Even if I am the worst ever
I’m sorry, but “good” players should have to “carry” you, part of the reason the new matchmaking is so screwed up is but “good” players were expected to “carry” teams last season and that is by no means fair to them. Optimally “good” players should shine in a match and their teammates should pull their own weight or at least not hold the rest of the team back.
i dont expect a good player to carry me. but people say good players should be able to do so. just never happens for me
It sure seems like virtually every game has a score like that, win or lose.
That’s your night? Let me tell you about.mine.
I start off with 3 really clos fun games, all my team lost, but they where really close, so they where fun. Now I win my next one, it was a close win. That’s 2 pips. Now my next one, win that too, another close one. Great that 3 pip total I might get to ruby after over a week. Of trying. Next match the the most brainless players ever. Zurging all over the map, kill the enemy players but leave the point uncapped, and this is out home point! No one if focusing on the called target in the group fights, there too busy running off to cap far half way through the fight. At which point in dead again, and we’ve lost home yet again, as 3 people rush towards far and the 4th runs in to middle thinking he can take 4 people.
Ok, I think that must have just been a hiccup. Next match will be fine. Nope get the same people, who do the same thing……. But die a lot quicker this time.
So my question is this, how can my matches go from good fun matches to complete shambles?
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
If you suck, you get matched with people who should suck as well. Now you’re 5 people who suck – perfectly fine.
If you suck, you get matched with people who should suck as well. Now you’re 5 people who suck – perfectly fine.
^this is the kind of player ANet wants to keep happy.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
If you suck, you get matched with people who should suck as well. Now you’re 5 people who suck – perfectly fine.
^this is the kind of player ANet wants to keep happy.
I would rather stomp the enemy team, then be stuck in what is literally hell because i keep getting paired with horrible players that can’t win a game.
That being said, I’m not sure how said bad players are going to be able to learn and move onwards when all they are getting paired with is equally bad players as partners and being put up against potentially extremely good players who need to move up. But i guess that’s why anets goal is to make the win ratio 50/50.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I kinda wish they would make the MMR visible somewhere, even if on the leaderboard website or something.
I made a F2P account to see what low MMR matches were like, and they were so insanely different, everyone has a different mindset, and the games play out much much different than Diamond+, maybe even high Ruby. The players just do…different thing.
You should not depend on someone to “carry” you out…if you do, then you are probably where you belong unfortunately, you need to believe you can carry yourself out and know how to carry yourself out, read your enemies movements and adapt.
This gamemode punishes a players mistakes alot, which is why every game comes down to rotational play, and teamfights. So master the rotational play early, because team fights change heavily as you climb the ladder.
In emerald, players tend to react strangely to what you do, if you play a mobile class, you can effectively pull the enemy team around like a kite because they tend to tunnel vision.
I made a non-HoT war on the FtP and got to Sapphire with 2 losses total, then got bored and went back to my Diamond Grind.
You can pull yourself out.
(edited by Zietlogik.6208)
This is what I get every night. Even if I am the worst. Aren’t “good” players supposed to carry? MMR hell.
Is it just me, or is his minimap awfully small? I could never play with such a small minimap.
The matchmaking is utterly broken.
Those who use the broken builds are banded together. Those who don’t are used as cannon fodder for the broken to get easy wins and keep the exploiters happy.
I can take care of 1 or 2 guys with broken builds with the builds I make myself. By I can’t fight 1v5, and the teammates I get are basically useless. They just run to the enemy and get defeated in 3 hits. Often run to them alone. They never disengage, and are always stepping into the mindless stack&spam areas created by the unskilled players with broken builds.
It’s like having people fight with baseball bats and paper armors against people with flamethrowers and bomb suits. I run avoiding the flame jet, get behind the guy with the flamethrower, land a few hits that do so little that the guy in the bomb suit won’t even turn around to hit back, and meanwhile the rest of my team is dying in a blaze of fire because they have decided that running straight into the fire was the greatest idea ever.
I’m yet to see a single match that doesn’t work like that. Not a single match ending anywhere near 400vs500. One side always gets 0-100 points. I woul not mind losing so much if the matches were closer, if I at least see my team mates try. If the teams where more or less equivalent.
Why aren’t at least 1 or 2 of the guys with the broken builds in my team instead having them all in one?
SoloQ should not mean “alone with other 4 other people so incompetent it’s hard to believe they are not losing on purpose against 5 cowards that exploit the bad balance to basically win matches by randomly mashing the keyboard with their elbows”.
I’ve been able to predict the outcome of every single match for the last 2 weeks. I just need to see the enemy professions, my team’s professions, and I’ll know if my temmates will be able to do anything against the enemy to win or just run to them and die. Every. Single. Time. Not a single exception so far. That is madness.
The matchmaking is utterly broken.
Those who use the broken builds are banded together. Those who don’t are used as cannon fodder for the broken to get easy wins and keep the exploiters happy.
I can take care of 1 or 2 guys with broken builds with the builds I make myself. By I can’t fight 1v5, and the teammates I get are basically useless. They just run to the enemy and get defeated in 3 hits. Often run to them alone. They never disengage, and are always stepping into the mindless stack&spam areas created by the unskilled players with broken builds.
It’s like having people fight with baseball bats and paper armors against people with flamethrowers and bomb suits. I run avoiding the flame jet, get behind the guy with the flamethrower, land a few hits that do so little that the guy in the bomb suit won’t even turn around to hit back, and meanwhile the rest of my team is dying in a blaze of fire because they have decided that running straight into the fire was the greatest idea ever.
I’m yet to see a single match that doesn’t work like that. Not a single match ending anywhere near 400vs500. One side always gets 0-100 points. I woul not mind losing so much if the matches were closer, if I at least see my team mates try. If the teams where more or less equivalent.
Why aren’t at least 1 or 2 of the guys with the broken builds in my team instead having them all in one?
SoloQ should not mean “alone with other 4 other people so incompetent it’s hard to believe they are not losing on purpose against 5 cowards that exploit the bad balance to basically win matches by randomly mashing the keyboard with their elbows”.
I’ve been able to predict the outcome of every single match for the last 2 weeks. I just need to see the enemy professions, my team’s professions, and I’ll know if my temmates will be able to do anything against the enemy to win or just run to them and die. Every. Single. Time. Not a single exception so far. That is madness.
Leeto hit legeng by soloqing with GS necro
i dont expect a good player to carry me. but people say good players should be able to do so. just never happens for me
because, if you blow out every game every night, you are not getting grouped with good players, so no one is going to carry you anywhere.
I don’t know if you are so bad or you just landed in a mmr hell. Have you tried teaming up with other players? also, i discovered a couple of days ago (better late than never) that matches are indeed a lot easier before 00:30. I always play around 1am or later, and i never suspected the difference would be so noticeable.
The matchmaking is utterly broken.
Those who use the broken builds are banded together. Those who don’t are used as cannon fodder for the broken to get easy wins and keep the exploiters happy.
I can take care of 1 or 2 guys with broken builds with the builds I make myself. By I can’t fight 1v5, and the teammates I get are basically useless. They just run to the enemy and get defeated in 3 hits. Often run to them alone. They never disengage, and are always stepping into the mindless stack&spam areas created by the unskilled players with broken builds.
It’s like having people fight with baseball bats and paper armors against people with flamethrowers and bomb suits. I run avoiding the flame jet, get behind the guy with the flamethrower, land a few hits that do so little that the guy in the bomb suit won’t even turn around to hit back, and meanwhile the rest of my team is dying in a blaze of fire because they have decided that running straight into the fire was the greatest idea ever.
I’m yet to see a single match that doesn’t work like that. Not a single match ending anywhere near 400vs500. One side always gets 0-100 points. I woul not mind losing so much if the matches were closer, if I at least see my team mates try. If the teams where more or less equivalent.
Why aren’t at least 1 or 2 of the guys with the broken builds in my team instead having them all in one?
SoloQ should not mean “alone with other 4 other people so incompetent it’s hard to believe they are not losing on purpose against 5 cowards that exploit the bad balance to basically win matches by randomly mashing the keyboard with their elbows”.
I’ve been able to predict the outcome of every single match for the last 2 weeks. I just need to see the enemy professions, my team’s professions, and I’ll know if my temmates will be able to do anything against the enemy to win or just run to them and die. Every. Single. Time. Not a single exception so far. That is madness.
Leeto hit legeng by soloqing with GS necro
Yes, because he has very good MMR. The system is as such that all good MMR players are pooled to one team, and the other team is of a lower MMR. So a ESL player getting this is what the system is designed to do. Get the “pros” where they belong.
How did ANet not see the problems with people hitting legendary this quickly? There is nothing but a leaderboard, which only a very small amount of players even care about. These same pros cried last season because they where only facing people.of similar skill and it was taking them forever to climb. Now hit the top with probably over a month of the league left, and ANet wonder why people are burning out and not playing.
The facts are, people are only playing the league for the back item. When the can get no further with it, they’ll stop playing, or at most do the daily 3 matches. Unless something changes for the better to the average player, the same problems will be repeated every season. Same for the pros. They’ll shoot up, end up fighting the same people, get board.
The rage is real, the salt is flowing like rivers in HoTM, we won’t even start with matches.
ANet needs to decide if ranked is for everyone, or just the pro players. If every season is going to be like this I might as well stop playing ranked as it’s really not fun anymore.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
All i see is one team that has a balanced setup (with ele, engi and nec they can do great in team fights and mes and ranger are good for roaming and some support) and one team that doesnt have a decent setup.
I dont think that your team should have won this match up since the enemy team has a huge advantage only due to the fact they got an ele and a nec.
Get your teammembers to relog to something decent or do it yourself.
In this game you play guardian (dragonhunter-trapper?) and that is at best a weak build when u fight against a scrapper and an ele in the enemy team which are both countering you, yet you didnt relog.
The key to winning is to know match ups. You (and your team) need to know what your build/class combination is able to do and if the enemy setup is worse or better.
When soloqueuing threw Ruby over the last 2 days i noticed that the team with the better setup will nearly always win.
The matchmaking is utterly broken.
Those who use the broken builds are banded together. Those who don’t are used as cannon fodder for the broken to get easy wins and keep the exploiters happy.
I can take care of 1 or 2 guys with broken builds with the builds I make myself. By I can’t fight 1v5, and the teammates I get are basically useless. They just run to the enemy and get defeated in 3 hits. Often run to them alone. They never disengage, and are always stepping into the mindless stack&spam areas created by the unskilled players with broken builds.
It’s like having people fight with baseball bats and paper armors against people with flamethrowers and bomb suits. I run avoiding the flame jet, get behind the guy with the flamethrower, land a few hits that do so little that the guy in the bomb suit won’t even turn around to hit back, and meanwhile the rest of my team is dying in a blaze of fire because they have decided that running straight into the fire was the greatest idea ever.
I’m yet to see a single match that doesn’t work like that. Not a single match ending anywhere near 400vs500. One side always gets 0-100 points. I woul not mind losing so much if the matches were closer, if I at least see my team mates try. If the teams where more or less equivalent.
Why aren’t at least 1 or 2 of the guys with the broken builds in my team instead having them all in one?
SoloQ should not mean “alone with other 4 other people so incompetent it’s hard to believe they are not losing on purpose against 5 cowards that exploit the bad balance to basically win matches by randomly mashing the keyboard with their elbows”.
I’ve been able to predict the outcome of every single match for the last 2 weeks. I just need to see the enemy professions, my team’s professions, and I’ll know if my temmates will be able to do anything against the enemy to win or just run to them and die. Every. Single. Time. Not a single exception so far. That is madness.
Leeto hit legeng by soloqing with GS necro
Yes, because he has very good MMR. The system is as such that all good MMR players are pooled to one team, and the other team is of a lower MMR. So a ESL player getting this is what the system is designed to do. Get the “pros” where they belong.
How did ANet not see the problems with people hitting legendary this quickly? There is nothing but a leaderboard, which only a very small amount of players even care about. These same pros cried last season because they where only facing people.of similar skill and it was taking them forever to climb. Now hit the top with probably over a month of the league left, and ANet wonder why people are burning out and not playing.
The facts are, people are only playing the league for the back item. When the can get no further with it, they’ll stop playing, or at most do the daily 3 matches. Unless something changes for the better to the average player, the same problems will be repeated every season. Same for the pros. They’ll shoot up, end up fighting the same people, get board.
The rage is real, the salt is flowing like rivers in HoTM, we won’t even start with matches.
ANet needs to decide if ranked is for everyone, or just the pro players. If every season is going to be like this I might as well stop playing ranked as it’s really not fun anymore.
You have 4 seasons in order to farm the backpiece, so everyone can have it. Anet wanted to do a competitive league, and even if s2 has flaws, its a huge step on the right direction compared to s1. Ppl taht doesnt like to lose should play unrank, that matches you on a fair match
i dont expect a good player to carry me. but people say good players should be able to do so. just never happens for me
because, if you blow out every game every night, you are not getting grouped with good players, so no one is going to carry you anywhere.
I don’t know if you are so bad or you just landed in a mmr hell. Have you tried teaming up with other players? also, i discovered a couple of days ago (better late than never) that matches are indeed a lot easier before 00:30. I always play around 1am or later, and i never suspected the difference would be so noticeable.
Yes i have grouped and found success. And those groups are happy with y play. At 6am est i have the most success, but i cant play then often.
The matchmaking is utterly broken.
Those who use the broken builds are banded together. Those who don’t are used as cannon fodder for the broken to get easy wins and keep the exploiters happy.
I can take care of 1 or 2 guys with broken builds with the builds I make myself. By I can’t fight 1v5, and the teammates I get are basically useless. They just run to the enemy and get defeated in 3 hits. Often run to them alone. They never disengage, and are always stepping into the mindless stack&spam areas created by the unskilled players with broken builds.
It’s like having people fight with baseball bats and paper armors against people with flamethrowers and bomb suits. I run avoiding the flame jet, get behind the guy with the flamethrower, land a few hits that do so little that the guy in the bomb suit won’t even turn around to hit back, and meanwhile the rest of my team is dying in a blaze of fire because they have decided that running straight into the fire was the greatest idea ever.
I’m yet to see a single match that doesn’t work like that. Not a single match ending anywhere near 400vs500. One side always gets 0-100 points. I woul not mind losing so much if the matches were closer, if I at least see my team mates try. If the teams where more or less equivalent.
Why aren’t at least 1 or 2 of the guys with the broken builds in my team instead having them all in one?
SoloQ should not mean “alone with other 4 other people so incompetent it’s hard to believe they are not losing on purpose against 5 cowards that exploit the bad balance to basically win matches by randomly mashing the keyboard with their elbows”.
I’ve been able to predict the outcome of every single match for the last 2 weeks. I just need to see the enemy professions, my team’s professions, and I’ll know if my temmates will be able to do anything against the enemy to win or just run to them and die. Every. Single. Time. Not a single exception so far. That is madness.
Leeto hit legeng by soloqing with GS necro
Yes, because he has very good MMR. The system is as such that all good MMR players are pooled to one team, and the other team is of a lower MMR. So a ESL player getting this is what the system is designed to do. Get the “pros” where they belong.
How did ANet not see the problems with people hitting legendary this quickly? There is nothing but a leaderboard, which only a very small amount of players even care about. These same pros cried last season because they where only facing people.of similar skill and it was taking them forever to climb. Now hit the top with probably over a month of the league left, and ANet wonder why people are burning out and not playing.
The facts are, people are only playing the league for the back item. When the can get no further with it, they’ll stop playing, or at most do the daily 3 matches. Unless something changes for the better to the average player, the same problems will be repeated every season. Same for the pros. They’ll shoot up, end up fighting the same people, get board.
The rage is real, the salt is flowing like rivers in HoTM, we won’t even start with matches.
ANet needs to decide if ranked is for everyone, or just the pro players. If every season is going to be like this I might as well stop playing ranked as it’s really not fun anymore.
You have 4 seasons in order to farm the backpiece, so everyone can have it. Anet wanted to do a competitive league, and even if s2 has flaws, its a huge step on the right direction compared to s1. Ppl taht doesnt like to lose should play unrank, that matches you on a fair match
You see, you pointed out the problem right there. With out the back pack, everyone would still be playing unranked. Ranked would have the same amount of people it’s always had. The only reason people are playing the league is for the back pack. I know I am. There is no reason to play ranked. Zero. You get the same stuff at the same pace in unranked, not to mention a nicer experience.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
The matchmaking is utterly broken.
Those who use the broken builds are banded together. Those who don’t are used as cannon fodder for the broken to get easy wins and keep the exploiters happy.
I can take care of 1 or 2 guys with broken builds with the builds I make myself. By I can’t fight 1v5, and the teammates I get are basically useless. They just run to the enemy and get defeated in 3 hits. Often run to them alone. They never disengage, and are always stepping into the mindless stack&spam areas created by the unskilled players with broken builds.
It’s like having people fight with baseball bats and paper armors against people with flamethrowers and bomb suits. I run avoiding the flame jet, get behind the guy with the flamethrower, land a few hits that do so little that the guy in the bomb suit won’t even turn around to hit back, and meanwhile the rest of my team is dying in a blaze of fire because they have decided that running straight into the fire was the greatest idea ever.
I’m yet to see a single match that doesn’t work like that. Not a single match ending anywhere near 400vs500. One side always gets 0-100 points. I woul not mind losing so much if the matches were closer, if I at least see my team mates try. If the teams where more or less equivalent.
Why aren’t at least 1 or 2 of the guys with the broken builds in my team instead having them all in one?
SoloQ should not mean “alone with other 4 other people so incompetent it’s hard to believe they are not losing on purpose against 5 cowards that exploit the bad balance to basically win matches by randomly mashing the keyboard with their elbows”.
I’ve been able to predict the outcome of every single match for the last 2 weeks. I just need to see the enemy professions, my team’s professions, and I’ll know if my temmates will be able to do anything against the enemy to win or just run to them and die. Every. Single. Time. Not a single exception so far. That is madness.
Leeto hit legeng by soloqing with GS necro
Yes, because he has very good MMR. The system is as such that all good MMR players are pooled to one team, and the other team is of a lower MMR. So a ESL player getting this is what the system is designed to do. Get the “pros” where they belong.
How did ANet not see the problems with people hitting legendary this quickly? There is nothing but a leaderboard, which only a very small amount of players even care about. These same pros cried last season because they where only facing people.of similar skill and it was taking them forever to climb. Now hit the top with probably over a month of the league left, and ANet wonder why people are burning out and not playing.
The facts are, people are only playing the league for the back item. When the can get no further with it, they’ll stop playing, or at most do the daily 3 matches. Unless something changes for the better to the average player, the same problems will be repeated every season. Same for the pros. They’ll shoot up, end up fighting the same people, get board.
The rage is real, the salt is flowing like rivers in HoTM, we won’t even start with matches.
ANet needs to decide if ranked is for everyone, or just the pro players. If every season is going to be like this I might as well stop playing ranked as it’s really not fun anymore.
You have 4 seasons in order to farm the backpiece, so everyone can have it. Anet wanted to do a competitive league, and even if s2 has flaws, its a huge step on the right direction compared to s1. Ppl taht doesnt like to lose should play unrank, that matches you on a fair match
You see, you pointed out the problem right there. With out the back pack, everyone would still be playing unranked. Ranked would have the same amount of people it’s always had. The only reason people are playing the league is for the back pack. I know I am. There is no reason to play ranked. Zero. You get the same stuff at the same pace in unranked, not to mention a nicer experience.
I dont see the problem tbh. What I see is people that just play PvP casually and now want the backpack and complain about getting rekt by better players
The matchmaking is utterly broken.
Those who use the broken builds are banded together. Those who don’t are used as cannon fodder for the broken to get easy wins and keep the exploiters happy.
I can take care of 1 or 2 guys with broken builds with the builds I make myself. By I can’t fight 1v5, and the teammates I get are basically useless. They just run to the enemy and get defeated in 3 hits. Often run to them alone. They never disengage, and are always stepping into the mindless stack&spam areas created by the unskilled players with broken builds.
It’s like having people fight with baseball bats and paper armors against people with flamethrowers and bomb suits. I run avoiding the flame jet, get behind the guy with the flamethrower, land a few hits that do so little that the guy in the bomb suit won’t even turn around to hit back, and meanwhile the rest of my team is dying in a blaze of fire because they have decided that running straight into the fire was the greatest idea ever.
I’m yet to see a single match that doesn’t work like that. Not a single match ending anywhere near 400vs500. One side always gets 0-100 points. I woul not mind losing so much if the matches were closer, if I at least see my team mates try. If the teams where more or less equivalent.
Why aren’t at least 1 or 2 of the guys with the broken builds in my team instead having them all in one?
SoloQ should not mean “alone with other 4 other people so incompetent it’s hard to believe they are not losing on purpose against 5 cowards that exploit the bad balance to basically win matches by randomly mashing the keyboard with their elbows”.
I’ve been able to predict the outcome of every single match for the last 2 weeks. I just need to see the enemy professions, my team’s professions, and I’ll know if my temmates will be able to do anything against the enemy to win or just run to them and die. Every. Single. Time. Not a single exception so far. That is madness.
Leeto hit legeng by soloqing with GS necro
Yes, because he has very good MMR. The system is as such that all good MMR players are pooled to one team, and the other team is of a lower MMR. So a ESL player getting this is what the system is designed to do. Get the “pros” where they belong.
How did ANet not see the problems with people hitting legendary this quickly? There is nothing but a leaderboard, which only a very small amount of players even care about. These same pros cried last season because they where only facing people.of similar skill and it was taking them forever to climb. Now hit the top with probably over a month of the league left, and ANet wonder why people are burning out and not playing.
The facts are, people are only playing the league for the back item. When the can get no further with it, they’ll stop playing, or at most do the daily 3 matches. Unless something changes for the better to the average player, the same problems will be repeated every season. Same for the pros. They’ll shoot up, end up fighting the same people, get board.
The rage is real, the salt is flowing like rivers in HoTM, we won’t even start with matches.
ANet needs to decide if ranked is for everyone, or just the pro players. If every season is going to be like this I might as well stop playing ranked as it’s really not fun anymore.
You have 4 seasons in order to farm the backpiece, so everyone can have it. Anet wanted to do a competitive league, and even if s2 has flaws, its a huge step on the right direction compared to s1. Ppl taht doesnt like to lose should play unrank, that matches you on a fair match
You see, you pointed out the problem right there. With out the back pack, everyone would still be playing unranked. Ranked would have the same amount of people it’s always had. The only reason people are playing the league is for the back pack. I know I am. There is no reason to play ranked. Zero. You get the same stuff at the same pace in unranked, not to mention a nicer experience.
Oh, dont assume all are just playing for the backpack. I play because i want to get better and climb the ladder, like i wanted to get better before the seasons. But i would prefer if they would remove the can not lose tiers/pips in divisons below ruby. I have so far reached diamond and all the ranking system tells me is that i am at least low-medium tier because the lowest tier that requires some better play to reach is diamond. Everyone can reach ruby with enough tries.
So remove the backpiece from ranked play and make it a ladder without safespots and it would be much better for players who only want a legendary and better for players who want a ranking-system. Not perfect but it would be better. Maybe if you have to tie it to ranked make it a legendary reward track to farm the tickets for the precursor that can only be progressed in ranked.
I dont see the problem tbh. What I see is people that just play PvP casually and now want the backpack and complain about getting rekt by better players
I don’t play casually, I have 2000 games played. I have the exact same story as many others, and that is regular blowouts. Maybe I’m crap, even after so many games—-I don’t mind losing, just pair me with evenly matched players for god’s sake! Give me close matches, even if they’re losses, just not this bullkitten that is happening now.
I dont see the problem tbh. What I see is people that just play PvP casually and now want the backpack and complain about getting rekt by better players
I don’t play casually, I have 2000 games played. I have the exact same story as many others, and that is regular blowouts. Maybe I’m crap, even after so many games—-I don’t mind losing, just pair me with evenly matched players for god’s sake! Give me close matches, even if they’re losses, just not this bullkitten that is happening now.
Unrank should be matching you against similar mmr players