(edited by Bowflex.4502)
Engi PvP
Sure thieves gank my engi occasionally, usually during a fight in progress.
But frankly 1v1 and even during bigger fights thieves are really easy to kill, especially the glass cannon types.
Try using Self-Regulating Defenses if you need to virtually guarantee not dying during their opening burst.
“AND please address the flamethrower. Outside Dynamic events (which they are outshon by grenades). It is utter garbage. Equip it in pvp, and its like saying "hey kill me first, I’m kitten "
Confirms immediately that this is a L2P rage thread.
Tip, flamethrower has 2 useful skills in pvp, the 3 & 5, for blowback & blinding respectively. They give you survivability if used correctly.
When you’re engaged in combat or trying to defend a node is exactly when you need to “block, block dodge” and all that “crap.”
“AND please address the flamethrower. Outside Dynamic events (which they are outshon by grenades). It is utter garbage. Equip it in pvp, and its like saying "hey kill me first, I’m kitten "
Confirms immediately that this is a L2P rage thread.
Tip, flamethrower has 2 useful skills in pvp, the 3 & 5, for blowback & blinding respectively. They give you survivability if used correctly.
Yeah, but that’s 2 out of 5. Or 40%. The remaining 60% should really be buffed and/or fixed.
The basic attack misses a LOT. Everyone knows this. It is also a really stupid thing to use in PvP against anyone who could have retaliation, because it hits so many times. You could instantly kill yourself just by using #1 ability and hitting a few people with retaliation up, while barely scratching them in return.
The #2 attack is also a PITA to use. Usable, but a PITA. And for the cooldown it has and the damage it does, it is fairly lackluster.
And #4 does pathetically weak damage, doesn’t work as area denial. It is just a combo field, really.
I’m sorry, but I’m totally agreed with the OP that the Flamer kit needs to be seriously looked at. I tried using it, and it was just way too unreliable and potentially self-harming for the payoff it provides.