Equal Healthcare
The post could have been better without the last line.
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
The post could have been better without the last line.
No because I genuinely and sincerely do think they suck on most everything concerning PvP.
Guild Wars 2 is different than Guild Wars 1 and so each unto their own design methodologies.
GW1 was designed so incredibly well relative to its design methodology.
GW2 unfortunately is very terribly designed relative unto its own design methodology.
Therefore Anet went from garnering my praise to garnering my severe disapproval.
I used to GvG somewhat did a lot of RA and TA, and TONS of Hall of Heroes (got to r9).
Not to mention I used to play Arenas in WoW and got to 2400 at some point.
Still play alot of Starcraft…
I know a thing or two and unfortunately my verdict is Anet sucks now.
yes all classes should have 19k base HP, and they should all have the same amount of toughness, and all other stats should start the same as well… oh and all skills should do the same amount of damage, and all heals do the same amount of healing! there we go, perfect balance achieved!!!
Nice try but your a bad troll.
Nice try but your a bad troll.
that’s exactly what i was going to originally say to you!
Actually perfect balance would be achieved if all the classes had exactly the same of everything. Problem with that is the game will get boring hella fast since everyone will figure out the proper combos and rotations to use every time.
troll post.
Stormbluff Isle
Aren’t you the guy I stomped in PvP last night?