Ever feel like you did all you could?
Occasionally. I’ve had my fair share of matches where I was trying to do as much as I could, but it just wasn’t working well.
I really think that your team score relative to the opposing team’s score should have an effect on rating adjustment and pip rewards. Losing a match like that shouldn’t carry as high a penalty as losing a closely fought match. A blowout loss should have less of a penalty than losing 300:500, etc.
People then have an incentive: work harder to minimize losses. It’s a loss either way, but the harder you push, the less rating you’ll lose, which can then be made up with a follow-up win.
Did you ask one of thieves to switch at the start?
Did you tell the thieves that their role is de-capping or picking off low HP enemies?
Unfortunately not every match is great and not every game can be carried. Hopefully in a week or two, player ratings will be better aligned; S1-S4 probably messed them up quite a bit.
(edited by Exedore.6320)
Did you ask one of thieves to switch at the start?
Did you tell the thieves that their role is de-capping or picking off low HP enemies?Unfortunately not even match is great and not every game can be carried. Hopefully in a week or two, player ratings will be better aligned; S1-S4 probably messed them up quite a bit.
Yeah I did, but…you know…
I was the only one who typed anything that whole match too or pinged the map. Like I said, though, fortunately this match was an exception.
Did you ask one of thieves to switch at the start?
Did you tell the thieves that their role is de-capping or picking off low HP enemies?
Some can play one class well and can’t play the others (on a competetive sPvP level) – forcing those to switch isn’t a good idea…
The main problem is class stacking (if that happens because of a relog, yeah – we can’t do anything – but it should be easy avoiding class stacking when A-net assembles the team.. should…)
I really don’t understand why the algorythm can’t do a simple profession balance.
But to refer to your thread title:
Ever feel like you did all you could?
No. No matter who you are and who you play against you will never play a perfect game. That is one of the first things you have to accept on a competitive level. And in order to improve you have to review the situations you think you failed in and make a plan on how you can do it better the next time you are in this situation again.
If you ever think to yourself you’ve played perfectly like a god and blame everything on the game you’ve already lost. (Not adressing you personally, just a general shoutout to the crybabies in this forum)
It’s true, neither you nor the system are perfect, and since we can’t change the system you are the one that makes the difference. Always keep that in mind. And don’t stop thriving for perfection. Eventually you will be rewarded.
All we wanted was a GvG.
I have played about 50 games in ranked this season. I had some terrible start games that placed me in silver. (The games was lost because my team was either really bad, no team work, or some one dc’ed and it was a loss). I have been in games were my team couldn’t down a single person even when it was 3v1. So i had to carry the team. The only problem is I can’t be at 2 points at the same time so wherever I was we were wining but my team couldn’t keep a single point for more than 15 sec because they wipe all the time. I am never getting out of silver because there is 50% chance for me to get a good team were we just steamroll the other team and 50% to get on a team where no one thinks, no one knows their build, ppl are just their to do their dailies and play like they don’t own a brain. I can see that in my win ratio it is 50%. I almost never have a close match because ppl from either my team gets steamrolled or steamrolls the other team. GJ I am done with ranked if this how it is going to continue.
Good news: those players will keep on dropping, and dropping. If they’re really that bad, they’ll essentially be dead weight to their teams. It’ll always be 4v5 with them around.
I have played about 50 games in ranked this season. I had some terrible start games that placed me in silver. (The games was lost because my team was either really bad, no team work, or some one dc’ed and it was a loss). I have been in games were my team couldn’t down a single person even when it was 3v1. So i had to carry the team. The only problem is I can’t be at 2 points at the same time so wherever I was we were wining but my team couldn’t keep a single point for more than 15 sec because they wipe all the time. I am never getting out of silver because there is 50% chance for me to get a good team were we just steamroll the other team and 50% to get on a team where no one thinks, no one knows their build, ppl are just their to do their dailies and play like they don’t own a brain. I can see that in my win ratio it is 50%. I almost never have a close match because ppl from either my team gets steamrolled or steamrolls the other team. GJ I am done with ranked if this how it is going to continue.
This, I don’t play tonnes of PvP so I will never be as good as the top players, and im ok with that, if I get beaten by a better team so be it, but what am I to do when the other players on my team just suck, I was in a match earlier and the guard in my team lasted no longer than 5 seconds everytime they left the base, id swear they where just feeding the enemy kills, this leads to us losing, how can you improve your rating if your losing due to other members on your team just not caring or have no clue what they are doing, another match up 1 guy rage quit before we even left the base, and we got destroyed 500-100, if someone leaves/quits in the first 30 seconds of the match someone who is solo Q’ing should be put into that persons place.
Is it even worth continuing with this, it feels like if you didn’t get in at the very start to get teamed with potential other decent players, you have no chance of ever having a decent matchup.
I lost 4 in a row tonight after being ahead when someone in my team decided to AFK or just go walk about on the map and no longer try, this is what really puts me off PvP in this game altogether.
Good news: those players will keep on dropping, and dropping. If they’re really that bad, they’ll essentially be dead weight to their teams. It’ll always be 4v5 with them around.
They won’t. I have won plenty of matches where we were basically 4v5 and carried player that simply doesn’t belong in that rating.
The problem – there is forced 50% win rate. You lose too much? You will be put in stupidly easy matches so you get back to where you can ruin games for other players.