Enough with Autobalance

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: BillX.4987


~really ANET? Swapping people out during a match with a 200+++ point difference has GOT to be unfair/overlooked/ignored! Especially if and when certain players are putting in WORK and synergizing with strangers to EARN the lead then suddenly POOF >insta-lose<…(cough)…(crickets)…(lame)…
What is even the point for an ‘AUTOBALANCE’ at a 250+ point difference?
Why should WE invest any more time and energy in your video game if you keep undermining and/or dismissing OUR efforts??

~then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gate of heaven…

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Your accumulated points are still tracked when you get auto-balanced to another team. After being auto-balanced, go synergize with some more strangers, get some more glory, and contribute to a closer scoring game. Do you care about your hotjoin win/loss ratio or something?

If you look at it objectively, it’s a positive thing for the game. It prevents 8v2’s of all kinds when a team starts losing. Fed up with that? Do some solo or team queue!


Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Doctoris.2675


~really ANET? Swapping people out during a match with a 200+++ point difference has GOT to be unfair/overlooked/ignored! Especially if and when certain players are putting in WORK and synergizing with strangers to EARN the lead then suddenly POOF >insta-lose<…(cough)…(crickets)…(lame)…
What is even the point for an ‘AUTOBALANCE’ at a 250+ point difference?
Why should WE invest any more time and energy in your video game if you keep undermining and/or dismissing OUR efforts??

This seems to be overlooked quite often— If you get autobalanced, you’ll receive a win regardless of which team wins the match in the end (along with the win bonus rank/glory points). If you volunteer for autobalance, you receive even more bonus rank and glory points. The game doesn’t bother autobalancing once a team has past a certain number of points (somewhere around 400, it seems). It’s much better than having a match in the beginning that unfortunately goes 200-10 or something like that end up an 8v2 for the remaining 5-10 minutes or so.

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: BillX.4987


~Oh I see now, so it doesn’t matter what I do for match win as long as I’m selfish and pigging points! No more breaking off a cap points to go help at another location or ‘rez’ to secure a win for me. Thanks, I stand corrected…I’m glad I spoke up

~then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gate of heaven…

(edited by BillX.4987)

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


~Oh I see now, so it doesn’t matter what I do for match win as long as I’m selfish and pigging points! No more breaking off a cap points to go help at another location or ‘rez’ to secure a win for me. Thanks, I stand corrected…I’m glad I spoke up

Save your next level strats for queued matches. It is indeed a selfish point pigging fest. Unless auto-balance disrupts that, the chances of many players being unhappy with Hotjoins will remain low. I’m not saying I agree with Hotjoins being very unstructured and unequitable, but they serve their purpose – mindless & fun destruction.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


hot join is not a serious play… get over it…

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I don’t understand your outrage BillX, autobalance is an amazing tool that I wish was in a lot of other mmo spvp. If you want serious games go and do queued spvp.

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Oraith.1732


CMON anet fix ur stuff. hotjoin is my life and i was pwnin then u swich me. ),:

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Lumpy.8760


i always volunteer for auto balance. i hope for it to occur, actually

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


~really ANET? Swapping people out during a match with a 200+++ point difference has GOT to be unfair/overlooked/ignored! Especially if and when certain players are putting in WORK and synergizing with strangers to EARN the lead then suddenly POOF >insta-lose<…(cough)…(crickets)…(lame)…
What is even the point for an ‘AUTOBALANCE’ at a 250+ point difference?
Why should WE invest any more time and energy in your video game if you keep undermining and/or dismissing OUR efforts??

This seems to be overlooked quite often— If you get autobalanced, you’ll receive a win regardless of which team wins the match in the end (along with the win bonus rank/glory points). If you volunteer for autobalance, you receive even more bonus rank and glory points. The game doesn’t bother autobalancing once a team has past a certain number of points (somewhere around 400, it seems). It’s much better than having a match in the beginning that unfortunately goes 200-10 or something like that end up an 8v2 for the remaining 5-10 minutes or so.

I wish you didnt tell this guy this information, simply the way he posted his OP is painfulyl childish, I just hope he apoligizes for his ignorance, not to mention the painful self entitlement

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Flamfloz.6732


He’s right, though. It is frustrating.

HJ is definitely not incentivising people to play the “right way” (assuming the right way is the way listed in the “objectives” shown at the start of the match).

What it should say, instead:
- Try to join a zerg and kill as many people as you can for higher score and points.
- If autobalance pops up, click “I volunteer” for extra bonus score points.
- Do not step on capture points, you will waste valuable time for very few score points and as you might end up on the opposite team in 30s and would regret your decision.
- To increase rate of what is defined as success by the hotjoin mode standard, we advise you to farm the Skyhammer map (click link below to join now!).

It’s not a big deal though, that’s true… Just a bit boring.

Enough with Autobalance

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, it is frustrating.

Really, they might as well remove all scoring and win/loss aspects to hot joins as games. The teams change so much that winning almost always has more to do with what team ends up with more players for a longer duration than any other factor.

If they ditched the scoring, they could drop the autobalancing and at least friends could stay together on the same team without constantly being split up.