Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: Slininstien.7546


Basically title. Kinda what happened to mesmer.

speaking of wihch a CS thief can 100-0 someone in about .5s slower than mesmers… we should nerf them too.


Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: Nassau.6713


Let me guess …. oh oh …. OOHHH ……. l2p?? Did I get it right? That is your answer, isn’kitten Such a clever boy. Ever thought of applying for NASA? The world can use you.

Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: Silv.9207


They already do that XD
Seriously. Engi was able to 1shot everyone with Granade Barrage (a little bugged at this time, yes) and they fix/nerf it.

Actually if you become 1shotted by a engi you have a l2p issue

Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: SaintSnow.6593


Slin mes was a bit over the top and you know it. Un-avoidable blinds were aids.


Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Mesmer was a lot harder to deal with than any other class, time to go back to thief slin.

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Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


They already do that XD
Seriously. Engi was able to 1shot everyone with Granade Barrage (a little bugged at this time, yes) and they fix/nerf it.

Actually if you become 1shotted by a engi you have a l2p issue

Not really a l2p issue.

HGH Engineers can literally one shot you with grenade barrage again.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: Tux der Pinguin.3049

Tux der Pinguin.3049

Zerkers and some Mauroduers can be oneshoted, but these engis also get killed quite fast. The only oneshot skill is easy to dodge. As thief I even have time to use shadowstep before the granades hit. So I think it is a l2p issue. Sure, you need to keep one dodge or another escape skill free from cd and a mesmer or war can daze you before the engi hits his granades, but thats part of the game.
I cant understand all those unbalanced posts. The game is pretty balanced considering the different mechanics the classes use. It’s the same after every patch, all ppl cry about the balance beeing gone, but still, after a few weeks you see the same players with the same classes on top of the game. I dont know a single class, I give up from beginning (me beeing the oponent). ((altough I need to agree that lot of pu-shatter mesmers are stronger than before the patch, cant say this about engis))

Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


As a theif you probably just shouldn’t say anything, Sure YOU can pretty much always avoid an attack if you don’t want that attack to hit. Some of the other classes don’t have as much access to escapes or a high number of dodges.

That being said I haven’t been one shot by a engi since they nerfed barrage. Although as far as I know I was able to make an engi build that can sorta one shot people but you’d need to have your target immobilized for a while or to be completely brain dead.

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I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Engi can 1 shot, lets cry till they nerf it.

in PvP

Posted by: Tux der Pinguin.3049

Tux der Pinguin.3049

I also play other classes, but thief or mesmer are the only ones I see the posibility to get oneshotted and both have enough skills to not get hit by this attack. If you play any other classes you will most likly survive this attack on full hp, even if you cant dodge it. If you consider the slow attack speed of the engi I dont think this skill is overpowered.

In fact, I personaly have a few probs on the engi since the cele isnt working that good anymore. Alltough this is not very meaningfull, as I dont play engi very often.