Ever had a main class you stopped enjoying?
Had you ever tried Necromancer?
Had you ever tried Necromancer?
I’ve messed with it a little bit, can’t say I’m knowledgeable of the class right now, I only know how to fight them hah. It was always a class I wanted to get better with though seeing as how I played necro in gw1
Nope, rolled a warrior on day 1 and still love till today!
Nope, rolled a warrior on day 1 and still love till today!
I want to like it so bad, I just haven’t found a build that suits me very well hah, DH in particular are pretty hard to fight
Necromancer because its underpowered for solo play and im already bored with it. Best class for feeding the enemy. Go there spam mark die. joke solo class. So yeah i don’t really enjoy necro anymore. If i find a game with a balanced dark magic class i will go there.
Yup. I need to constantly drop my thief these days since it got forced into a boring build/spec and its kit nerfed almost every patch since launch while its cheesy builds keep getting buffed.
I love power reaper but sometimes the counters are too real and get to me.
And ranger I just rage at occasionally because the pet mechanic is dumb.
Posting a reply on forum is more fun than playing a necromancer solo.
I have quite an equal share between Mesmer, Thief, Necro, Ranger and Guard…guess which class is the only one I’m still playing these days.
Necro and Thief became almost entirely obsolete because you are either dead all the time or other classes do a better job.
Mesmer also became pretty weak, barely has an impact in soloq and I personally hate playing it on condition.
For Ranger…yes it is still viable but I hate fighting druids so much that I simply flat out refuse to play this bs.
So I’m left with playing guard. I personally like the gameplay a lot and even though the class is easy to learn you can still get a lot out of it and have quite a few options in terms of traits, skills and weapons (basically anything besides torch and staff can be used depending on your preferences) to vary from the common meta build without being utterly useless which is quite unique amongst most classes these days.
All we wanted was a GvG.
(edited by Entenkommando.5208)
I have quite an equal share between Mesmer, Thief, Necro, Ranger and Guard…guess which class is the only one I’m still playing these days.
Necro and Thief became almost entirely obsolete because you are either dead all the time or other classes do a better job.
Mesmer also became pretty weak, barely has an impact in soloq and I personally hate playing it on condition.
Interesting as i think both mesmer and thief have insane survivability and burst damage, because of high mobility and can avoid a lot of damage almost all necro damage + condi clear and kiting. While necro have to eat all inc damage and thats why you have no chance if its 1v1 and they have decent skill. They can avoid damage, you can’t.
Necro, kittenedly sluggish for no reason with horrible utility with nothing about the class to compensate for the forced thematics. Wasted 2 years playing it then switched to thief. They then pushed the class further into stealth and spam which i dont enjoy at all and now rev. Now they been slowly messing up the class.
I just want this combat to get copied by a more intelligent studio.
The core specs update followed by the introduction of scrapper killed engi for me.
conquest solo pvp in this game is brainless zerg ,boon spamm, enemy not just can kill my class in 2sec but also keeping me perma cc’d interrupted can’t control the character for 10sec or something like that. While all i see when trying to fight back block block, miss, evade, invulnerable + dodges. Almost all of my attack skill are on cd and enemies health pool is full. best pvp experience ever.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Condi chronomancer killed mesmer for me… Still trying to like mesmers in other ways, but I just can’t PvP much with it right now.
Core spec pre hot patch killed ele in pvp for me, actually it killed pvp in general for me…
Yeah, every balance patch.
Trap pooper Dh… still if i dont use traps… i will be in alot of trouble to actually kill target..
And i hate game where i feel im being carried with must have skills to win in my skillbar.
Guess i need to find a decent pvp game…
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
Condi chronomancer killed mesmer for me… Still trying to like mesmers in other ways, but I just can’t PvP much with it right now.
I actually like condi chrono its pretty fast paced and fun, Warrior just hasn’t felt good to play this past year or so, ever since the rampage meta. Unlike some other builds I’ve tried on different classes, warrior always feels incomplete when I play it. Very sluggish and glaring weaknesses similar to the revenant. Maybe I just don’t like heavy classes anymore but why am I playing light classes for tanking and heavy classes for glass cannon dps?
Say what you want, but dragonhunter feels like the best of the three. Good damage, blocks, heals, AOE, can deal with condition classes. Revenant and warrior both feel like to halves of what guardian currently is minus mobility. This isn’t confirmed or anything, just my personal opinion how my experience is playing heavy classes.
Ele died for me when it became good at nothing except for group healing.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA
Ele died for me when it became good at nothing except for group healing.
I’m prolly in the miniority here but I love healing as an ele, do I miss cele ele? Yeah, even though it was kinda OP haha, healing with ele is just fun for me.
That being said, I would like to see more offensive ele builds, I really do think its that low vitality holding them back
Engineer, old-school zerk rifle specifically. The finesse of it isn’t as good as it used to be.
Warrior and Guardian.
Trap pooper Dh… still if i dont use traps… i will be in alot of trouble to actually kill target..
And i hate game where i feel im being carried with must have skills to win in my skillbar.Guess i need to find a decent pvp game…
Smite, DOTA, LoL, or OW pick your poison outside of those bunch, none exists.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
Ele died for me and many others right about when HoT dropped. It’s viable, just pretty mind numbing as well.
Thief. Died for me before HoT dropped.
Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]
I stopped enjoying mesmer after the trait overhaul update patch the summer before HoT came out. Was so few options for amulets and my build was totally gutted. I started to enjoy mesmer again when HoT came out. Chrono helped a lot, but i think it’s mostly due to the introduction of the demolisher’s amulet in pvp. That little addition made mesmer fun for me again.
Thief, right after HoT came out.
And yes, i play [Teef] :)
Trap pooper Dh… still if i dont use traps… i will be in alot of trouble to actually kill target..
And i hate game where i feel im being carried with must have skills to win in my skillbar.Guess i need to find a decent pvp game…
Smite, DOTA, LoL, or OW pick your poison outside of those bunch, none exists.
He means MMORPG game :)
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Engineer, old-school zerk rifle specifically. The finesse of it isn’t as good as it used to be.
If only SD engi was still a thing. Q_Q
RIP condi rev with this new patch.
-Rev of Boa
warrior early 2015, guardian late 2015, mid 2016 revenent, ………AND NOW…………late 2016 engineer, mesmer! so i guess its anet way of pushing me to move on to other class, rather than sticking to one?
incidentally, what should i use now? ele? necro? i really don’t like ranger tho……
Go for nec! It’s by far the best and most fun class in PvP these days! (If you like the pretty textures of the floor)
All we wanted was a GvG.
Most of the pvp population plays melee classes after that druids mesmers and eles. If you want to pvp conquest and you go solo i don’t recommend necromancer to you. Belive me i main it. Its the worst class ever made if you grouped with not good pug teams and you get a lot of bad pugs.
Necro, lol.
Switched to Rev as main – does everything better.
Necro has a better downstate though.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
Ele died for me when it became good at nothing except for group healing.
I’m prolly in the miniority here but I love healing as an ele, do I miss cele ele? Yeah, even though it was kinda OP haha, healing with ele is just fun for me.
That being said, I would like to see more offensive ele builds, I really do think its that low vitality holding them back
Eles going offensive have to deal with all the condi cancer flying around, 3 matches out of 5 is just vs condi chrono/scepter reapers/dh and condi war..all day..every day..since forever it seems
It somehow fun to play…but having to deal with a constant 10+ condis on you 24/7..get tiring after few hours
Yes, mesmer.
The mesmer i fell in love with 3 years ago, and subsequently made my main for pvp, and wvw died when season 1 started.
It used to take a lot of skill running around as zerker mesmer, co-ordination bursts, knowing how to use every bit of the map to your advantage so you dont get 2 shot, and fighting thieves took alot of skill and class know-how.
Now (even more so in s1-3) you just run around on a point, spamming shatters, invuns, evades etc. There is so much room for kittening up, basically.
Signet of illusions now means you dont have to think, or care about how you use your shatters, it’s just a case of spam them, unload condis, use signet, rinse and repeat.
It’s boring, killed what i loved about the class (nuke or be nuked attitude) and whats worse, its now prevalent in wvw. Every kittening roamer is condi, and they think they are special because no on can 1v1 them without perma resistance.
I don’t even feel a sense of self accomplishment anymore when i win 1v1s or run into a point and condi bomb.
Shame on you Anet, for killing the class and most importantly, the PLAYING STYLE i loved for so long.
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever
(edited by Liam McColgan.7689)
I dropped ele in pvp when HoT hit because I didn’t enjoy bunker (I really enjoy playing melee tempest in wvw but in pvp it’s just booooring). Played condi reaper for quite a while, dropped that class when they removed one of the amulets (forgot the name). Started playing ele again because oh well, I’ll always come back to that class in the end even if it bores the kitten out of me… Dropped it again when they removed cleri amulet. Now I play condi cancer thief just to annoy people because apparently that’s the only thing that brings me joy nowadays…
Didn’t even bother with ranked pvp last season because there’s no “valid” class I enjoy…
(edited by volpenvieh.3201)
warrior was my main. i used physical and signets until the nerf. still don’t get why they wanted reaper as damage when it does better with condi.
Then I realised that i can grab thief and does 15k damage without 1000 steps of setup. But I’m always switching classes in pvp. Now i’m enjoying druid. Nature warrior/mage is awesome :P
While i don’t have a true main, i tend to main a class 2-6 months, for what suits me best. Ele/engie are by far the most played, cause of their skill diversity. But lately i cannot play them. They just feel ‘incomplete’. Ele Lava font for me is a huge annoyance. (not discussing if it’s good or bad nerf). For me it makes the attunement dancing very boring on staff (staff wich should always be fun in a pitch on ele imo) and atm it isn’t. Same with 33% attunement skills cd reduction to 20%. I get this nerf and understand it. But it makes attunement dancing so much less fun and auto attacking (absolutely worst part of ele), more existing, wich breaks the fun factor.
Engineer, most of the kits fall short (mortar, tool kit, flamethrower) of feeling amazing, and the normal weapon sets are so so, except maybe pistol pistol and hammer. I guess it’s because of new meta’s etc, that engie feels ‘left behind’. (pve). It’s not bad by any means (better then ele atm), but it misses ‘something’. Like the nerfs to gyro’s make again feel them miss something. And the moment a class ‘miss something’- factor, comes into play for me, then it gets boring to fast, so i seek another more rounded profession. I’m still debating wich profession to take after this patch. Not easy. Didn’t play guardian in a long while (was my main at launch), maybe i play that.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Yes engi until they absolutely gutted grenades because they wanted people to play another spec
Literary everything after pre-Hot june patch hit the game and then HoT was launched. The amount of brainless and passive gameplay the xpac has introduced absolutely killed any fun for me in this game. The only reason why i still play it probably is because there is literary nothing really better out there (BnS is great but too grindy and has only 1v1, OW is great but doesn’t have character progression nor content besides few maps and couple characters etc, never going back to WoW – pvp balanced around raids? no ty.)
Engi, thief and ele are my most played, and out of those three engi and ele have evolved so drastically that their play style no longer feels anything like the professions I initially enjoyed. Bomb-nade Rabid amulet engi with pistol and shield is perhaps my all-time favourite. It combined a reasonably high skill cap with a mid-range skirmish play style that I really enjoyed. Unfortunately that spec became unplayable after HoT, and hammer scrapper feels so different that my engi play time has consistently declined. Even though hammer scrapper is undeniably the stronger spec, it feels mind-numbingly boring by comparison.
Ultimately, it’s just a question of Anet’s vision for the profession being something different than what I would prefer, and having to accept the reality that 2013 is never coming back. FeelsBadMan
Legend S1-S3 with 100% solo queue 100% conquest
Filthy casual, 6k sPvP games
Yea …nec.
Ele…wished I never started playing on it, being obsessed with “must do it all” I have maxed everything on ele, from several crafting disciplines to map, personal story etc…only reason I keep playing is because I despise PvE and that mind numbing process …I simply don’t want to repeat it again…if anet would introduce a one time offer to swap professions while keeping all progress..I’d buy it no matter the price then I’d delete ele to never be used again
Stopped playing Mes in PvP long ago, when Power Shatter lost basically all viability (long before hot). I dislike playing it on Condi, and the classic Domination/Dueling/Chrono [Chaos pre Hot] doesn’t really work. With Illusions instead of dueling and the buff on the Lockdown Mantra it might actually be somewhat more viable again, but I switched to Engi ages ago and mostly stuck with it, just occasionally switching to Rev when I feel like trying to play something more mobile/bursty again.
started pvp with a thief when s/d was meta. always wished i started with ele so i switched because i liked the amount of skills/combos, the bruiser d/d build (long before it was nerfed to death for the first time), and the amount of flexibility. ele got nerfed and didn’t see any play anymore so i went back to thief which i wasn’t enjoying much.
after a year ele got buffed again and i was able to enjoy the playstyle once again. back then ele used quite some skill as it was in rivalry with celestial engi and hambow war (later shoutbow). when i wasn’t Qing with my team i enjoyed fresh air in soloq even though it was a subpar build.
specialisation patch hit and the mechanical skill ele once took was gone. burn stacks and blind brought about the rise of trash eles and people flamed you for playing ele, even if you had over 2000 matches on that class.
HoT announced the tempest, the elite spec nobody ever wanted, only viable because of its brainless press-1-skill-aoe-heal.
played through season 1 & 2 to get my legendary wings which was the last thing i did in pvp.
I feel like a machine when I play it now.
thief … and now rev
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous
Thief. I loved my thief to the bone during vanilla but left shortly after HoT was released. I was active in both sPvP, WvW and PvE, but the elite specializations (that ended up being mandatory for every aspect of the game) destroyed it for me. I hate Daredevil, but you can’t play competitively without it.
I miss the old D/P times :/