Engis are becoming a problem

Engis are becoming a problem

in PvP

Posted by: Flytrap.8075


If you’re unhappy with the current state of conditions, I suggest you post your feedback here.

It seems like the majority of the player-base would have you believe that conditions are fine or actually need to be buffed, which is simply not the case.

Fort Aspenwood | [Bags]

Engis are becoming a problem

in PvP

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


That’s because they are fine…

It’s not like you usually see more than 1-2 cond builds in a team…

It’s not like conds deal more damage than direct damage… and you have more options to deal with them. Avoid the attack, cleanse/send the conds back, etc.

I agree balth runes are a little too strong though.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Engis are becoming a problem

in PvP

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


Condi engis were a problem before the meta shifted to Hambows etc. But no one used them anymore because of the meta.
The problem was still there.

As most people have been mentioning Balthazar Rune needs a slight tone. Same for Burn as a whole. the damage is out of control for the ticks a burn does.

Just reducing the base condition tick on burn would be enough.
You already gave guardians a % tick increase on it. if it scales properly guardians will not notice a thing.
As for everything else. not much to say.

I don’t think that reducing the strength of burning as a whole would be the most beneficial fix to the current problem. The main issue is that condi engis have taken a whole new level of broken because of balthazar and the sigil changes. Any nerfs to anything but balthazar or sigils with regards to engis would probably harm other classes unintentionally

While it’s really difficult to fix sigils on engis, it’s not the serious issue. Balthazar runes giving a burn duration that was impossible to achieve pre-patch, even with major sacrifices in your build, is the main issue.

There needs to be a swift nerf on a-nets part to these runes. I would take care in calling for nerfs to engis before these are fixed. It simply has too much burn duration in addition to the condi damage. I would hope that they consider nerfing the burn duration to 15%. Even better would be converting balthazar to a power rune like it was previously to prevent the condi it supports from getting out of hand.

With even a 20% burn duration and condi damage balthazar would be overpowered because it would make IP tick for 6 seconds at a 50% total burn duration for explosives engis.

Until they do something, prepare your anus for engis everywhere…

They are alright when i play shatter mesmer =p
I like hiding behind clones really.
I don’t know, I never liked how much flat damage the burns tick for in the first place.

But yes the Balthazar rune is something everyone probably agrees on.

(edited by Nhalx.9735)

Engis are becoming a problem

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


7secs of burning on a 10sec CD which cannot miss/be blocked/dodged/invuln’d is too much and needs sorted out.

Burning base damage also should be reduced, I’m fine making it scale better with Condi stat to compensate but 400 base ticks is a lot. <- this isn’t an engi specific comment just a note on burning in general.

Engis are becoming a problem

in PvP

Posted by: Logicx.5832


“The meta is changing and I don’t like it! My build doesn’t own anymore! Please nerf the other guy!”

This thread. Much win.

People will NEVER stop complaining.
Imo there’s nothing wrong with a change, keeps the game interesting!
It’s fun to adapt, right?

Zwartwerk – Human Mesmer
Gandara [EU] – Old & returning player