Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


It is such a hassle given there are already so many NPCs/pets on screen that we have to target the roots and hit them otherwise they last forever. Why? It is a simply nausance and needs to be like all other roots that expire in 2 or 3 seconds.

Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

in PvP

Posted by: Skolops.2604


It’s an elite skill. It’s not supposed to be like every other root. It’s meant to be, well, elite.

It’s not even that strong, either. I can’t remember the last time I saw one used in PvP that didn’t immediately die.

You’re not wrong about the hectic nature of PvP right now, but that’s a bigger problem that isn’t related to this one particular skill.

Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


There are ways to make it ELKITE without making it an ANNOYANCE and deter from the fun of PVP.

Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

in PvP

Posted by: Skolops.2604


First of all, the whole point of any attack is to deter from you’re opponent’s fun in PvP by making him lose.

Second of all, the annoyance is, like i said, a much bigger issue related to the way this game works as a whole and far less to this particular skill. Heck, some of the other elite skills are vastly more annoying than this is.

Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


The problem is that it lasts forever if u dont stop playing pvp to focus the vine

How is it hard to understand ? Compare ALL other CC be them elite or utility skills, there is a general scheme (short but efficient cc) and who knows why : Entangle is completely out of the wack …

Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

in PvP

Posted by: Mackster.9726


My only problem with Entangling Roots is that as a Necro, it is nearly impossible to hit them with some weapons, and when you manage to hit them you do crap damage unless you’re using axe or dagger MH. Staff hits are inconsistent as are the auto-attacks in Death Shroud. And if you can hit them with Staff or Scepter, you’re not doing any damage to them.

Entangle Roots should not have to be targeted/destoryed

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


If you can quickly cleanse the immobilize and dodge out, or just use an ability to displace you, you can avoid it completely.

It’s essentially a melee, stationary pet that will attack anything within it’s range each second that applies a 1s immobilize.

If you use the sylvari’s racial version you can tell when using it on a mob that’s moving fast enough to avoid it, and even drag another mob into it to be rooted.