Ever lost a 4v5?

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Nimrud.5642


…while being on the full team? When I thought matchmaking cant get any worse this happens: Enemy team had a DC after like 30sec into the game, from that point it was 4v5 until the end. They ended up beating us while scoring more than twice the amount of points.

And I know, I know… everyone is saying that they were doing their best while his/her teammates were all stupid pve scrubs, BUT sometimes this is actually the case. I had a 1v1 against their thief which I won in less than 10 sec, then he DCed. While 3 on my team could not kill the turret engie at their treb, NOR the treb itself. It took almost 6 minutes 3v1! Or they simply didnt care… All I saw was a constant group fight at their treb. Yet their treb was up for 6 long minutes. Just chip damage should have destroyed it if they had fought around it, but no… thats too rational. Anyone I ran into at capture points I killed except for one occasion. I mean Im far from being good but these guys were all fresh noobies really. I dont mean to brag, its just fact. I myself got rekt in less than 10 sec many times, so pls dont make me explain this any further.

Conclusion: prbly their turret engie at the treb and me were the ‘high’ ranked members, witnessing an absurd play of random mind activity paired with button mashing.

Which leads us to the same topic that everyone brings up here daily: matchmaking is flawed! Stop putting ppl with hugely differing skill levels into the same team/match! Its really annoying!

Keep this topic hot guys, start a new topic 5 times a day about this issue until anet has no choice but fixing it. A few more weeks and I’m gonna burn out from frustration and lack of enjoyable competitive gameplay. And many are walking in the same shoes as we can see… ( And hell… I’m not even some super-skilled guy for whom its hard to find a competent opponent. I am around average I guess, yet hardly ever see a match with guys at my level.)

enthusiastic noob

(edited by Nimrud.5642)

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I have never lost one, close though (430v500) which was embarrassing enough. But I did win a 4v5 as the 4 in Foefire, 500-346 due to a boss nab.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Stygian.2135

Mister Stygian.2135

I’ve won a couple and gotten close in some more, the other team has to help you though by fighting off point. Temple and kylo, and once on foefire which was mostly because of a lord kill, seem like best maps for it, you can rotate really fast on those two maps, which helps you if they are not focusing well on caps and your team is. If they are diligent, they become two of the worse maps for same reason.

I would really like to see that empty spot get filled mid round or delayed start, it wouldn’t bother me as a solo queuer if I get an instant pop to join for 500 track points in a fast loss or make a difference at the start of a 4 vs 5, just have a different message saying join match in progress.

(edited by Mister Stygian.2135)

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I won a 4 v 5 before too :P
But to all seriousness, if your team lose when you’re 5 v 4 someone, you should be ashamed. Not just your team is incompetent, you are too. Even if your team is losing everywhere, you could easily manipulate the outcome through rotation and bunking if your opponent miss one person.

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Dredd Spirit Caller.4082

Dredd Spirit Caller.4082

I won a 4 v 5 before too :P
But to all seriousness, if your team lose when you’re 5 v 4 someone, you should be ashamed. Not just your team is incompetent, you are too. Even if your team is losing everywhere, you could easily manipulate the outcome through rotation and bunking if your opponent miss one person.

he say his team was doing 3vs1 at treb and lose to an engy turrets
than on other poits the enemy team was doing 3vs2 on cap point
if ppl dont know what to do and how to play its a l2p issue that broken MMR on unranked and ranked arenabecause of daily character win
autobalance is a broken system to on pratice
yesterday i was swap on the losing team in every match and pvp at respawn vs 4 ppl every time, sure i got the win reward point at the end but not fun

Engy:Turrets Nade/HgH Kit Bunker Zerker
Necro:MMMesmer:pve omniRanger:SpiritsThief:P/P

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


All I saw was a constant group fight at their treb. Yet their treb was up for 6 long minutes.

You didn’t necessarily lose as a result of 4v5, you lost because you apparently had 3 guys fighting OFF cap point in a completely idiotic fight for far too long. In essence, it was 4v2, rather than 4v5, when you have 3 team mates who would’ve contributed as well by having DCed too.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ive lost (2) 5 vs 4 and won (3) 4 vs 5. The lst 5 vs 4 we lost was really bad. They had one terrormancer and 1 turret engy and they would zerg mid everytime after we cap sides to all die. It was bad, the worst part was we knew it was a 5 vs 4 from the start of the match. So the L2P trash talking to one another started getting bad at the end. Bad players lose winning players win it happens.

Also that isnt match making fault, the players need to take some responsibility for not know how to rotate or use the mini map. I honestly feel most of the people coming on here to complain need to look in the mirror.

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


it is not hard to lose 4v5 when entire team is chasing 1 guy on the beach in the forest half of the match……

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Nimrud.5642


Talking about bad matchmaking… Just finished an other one. This time 5v5 but after the initial rush to cap points (we wiped on all 3), it was an other senseless group fight at the base walls where a guard and a warri played 4v2 and kept stomping my teamm8s… The guys didnt even try to go out at the other exit or run away or anything. Just rush in, die, rez, rinse n’ repeat for the whole game… No reaction to chat, no nothing. In the end I was called a noob for only scoring 5 points…

Actually one of these is no biggy, kitten happens as we know. But it happens just too often. Either the system is totally unable to measure skill level by any reasonable standards, or the population is so low that they literally cant assemble 2 groups of 10 somewhat equally skilled players. The balanced matches I get still have wildly different skill level players, but in a more or less equal distribution. And only if equally skilled players get to fight eachother in the key moments of the game. (For example a lordrush takes place while both teams are there with equal potential and not the ‘topdog’ member of one team and the noobie member of the other team.)

I understand that the pvp community has population problems, but come on! Cant they really find 9 other players from my totally average skill level to play a decent game with??? I just cant believe that!

enthusiastic noob

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Nimrud, I sympathise. But really, you lost a 5v4 with a turret engi on their side? It’s already difficult to loose when the other team has one turret engi out of five players. I understand you may be getting bad team mates, but at that point, you have to ask yourself if you don’t have a small part of responsibility in all this. Maybe roll a turret engi or a meditation guardian until your MMR gets better.

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Nimrud.5642


Nimrud, I sympathise. But really, you lost a 5v4 with a turret engi on their side? It’s already difficult to loose when the other team has one turret engi out of five players. I understand you may be getting bad team mates, but at that point, you have to ask yourself if you don’t have a small part of responsibility in all this. Maybe roll a turret engi or a meditation guardian until your MMR gets better.

Its not even a skill level issue m8. Doing what they have been doing – in both cases I described – not even the abjured could have won. See? The huge difference in skill level comes only as second reason, the prime reason for the devastating losses is ignoring basic game mechanics and not even realizing it or caring about it. So its either major trolling, or ppl playing their first 10 games ever, or autism, or whatever…

I never said I play flawlessly. I never said I’m a noteworthy player. In fact I mentioned quite a few times that I’m average at best. (Btw I’d happily accept duel invitations just to know how good/bad I actually am. But this is way off topic…) Therefore if for example: an other thief jumps me and bursts me down to 10% HP, then I reset with my heal on CD and manage to kill him in 10 seconds without taking significant dmg… then, then we should not be on the same battlefield. But it works the other way around: I’m at far, decapping… Mes+thief jumps me… I’m dead in 1 second. Or I see an other thief on 10% HP and cant kill him while I start with full HP. See where I’m going with this? When I’m the underdog I make my higher ranked teammates feel the same way as those noobies made me while spending the whole match off point fighting. Even though there is a major difference: at least I listen when some1’s talking to me…

Oh and my MMR seems fine (if you can know this at all). Or at least I think so… I get good games when I see a lot of ‘legendary champions’. (Not even that ensures game quality, but at least allows for some hoping.) And in those games I can still stand my ground, at least blending in. Maybe even standing out sometimes if the map/enemy comp is in my favor. I’m not a star, but not low either. That’s why I keep saying ‘average’. (Maybe a lil’ above that. )

enthusiastic noob

(edited by Nimrud.5642)

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


it is not hard to lose 4v5 when entire team is chasing 1 guy on the beach in the forest half of the match……

Kinda like I jsut had a 4v5 with two thieves none of which were plus oneing fights, and all 4 of the members of my team bumrushed home, just to handle one guy. I swear if half the population knew what a proper flipping rotation was, this games pvp would be 100000x better.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

it is not hard to lose 4v5 when entire team is chasing 1 guy on the beach in the forest half of the match……

Kinda like I jsut had a 4v5 with two thieves none of which were plus oneing fights, and all 4 of the members of my team bumrushed home, just to handle one guy. I swear if half the population knew what a proper flipping rotation was, this games pvp would be 100000x better.

Its not even a matter of knowing rotation, its common sense.

If you outnumber a team and want to win, stay on any points that are not yours. Eventually someone from opposite team will come to you.

losing 4v5 is a travesty. It means more people on your team were off point than the remainder of the 4 team were.

Which is a stupid possibility to think about.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


I once lost a 4v5 because apparently 2 of our people were lagging really hard and lost 1v3s since i was winning 1v2s


Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Nimrud.5642


I once lost a 4v5 because apparently 2 of our people were lagging really hard and lost 1v3s since i was winning 1v2s

I sense sarcasm here… Poor me, you could have singed this to me at least.

enthusiastic noob

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: masskillerxploit.2165


I once lost a 4v5 because apparently I was overextending, but I don’t think so.

Ferox, multiclass’r, ESL’r
Team Lead For Radioactive [dK] B Team

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: Tman.6349


Even though I only blame a badly made match. One time I (Necro), an Ele, and a Mesmer actually won a 3v5. Started 4v5, but about 30 secs into the match our forth said “this is pointless” and left. Was on Niflhel. The opposing rage in map chat was funny and sad at the same time.

Ever lost a 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: darres.8203


i jsut lost my first 5v4 today…even though I have won plenty of 4v5’s
yeah it was a shocker but when your team cannot 3v1 or 4v2, it is extremely frustrating

fist bump