaliating with the changes anet has made with things like; “Elite Spec’s should be stronger to make HoT worth my time”, “I paid for more powerful classes, why are you nerfing them”, “I’m quitting the game because you made my mongoloid damage faceroll class into something more balanced, and now I can’t get Legendary Rank”.

Can we all just stop crying about it, and look at Counter-Play options? Guildwars 2 has an incredibly high skill cap for sPvP. If you have a problem with that, maybe this isn’t the game for you.

Lets look at some Counter Play;

Dragon Hunter:
– Stability counters their Ultimate
– Protection counters their traps
– Reflection counters their Pew Pew
– CC ??

– Confusion = GG
– Flat Damage
– Poison
– CC ??

– Confusion again
– Don’t attack them while they have spectral armor
– Understand that they have Death Shroud
– Bring Condi Clear
– CC
– Flat Damage (Necro can’t take focus punishment very easily)
– Protection

– Damage? They are incredibly squishy.
– CC
– Condi
– Focus Damage
– Protection

– Focus Damage
– Protection
– Condi Clear
– CC
– Dodge their big damage CD’s

– Reflection counters Pew Pew
– Protection
– You cannot 1v1 a good Druid, sorry that’s just how the class works.
– Dodge their pet knock down, dodge their pet abilities.

You see a reoccurring pattern here? It’s this really cool concept called Counter Play. You learn to counter a class, learn what to dodge and when to dodge it, and how your class plays into their class. Everyone has a counter, everyone has a weakness. I’m incredibly sick of people kittening about a good player who has put in the time to master their class, but all they see is “Wow over powered class nerf it or I’m quitting”.

Learn to counter play and stop crying. It’s such a disgusting display both incompetence and utter stupidity.

Everyone’s Favorite Furry! – Serrow
“They can’t condi me if they’re dead.”

Elite Specs

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


just cc them and dodge everything oh and make sure to get a 100% protection uptime on every class

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Elite Specs

in PvP

Posted by: francescoG.1069


So I’ve got an question for everyone that thinks Elite Specs are “over powered” or “pay to win”. What about it makes it pay to win, and why do you want it nerfed so badly?

Rather than learning a form of counter play, or understanding that your Rev has a weakness, and you cannot actually button mash your way to Legendary – You kitten and cry until anet decides to just pull down a very very well planned out and crafted class specialization.

Yes, HoT grants you access to new specs. Do I think they should be over powered or more powerful than normal? No, I think the Elite Spec’s should offer more class variety, and the ability for players to chose their play style.

Now, that being said, why is it that everyone wanted the Elite Spec’s to be nerfed, but are now retaliating with the changes anet has made with things like; “Elite Spec’s should be stronger to make HoT worth my time”, “I paid for more powerful classes, why are you nerfing them”, “I’m quitting the game because you made my mongoloid damage faceroll class into something more balanced, and now I can’t get Legendary Rank”.

Can we all just stop crying about it, and look at Counter-Play options? Guildwars 2 has an incredibly high skill cap for sPvP. If you have a problem with that, maybe this isn’t the game for you.

Lets look at some Counter Play;

Dragon Hunter:
– Stability counters their Ultimate
– Protection counters their traps
– Reflection counters their Pew Pew
– CC ??

– Confusion = GG
– Flat Damage
– Poison
– CC ??

– Confusion again
– Don’t attack them while they have spectral armor
– Understand that they have Death Shroud
– Bring Condi Clear
– CC
– Flat Damage (Necro can’t take focus punishment very easily)
– Protection

– Damage? They are incredibly squishy.
– CC
– Condi
– Focus Damage
– Protection

– Focus Damage
– Protection
– Condi Clear
– CC
– Dodge their big damage CD’s

– Reflection counters Pew Pew
– Protection
– You cannot 1v1 a good Druid, sorry that’s just how the class works.
– Dodge their pet knock down, dodge their pet abilities.

You see a reoccurring pattern here? It’s this really cool concept called Counter Play. You learn to counter a class, learn what to dodge and when to dodge it, and how your class plays into their class. Everyone has a counter, everyone has a weakness. I’m incredibly sick of people kittening about a good player who has put in the time to master their class, but all they see is “Wow over powered class nerf it or I’m quitting”.

Learn to counter play and stop crying. It’s such a disgusting display both incompetence and utter stupidity.

CABBAGE! It was all so easy? Perhaps I really was complaining at all.
I especially love your strategy against necro confusion again, do not attack them while they have spectral armor, Understand That they have Death Shroud (we dont know they attack when in death shroud?) Easy no? Fill it up confusion like a turkey, so I want to say: I do not sends them back …..
Can I get some advice also against the scrapper? Let me guess dodge big damage? cc? When is no damage not use elixir S? use confusion? dodge hammer attack? Please other brilliant strategies

Elite Specs

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


Now you’re just listing things…

Did you also know that:

1. Using your heal counters DH traps
2. Using cleanse counters reaper
3. Being on the other side of the map counters scrapper
4. Not logging in counters thieves
5. Being in HoTM counters ranger pets
6. Cash counters CC

Elite Specs

in PvP

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


The list is inaccurate. From your first paragraph I couldn’t tell quite what you want to qq about others Qing?