Engineer Bunkers Need NERF NOW!!!
Engineers have borderline non-existant stability.
That should be enough of a hint as toward what to do.
really bad engineer
May I humbly ask what this guy was running and what you were running? A little bit of context may help your argument….
But Engy bunker on mid pt is definitely not useful when compared to a guardian……And no one should be bunkering side pt all game.
Personally, if I were you, I’d keep this on the down-low.
Hi Voz, nice alt
We Have No Creativity [FML]- r.i.p. 2013
Ah, always good to hear of another bunker engineer. I’m not sure what nerfing them would do. It would be easier for Anet to send e-mails to the ~five of us and ask us to run a different spec
In seriousness though: bunker engineers have several weaknesses. As far as I know, each bunker engineer player uses a different build, but none of them can be invincible.
Ah, always good to hear of another bunker engineer. I’m not sure what nerfing them would do. It would be easier for Anet to send e-mails to the ~five of us and ask us to run a different spec
In seriousness though: bunker engineers have several weaknesses. As far as I know, each bunker engineer player uses a different build, but none of them can be invincible.
I use 10/0/30/30/0 and as far as team support goes bunker engi is not as good as a guardian. But in stand alone survivability it’s kinda awesome… And yes we have several several weakness while we are likely running automated response if it is FIVE people trying to kill us I am sure you can put enough conditions on us to where even under 25% you can kill us. Then add to it that it is a 5v1… Noone should survive that and against any team with a half a brain a bunker engi will not survive an outmanned fight for more than a minute or two. Unless you are just that terrible. In which case it isn’t the engi’s fault.
i play full bunker engi ,and i can say only to u (if u cant kill engi with 5 players) learn to play first and than write topics ….
bunker engi has 3 counters s/d thief ,shater mesmer, full condi engi ,if they are good ofcourse…..something that can be killed in 1v1 is not OP …..again l2p ,maybe watch some streams first read something and than write BS
easiest counter shatter mess… constant boon remove, protec trait while stunned never proc condi immun doesnt help… nr.3 thief the same gg
Okay, since Voz was playing with us this past night and I’ve been testing different set ups and compositions, I’ll fill you in.
He has no stun breaks.
He has no damage.
He has no stability.
He has a Celestial Amulet on.
I would recommend him to not divulge his build.
I would recommend that you CC him.
I would recommend that your team and/or group learn to focus fire.
(edited by DoYourBestBear.6810)
@OP, you guys were playing an all condi team and my build is completely anti-condi hahaha. L2p before QQing
@bear, that was a joke lol. I use a shamans/shamans ammy. Oh, and elixir gun is a stunbreak btw
Yea, I was looking at it earlier and the tool belt had the stun break. I remember counting that engineer has 5 or 6 stun breaks, just couldn’t remember where.
Engis arent OP. They are lame though. And will need nerfing only when everything else is nerfed.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
They don’t need a nerf, it actually takes some skill to play bunker engi successfully :p
When I played engi bunker, I feared high spike builds. Particularly thieves. You have low counters to spike.
I used this:
And I could counter thieves, but only if they were alone. My objective was to go and bunker the point nearest to the enemy spawn point, preventing them from capturing it and forcing them to bring there more than one person.
Against thieves you could use Super Speed, then Slick Shoes the nect time he comes around, then Gear Block, then Static shield.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I’m not an engy, I can get killed by one…but still I’m 100% against anybody asking for nerfs, from what I learnt 8 times out of’s a l2p issue of the accusing party
Engineers have borderline non-existant stability.
That should be enough of a hint as toward what to do.
Tell me more about how they need stability so badly. my zerker stun hb war could do kitten damage when landing them full hb on bunker engis. not to mention they have blind and perm swiftness too which are annoying.
not saying that its op, just for completely morons who still think that stun hb war are op.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Im guessing the poster got beat pretty hard lol. I really hate it when people come on these forums and complain like they know what needs balancing… l2p
@OP, you guys were playing an all condi team and my build is completely anti-condi hahaha. L2p before QQing
@bear, that was a joke lol. I use a shamans/shamans ammy. Oh, and elixir gun is a stunbreak btw
Lol Shaman! They wouldn’t have had such a hard time if one of them had at least one power build xD
Also going by title I am slightly disappointed this was not a free recruiting ad for us :/
this forum..
I played against this engineer named “Voz Kun” and literally 5 people on our team couldn’t kill him. Engineer bunker is literally the most kittened and impossible thing to kill in this game. It obviously needs a nerf, like wtf.
Engi bunker > gurd
You are part of the main problem with this game. Im tired of hearing what you people think is OP and what you can’t kill. Leave it up to the people in charge (devs)
i play full bunker engi ,and i can say only to u (if u cant kill engi with 5 players) learn to play first and than write topics ….
bunker engi has 3 counters s/d thief ,shater mesmer, full condi engi ,if they are good ofcourse…..something that can be killed in 1v1 is not OP …..again l2p ,maybe watch some streams first read something and than write BS
I know there are at least 1 viable build for every class, as I’ve squared off with every class and have ran across each class that has given me a serious run for my money. So I would agree, any class that can be killed in 1v1 is not OP.
Also, I would like to throw one more counter in there for consideration on countering bunkers—the mm powermancer. I know the condition meta is big right now, but you might be surprised how well a mm powermancer can tear apart a good bunker if done right.
Voz’s build sucks. You’re all terrible for not being able to kill him. Or you’re greatly exaggerating how difficult it was, which is far more likely. Every time I hear it took 5 to down someone, I subtract 3-4 and I’m usually closer to the truth.
Voz’s build sucks. You’re all terrible for not being able to kill him. Or you’re greatly exaggerating how difficult it was, which is far more likely. Every time I hear it took 5 to down someone, I subtract 3-4 and I’m usually closer to the truth.
Well that’s a shot to my self-esteem
Especially since they offer so much team support.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Especially since they offer so much team support.
Full condi clear AOE, elixir r rez, magnet pull, can survive longer, multiple cc’s.
Especially since they offer so much team support.
Full condi clear AOE, elixir r rez, magnet pull, can survive longer, multiple cc’s.
Still not as much as a guardian.
Am I good?… I’m good.
engineers can survive longer… but provide no where near the support guardians do..
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.
engineers can survive longer… but provide no where near the support guardians do..
warriors can survive longer and have stab..
nerf plx`?
Engis are great stand alone bunkers but not great team support they offer good heals and that’s about it. No group boons out of regen no prot no stab no aegis just heals and rwgen. They are painful to kill but not OP
I suspect if engies seem to be doing well its because they have decent condition removal, and condition is heavy in the meta atm.
Having said that, they can’t (unless a lot of changes since I last played) have stability +good condition removal reliably, so CC and focused power burst is the way to deal with engies.
@daydream. Engineer bunks have the most condi removal in the game right now with healing turret, super elixir, fumigate (only for allies), throw wrench in super elixir, elixir r, double thrown elixirs (up to 4 unique conditions removed every 2 seconds).
Right walorx, but that still can leave the vunerable to powerburst +CC.
When we’re CC’d we have 53% physical damage reduced along with 3400 armor. There isn’t an easy way to kill us haha
Ahhh THAT build……………….
I was wondering when my favorite b-list celebrity engy friends would start running it..
Please don’t tell ostrich eggs ..
Extremely annoying in this meta.. Can’t run shatter because I fear warriors/necros.. can’t deal with this thing 1v1 and especially not with stun happy warriors around.
you got outplayed…l2p that involves rerolling to either engi,ranger,necro.
Literally every one of you people are completely oblivious to the fact that this guy was able to hold MY ENTIRE TEAM for a good 2 minutes. It’s absolutely stupid that one OP trait (yes, I’m looking at you Automated Response) is able to completely negate all forms of damage from my WHOLE TEAM permanently.
Literally every one of you people are completely oblivious to the fact that this guy was able to hold MY ENTIRE TEAM for a good 2 minutes. It’s absolutely stupid that one OP trait (yes, I’m looking at you Automated Response) is able to completely negate all forms of damage from my WHOLE TEAM permanently.
Frankly, that is just embarrassing. Your entire team lacked the foresight to equip any direct damage. People complain about a condition meta, and then people complain about needing direct damage. If you know about this trait (as you obviously do) prepare for it. Even minor modifications to your builds could compensate for this.
Don’t blaimng AR for your teams complete imcompetence.
These forums are a joke.. this thread and the stealth is underpowered are so dumb I like the elitist only forums idea more and more.
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.
Shaman’s amulet bunker engi = 18k hitpoints. 25% of 18 is 4500 health.
That’s about a 7-second burn. You’re telling me that the five of you, running all condition specs, couldn’t put a single 7-second burn on him before AR kicked in? Not to mention you could have brought just one single power spec…
Shaman’s amulet bunker engi = 18k hitpoints. 25% of 18 is 4500 health.
That’s about a 7-second burn. You’re telling me that the five of you, running all condition specs, couldn’t put a single 7-second burn on him before AR kicked in? Not to mention you could have brought just one single power spec…
^This right here. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and expect to have no counter in the game. The fact that condition damage is only really countered by this shows that it is OP… Seriously.
You just got outplayed and outmetad.
Some people just so slow to catch up with the wheel of time, are they not? What next? Mesmer Bunker is so OP because I can not tell where he is or which one is he?
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
This OP is literally a troll… Brings 5 condi and shocked when they have a counter to the meta. Hurr durr
If anything, engineers need better sources of stability. And for Super Elixer to be a Water Combo Field, makes more sense than being a Light combo field.
This isn’t that hard to believe if everyone on his team was a full condi spec and the engi was running the trait that makes him immune to condis at 25% health. Stuff like that happens in solo queue
I seriously don’t understand this; Everyone complains about how the condi meta is no good, people start using automated defense, Threads like this one pop up full of tears..
3/10 op, and @ darnis.. automated response is meh it can be outplayed easily especially with the ridiculous ammount of condis a necro can put up, it might be tougher for a spirit ranger i guess but there are ways to deal with it
Leave Engineer bunkers as they are and please NERF VOZ!! that kid is soo good, i’m almost 99.3% sure he’s hacking!
Another hotjoin-hero?
Tbh i didn’t play this …… game for around two weeks now, but i don’t think there was any kind of patch within this period of time.
Probably it was a hotjoin game and those 5 ppl (including you) are just bad as hell?
Tell me how to survive with literally 0 stunbreaks and 0 stability? In addition you don’t have a ton of cond remove (auto response doesn’t clean them)
And don’t even try to tell me you’ll blind all cc’s and stuff…
The balance of this game is broken because the devs are balancing the game for ppl like you (casuals who don’t know how to play obviously).